I'll take "The OTT" for $300, Alex

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No, I'm thinking of the way that would be most disappointing to you all.

I guess by saying good night!

[/granted wish for WSB]
My connection exploded while I was pouring my ginger ale. Dangerous stuff.

[quote name='JolietJake']Moxio is trying to think of something that won't sound incredibly mean.:applause:[/quote]I'm just asking for honesty. Whether it's mean or not, I dont care.

I'm going to infract CK for improper use of an umlaut.
[quote name='Moxio']No, I'm thinking of the way that would be most disappointing to you all.

I guess by saying good night!

[/granted wish for WSB][/quote]
Cop out.:nottalking:
[quote name='guinaevere']No offense to anyone, but I'm not interested in what you think of the other mods. I'm just... well, you said it, and it made me wonder. I know I've changed in some ways IRL... I haven't noticed any difference in my online behavior (other than the obvious fact that i agreed to be a mod), and I'd like to know in what ways you've seen me change.

If you prefer not to say, its cool. It's just a slow night, and I was curious.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately gwen, your image IS affected by what I think of the other mods. Surely, you know what I think, but I'll state it bluntly: most of you guys are just huge sellouts with no minds of your own. Now, I don't have access to the Mod section so I don't see what "underground" activities you guys are doing, but from the perspective of average joe OTTer, most of you guys are, quite simply, The Man. The Man in the sense that you guys are always doing infuriating things and almost NONE of you have the guts to rectify anything at all. For example, when some brainless mod once again deleted the OTT for no reason, Linkin quietly said that he thought it was deleted for no reason, but didn't want to cause any internal conflict with the mod who deleted it. Or, when wubb idiotically gave Brak those infractions that I'm sure some of you MUST have thought were in poor choice, only one of you did anything; of course, THAT didn't go to any fruition at all, so all that's left of the encounter are stupid blemishes on Brak's record and none of you are going to do anything about it, even if it is injustice. You might be thinking why this might apply to you at all, but I'll just say it: Gwen, you're on the path of the sellout too.

When I got my infractions for posting "bad" posts in the GGT, you immediately made yourself part of the awful group. A group that is seemingly out to get us. I'll speak my mind right here and now of who is in the group, without fear of Infraction: Shrike, wubb, pooky, LP, and you are in the group. You guys are the group who put ridiculous piracy context into our posts, delete posts that don't even have piracy backgrounds, and delete entire threads when nothing is wrong. Why? Because you have all been told to. By a guy who is so hypocritical that he actually talks about piracy in his own chatrooms and podcast. And yet, you guys don't seem to do anything about this new injustice, and are just willing as horny rabbits to rain down thunder on those who aren't really doing any of it at all when the head up top is doing it openly.

Getting lame infractions in the GGT brought you to my attention as well, since you seem to have a reputation that isn't too favorable with the OTT. What I see in you that has changed is precisely this new sellout self; someone who I see who is handing out infractions needlessly, and closer and closer joining the group of corrupted mods. I mean, come on, you really do think your infractions on my harmless posts were in the best taste? I got in trouble for saying "Guys, keep it on-topic" for crying out loud! I am sure you can imagine how cheated and upset I felt when I got smacked across the face for no apparent reason. In all this, these events have all morphed my image of you gwen: a part of a corrupt group of Mods. I still like a few mods, but many of you just are out to get us, and don't even lie. Simply being part of the group and committing your own outrageous actions puts you closer to that circle of corruption, and because of that, I am beginning to associate their values into you.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']I thought the new touches didn't come out until fall?[/quote]

I think he said that they were available today. Would like to try and pick one up after school tomorrow.
[quote name='Moxio']Unfortunately gwen, your image IS affected by what I think of the other mods. Surely, you know what I think, but I'll state it bluntly: most of you guys are just huge sellouts with no minds of your own. Now, I don't have access to the Mod section so I don't see what "underground" activities you guys are doing, but from the perspective of average joe OTTer, most of you guys are, quite simply, The Man. The Man in the sense that you guys are always doing infuriating things and almost NONE of you have the guts to rectify anything at all. For example, when some brainless mod once again deleted the OTT for no reason, Linkin quietly said that he thought it was deleted for no reason, but didn't want to cause any internal conflict with the mod who deleted it. Or, when wubb idiotically gave Brak those infractions that I'm sure some of you MUST have thought were in poor choice, only one of you did anything; of course, THAT didn't go to any fruition at all, so all that's left of the encounter are stupid blemishes on Brak's record and none of you are going to do anything about it, even if it is injustice. You might be thinking why this might apply to you at all, but I'll just say it: Gwen, you're on the path of the sellout too.

When I got my infractions for posting "bad" posts in the GGT, you immediately made yourself part of the awful group. A group that is seemingly out to get us. I'll speak my mind right here and now of who is in the group, without fear of Infraction: Shrike, wubb, pooky, LP, and you are in the group. You guys are the group who put ridiculous piracy context into our posts, delete posts that don't even have piracy backgrounds, and delete entire threads when nothing is wrong. Why? Because you have all been told to. By a guy who is so hypocritical that he actually talks about piracy in his own chatrooms and podcast. And yet, you guys don't seem to do anything about this new injustice, and are just willing as horny rabbits to rain down thunder on those who aren't really doing any of it at all when the head up top is doing it openly.

Getting lame infractions in the GGT brought you to my attention as well, since you seem to have a reputation that isn't too favorable with the OTT. What I see in you that has changed is precisely this new sellout self; someone who I see who is handing out infractions needlessly, and closer and closer joining the group of corrupted mods. I mean, come on, you really do think your infractions on my harmless posts were in the best taste? I got in trouble for saying "Guys, keep it on-topic" for crying out loud! I am sure you can imagine how cheated and upset I felt when I got smacked across the face for no apparent reason. In all this, these events have all morphed my image of you gwen: a part of a corrupt group of Mods. I still like a few mods, but many of you just are out to get us, and don't even lie. Simply being part of the group and committing your own outrageous actions puts you closer to that circle of corruption, and because of that, I am beginning to associate their values into you.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Moxio']Hook me up for cheap. :cool:[/quote]

Do you happen to have a link to the announcements about the new Touches? I can figure out how much I would potentially charge you if I see the new prices.
And since the real thing isn't here to see this, we'll prop up lil budge to check it out.

[quote name='prmononoke']Thanks, mang.

Damn. I got my Touch for free (for buying a MacBook Pro), but I wonder if I could switch it out with a new one. The promotion is still going on, it seems.

Also, damn, I don't think I can give you a good deal, Mox. My friend just offered me $230 for it today. I didn't know they dropped this low.[/QUOTE]

Whoa, what a dumbass! If I were you I'd take him up. :cool:
[quote name='crystalklear64']And since the real thing isn't here to see this, we'll prop up lil budge to check it out.


I still think that budge should do rap covers of my songs (once again, link in my sig).
[quote name='Moxio']Whoa, what a dumbass! If I were you I'd take him up. :cool:[/quote]

With this news, definitely. First though, I'll have to see if I can trade this in for a new one. Even if I'm getting rid of it, it's a matter of principle.
[quote name='prmononoke']I still think that budge should do rap covers of my songs (once again, link in my sig).[/QUOTE]
If brak and budge weren't just messing around, we should have lil budge's debut single sometime in the near future.
[quote name='crystalklear64']If brak and budge weren't just messing around, we should have lil budge's debut single sometime in the near future.[/quote]

budge should record a sweet cover of my awesome band's hit song "Boys on the Phone."

Listen to that, and make a beat, mang.
[quote name='marten']This won't end well.[/quote]Hush, you.

[quote name='crystalklear64']"Head" is censored in the user title for some reason.[/quote]That is ...bizarre.

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Reported![/quote]
Reports Banky.

[quote name='Moxio']Unfortunately gwen, your image IS affected by what I think of the other mods. You might be thinking why this might apply to you at all, but I'll just say it: Gwen, you're on the path of the sellout too.[/quote]Read and recieved, though that was all stuff I had no interaction with. When it comes to the actions of other mods, I stay hands off. I may discuss it with the other person or Cheapy, but I dont believe in actively underminining another. I see that as bad form. I'm sure you're going to feel that's a cop out, but its more an ethics thing. I have my own ways of doing things.

When I got my infractions for posting "bad" posts in the GGT, you immediately made yourself part of the awful group. A group that is seemingly out to get us. I'll speak my mind right here and now of who is in the group, without fear of Infraction: Shrike, wubb, pooky, LP, and you are in the group. You guys are the group who put ridiculous piracy context into our posts, delete posts that don't even have piracy backgrounds, and delete entire threads when nothing is wrong.
I'm wanting to say a few things here but it'll sound like I'm leaving other mods out to dry, and that's not the intention. So I'm going to say thank you for your observations and move on.

Why? Because you have all been told to. By a guy who is so hypocritical that he actually talks about piracy in his own chatrooms and podcast. And yet, you guys don't seem to do anything about this new injustice, and are just willing as horny rabbits to rain down thunder on those who aren't really doing any of it at all when the head up top is doing it openly.
I dont listen to the podcasts, so i couldn't comment on that. And again, I dont want to go speaking out of turn, so I'll just take this information and attempt to keep it noted in my memory banks.

Getting lame infractions in the GGT brought you to my attention as well, since you seem to have a reputation that isn't too favorable with the OTT.
Verra true.

What I see in you that has changed is precisely this new sellout self; someone who I see who is handing out infractions needlessly, and closer and closer joining the group of corrupted mods.
At the risk of digging myself a deeper grave with you and everyone else, I dont see any of the mods as corrupt. I see a lot of differing opinions on whats best for the site, and different ways of enforcing these opinions. And please, I'm not asking for an assault on how any mods are corrupt or not corrupt; I really wanted to hear about me, and how i've disappointed you over the span of the past couple years. I wasn't wanting open season for mod hunting.

I mean, come on, you really do think your infractions on my harmless posts were in the best taste? I got in trouble for saying "Guys, keep it on-topic" for crying out loud! I am sure you can imagine how cheated and upset I felt when I got smacked across the face for no apparent reason.
Yup, and I agreed with you on that, if you recall.
In all this, these events have all morphed my image of you gwen: a part of a corrupt group of Mods. I still like a few mods, but many of you just are out to get us, and don't even lie.
Would you prefer someone who was going to stab you in the back was dishonest about their intentions?

In completely sincerity, I'm not out to get you or anyone else here, or on the rest of the boards.
There are a few folks who get up my nose from time to time for stupid reasons, but when I see them, I ask another mod to deal with the issue, so I dont behave inappropriately.
That's something you will either believe or not believe; it isn't something you can know, because you only know me as well as I present myself on the boards. But as I say, I tell you from the truth in my heart, I'm not out to get or hurt anyone. I have one burden in my soul, and it's nothing to do with games or forums or deals or anything so trite as that. The games and forums and deals are just a form of fun and entertainment.

Simply being part of the group and committing your own outrageous actions puts you closer to that circle of corruption, and because of that, I am beginning to associate their values into you.
Fair enough. I appreciate your honesty.
[quote name='Moxio']Shrike, wubb, pooky, LP, and you are in the group. You guys are the group[/quote]

Sweet. Do I get a button? Curious what I did to be inducted to your anti-OTT group though.
[quote name='guinaevere']Well, I didn't say I was going to give you anything in response, did I?

What do you want to hear, Mox?[/QUOTE]

Feh. Something I guess I would like to hear from the Mod circle as a whole, I suppose.

[quote name='Pookymeister']Sweet. Do I get a button? Curious what I did to be inducted to your anti-OTT group though.[/QUOTE]

Please don't make me say it; I am in hot enough water as it is.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Sweet. Do I get a button? Curious what I did to be inducted to your anti-OTT group though.[/QUOTE]
You don't smell like clove cigarettes or patchouli?
[quote name='Moxio']Feh. Something I guess I would like to hear from the Mod circle as a whole, I suppose.

Please don't make me say it; I am in hot enough water as it is.[/quote]
You could PM it to me. I'll give you one PM immunity.
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