Sony E3 Press Conference Discussion - Price & Date Revealed!

[quote name='botticus']Unfortunately, daphatty (no offense intended here - you just illustrated my point) is the reason they might be able to get away with it. They probably sat in their conference room and said "Well, people will hate $600... but they will pay it anyway!" and laughed all the way to E3. It just depends on how many people will pay the $600. Will it be 100 million? I tend to doubt it.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind being the guinea pig (or in this case the guy everyone points and laughs at) but for the record, besides the fact that I am a Sony fan, I actually have the money to spend on this system. If I could walk into Gamestop tomorrow and pay for it in full I would but alas, I'll be on a plane headed to E3 so the credit card reserve will have to suffice.

In all seriousness, I am disappointed in the price, I am disappointed in the lack of rumble, I'm not really thrilled with the whole 4D(nintendo ripoff) controller thing, and I could care less about memory stick ports. The only things that make the $600 version worth purchasing to me are the larger hard drive (which everyone will agree is needed in the 360) and the built-in Wi-Fi.

And don't forget, you are also getting a Blu-Ray player that is probably half the cost of a standalone. While Blu-Ray may not be important to you, it certainly is important to those audio/video-philes who stand to actually SAVE money by purchasing a PS3 instead of a standalone.
360 premium + Blu-ray = PS3 core.

so funny how something can look featureless, yet the other system sitting right next to it looks like this amazing, full featured deal :roll:
[quote name='Apossum']360 premium + Blu-ray = PS3 core.

so funny how something can look featureless, yet the other system sitting right next to it looks like this amazing, full featured deal :roll:[/quote]

Its all about options. I dont want a complete home entertainment solution. I just want a basic game machine. I dont want to be forced into buying things with options that I dont need.

I dont want a hard drive, I dont want online play, I dont want media features.

I just want a disc that you stick in and play.
I just finished up my second "Free PS3" online pyramid scheme thing last week.

I'll be broken-hearted if they want to send me the watered-down plebian version. Then again, worst-case scenario, I can sell both of the crummy ones for one of the "Tom Selleck" ('coz he's all classy) versions and a few games.

Granted, y'inz who actually preorder it will get it far faster than me (case in point, my stupid pyramid scheme 360 just arrived 3-4 weeks ago).

Is $600 too much? I dunno, we just survived an economic year in which the average American's savings was in the negative - we certainly can't continue to mimic our government like that. We have the bill collectors that they currently lack. Good luck to those of you seeking one around launch.

And fuck off to those dipshits looking at this as a short-term investment strategy. Read a fucking newspaper.
[quote name='mykevermin']
And fuck off to those dipshits looking at this as a short-term investment strategy. Read a fucking newspaper.[/QUOTE]

Because it will work? Because it's a quick way to make a few bucks? Because there are idiots out there who are too lazy to wait in line at launch, and will gladly pay a premium to have it shipped to their house from someone else?
To Reality's fringe , your sigs are fucking awesome!:applause: I like the one you just made ,and the previous one.

Now about sony, I'm not surprised the the ps3 is 600.00, but I'm very dissapointed that they went the 360 route and have two systems, and the they just flat out copied nintendo, and to a lesser extent xbox 360.

I think the systems will sell at 600, but not too long after the holidays, until some good games start to come out for it.(or the big sequals DMC4, RE5, MGS4 FFXIII etc..)

I think they will(have to) do something like a small $10-20.00 price drop(nickel and dime em' baby!) , when a AAA title comes out like MGS4.

I love gaming, and sony has had great systems(for the games/I've personally had too many problems W/sony hardware)

But I cannot see myself paying that kind of money for a game console/blu-ray player, It's not that I don't want the ps3(MGS4 is one of my most wanted games period!) But I literally can't afford something that high!(with bills, kids, etc..) I still need to get a nice HDTV first.

So I will have to wait a few years and wait and see, and in the meanwhile , I will keep enjoying my ps2, ds etc..

And I am very interested to see what nintendo has instore with the Wii,if it's just as awesome(game wise) as the DS I'm sold!(because I know the price won't be six fucking hundred dollars!)
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Its all about options. I dont want a complete home entertainment solution. I just want a basic game machine. I dont want to be forced into buying things with options that I dont need.

I dont want a hard drive, I dont want online play, I dont want media features.

I just want a disc that you stick in and play.[/QUOTE]

yeah, same here. but all the 3rd party games I like happen to be on this asshole-zaibatsu's console. it is possible to be a gamer who likes newer, prettier graphics, tight gameplay and not a hardcore nintendo fan. It's hard to conceive with everything being completely polarized in the gamer community, but it happens. my comment was to put it into perspective for those who think the $500 version is missing anything necessary for it to perform nicely as a game console.

And off to those dipshits looking at this as a short-term investment strategy. Read a fucking newspaper.

okay...and you had to do 2 ps3 special offers for what good reason? ;)

meh, this thread is hopeless...the wii presentation will be more fruitful. good night cag!
The state of gaming is kind of getting sad now. Nintendo really does have the right idea with the Wii, all this other stuff is just getting out of control.
[quote name='CheapyD']Major Details Revealed!

Launch Date & Price
Nov 17th USA
20gb - $499
60gb - $599

Nov 11th JAPAN
20gb - 59800yen
60gb - retailers set price

The cheaper version:
- No built-in Wi-fi
- No HDMI port
- No Memory Stick slot
- No SD card slot
- No Compact Flash slot
- 20GB hard drive

Controllers are motion sensitive and look like PS2 controllers

:drool::hot: $500 for the CHEAP version!??

I'll just have a 360, GC, DS then re-buy myself a PS2 near the PS3 launch and probably a Wii. No way i'll pay $500 for another system. UNLESS I win one like I did my 360, if I do win one i'll sell it right away for this price! :cry:
This is TOTAL weaksauce. I can't believe they got rid of the rumble function, it's an industry standard by now. I rather have the vibrating function than those retarded motion sensors. I am definitely re-thinking my purchase after discovering this.
hmm.. so everyone thinks that ps3 wont be out like the xbox360s on the first day? because i dont want to pre-order a ps3 if i dont have to.
[quote name='sweetcags']hmm.. so everyone thinks that ps3 wont be out like the xbox360s on the first day? because i dont want to pre-order a ps3 if i dont have to.[/quote]

no, it will be. 2 million for a worldwide launch is tiny. So is 4 million by the end of the year. 2 million would be enough for just North America.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']just as a note to MGS4: Otacon looks even more badass than before and Meryle just went up in the hotness scale.[/QUOTE]

The new wow, seriously no other word for it...damn PS3 price....hurts me that much more.
Jesus. Welcome to third place, Sony. I am not a fanboy, and I love the PS2, but I will be waiting for a price drop on the PS3 and I haven't done that for a console in a looooong time. They just fucking blew it all around.
[quote name='secretvampire']Jesus. Welcome to third place, Sony. I am not a fanboy, and I love the PS2, but I will be waiting for a price drop on the PS3 and I haven't done that for a console in a looooong time. They just fucking blew it all around.[/QUOTE]

more like 2nd place... M$ did a worse job last year than sony this year.
The pricetag effectively locks me out of any hope of getting a PS3 (not that the wife would tolerate me getting another game system anyways).
It seems some people don't realize how new Bluray technology is...............

bottom line is, if you think it's too expensive, stop whining and just don't buy it. I personally find it not so bad for the price. The only negs i've seen so far is that they've kept the same analog format and the cost from 20 to 60gb is way too expensive. Besides that I don't mind paying 500 for a damn Blu ray player that can play Ps3 games =p.
Most people who are whining about the price are just people who can't afford the console. Otherwise why would they care so much? And the people whinning about how they are ripping off the wii? wii ripped it off gyroscopic mice which were here long before. Hell they ripped touchscreen from PDAs =p. Who cares..............................

Anyway apparently you people don't realize that expensive gadgets don't die easily because they are expensive (and especially not ones with such huge market share and popularity). Just think about Hyundai --> Lexus =p.
[quote name='Zoglog']It seems some people don't realize how new Bluray technology is...............

bottom line is, if you think it's too expensive, stop whining and just don't buy it. I personally find it not so bad for the price. The only negs i've seen so far is that they've kept the same analog format and the cost from 20 to 60gb is way too expensive. Besides that I don't mind paying 500 for a damn Blu ray player that can play Ps3 games =p.[/QUOTE]

Well, as the internet has proven, when any news about something big there's bound to be tons of bitching.

But I think you said it pretty good: if you want new technology, you gotta pay for it. Plus, the price is pretty damn good. It's cheaper than a high end graphical computer and is even more powerful. Also, it's pretty much an entire entertainment system in a small package.
Most people who are whining about the price are just people who can't afford the console. Otherwise why would they care so much? And the people whinning about how they are ripping off the wii? wii ripped it off gyroscopic mice which were here long before. Hell they ripped touchscreen from PDAs =p. Who cares..............................

Anyway apparently you people don't realize that expensive gadgets don't die easily because they are expensive (and especially not ones with such huge market share and popularity). Just think about Hyundai --> Lexus =p.
That is the stupidest arguement ever. Sony hardly has a history of producing "Lexus" hardware, in fact they have a terrible reputation. I can afford one just fine but I'm not a fucking moron with my money.
[quote name='Zoglog']It seems some people don't realize how new Bluray technology is...............

bottom line is, if you think it's too expensive, stop whining and just don't buy it. I personally find it not so bad for the price. The only negs i've seen so far is that they've kept the same analog format and the cost from 20 to 60gb is way too expensive. Besides that I don't mind paying 500 for a damn Blu ray player that can play Ps3 games =p.[/quote]

First off, we have a right to whine. It's what we gamers inherently do.

Secondly, while the PS3 as a Blue Ray player is cheap, it's insanely expensive as a video game console. Because of this, it will turn off many potential PS3 buyers who are looking at it for its gaming abilities.

Who knows, maybe all the people who are looking for cheap Blue Ray players will pick up the slack for the gamers who refuse to spend $500-$600 on a new console.

However, I just don't see this happening. While the HD industry is booming, I don't think it's at a point right now to successfully support $600-$1,000 movie players.
small correction, 600 for a damn blu ray player, apparently according to the PDF u need to buy the 600 for the HDMI. I guess that explains the price difference. If they support DVI through the multi AV I might still consider the 500. But likewise bluray players are still on preorder for 999.

I find it amusing how it went from 2 HDMI back down to 1 HDMI. Oh sony you dumb bastards =) Always goin back.

and Secret vampire even though many of us realize how shitty Sony products are, they still have strong brand name recognition for quality.
Yes it is a cheap Blu-ray player, but how ready is the typical American for Blu-Ray?

The difference between DVD and VHS was obvious. However, imagine the casual person trying to figure out Blu-ray.

"So like...the disk holds more? And movies will be clearer...but I will have to get a new TV? Why can't I just go out and buy a dvd player for 70.00 instead again?"

I just dont see Blu-ray OR HDdvd taking off with the casual audience any time soon.
Sony's price point is BRILLIANT. There is bound to be shortages when the system initially comes out. Simple economics. Demand will be greater than supply. Yes, even at a $600 price point. Look at all the ebayers that are able to sell new systems (ie. when ps2 & xbox360 came out) at approx the same $600 price. Once the initial fervor dies down and all the buyers who's price point is $600 have purchased a PS3...then sony drops the price a bit...and plays the same game again...until the PS3 finally settles in at a reasonable price for the average consumer.
PS3- For extreme videophile nerds to get a cheap blue ray player and play some games

360- for mainstream gamers who want good graphics but not paying $600 for a PS3. Also for the Online gaming crowd.

Wii- For the true gamers looking for a fun, unique, gaming only experience.

This is what it's going to boil down to.
If the general public sees Sony dropping prices fast and often, what will they think? I'd imagine something along the lines of "this product is a failure" which will steer people away from a purchase.
[quote name='seanr1221']Yes it is a cheap Blu-ray player, but how ready is the typical American for Blu-Ray?

The difference between DVD and VHS was obvious. However, imagine the casual person trying to figure out Blu-ray.

"So like...the disk holds more? And movies will be clearer...but I will have to get a new TV? Why can't I just go out and buy a dvd player for 70.00 instead again?"

I just dont see Blu-ray OR HDdvd taking off with the casual audience any time soon.[/QUOTE]

plenty of people have HDTVs and they are quite affordable. The problem is the gap in quality. with bluray you're esentially skipping from VGA (640x480) when a movie is in 4:3 straight the 1080p. a 1080p bluray will look leaps and bounds better than a DVD even on a 1366x768 TV. even 1080p lcd tvs are mildly cheap. The westinghouse 42" 1080p LCD TV w/ HDMI and 2 DVI's is 2499. By next year it'll be around 1499 at most. a 37" 1080p LCD you can get now for 1299. This is all of course unless you want to go off and buy an Aquos or a Sony Bravia. Either way the technology is becoming more and more affordable. CRTs are already way low in price. one of my coworkers got a 37" CRT HDTV for only 400. Not bad. Either way this is all early adoption and there are plenty of early adopters out there. And with a price like 600 where I get the ps3 and blu ray in 1 combo, it's enough to make a median consumerist like me jump the fence.
[quote name='Zoglog']small correction, 600 for a damn blu ray player, apparently according to the PDF u need to buy the 600 for the HDMI. I guess that explains the price difference. If they support DVI through the multi AV I might still consider the 500. But likewise bluray players are still on preorder for 999.[/quote]
I really don't understand the arguement that the PS3 is a good deal because stand alone Blu Ray players cost $1,000. Think about it for a second.

IT'S $1,000 fuckIN' DOLLARS FOR A MOVIE PLAYER!!!! It's so insanely overpriced that only dumbshits would buy one anyway.

Who gives a shit if you save a few hundred bucks by buying a PS3? You're still paying way too much damn money for a piece of equipment from a company who doesn't exactly have a glowing track record for hardware quality.

I can understand from a business standpoint why Sony is pricing their system high. They just don't want to lose too much money.

But from a consumer standpoint, I think it's priced way out of the average gamer's budget.

How does Sony plan to get a stranglehold on the hardware market by outpricing themselves out of competition? Especially when a high-end Xbox 360 is $200 cheaper than a high-end PS3. Plus, Microsoft has plenty of time to slash a good $50 off the 360's price tag.

I think the PS3 is going to be a massive failure for Sony. Yes, it will sell as a Blu Ray player, but it will not, and I mean will not, sell enough to rival the Xbox 360 or Wii in terms of numbers.

And what will happen if and when Nintendo and Microsoft have millions and millions of more systems in gamer's homes? Third-party developers are going to leave Sony with their pants down and their dick in their hands, because that's the exact same thing the developers did with Nintendo.

The developers will flock to whichever system has the highest market share.

With Sony overpricing themselves out of the average gamer's budget, it's just not plausible that they will outsell Microsoft or Nintendo. And when that happens, it will start a domino effect that could ultimately lead to Sony leaving the hardware industry.
[quote name='jer7583']PS3- For extreme videophile nerds to get a cheap blue ray player and play some games

360- for mainstream gamers who want good graphics but not paying $600 for a PS3. Also for the Online gaming crowd.

Wii- For the true gamers looking for a fun, unique, gaming only experience.

This is what it's going to boil down to.[/QUOTE]

No that's what your own opinion is.

You don't have to be an extreme videophile to enjoy 1080p movies. Also you forget Final Fantasy is enough to get some people to save up to get it. 360 is good not only for mainstream people but also for the FFXI MMO crowd in Japan who don't have PCs. Also there are plenty of people who are hardcore gamers who like the 360. Calling the Wii for true gamers is rediculous. The whole purpose of wii is to call in casual gamers and sorry to say NOT so "unique" gaming expeirence. Also you forgot the Wii attracts more younger audiences with the pokemon franchise and lower price point. there are plenty of "true gamers" out there that would prefer the play the wii in HD. Your generalizations reek of fanboyism

Also if anyone noticed MS' recent stock prices after the quarterly report losses due to the cost for 360 propogation..... Sony is in much worse financial shape after taking a big beating in the CE area.

"Value" is relative people.
[quote name='cheapbrass']Sony's price point is BRILLIANT. There is bound to be shortages when the system initially comes out. Simple economics. Demand will be greater than supply. Yes, even at a $600 price point. Look at all the ebayers that are able to sell new systems (ie. when ps2 & xbox360 came out) at approx the same $600 price. Once the initial fervor dies down and all the buyers who's price point is $600 have purchased a PS3...then sony drops the price a bit...and plays the same game again...until the PS3 finally settles in at a reasonable price for the average consumer.[/quote]

If you believe that for even two seconds, I feel sorry for you. The public relations backlash that is sure to happen in the coming days, weeks and months is no where near worth what you suggested.
Sony leaving the hardware industry is a bit presumptuous, considering their current lofty position, but there's no way they're going to be 1st in anything this coming generation.

The real question is will they fall to just 2nd, or will they drop to 3rd place? I think the 360 has fulfilled PS3's place in the market much better and for lower cost. It all depends on the success of the Wii.
[quote name='jer7583']Sony leaving the hardware industry is a bit presumptuous, considering their current lofty position, but there's no way they're going to be 1st in anything this coming generation.

The real question is will they fall to just 2nd, or will they drop to 3rd place? I think the 360 has fulfilled PS3's place in the market much better and for lower cost. It all depends on the success of the Wii.[/quote]

I didn't say they'd leave the hardware industry if the PS3 failed. I said it could start the wheels turning for it to happen.
[quote name='Zoglog']No that's what your own opinion is.

You don't have to be an extreme videophile to enjoy 1080p movies. Also you forget Final Fantasy is enough to get some people to save up to get it. 360 is good not only for mainstream people but also for the FFXI MMO crowd in Japan who don't have PCs. Also there are plenty of people who are hardcore gamers who like the 360. Calling the Wii for true gamers is rediculous. The whole purpose of wii is to call in casual gamers and sorry to say NOT so "unique" gaming expeirence. Also you forgot the Wii attracts more younger audiences with the pokemon franchise and lower price point. there are plenty of "true gamers" out there that would prefer the play the wii in HD.


You are living in a FANTASY world if you think many people will pay for a new player, a new TV, and new movies to watch sharper versions of movies.

And yes, the Wii is for people who, wether they know it or not yet, are looking for a pure gaming experience. The 360 is a mixture of multimedia, gaming, and online functions.

And boiling the Wii down to the pokemon franchise is generalization and fanboyism. Thanks for playing.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I didn't say they'd leave the hardware industry if the PS3 failed. I said it could start the wheels turning for it to happen.[/QUOTE]

true. Not like sony's arrogance would allow them to reverse the path they're on once they see their decline. They will charge ahead and tell gamers what they want to the bitter end.
Sony still holds the major franchise exclusives for Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, God of War, Gran Turismo, and Grand theft auto.................

Thinking they're just going to dissapear because the console is expensive is just naive. For a bunch of people who like to tout that it's "about the games"...... you sure are ignoring that factor.

And boiling the Wii down to the pokemon franchise is generalization and fanboyism. Thanks for playing.

And unlike you my challenged friend, I did not make it a 1 line say for all. It was only one of the aspects I pointed out in wii. If you want to challenge me go ahead and show me that pokemon game not for nintendo. My friend works for pokemon and is staffing the Nintendo press conference... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Your defensiveness for somone who calls the wii anything potentially kiddy is an obvious indication
[quote name='Zoglog']Sony still holds the major franchise exclusives for Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, God of War, Gran Turismo, and Grand theft auto.................

Thinking they're just going to dissapear because the console is expensive is just naive. For a bunch of people who like to tout that it's "about the games"...... you sure are ignoring that factor.[/quote]
The last time I checked, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto weren't Sony exclusives.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']The last time I checked, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto weren't Sony exclusives.[/QUOTE]

"major franchise exclusives "

I thought u'd be able to understand but I guess I have to clarify. by exclusive I mean they get it exclusively for launch. Where is MGS3 for xbox or nintendo? I'm sorry but Twin snakes does not replace MGS3 or 4. Neither does FF Crystal Chroni compete directly with FFX or FFXII. Do you see the point =p? And getting GTA a year after it's already been on the Sony console....... there you go ;)

GTA 4, MGS4, and FFXIII have all only been announced ONLY for the PS3,

existing market share and ongoing relationships are a powerful thing.
bread's done