Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare out now!

[quote name='Mr. 420']Does anybody remember Pistol Pete from the show Brisco County Jr.?
I want to hogtie whoever cancelled that show and leave them on the railroad tracks.[/QUOTE]

im more mad at hbo for ending deadwood.
Cant get over the fact tha GTA4 could be picked up for 10 bucks just a few months after release. Gonna wait on this one despite how awesome it looks.
[quote name='JUDOHAWK']I don't recall GTAIV available for 10 a few months after release. I think it took longer than just a few months.[/QUOTE]
I know for a fact that it was the same year. So, either way.
[quote name='genfuyung']I know for a fact that it was the same year. So, either way.[/QUOTE]

if the rumors about it being the lesser of the true are accurate it could drop quick but if its not i dont see it going down in price till maybe next year sometime especially if its got a solid online community. that said dammit wheres the ps3 footage and reviews already?
[quote name='lokizz']if the rumors about it being the lesser of the true are accurate it could drop quick but if its not i dont see it going down in price till maybe next year sometime especially if its got a solid online community. that said dammit wheres the ps3 footage and reviews already?[/QUOTE]
lol I just noticed that this was a system specific thread. I came in from the home page.
[quote name='genfuyung']lol I just noticed that this was a system specific thread. I came in from the home page.[/QUOTE]

lol i was wondering why you kept mentioning how gta4 dropped in price so quick. it did on the xbox as do many cross platform games on xbox.
[quote name='lokizz']im more mad at hbo for ending deadwood.[/QUOTE]

That show sucked after a while, it was like they were building it up for nothing and the writers just gave up.
[quote name='freshzen']That show sucked after a while, it was like they were building it up for nothing and the writers just gave up.[/QUOTE]

it took me maybe 3 or 4 episodes into the first season before i could get into it mostly because of the way they spoke but once i got used to it you cant help but miss it.
Has there been much discussion by Rockstar about the single player missions and what not? I've seen quite a few about multiplayer, and a few aspects of the cities, the people, the women, etc, but not a whole lot about what missions will entail, what type of missions there will be, etc. The only really in depth thing I've seen is the pseudo-morality stuff (like in inFamous) with the law/outlaw type decisions.

I've got the game pre-ordered since I enjoyed Revolver's combat system and this looks like a better version (not to mention it'll only cost me $42 and I'm also getting a $20 gift card), but I don't want to walk into a repeat of GTAIV, as some of the repetition and dull missions really made me hate that game. I just have some faith I suppose since the Episodes (particularly Gay Tony) were actually good.
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[quote name='freshzen']That show sucked after a while, it was like they were building it up for nothing and the writers just gave up.[/QUOTE]

HBO was cutting back the budget (it isn't cheap recreating the old west) even with all the praise and a couple of different award nominations, so who wouldn't phone it in?
I read the GI review and it was mostly a preview. Nothing new was stated in the review and I think it's kind of stupid to review a game that has a huge online component and the game isn't even out yet.
[quote name='freshzen']That show sucked after a while, it was like they were building it up for nothing and the writers just gave up.[/QUOTE]It was partially based on actual history so
it's not like they could kill off George Hearst or something if that's what you're referring to.
[quote name='tekkenlaw']
It was partially based on actual history so
it's not like they could kill off George Hearst or something if that's what you're referring to.

i think he was referring to the pikertons coming in and going against the sheriff and swerengin and his lot. the buildup was intense and the way it was ended was horrible.
Just got done reading the Game Informer review. They actually talk about the single player a lot, which is refreshing, since it seems nearly everything Rockstar has put out either relates to the multiplayer, or just some aspect of the world (character, environment).

I'm keeping my pre-order, but still a little skeptical, even at the $40 price + $20 gift card. They only devote a sentence or two to it, but they say that you'll find no solace from RDR if you hated the errand boy stuff in GTA IV. I'm hoping the shooting and cover mechanics in the game will make it more interesting than GTA IV, as that game bored me to tears.

For anyone looking for a rundown of the review:
+ Good shooting missions
+ Good story/mission pacing
+ Environments are nice, filled with life (though he compares it to Oblivion, I'm thinking someone must have found that world a heck of a lot better than I did :p)
+ Good Ending - "unexpected finale that strays from traditional storytelling techniques"

- Tedious fetch quests

Obviously the pluses (numerically) outweigh the minuses, but I'm hoping that it's not like a drop of something strong ruining the soup. It's also GameInformer, and in the same issue (next page actually) they give Lost Planet 2 an 8.5 (where it's getting a heck of a lot less everywhere else) so I guess just take it how you will.
I just wanted to take the time here to inform all PS3 users here concerning Red Dead Redemption's performance.

Last week or so Cheapy mentioned a source informed him over a month ago that the 360 version performed significantly better over the PS3 version. Since then, there have been concerns over this even on Gamefaqs.

Well over at NeoGAF, Magnus has been playing the PS3 full retail version. He is a stickler for framerates, and has had no issues thus far. Other than a couple situations that are barely worth mentioning at best...

"Framerate's been fine. Took a bit of a dive during a couple of hectic moments, but I had to focus on it (to the detriment of the mission gameplay) to really notice it."

So to help put everyone's fear at ease, I just wanted to let everyone know...the PS3 version is doing just fine.
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']I just wanted to take the time here to inform all PS3 users here concerning Red Dead Redemption's performance.

Last week or so Cheapy mentioned a source informed him over a month ago that the 360 version performed significantly better over the PS3 version. Since then, there have been concerns over this even on Gamefaqs.

Well over at NeoGAF, Magnus has been playing the PS3 full retail version. He is a stickler for framerates, and has had no issues thus far. Other than a couple situations that are barely worth mentioning at best...

"Framerate's been fine. Took a bit of a dive during a couple of hectic moments, but I had to focus on it (to the detriment of the mission gameplay) to really notice it."

So to help put everyone's fear at ease, I just wanted to let everyone know...the PS3 version is doing just fine.[/QUOTE]

Says the link is broken, BTW are we talking about the MAGNUS from youtube ( looks hispanic ?? )
Graphic whores are going to cry foul over all the jaggies in this game though. They rear their head every now and then and they're ugly to look at at.

PS3 has been known for having jaggies in some games, while 360 doesnt.

I just instigated a gunfight and Wanted status in one town and between the heavy RED hud, a bit of a framerate dip and the crappy running controls, I was a little frustrated to be sure.

Hmmmm.... just read those comments.
MAGNUS was just frustrated really on how you have to mash the X button to opposed to pressing the analog stick all the way forward. He goes into it in-depth. As far as the framerates...he says they dip a bit when things get hectic...but he really had to focus hard to really notice. Lots of games do this...and they aren't even a fraction of the size of RDR.

I'm willing to bet the 360 will also have minor framerate dips in congested situations, ones you have to really pay attention to when things get hairy. Either way...for the most part, he says framerates are good and nothing noticeable. And this is coming from a guy who can't stand framerate drops.

Now...if there is something more sinister involving the framerate later on in the game...we'll soon find out. But if there are issues, I'm willing to bet it will be something a patch can fix. Either way...I cannot wait for this game.
So it pretty much looks like the PS3 version gets an exclusive hideout and outfit based on the pix floating around the net.
I wish they would have mentioned this. Why wasn't this announced officially like the exclusive Joker challenge maps in AA?
Kotaku posted the same thing. Frankly, I'm surprised that neither Sony nor Rockstar ever said anything about this before. Usually Microsoft and Sony are all about telling people when they get exclusive stuff. The silence for the exclusive stuff on Red Dead Revolver and UFC Undisputed 2010 for PS3 is a bit puzzling this late in the game.

I'm still getting them on the 360 since that is my preferred system but congrats to the PS3 gamers out there for getting the exclusives.
Damn. I already have my amazon order on 360. Don't want to lose my discount and release date shipping (had a prime trial). I am curious about the hideout, there is no info about it online yet. I like the outfit though top hats are awesome:

do not create threads to ask a question. Only post specific deals!
Exclusive content only on PS3 sounds like a deal to me. I took the question mark off the thread title and put exclamation marks instead. Happy now? By the way you did not start your first sentence with a capitalized letter.
[quote name='wbc1228']do not create threads to ask a question. Only post specific deals![/QUOTE]

Exclusive content on PS3 sounds like a deal to me. I took the question mark off the thread title and added exclamation marks instead Happy now? By the way you did not start your first sentence with a capitalized letter.:roll:
not really digging the top hat but if you could take it off hed had a cool deadwood look to him. im sure the xbox version will have exclusives down the line or this exclusive will end up as dlc for them later. cant wait for this to release next week heres to hoping mpp lives up to the hype.
bread's done