Sony E3 Press Conference Discussion - Price & Date Revealed!

cag is just going to be all out flame wars for the next week or two, isn't it?
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I really don't understand the arguement that the PS3 is a good deal because stand alone Blu Ray players cost $1,000. Think about it for a second.

IT'S $1,000 fuckIN' DOLLARS FOR A MOVIE PLAYER!!!! It's so insanely overpriced that only dumbshits would buy one anyway.[/QUOTE]
I think for that reason, HD-DVD will win out if either one does, but they could both fail. HD-DVD is much cheaper, you can buy a standalone today for $500, PC drives are slated to be around $100. Plus, HD-DVD movies will play on standard DVD drives, obviously not in HD, but you wouldn't even have to have separate releases, just release it in HD-DVD and it'll work in a standard DVD player. When the consumer wants a new player down the line, they have a lot less of their movie collection to replace.

Thats the other thing that'll jeopardize this whole thing. People don't want to replace their movie collections. VHS to DVD was a major shift, VHS casettes had become very expensive themselves, DVD movies were cheaper in many cases.

I just don't see people throwing away their DVDs like they did with their VHS tapes, no matter how much Toshiba or Sony want it.
[quote name='Apossum']cag is just going to be all out flame wars for the next week or two, isn't it?[/quote]

Honestly, I don't think it's too bad. Everyone has pretty much kept their cool with their fellow CAGs, and have directed their anger appropriately. Hopefully, this continues and doesn't get ugly.
Thats the other thing that'll jeopardize this whole thing. People don't want to replace their movie collections. VHS to DVD was a major shift, VHS casettes had become very expensive themselves, DVD movies were cheaper in many cases.

I just don't see people throwing away their DVDs like they did with their VHS tapes, no matter how much Toshiba or Sony want it.

QF freakin T

This is the point I was trying to make to you Zog.
[quote name='Apossum']cag is just going to be all out flame wars for the next week or two, isn't it?[/QUOTE]

Worse then GameFAQ's... people are so stupid with their blind system loyalty.

Play games, not systems... tommorrow, if Nintendo throws down a price for the Wii, it will just be pages of "LOL SCREW SONY WII FOR 200 ROFLZZZ"

I mean, this shit happens every year... people flamed the DS when it was first announced, people ragged all over Microsoft... I don't think any of you are business majors, or know more about the business then the people at Sony, so what's the point of all this? Sure, $500 is a big number, but I'm pretty sure they didn't just pull it out of their ass.
Holy shit, the PS3 is going to take forever to drop to a reasonable price for most people. I wonder if there are any figures out there for how many PS2's sold for $300, $200, $150, etc. When this thing is half off it's still going to be the launch price of the PS2! That completely astounds me.

I wasn't planning on buying one at launch, but this pushes back my likely purchase date by quite a bit.
[quote name='Roufuss']Worse then GameFAQ's... people are so stupid with their blind system loyalty.

Play games, not systems... tommorrow, if Nintendo throws down a price for the Wii, it will just be pages of "LOL SCREW SONY WII FOR 200 ROFLZZZ"

I mean, this shit happens every year... people flamed the DS when it was first announced, people ragged all over Microsoft... I don't think any of you are business majors, or know more about the business then the people at Sony, so what's the point of all this? Sure, $500 is a big number, but I'm pretty sure they didn't just pull it out of their ass.[/quote]

Agreed...they've probably got modeling done for "projected" Blu-Ray in the market come November 2k6, costs vs. the system, and probably how much they can afford to lose per console vs. how much they'll be making per game/accessory.

I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they modeled it a bit after the 360 in terms of loss per unit, and that's what justified the price.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Honestly, I don't think it's too bad. Everyone has pretty much kept their cool with their fellow CAGs, and have directed their anger appropriately. Hopefully, this continues and doesn't get ugly.[/QUOTE]

i dunno, gamers are out for blood. everyone's summing each other up and trying to get across that they have the "right" opinion. last year, ms announces their system and everyone wanted them dead. now it's the ps3's turn. if the Wii dominates and Nintendo repeats their N64 mistake somehow, it'll be their turn :lol:
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Honestly, I don't think it's too bad. Everyone has pretty much kept their cool with their fellow CAGs, and have directed their anger appropriately. Hopefully, this continues and doesn't get ugly.[/QUOTE]

I agree CAG is no where as ugly as it was last year with the Xbox 1.5 vs batarang wars. CAG has been civil for the most part this year. One thing all cags can agree on is wanting a cheap ass console. Getting a 360 and Wii for the price of PS3 is crazy.

Also what I don't get about the 2 SKU, can the $500 PS3 be upgraded to become = to the $600 SKU? I can't see being able to upgrade the card readers, HDMI, and the HDD is internal? Also does the PS3 have PS2/PS1 MC slots?
[quote name='Apossum']i dunno, gamers are out for blood. everyone's summing each other up and trying to get across that they have the "right" opinion. last year, ms announces their system and everyone wanted them dead. now it's the ps3's turn. if the Wii dominates and Nintendo repeats their N64 mistake somehow, it'll be their turn :lol:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='spoo']Also what I don't get about the 2 SKU, can the $500 PS3 be upgraded to become = to the $600 SKU? I can't see being able to upgrade the card readers, HDMI, and the HDD is internal? Also does the PS3 have PS2/PS1 MC slots?[/quote]

Probably impossible for your first point, and unless specs have changed, no for your second one.
[quote name='Roufuss']Hey, don't forget the DS announcement. "DUAL SCREENS?? IT IS SO STUPID, I ONLY NEED ONE SCREEN, NINTENDO IS DUMB"[/QUOTE]





[quote name='Genocidal']Probably impossible for your first point, and unless specs have changed, no for your second one.[/QUOTE]
:cry: Nope not buying one for a long time now :cry:
Fanboyism is quite lame indeed, everyone thinks their shit don't stink. I can't say I'm thrilled by the PS3 news however.
[quote name='seanr1221']People just get defensive. I guess no one wants to see the system they invested money into die off due to lack of popularity.[/QUOTE]

Why get defensive though? If you are buying it at launch, there is at least one game, to you, that justifies that purchase. And with the big three, I don't think any of them are just going to give up on their system and pull a Sega (but still, even the DC had an amazing library of games).

I mean, its hilarious to see people slamming Sony, rushing to the aid of Nintendo, and vice versa... here's a news flash, these companies don't give a shit about you and how you're "defending their honor". You're just dollar signs and marketing gimmicks to them.

I think it's just merely jealousy, because people would probably like to play the games that Sony is showcasing (like MGS 4 and FF 13) but don't want to spend the money to do it. I think the games look awesome, I'll get a ps3, I'll get a Wii too, and if 360 ever gets a game I want I'll get one of those too. Anyone with an ok job can save $500 by November if they really wanted a PS3.

I'm into the games themselves, I could care less about the companies behind the systems.
[quote name='Roufuss']I think it's just merely jealousy, because people would probably like to play the games that Sony is showcasing (like MGS 4 and FF 13) but don't want to spend the money to do it. I think the games look awesome, I'll get a ps3, I'll get a Wii too, and if 360 ever gets a game I want I'll get one of those too. Anyone with an ok job can save $500 by November if they really wanted a PS3.

I'm into the games themselves, I could care less about the companies behind the systems.[/quote]

Speaking of the games, I shut off the broadcast right before they announced the price...did they mention anything about ballpark figure for the games?
[quote name='marten']Speaking of the games, I shut off the broadcast right before they announced the price...did they mention anything about ballpark figure for the games?[/QUOTE]

Not yet... I'm thinking $60 probably, but it would be real nice if they decided to still go with $50. It's doubtful, though.

Actually, everyone with a brain should hope Sony and friends goes with $50 games, because that will hopefully force Xbox 360 games to drop from $60 to $50.
[quote name='marten']Speaking of the games, I shut off the broadcast right before they announced the price...did they mention anything about ballpark figure for the games?[/QUOTE]

great question. I'm not expecting anything less than $60, but $50 would be a pleasant surprise.
[quote name='Roufuss']Not yet... I'm thinking $60 probably, but it would be real nice if they decided to still go with $50. It's doubtful, though.[/quote]

I have this gut feeling we'll be looking at $70 games. Reasoning behind that is this: They'll mark them high, even though a good portion of them should be on DVD (think back to what they said about CD based PS2 games at launch), just so they can recoup their costs when they start putting them on more expensive BD discs.
Why get defensive though? If you are buying it at launch, there is at least one game, to you, that justifies that purchase. And with the big three, I don't think any of them are just going to give up on their system and pull a Sega (but still, even the DC had an amazing library of games).

My best guess is it comforts people to feel like the one system they chose is superior to the others, and they will have no buyers remorse for what they spent money on.
Wow I thought $500 would be max and no double system. Instead we get 2 systems, $500 min and a $600?!? system.

Sony is pricing this for a blueray player not a game system. Problem is that in the long term its the games that make you money and win the war, not bluray. There is a serious question here of whether or not Sony out pricing the gamers with this system. The small hardcore gamer nitch isn't what makes you money, which is the only gamers who will buy this at launch at this price.

It really is funny, the only way sony's game system is going to succeed is if the people are ravenous to adopt blueray. As it really seems they aren't, not much interest in HDDVD or Blueray it seems. Seriously whats the adoption rate of 1080p hdmi TVs that blueray pushes so hard? Sony has had a 10 yr run of dominance, and history seems to show thats about when there is a major shift in the game industry. This could spell the end of Sony as the #1 in gaming. To much money for a game player, to much invested in people wanting a new format other than DVD. However, if people are ready to adopt a new standard, Sony will mop the floor. Its an interesting gamble, Sony thinks they are, M$ doesn't. We will see what pays off. Heck, nintendo could even be the big winner, maybe its the HD era in general that people arent ready for.
I finished watching the Sony conference and I cannot wait for the PS3. Eight Days, the Naughty Dog game, Warhawk, Metal Gear Solid 4, Assassin's Creed, VF5, Tekken 6, Virtua Tennis 3, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Hot Shots Golf, Resistance to Man and Ridge Racer 7 looked very nice. The controller looks nice and sleek and the new tilt functionality should be a nice addition to these games.

[quote name='seanr1221']QF freakin T

This is the point I was trying to make to you Zog.[/QUOTE]
Nobody is forcing you to sell off your DVD collection. You can do whatever you want with it, keep it, sell it, get new stuff on Blu-Ray, whatever you want. People seem to overlook this option too easily.
[quote name='Zoglog']Sony still holds the major franchise exclusives for Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, God of War, Gran Turismo, and Grand theft auto.................

Hate to break it to you but GTA wasn't exclusive for Sony. They thought it was, but M$ and Rockstar found a loophole.

I would argue Halo franchise, Ninja Gaiden franchise, Forza driving, Bioware RPGS, Oblivion are all up to equaling the best in exclusives the PS3 has to offer. FF always sells a ton, but to me linear menu driven, random battle full Japanese games are getting a little old. Give me innovation in RPGS any day.

Plus, what new franchises are really looking exciting on PS3 so far? We won't really be able to answer that until after E3, but Too Human, Gears of War, Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, heck even fable, are looking like they have a chance to become excellent franchises for 360.

Basically, to me the stage seems set, between the cost of system, lack of innovation, losing exclusives, like GTA or even Metal Gear Solid (on Xbox and Gamecube), that Sony could lose #1 this generation. They still are the favorite but there is a chance Nintendo or M$ could step in and steal it.
I...never said people had to go off and sell their dvd's.

However, what I did say was that people wont move to Blu-Ray and HDdvd like they went from VHS to DVD.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Nobody is forcing you to sell off your DVD collection. You can do whatever you want with it, keep it, sell it, get new stuff on Blu-Ray, whatever you want. People seem to overlook this option too easily.[/quote]

I think people are looking past another obvious point. Considering how cheap upscaling DVD players are, Sony would be stupid not to drop a Faroudja chip into the PS3 to upscale DVD's to 720p/1080i. Not everyone will want to convert to Blu-Ray, and they'd be smart to bank on that fact and still make a hell of a dvd player out of their..."media entertainment center", or whatever in the hell Kaz called it.
wouldn't it be sweet if Nintendo wii would cost $150... that would totally put a mud hole in sony's @$$... well for me.. will defenitely get wii at luanch.. 360... once it hit less than $200 same with Sony... probably have to wait for a long time.. :)
Holy shit. I thought it was April Fool's or something, how did Sony manage to screw up in so many ways? 2 SKUs (much worse than the 360 - the console hardware is actually different in this case), half-assed Wii ripoff controller (and they had to remove vibration capability), $500-$600?? And people thought the $300-$400 Xbox 360 bundles were a bad idea. Steve Ballmer is pissing his pants with excitement.
[quote name='Sulik2']Hate to break it to you but GTA wasn't exclusive for Sony. They thought it was, but M$ and Rockstar found a loophole.[/quote]
What loophole? Contracts expire and that's why we saw GTA on the Xbox. No loopholes or anything. Sony just signed exclusive agreements for six months or so with Rockstar.

[quote name='Sulik2']I would argue Halo franchise, Ninja Gaiden franchise, Forza driving, Bioware RPGS, Oblivion are all up to equaling the best in exclusives the PS3 has to offer. FF always sells a ton, but to me linear menu driven, random battle full Japanese games are getting a little old. Give me innovation in RPGS any day.[/quote]
Have you seen FFXII? No more random battles and the battle system doesn't solely rely on the menus. Add Sony's platforming series (of which we know Ratchet and Clank will make the PS3 jump) and their other franchises that will make the jump (Hot Shots Golf, Ape Escape, Killzone, and others) and you've got solid well-rounded support just from Sony (Not including FF, MGS, and GTA).

[quote name='Sulik2']Plus, what new franchises are really looking exciting on PS3 so far? We won't really be able to answer that until after E3, but Too Human, Gears of War, Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, heck even fable, are looking like they have a chance to become excellent franchises for 360.[/quote]
We don't know what are franchises just yet, but the titles from Naughty Dog and Insomniac look very promising, as well as Eight Days, Heavenly Sword, and Lair look like good candidates for future franchises.

[quote name='Sulik2']Basically, to me the stage seems set, between the cost of system, lack of innovation, losing exclusives, like GTA or even Metal Gear Solid (on Xbox and Gamecube), that Sony could lose #1 this generation. They still are the favorite but there is a chance Nintendo or M$ could step in and steal it.[/QUOTE]
Sony didn't lose Metal Gear Solid as an exclusive, the GC game was a remake of a 6 or 7 year old title and the Xbox version of Substance wasn't handled very well to give future multi-platform installment a good outlook. We won't know what will happen with the "Console War" until after these systems launch and have some time to bud (at least a year). Making predictions now is just stupid and most likely makes you seem fanboy-ish. Just go for the console(s) you are eagerly anticipating and be happy.
[quote name='seanr1221']I...never said people had to go off and sell their dvd's.

However, what I did say was that people wont move to Blu-Ray and HDdvd like they went from VHS to DVD.[/QUOTE]
You don't have to replace you collection was the main point of it. The change to Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will be nothing like VHS to DVD since there is a choice and you're not forced to get rid of one to have the other.
[quote name='extremep']Holy shit. I thought it was April Fool's or something, how did Sony manage to screw up in so many ways? 2 SKUs (much worse than the 360 - the console hardware is actually different in this case), half-assed Wii ripoff controller (and they had to remove vibration capability), $500-$600?? And people thought the $300-$400 Xbox 360 bundles were a bad idea. Steve Ballmer is pissing his pants with excitement.[/QUOTE]
How is it worse? Does the loss of an SD card slot ruin the gaming experience you could've had? Having an HDD is both versions is vastly better than the something or nothing choice the Xbox 360 had at launch, and with the hard drives being removable, there's not much difference between the two besides how big you want your hard drive. The stuff that's taken out in the cheaper version is mostly extra stuff that isn't a game-changing difference, though the lack of HDMI could be a pain for our HD TV owners who want a PS3. The lack of SD, Memory Stick, and Compact Flash slots can be remedied with the fact that the PS3 will have USB slots, as I'd think many of the devices using those types of memory also allow transferring of data over USB cables as well, thus having on the system is not as necessary as it may seem.

Since when is vibration the end all/be all of controller functions? I've played dozens of hours on my Wavebirds and didn't miss the vibration one bit. It's a willing sacrifice to have the wireless and montion-sensors in the controller with no obvious changes in size or shape. And the prices were all a matter of the tech inside, as a Blu-Ray drive, Cell chip, RSX chip (or whatever form it takes), and standard hard drives only lead to a $200 increase on a system where the hard drive came with only one of the 2 versions.
Too much money. Include tax, games and you're easily going to see the price balloon up to $800.00 That too fuckin' much. I'll just stick with my 360 and buy a Wii as my second console
[quote name='apokalipze2']Too much money. Include tax, games and you're easily going to see the price balloon up to $800.00 That too fuckin' much. I'll just stick with my 360 and buy a Wii as my second console[/quote]

My thoughts exactly. Even if games are at 50 bucks a pop, you're gonna want more than one game, an extra controller or two. Lets also not forget that if you own an HD set with something that also uses the HDMI jack, you might need to buy HDMI switch, el cheapo ones from MonoPrice start at 30 bucks, but I honestly don't think I could trust that. By the time you get everything needed you could almost go buy a second HDTV. Shit, I could spend that on totally upgrading my PC and get graphics equal or better probably.

And I'm sorry FriskyTanuki, but not everyone must be geting paid like you to go down on Sony execs, because thats what it sounds like to me. Didn't you're you're mother tell you not to speak with a full mouth??

And 1080P....fuck that. To have 1080P on a hi def set is about a 300 to 500+ extra option...
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']And I'm sorry FriskyTanuki, but not everyone must be geting paid like you to go down on Sony execs, because thats what it sounds like to me. Didn't you're you're mother tell you not to speak with a full mouth??[/QUOTE]
I love this. I love how far you went to call me a fanboy. I wonder why? Because the PS3 is all that was shown today? No, maybe tomorrow I'll be very excited about the Wii and you can be right there to tell me to stop sucking Miyamoto's cock. Encore! Encore!
I'm not disputing the the games themselves. I mean I'd love to get my hands on MGS4. My problem and it seems a lot of others are the same in that the price is too god damn mother fuckin high! I can see it now: little Johnny tells mommy he wants a PS3 for xmas. Mommy find out how much it is, and she tells little Johnny that he can either have a PS3 for xmas or the rest of the family can eat for the next few months. Ultimatly, it still comes down to the haves and the have nots
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I love this. I love how far you went to call me a fanboy. I wonder why? Because the PS3 is all that was shown today? No, maybe tomorrow I'll be very excited about the Wii and you can be right there to tell me to stop sucking Miyamoto's cock. Encore! Encore![/quote]

I know, but just because I'm in line, it doesn't mean I can't be told to stop doing what they say I'll be doing. How about if I go for one of the guys that worked on Smash Brothers?
The PS3 conference did not impress. I'm in no hurry to shell out $600 for the thing. I don't care much about hi-def movies at this point.

But as often happens folks overreact to things. The $600, while expensive, nets you a Blu Ray player. Basically you're getting a Blu-Ray player for $200 more than a 360. Not bad when you see the price of Hi-Def DVD players at Best Buy.

A bit different tho compared to when the PS2 launched. DVd players were just hitting the mainstream back then and folks could see the value in picking up the PS2 since they were planning on getting a DVD player. I don't think mainstream joe right now is thinking about picking up a hi-def player.

So at this while Blu Ray might be a big bonus it's not something that's on mainstream consumers' minds much. It probably won't be for another year or two. That's when the advantage of having a hi-def DVD player will kick in.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I know, but just because I'm in line, it doesn't mean I can't be told to stop doing what they say I'll be doing. How about if I go for one of the guys that worked on Smash Brothers?[/quote]

That would be acceptable. You might want to wear a bib though.
[quote name='apokalipze2']Too much money. Include tax, games and you're easily going to see the price balloon up to $800.00 That too fuckin' much. I'll just stick with my 360 and buy a Wii as my second console[/quote]

I would rather a have Blu-Ray player that plays an asston of games I already own, than a Xbox 360 that doesn't even have games on HD-DVDs. The fact that Sony went with Blu-Ray as a format for games is a statement that they are backing it and will support it for years to come. It costs money to have nice things, PS3 is no exception. So the base model is $100 more than a 360, but comes with next-gen DVD format. The top tier model is $200 more and has HDMI 1080p which is going to become the standard in the coming year(s) of HD. Microsoft's answer is a HD-DVD add-on that will brong the price up over the cost of a PS3 basemodel most likely and still not utilize the drive for games in said format? This is an investment, not a toy for 3 years and then ditched. PS3 is going to be my second system and Wii as my main one(I love Nintendo), but I am getting a PS3 asap. This reminds me of the VHS Vs. Beta. I just hope the masses back the better and stronger Beta(Blu-Ray) this time and not the cheaper lesser quality VHS(HD-DVD). I can't believe I am defending a Sony system that costs more than my first car.

Anyway, I am excited about the connectivity gimmicks with the PSP and PS3. that F1 thing looks sweet. I wonder if you have two if you can use both and both side mirrors? That would be sweet. The controllers are sweet too. Yeah they are a blatant ripoff from the Wii, but isn't that expected? From a purely graphical side, the games look impressive. With the Blu-Ray format, I can't wait to see how much content that will be put on those discs. I thought I was only going to be happy with the news from Nintendo tomorrow. I am going to go watch cops and then fall asleep dreaming of my PS3 and Wii sleeping with me in my bed. So happy. :D
To be honest after seeing the thing about connecting a PSP to the PS3 to have a rear view mirror in that F1 game, I could care less. I mean, if you have the money for a HDTV with 1080p, then its probably a very good size set. Now with all the sscreen space, theres more than enough room to have a rear view mirror on the TV itself. To me it seems as absurd as when people "oooo'd and ahhhed" to when they first rolled out the 360 feature of when you switch from horizontal to vertical or vice versa that the "ring of light" changed position for what controller is connected to which position
bread's done