Madden 12 League-OFFICIAL CAG LEAGUE-Week 3 live. Deadline Monday night.

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[quote name='lageorgec05'] Im not pissed at anyone except BV i don't like the way he talks to people. No respect. Ive never disrepected him at all UNTIL today. I know he puts his heart and soul to this shit. But there is a way to talk to a grown man. When you cross that line thats when shit gets heated. [/QUOTE]

You want people to respect you? Don't throw a hissy fit and then following it up with basically telling a stranger you're going to "look him up" next time you're in his town (I'm sure you'll claim you were joking or didn't mean it as a veiled threat, I don't care. It was so far beyond the bounds of appropriateness that it's not remotely amusing in any context). Don't talk to someone you don't know and insult him personally: I cheat, I'm a virgin, and I have no life or job (I believe I'm getting the highlights here).

That you would ask someone else to talk to you with respect is the height of irony. All you've proved is that you don't deserve my respect. And you don't have it.

I'm sure you'll need to get the last word in, I don't care. You've shown your colors, nothing you could say at this point would alter that.
[quote name='bvharris']You want people to respect you? Don't throw a hissy fit and then following it up with basically telling a stranger you're going to "look him up" next time you're in his town (I'm sure you'll claim you were joking or didn't mean it as a veiled threat, I don't care. It was so far beyond the bounds of appropriateness that it's not remotely amusing in any context). Don't talk to someone you don't know and insult him personally: I cheat, I'm a virgin, and I have no life or job (I believe I'm getting the highlights here).

That you would ask someone else to talk to you with respect is the height of irony. All you've proved is that you don't deserve my respect. And you don't have it.

I'm sure you'll need to get the last word in, I don't care. You've shown your colors, nothing you could say at this point would alter that.[/QUOTE]

Tell me this little Bitch! Before you called me a little baby have I ever said anything to you disrepectful??? Did'nt think so. You crossed that line and I struck back. You didn't respect me from the get go. I understand why because i got pissed. But your the commish right. Why egg it on and on. Your a leader act like one. Say what you said was out of line and everything I said would be taken back. but until then forget it. You can only see what someone else did to you but you dont realize what you did. You cant even stand to admit your own flaws. "sore Loser" I know where i went wrong where did you go wrong????
Wow this simmed game looked crazy, surprised the Giants lost with no turnovers, and 2 ints. Oh well, hopefully I can turn it around...
[quote name='bvharris']You want people to respect you? Don't throw a hissy fit and then following it up with basically telling a stranger you're going to "look him up" next time you're in his town (I'm sure you'll claim you were joking or didn't mean it as a veiled threat, I don't care. It was so far beyond the bounds of appropriateness that it's not remotely amusing in any context). Don't talk to someone you don't know and insult him personally: I cheat, I'm a virgin, and I have no life or job (I believe I'm getting the highlights here).

That you would ask someone else to talk to you with respect is the height of irony. All you've proved is that you don't deserve my respect. And you don't have it.

I'm sure you'll need to get the last word in, I don't care. You've shown your colors, nothing you could say at this point would alter that.[/QUOTE]

only thing i would say is sometimes as the commissioner u do get an attitude and talk to people as if they dont matter... watever u say or do is right and usually whoever u debate with is wrong.... thats the only thing that i can really say to make a major complaint about u... but its ez to be jealous cause u have to man power to make trades that others cant make... adrian peterson roddy white cameron wake... ur team is rediculously stacked but due to good management i guess and people hate on u for it... thats kinda what made me mad bout the prince trade duece and uber said yes and i knee ud say no even tho it dont matter just sayin... i do think u should try to be a lil nicer wen ur in dissagreement with people in here... even tho i know its frustrating with the time u put in and get harsh feedback from members including me at times...
[quote name='sprice8688']only thing i would say is sometimes as the commissioner u do get an attitude and talk to people as if they dont matter... watever u say or do is right and usually whoever u debate with is wrong.... thats the only thing that i can really say to make a major complaint about u...[/QUOTE]

Sprice, I know this might be a surprise, but I actually like you. We had our disagreement last year but I've actually been very impressed with the way you've become a cornerstone member of this league. Even though you give me more crap than most, except for the few times you've made it personal (and it's never been to the extent that I thought it was wildly inappropriate), I've always appreciated that you offer your input and support to the league.

That said - and I know I will sound like it's complaining but it's just stating a fact - none of you except ubernes has any idea how stressful it is running this league and managing 30 other guys. I know I'm harsh and can come across as condescending to people at times (hell, even uber and I have gotten in the occasional shouting match) but I wouldn't do this if I didn't care about the league and everyone in it having fun. All that said, I can't overstate how trying it is to have people constantly shitting all over me, including personal insults which go way over the line.

I know that a lot of you have issues with how I run the league, or think that I have too much power, but I firmly believe that you need strong, active commissioners in order to make a league like this run as smoothly as it does. Look no further than the aborted fantasy league to see what happens when you don't have that kind of control (no offense to Doom or Cru). Could I lighten up a little at times? Let some things go instead of making them arguments? Sure. But I'm human, not a robot, and when you have to deal with as much crap as I do in this league, sometimes it boils over.

If you ever thought I believed you guys didn't matter, I'm sorry for that. As I said at the end of last season, the success of this league is as much because of all the committed owners as it is about uber and myself.

Ultimately, I'm not going to change the way things run here because I truly believe that the way we run things is the best way. I think the proof is in the pudding on that. But I will try to keep in mind what you said and be less prone to become standoffish. In return, I would ask that you guys give me a break every now and then. This is really hard work, and I'm happy to do it but just remember that there's a human being in this chair, not just a punching bag (or whatever other names I've been called).

And prez - I had a whole long post typed out but I'm done engaging you on this. I shouldn't have reacted so sarcastically to your initial post, that's obviously what set this whole thing off. I do get annoyed (and I'm not the only one) by people who don't post about having trouble getting a game scheduled and then play the victim once it's simmed, however that problem is not really unique to you, so for that much at least I'm sorry. That said: The "I'll look you up" thing was the most disgusting thing I've ever read in this thread, even if you think it was meant as a joke. It crossed so far over the line that I had to read it three or four times to be sure I wasn't losing my mind. Whatever else was said by either of us doesn't really matter in the scheme of things (as most internet spats don't), but that kind of thing has no place anywhere. That's the last I have to say on the subject, I wish you well in your future Madden endeavors.
[quote name='bvharris']Sprice, I know this might be a surprise, but I actually like you. We had our disagreement last year but I've actually been very impressed with the way you've become a cornerstone member of this league. Even though you give me more crap than most, except for the few times you've made it personal (and it's never been to the extent that I thought it was wildly inappropriate), I've always appreciated that you offer your input and support to the league.

That said - and I know I will sound like it's complaining but it's just stating a fact - none of you except ubernes has any idea how stressful it is running this league and managing 30 other guys. I know I'm harsh and can come across as condescending to people at times (hell, even uber and I have gotten in the occasional shouting match) but I wouldn't do this if I didn't care about the league and everyone in it having fun. All that said, I can't overstate how trying it is to have people constantly shitting all over me, including personal insults which go way over the line.

I know that a lot of you have issues with how I run the league, or think that I have too much power, but I firmly believe that you need strong, active commissioners in order to make a league like this run as smoothly as it does. Look no further than the aborted fantasy league to see what happens when you don't have that kind of control (no offense to Doom or Cru). Could I lighten up a little at times? Let some things go instead of making them arguments? Sure. But I'm human, not a robot, and when you have to deal with as much crap as I do in this league, sometimes it boils over.

If you ever thought I believed you guys didn't matter, I'm sorry for that. As I said at the end of last season, the success of this league is as much because of all the committed owners as it is about uber and myself.

Ultimately, I'm not going to change the way things run here because I truly believe that the way we run things is the best way. I think the proof is in the pudding on that. But I will try to keep in mind what you said and be less prone to become standoffish. In return, I would ask that you guys give me a break every now and then. This is really hard work, and I'm happy to do it but just remember that there's a human being in this chair, not just a punching bag (or whatever other names I've been called).

And prez - I had a whole long post typed out but I'm done engaging you on this. I shouldn't have reacted so sarcastically to your initial post, that's obviously what set this whole thing off. I do get annoyed (and I'm not the only one) by people who don't post about having trouble getting a game scheduled and then play the victim once it's simmed, however that problem is not really unique to you, so for that much at least I'm sorry. That said: The "I'll look you up" thing was the most disgusting thing I've ever read in this thread, even if you think it was meant as a joke. It crossed so far over the line that I had to read it three or four times to be sure I wasn't losing my mind. Whatever else was said by either of us doesn't really matter in the scheme of things (as most internet spats don't), but that kind of thing has no place anywhere. That's the last I have to say on the subject, I wish you well in your future Madden endeavors.[/QUOTE]

well thanks cus i assumed u still disliked me from last yr... but i hear ya as i said anyone who loves madden this league is for them.. i wasnt callin u a bad commish just think some battles u should reread ur wording cause sometimes like ur intitial comment can b dickish... but needless to say i love this league and will be in it every yr even if i have a shitfit cause a trade gets blocked.. u guys do good enough for me
[quote name='sprice8688']well thanks cus i assumed u still disliked me from last yr... [/QUOTE]

I'm really not predisposed to dislike anybody, especially over something like Madden. 99% of the spats I've ever had in this game I've brushed off as just that. I readily admit I'm not as nice or diplomatic in the thread as I could/should be at times. I'm not the only one that's true for, but obviously that doesn't make it better. We should all try to be more civil to each other.

I love this league, so remember that I'm here to have fun too, not just to bust everyone's balls. Although I'll continue to do that, I'll try to be more gentle about it. ;)
Now that we've settled all that, I'm going to take advantage of the fact that my girlfriend (sorry to disappoint anyone still speculating about my virginity/lack of a life) is in NYC for the weekend to go get a shit ton of unhealthy food and stuff my fat face guilt-free while watching a shit ton of Game of Thrones. That seems like a way more delicious use of my evening than arguing about Madden. :lol:
[quote name='bvharris']Now that we've settled all that, I'm going to take advantage of the fact that my girlfriend (sorry to disappoint anyone still speculating about my virginity/lack of a life) is in NYC for the weekend to go get a shit ton of unhealthy food and stuff my fat face guilt-free while watching a shit ton of Game of Thrones. That seems like a way more delicious use of my evening than arguing about Madden. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Game of Thrones IS pretty delicious.

Doom, I'm getting online now.
I apoligize as well things I said were out of line. Sorry everyone just got offended maybe next madden I'll be more active. And join if there is a spot
[quote name='Doomtime']Do you watch Spartacus? Great season so far![/QUOTE]

even tho the real spartacus died its still great... yesterdays episode was crazy tho
Chiefs Beat Broncos in Denver

For the second consecutive week, the Chiefs looked like a JV squad on offense. Just piss poor blocking. Very hesitant on key throws, but luckily Cassel only threw one pick on the day.

Surprisingly, it was the Chiefs defense that carried them to victory. The Chiefs defensive line accounted for 8 sacks and 3 forced fumbles (all recovered by Denver). The secondary came away with 3 picks, including an INT TD return by grandpa Terrance Newman.

The game started out 14-0 Chiefs, but Denver chipped away and eventually tied it late in the third quarter. Kansas City woke up for the fourth and made some key plays that helped put the game away.

Chiefs 38 Broncos 14

GG Kaster. Was a great game heading into the fourth. Ended up just letting Hernandez roam and he torched me most of the day. Was hoping Kendrick or Berry would react like they normally do, but that never seemed to happen.
[quote name='Doomtime']Do you watch Spartacus? Great season so far![/QUOTE]

Ya, the new guy isn't as good as Andy Whitfield was. The story has been great.
Yeah man, it was a blast for the first three quarters ;)

Schaub's 42 carry rating makes him fumble a lot. That's one problem that Tebow didn't really have. Still, being able to hit receivers on a much more consistent basis is fantastic. I'm continually amazed that our closest game was the first time I played you. But each time I feel like I figure your style out a little more. I'm looking forward to the rematch in 3 weeks, haha.
[quote name='Blade3D']Ya, the new guy isn't as good as Andy Whitfield was. The story has been great.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but he's still much better than I expected.

Looking to shop Jamaal Charles. Need serious offensive line help/ elite corners. Might consider trading Miles Austin as well.
I play the raiders this week and it seems as if prez has quit, so am I going to need a sub? if so I'd like to play ASAP because like I said I am moving.. and i may not have internet tomorrow.
[quote name='Superstar']I play the raiders this week and it seems as if prez has quit, so am I going to need a sub? if so I'd like to play ASAP because like I said I am moving.. and i may not have internet tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Is anyone available to sub now? Kaster?
[quote name='Doomtime']Me![/QUOTE]

You're in the division! Though I suppose the same is true for Kaster as well.

If you're the only one available and Superstar is cool with it, go ahead.
[quote name='Tanabeo']I was trying to stop the clock to give me a chance to tie and it kicked me[/QUOTE]

As I understand it you had no timeouts. Jumping offsides repeatedly is not a valid method of stopping the clock as far as I know. :D
[quote name='bvharris']As I understand it you had no timeouts. Jumping offsides repeatedly is not a valid method of stopping the clock as far as I know. :D[/QUOTE]

If he keeps on accepting it and stopping the clock it is

I would have had like 30 sec to get down there and kick a FG
This was how he explained the situation to me: 14-14 game, he has the ball at your 1-yard line with under 2 minutes to play, and you had no timeouts. He was trying to kneel so that he could kick a game winning field goal and you kept jumping offsides.

Is that correct?
[quote name='bvharris']This was how he explained the situation to me: 14-14 game, he has the ball at your 1-yard line with under 2 minutes to play, and you had no timeouts. He was trying to kneel so that he could kick a game winning field goal and you kept jumping offsides.

Is that correct?[/QUOTE]

This is how it went he was on my 10 or so ran to the 2 I did a encroachment he accepted(guess he dosnt know rules) and that stoped the clock He kneed it I did it again he once again accepted it to stop the clock he did a QB kneel again and once again you guessed it he accepted to stop the clock to give me like 40 sec to drive the field and kick a FG to put it in OT
The way I see it, even if he didn't know that accepting a penalty would stop the clock, that doesn't make it an alright thing to do. It still seems like an effort to artificially extend the game, you'd never see an NFL team doing that.

Other opinions?
[quote name='bvharris']The way I see it, even if he didn't know that accepting a penalty would stop the clock, that doesn't make it an alright thing to do. It still seems like an effort to artificially extend the game, you'd never see an NFL team doing that.

Other opinions?[/QUOTE]

Because a real NFL team would not stop the clock on themselfs they would decline it
[quote name='Tanabeo']Because a real NFL team would not stop the clock on themselfs they would decline it[/QUOTE]

That doesn't really change the fact that it's kind of an underhanded thing to do.. Obviously Madden agreed, thus explaining why you got kicked.

I realize we've never taken an official stance on jumping offsides to stop the clock, but that's kind of because I assume it's common sense not to do that. I think this is one of those situations where even though it's not explicitly against the rules, it's kind of covered under the general spirit of the league.

My inclination is to give the Cardinals the win, since they earned it. But if people have dissenting opinions, I'm open to them. We still have time.
I accepted it twice, realized what was happening (I didn't know).

So it was 3rd down, with :30 seconds left. I go to kneel, and he goes offsides (for the third time) and he gets booted. I knew by then, i was going to decline the penalty, giving me time for the field goal.

He just took a stupid cheap way, to try and cover up that Devine got shut down.

Tanabeo, EVERYBODY knows that gives you the boot.

Any way you slice it what you did was wrong.
jags fall to the texans

thing went south quick in the first half just cant ever have a good game against the texans owns me everytime. this was prolly one of the better games i had against him.

Brandon Marshall had 6 Rec for 140 yards in the first half then left the game with and injury nothing serious thank god.
after marshall left i knew the game was pretty much over but then there was ray rice who made the game alot better for me but not enough at all

Ray Rice with 18 carries and 186 yars and 2 big time scores
and back-up leshoure had 1 score as well

Gabbert this wasnt a good game for the guy with 5 picks thrown but 3 were my fault and the other 2 well ramesu just know how to get in the perfect spot at the last second to break ur heart

GG bro fun as always hoping i keep getting better to give u an actual challenge

also on a side note fuck andre johnson that dude killed me and had a game that made me sick to my stomach dude bent me over and didnt even give me the reach around

282 yards 5 scores andre johnson made his make on me.

first time ever it didnt rain in jacksonville either was weird
[quote name='BallsoHardU']i WANT THE RAIDERS[/QUOTE]

Really? It's a much tougher division..

We usually don't let people switch mid-season, but do you really feel strongly about it?
Agree. Regardless of whether or not he knows it stops the clock, it's a completely unfair and unrealistic "strategy".
Seems a little foolish on his part lol, not just the constant accepting of the offsides penalty, but the fact that he kneels it and then CHOOSES a play every time instead of letting the clock tick down in the play selection screen. Tanabeo wouldn't have the opportunity to jump offsides if he didn't keep calling plays. Granted, he'd have to call the kneel eventually...but if he just waited til 8 seconds left on the clock or w/e, whole thing would have been avoided. Or if he had his timeouts, he coulda let the clock tick down to 1 second in play-selection screen, call time-out, rinse/repeat.

I think it was a little out of line for Tanabeo to do that in the first place...but let's just chalk it up to him getting a little too creative. Looks like he was just taking advantage of someone who was a little naive in this case.

Edit: if the question is whether to give the win to the Cardinals or not...then yeah obviously give him the win lol. But don't think we need to take any action against long as he knows not to do that shiz again!
[quote name='Tanabeo']This is how it went he was on my 10 or so ran to the 2 I did a encroachment he accepted(guess he dosnt know rules) and that stoped the clock He kneed it I did it again he once again accepted it to stop the clock he did a QB kneel again and once again you guessed it he accepted to stop the clock to give me like 40 sec to drive the field and kick a FG to put it in OT[/QUOTE]

:30 seconds left, you encroached for the 3rd time, but before I got the chance to decline (I smartened up) FOR THE WIN. You got booted, for trying to win a LEAGUE GAME in a CHEAP WAY.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Seems a little foolish on his part lol, not just the constant accepting of the offsides penalty, but the fact that he kneels it and then CHOOSES a play every time instead of letting the clock tick down in the play selection screen. Tanabeo wouldn't have the opportunity to jump offsides if he didn't keep calling plays. Granted, he'd have to call the kneel eventually...but if he just waited til 8 seconds left on the clock or w/e, whole thing would have been avoided. Or if he had his timeouts, he coulda let the clock tick down to 1 second in play-selection screen, call time-out, rinse/repeat.

I think it was a little out of line for Tanabeo to do that in the first place...but let's just chalk it up to him getting a little too creative. Looks like he was just taking advantage of someone who was a little naive in this case.[/QUOTE]

I had all three of my time outs, and was letting it run down and he encroached, see above.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Looks like he was just taking advantage of someone who was a little naive in this case.[/QUOTE]

Wait.. Since when do we condone that?

Anyway, here where I'm leaning:

1) Cardinals get to play the CPU and get the win. Seems clear they earned it.

2) No punishment for Tanabeo other than the loss, since we've never explicitly banned doing that.

3) Let this serve as said explicit banning: Don't do that.
[quote name='bvharris']Really? It's a much tougher division..

We usually don't let people switch mid-season, but do you really feel strongly about it?[/QUOTE]

Let Me think.....fuck Yea, I want it....i want to play doomtime
[quote name='BallsoHardU']Let Me think.....fuck Yea, I want it....i want to play doomtime[/QUOTE]

Alright.. Let me think about it and get back to you tomorrow.
[quote name='BallsoHardU']But in if i come back for 13...I got the skins lol[/QUOTE]

I have a feeling nobody else is going to want them after they traded away their next two first round picks. Though RGIII will ease the pain somewhat.
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