Official Enhanced Steam Discussion Thread

Is there anyway to disable auto-play for YouTube videos? I opened like 15 tabs for some Greenlight games and my computer started slowing down considerably until I realized what was happening :)
I'm pretty sure Steam already has this. For Greenlight pages, you need to look for a small "Gear" icon under the videos / images. Click that, then uncheck "Autoplay Videos" and you should be good to go from that point forward.

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Getting ready to publish a new version.  Here is a preview:


I just sent Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome version 5.6 to Google. If you already have Enhanced Steam installed, the update will apply automatically within the next 60 minutes. If you don't already have Enhanced Steam, you can download it here. Changes include:

  • Added ability to add a custom amount to your Steam wallet
  • Added checkboxes to DLC list on app pages, letting you select certain DLC and add to cart easily
  • Added sort option to badge page to sort by number of card drops remaining
  • Added card prices to market links on badge pages
  • Added "cost to complete badge" to unobtained badges
  • Added option to display advanced navigation on inventory pages
  • Added foil badge and foil badge progress to app pages
  • Updated Early Access banner graphics (thanks SolventSnake!)
  • Removed function to add all ownowned DLC to cart on app pages due to conflicts with new feature
As always, if anyone has any questions / comments / issues, please let me know.

So there are games that aren't Early Access showing with the Early Access banner incorrectly under the featured section on the front page.



Funny thing is, if you reload it alternately goes away and then may come back again if you reload again.

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So there are games that aren't Early Access showing with the Early Access banner incorrectly under the featured section on the front page.

Funny thing is, if you reload it alternately goes away and then may come back again if you reload again.
Do you have the latest version 5.6.1? I put out a maintenance release to fix this issue.

Do you have the latest version 5.6.1? I put out a maintenance release to fix this issue.
It's 5.6.1 now. I didn't check earlier. I did reboot my PC a little bit ago after I posted that though.

I also can't seem to get the games that were tripping it up before (Driftmoon, Captain Morgaine, Continue?...etc; the new games from today) to show up in featured no matter how many times I refresh now. That must be a Valve thing though because even when I turned ES off they still aren't showing up. *shrug*

It's a pretty scary process at the moment, but you can install the Stand Alone version of Enhanced Steam by following the directions here:
Is this something that could possibly be made to work with mobile browsers and/or the Steam app someday or is that too much to hope for?

I suppose it would be make more sense if there were just a better Steam app to begin with. It's not like Valve has bothered to update their Android one in almost two years.

Is this something that could possibly be made to work with mobile browsers and/or the Steam app someday or is that too much to hope for?

I suppose it would be make more sense if there were just a better Steam app to begin with. It's not like Valve has bothered to update their Android one in almost two years.
It's probably too much to hope for, honestly.

However: this can be used to serve Enhanced Steam to an entire LAN. Theoretically, if you change the host file on an Android device so that and resolved to the local IP of the Windows computer running the Enhanced Steam Standalone client, that device should also receive the enhancements.

Of course, this will only work when the device in question is in the same LAN (wireless) as the computer, though it could also potentially work over VPN as well.

While this won't make any changes to the mobile app, browsing Steam in the web browser (on the non-mobile site) should see the enhancements.

I had a lot of people ask for this feature, and it's in the works:


Basically, this pulls the 50 most helpful reviews and gives you a percentage of positive / negative scores.  While the percentage is not entirely accurate for every review for the game, it's better than nothing.

Thanks. I think that will be useful for a quick at a glance look to see if maybe there are some red flags worth looking into etc.

For those interested, I've updated Enhanced Steam Standalone which now has a traditional setup application.
Seems like a Windows only version, right? I suppose no platform independent or linux-compatible version planned, right?

Still a great thing. Congratulations and thanks!

Seems like a Windows only version, right? I suppose no platform independent or linux-compatible version planned, right?

Still a great thing. Congratulations and thanks!
Although the setup is Windows-only, Enhanced Steam Standalone can still be run on Linux or Mac OS by using the configuration and html files found here with the downloads of nginx and rinetd for your OS of choice.

While I admit it takes some extra work to get going, it's still completely possible (just not as easy)

I've just sent the latest Enhanced Steam for Firefox to Mozilla for review. The version jumped quite a bit to version 5.6 so as to keep the versioning in line between Firefox and Chrome. While this doesn't include absolutely everything that is included in the Chrome version, it's getting closer.

If you'd like to check it out before the review process is complete, you can download it here:

Considering how long their review process has been, I'm considering adding an SSL certificate to my site to enable automatic updates for Firefox users that install from there directly. Would there be any interest in this?

Is the exe version missing some features of the extension? I can't seem to get the badge/cards features to work.

Also, would there be any problems potentially with running the extension and exe concurrently?

Is the exe version missing some features of the extension? I can't seem to get the badge/cards features to work.

Also, would there be any problems potentially with running the extension and exe concurrently?
Yeah the standalone version is a totally separate code base, so there are still quite a few features that haven't been brought over yet.

There shouldn't be any issue running both, but you may want to go through the Chrome plugin and disable a few things that will be redundant. Like you may want to uncheck the option to show price history data, as it will display twice if you have both, for example.

I'm working on porting more and more of these features over, as well as updating the installer to be better at detecting port conflicts. I'm also working on a feature that will keep the standalone version updated automatically.

This has probably been asked before, maybe even by me  :oops: , but is there a way to hide all instances of Early Access games on the Steam front page, even from the featured/splash screen sections?

I could swear at one point with ES they were just showing up as blank boxes for me, which I'd still prefer over seeing them. :p

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This has probably been asked before, maybe even by me :oops: , but is there a way to hide all instances of Early Access games on the Steam front page, even from the featured/splash screen sections?

I could swear at one point with ES they were just showing up as blank boxes for me, which I'd still prefer over seeing them. :p
There used to be an option to hide Early Access titles, but going through the options now it appears to have been removed :whistle2:k

There used to be an option to hide Early Access titles, but going through the options now it appears to have been removed :whistle2:k
The option used to be there to hide the Early Access games from the new releases section. However, Steam now does this themselves so the feature was removed.

They are still shown on the homepage in the carousel, featured tabs, top sellers, coming soon, and specials.

Are you saying you'd like a feature that can remove them completely from these sections?

Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 5.7. Not too many changes this time, as I've mostly been focused on updating the Firefox version this past week. Anyway, the changelog includes:

  • Adds Steam review percentage of most helpful positive and negative reviews on app pages
  • "Hide -> DLC for games you do not own" now works with the new releases section on the homepage
  • Added new option to hide owned games on the homepage
  • Added Square Enix and Bundle Stars sites to price history information
  • Price history now shows for all apps on a store page, not just the first
  • Fixed a bug that caused early access banners on the "featured" section to not position correctly
  • Fixed a bug that caused regional pricing on sale pages to sometimes display incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug that broke formatting on badge page when crafting badges in certain situations
This version should update to all users within the next 60 minutes. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.

For those interested, I've updated Enhanced Steam Standalone which now has a traditional setup application.

You can download Enhanced Steam from

And run it. Once installed, run the program and (hopefully) everything in your client should now be Enhanced!
I can't get this to work for me. Using Windows 7 64 bit. No idea what's wrong. When I start it, it says "Not Enhanced", and the Steam client won't load sites while it's active

The option used to be there to hide the Early Access games from the new releases section. However, Steam now does this themselves so the feature was removed.

They are still shown on the homepage in the carousel, featured tabs, top sellers, coming soon, and specials.

Are you saying you'd like a feature that can remove them completely from these sections?
Yes please. Steam's not showing Early Access is pretty limited and I'd rather just have them entirely hidden personally.

I can't get this to work for me. Using Windows 7 64 bit. No idea what's wrong. When I start it, it says "Not Enhanced", and the Steam client won't load sites while it's active
Usually this means that something else on your computer is using port 80. The usual offenders are things like Skype and the Windows Web Publishing Service. The version I'm working on now will attempt to detect if something besides Enhanced Steam is running on port 80 and help you troubleshoot disabling the offending service.

Yes please. Steam's not showing Early Access is pretty limited and I'd rather just have them entirely hidden personally.
I'll see what I can do. Since Valve is pushing Early Access games pretty hard, this option could lead to a very empty homepage. For example:

Hi, i have a problem. I have bad english so read all thread difficult for me.

Options don't saved after change, when i refresh page they go back to default.

All time all off. What's the problem? :(


I'm using the chrome version of the extension, and ever since a few weeks ago, when I try to look at the net steam wallet gained from my market transactions, it shows  0.00 for purchase total, sales total, and net spent

I'm using the chrome version of the extension, and ever since a few weeks ago, when I try to look at the net steam wallet gained from my market transactions, it shows 0.00 for purchase total, sales total, and net spent
There is currently a bug with this feature. Valve changed the API and now limits it to 1,000 transactions (possibly due to Enhanced Steam?) So hopefully it will be updated in the next version to work again.

I just uploaded a new version of Enhanced Steam for Firefox to Mozilla.

The version is 5.7, and it adds a lot more features (and a few more options) from the Chrome version. With any luck, Mozilla will approve this update quickly. When they do, I'll make a formal announcement at that time.

1. Doesn't work with FF Nightly 29+

2. Broke browser locale. After install browser can't be fully localized by lang pack


Hey, I wanted to once again thank you for all your hard work on Enhanced Steam...  It really makes browsing the store easier.  I'm also curious if your interested in suggestions for new features...?  If so I have one:

I was looking through a CAG's wishlist to see if I had any of the games in my inventory so we could make a quick and simple trade and I got to think...  "Man, I wish ES would display games in my inventory while browsing through someone's wish list and/or the store."

I have no idea how simply and/or complex this suggestion is... but suspect it might be the later.  :(

Anyhow, thanks again for awesomeness that is enhanced steam. :)

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Hey, I wanted to once again thank you for all your hard work on Enhanced Steam... It really makes browsing the store easier. I'm also curious if your interested in suggestions for new features...? If so I have one:

I was looking through a CAG's wishlist to see if I had any of the games in my inventory so we could make a quick and simple trade and I got to think... "Man, I wish ES would display games in my inventory while browsing through someone's wish list and/or the store."

I have no idea how simply and/or complex this suggestion is... but suspect it might be the later. :(

Anyhow, thanks again for awesomeness that is enhanced steam. :)
That's actually already a feature, you just need to set the option for ES to tag/highlight games stored as gifts:


Okay... Where is that screen from? Looking inside Add-On (Firefox) I have the option to change the color on games I own and those on my wishlist.
That's a screenshot of the Chrome options menu. I'm guessing this is one of the differences between versions.
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That's a screenshot of the Chrome options menu. I'm guessing this is one of the differences between versions.
Yeah, there seems to be allot of differences between the two platforms... Chrome looks to have far more features in the minute or so I've looked at it.

Guess I need to use Chrome for my steam browsing.

Yeah, there seems to be allot of differences between the two platforms... Chrome looks to have far more features in the minute or so I've looked at it.

Guess I need to use Chrome for my steam browsing.
I used FireFox/Aurora for the better parts of 7 years. This past year I made the fairly permanent switch to chrome all because of ES. I had issues with Chrome (and it's lack of add-ons/features that I use in FF) in the past, but it seems fairly comparable now. I'm not a huge fan of Google (as it seems to be heading down a similar path as Apple with it's integration and acquisitions), but Chrome hasn't presented me with any problems to date.
I used FireFox/Aurora for the better parts of 7 years. This past year I made the fairly permanent switch to chrome all because of ES. I had issues with Chrome (and it's lack of add-ons/features that I use in FF) in the past, but it seems fairly comparable now.
I'll see how it goes... For now since I'm always losing my steam tab (for other uses) having it in its own browser has some appeal but lets see how it goes when I start to get lazy.

I do have one question... On items I have both a gift copy and actually own it the green/own background is replaced by the gift background. Is that a bug or did I do something wrong?

I'll see how it goes... For now since I'm always losing my steam tab (for other uses) having it in its own browser has some appeal but lets see how it goes when I start to get lazy.

I do have one question... On items I have both a gift copy and actually own it the green/own background is replaced by the gift background. Is that a bug or did I do something wrong?
I'm not sure if it's be a bug as you can only have one color highlighting, so I guess 'gift' is taking precedence. I have mine set to highlight what I own or have wishlisted, but to tag what others own/want and what I have in my gift inventory.
Yeah, the Chrome version is where all of the development takes place, mostly due to Google's policy of speedy deployment.  Where it usually only takes about 60 minutes (or less) to have an update pushed out on Chrome, an update to Firefox may take days or weeks, sometimes a month or more for them to approve.

However, I feel like the Chrome plugin is in a good spot at the moment (save for a few bug fixes and things) and am working hard to port as many features over to Firefox as possible.  I'm also working on changes to the desktop version of Enhanced Steam, and there is a Safari port in the works as well.  Busy busy.

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Encountered a small bug.  Using the Chrome version, though I'm guessing it's not specific to the platform.

I just finished getting my card drops for Freedom Fall.  One of the cards I gained is titled "This Way
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Encountered a small bug. Using the Chrome version, though I'm guessing it's not specific to the platform.

I just finished getting my card drops for Freedom Fall. One of the cards I gained is titled "This Way <3" and that one alone doesn't highlight with green in the Market. I assume this is due to there being a less-than in its name, probably being interpreted as code. Clearing cached data did nothing.

Thanks as always for all the work you've put into this!
I'll check it out, should be able to get it updated for the next release.

Today I've been working on this:


Will be hidden by default, but will allow you to further customize your search results by putting in the relevant price range you're looking for.

bread's done