The Bi-Annual Ballocaust OTT Event

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[quote name='Bioshocked360']Hellbringer, try checking and, they're the same sites, but the stock seems to be different on all of them.[/QUOTE]
It's available at the $8.99 price for used. I think it's close to that new this week at Fry's.
Well I had a fun day. Spent the whole morning/afternoon with my parents and helped them with car shopping. They decided on a Rav4. Then watched the GSP/Hardy fight while eating Wingstop and now Superbad is on tv.
[quote name='caseyryback']those are pretty cool parents. I know my parents wouldn't have given a shit about that if i was in that kids situation. My sister told them about her id and they didn't give her any problems. Hell my parents would buy me beer at 14 as long as i drank it at the house.

She's out of my league is fucking hilarious. I haven't see hot tub time machine to compare it, but that movie had some amazing dialogue and one scene had me rolling for about five minutes straight.[/quote]
[quote name='jolietjake']parents of the year right there.[/quote]

Cat is amazed:

My sister leased a rav4 last weekend.

About to enter the xbox enforcer panel. I hope they have stats on how many 12 year old homophobic raciists with tourettes are on the servvice.
I just translated a conversation between a deaf friend of my (also deaf) uncle who happened to be visiting in the area and looked us up in the phone book. He couldn't read lips well. I feel so accomplished.
Noice - got 8/10 UFC 111 picks right and called GSP by unainmous decision. Ended up ranked 117 out of 19,624 on in points for last night.
[quote name='Trakan']I just did it and got the offer. How do I use these on Amazon?[/QUOTE]

What does your reward look like? Here's what it looks like under my codes redeemed:

[quote name='seanr1221']Will you get to play with Natal? Did you try the Move?[/QUOTE]

I don't believe Natal is at PAX, it's going to be fully revealed on June 13th at E3 this year.
Passed out on the couch last night watching tv and just stayed there. Woke up this morning, made coffee and breakfast then actually did stuff around the house. I still need to go shopping so I have something aside from toaster strudels and fried chicken to eat for the rest of the week.
[quote name='munch']What does your reward look like? Here's what it looks like under my codes redeemed:


Toy Story Special Edition Blu-ray, not DMR xxx on mine.
So i look out the front window and see that there is a cop talking to the hispanic family next door, then going over the white family across the street. From what i can tell their kids got into a fight and someone called the cops. Throw in some gun shots and this would seem like a tfn post.
Nag no natal. I thoughtmove would be here buri haven't deen it

I was almost drawn into pax fight right now. Was standing in line to play battle theater whatever at behemoth. They decicded to throw free tshirts. Within 60 seconds it was like a pack of wolves. So he throws out the last shirt my was. Not shit I tought I had it and I get elbowed inthr back and nearly nickeled over. So I turn around and I'm like WTF.

Behind me there's a skinny Asian and a fat black woman wrestling over a stupid shirt. And the Asian is pissed because the blackwoman elbowed him in the face and and broke his glasses. So he wants the shirt as retrobution.

So they tussled for about 30 seconds. She starts yelling ripps it from hos hands and then to spite Jim throws it away. HD dives I'm front of me and snatches ot from the hand of another woman who just had this thing land at her feet.

The whole was startling. Over a shirt.
I updated to the latest iphone firmware and now everything on my phone is wiped? what the fuuuuuuuck happened? I have everything backed up on my computer, but that's annoying. :\
The best part of Stepto's XBL Enforcement panel was a kid pleading with him to unban his console after he played a :cool: version of Forza 3.
[quote name='lordwow']The best part of Stepto's XBL Enforcement panel was a kid pleading with him to unban his console after he played a :cool: version of Forza 3.[/QUOTE]

It went something like this:
Kid: The main reason I came here was to come this panel. Can you unban my console?
Stepto: What did you do?
Kid: I played a pre-release copy of Forza 3.
Stepto: No.

It went on for a little while as he explained how if you got a legit copy from a retailer who broke street date, you wouldn't be banned, and they can tell the difference. The kid ended up like cheering when he said there were illegal copies of the game out there, and Stepto responded with like "Are you seriously excited about that? Don't you know you've done something wrong?"

The other really funny part was when he started explaining how the most uncomfortable part of his job is when he has to explain to parents why their kids are banned from Live... and his example was if they edit a video of his moderators and post it on youtube but forget to include the part where the kids threaten to rape his moderator's grandmother and then has to play the parents the audio of what the kid really said.
[quote name='lordwow']The best part of Stepto's XBL Enforcement panel was a kid pleading with him to unban his console after he played a :cool: version of Forza 3.[/QUOTE]

Did Anonymous show up and report the OTT?
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Toy Story Special Edition Blu-ray, not DMR xxx on mine.[/QUOTE]

That's super weird. I messaged them earlier, so hopefully i'll hear back. I just want to try and turn these into Amazon giftcards.

Duke's team is super white.
:lol: Battlefield Earth screenwriter apologizes:
Let me start by apologizing to anyone who went to see “Battlefield Earth.”
It wasn’t as I intended — promise. No one sets out to make a train wreck. Actually, comparing it to a train wreck isn’t really fair to train wrecks, because people actually want to watch those.
It started, as so many of my choices do, with my Willy Wonker.
It was 1994, and I had read an article in Premiere magazine saying that the Celebrity Center, the Scientology epicenter in Los Angeles, was a great place to meet women.
Willy convinced me to go check it out. Touring the building, I didn’t find any eligible women at first, but I did meet Karen Hollander, president of the center, who said she was a fan of “Robin Hood: Men in Tights.” We ended up talking for over two hours. She told me why Scientology is so great. I told her that, when it comes to organized religion, anything a person does to reward, threaten and try to control people by using an unknown like the afterlife is dangerous.
Nonetheless, Karen called me a few days later asking if I’d be interested in turning any of L. Ron Hubbard’s books into movies. Eventually, I had dinner with John Travolta, his wife Kelly Preston, Karen — about 10 Scientologists in all. John asked me, “So, J.D., what brought you to Scientology?”
I told him. John smiled and replied, “We have tech that can help you handle that.” I don’t know if he meant they had technology that would help me get laid or technology that would stop Willy from doing the majority of my thinking.
I researched Scientology before signing on to the movie, to make sure I wasn’t making anything that would indoctrinate people. I took a few courses, including the Purification Rundown, or Purif. You go to CC every day, take vitamins and go in and out of a sauna so toxins are released from your body. You’re supposed to reach an “End Point.” I never did, but I was bored so I told them I had a vision of L. Ron. They said, “What did he say?” “Pull my finger,” was my response. They said I was done.
During my Scientology research, I met an employee who I instantly had a crush on. She was kind of a priestess, and had dedicated her life to working for the church by becoming a Sea Org member. She said that she signed a billion-year contract. I said, “What! Really?” She said she got paid a small stipend of $50 a week, to which I said, “Can you get an advance on the billion years, like say, a mere $500,000?” And then she said as a Sea Org member, you can’t have sex unless you’re married. I asked her if she was married. She said yes. So I said, “Great! That means we can have sex!”
As far as I know, I am the only non-Scientologist to ever be on their cruise ship, the Freewind. I was a bit of an oddity, walking around in a robe, sandals, smoking Cuban cigars and drinking fine scotch (Scientologists are not allowed to drink while taking courses). I also got one of the best massages ever. My friends asked if I got a “happy ending.” I said, “Yes, I got off the ship.”
But if you’re reading this to get the dirt on Scientology, sorry, no one ever tried to force me to do anything.
Even after all the “trouble” I’d gotten into, people at the church liked me, so I read “Battlefield Earth” and agreed to come up with a pitch to take to studios.
I met with Mike Marcus, the president of MGM, and pitched him my take. He loved it, and the next day negotiations went under way. A few days after I finished the script, a very excited Travolta called, told me he “loved it,” and wanted to have dinner. At dinner, John said again how much he loved the script and called it “The ‘Schindler’s List’ of sci-fi.”
My script was very, VERY different than what ended up on the screen. My screenplay was darker, grittier and had a very compelling story with rich characters. What my screenplay didn’t have was slow motion at every turn, Dutch tilts, campy dialogue, aliens in KISS boots, and everyone wearing Bob Marley wigs.
Shortly after that, John officially attached himself to the project. Then several A-list directors expressed interest in making the movie, MGM had a budget of $100 million, and life was grrrrreat! I got studio notes that were typical studio notes. Nothing too crazy. I incorporated the notes I felt worked, blew off the bad ones and did a polish. I sent it to the studio, thinking the next I’d hear is what director is attached.
Then I got another batch of notes. I thought it was a joke. They changed the entire tone. I knew these notes would kill the movie. The notes wanted me to lose key scenes, add ridiculous scenes, take out some of the key characters. I asked Mike where they came from. He said, “From us.” But when I pressed him, he said, “From John’s camp, but we agree with them.”
I refused to incorporate the notes into the script and was fired.
I HAVE no idea why they wanted to go in this new direction, but here’s what I heard from someone in John’s camp: Out of all the books L. Ron wrote, this was the one the church founder wanted most to become a movie. He wrote extensive notes on how the movie should be made.
Many people called it a Scientology movie. It wasn’t when I wrote it, and I don’t feel it was in the final product. Yes, writers put their beliefs into a story. Sometimes it’s subtle (I guess L. Ron had something against the color purple, I have no idea why), sometimes not so subtle (L. Ron hated psychiatry and psychologists, thus the reason, and I’m just guessing here, that the bad aliens were called “Psychlos”).
The only time I saw the movie was at the premiere, which was one too many times.
Once it was decided that I would share a writing credit, I wanted to use my pseudonym, Sir Nick Knack. I was told I couldn’t do that, because if a writer gets paid over a certain amount of money, they can’t. I could have taken my name completely off the movie, but my agent and attorney talked me out of it. There was a lot of money at stake.
Now, looking back at the movie with fresh eyes, I can’t help but be strangely proud of it. Because out of all the sucky movies, mine is the suckiest.
In the end, did Scientology get me laid? What do you think? No way do you get any action by boldly going up to a woman and proclaiming, “I wrote Battlefield Earth!” If anything, I’m trying to figure out a way to bottle it and use it as birth control. I’ll make a mint!
Dude this is so fucking funny.

I'm waiting for the train. And in front of me walks forza guy. Forza guy is the first queston ASked in the xbox enforcement panel q&a. About half way through the show. (I would recommend listening half way through the show cause he's a whiny bitch.) Anyway his question is he wants his gamertag and score unbanned because he's really sorry for playing forza before release date. And of course the xbl guys shut him down.

So I'm standing on the tracks and in front of walks forza boy. I actually almost said something to him but something in my head thought it was a bad idea.

He walks to a group of three on my left. Two Guy and a girl. We're five mins from boarding. One guys says to forza boy, "where's your brother?". Forza boy says, "I don't know. I haven't been able to find him.". They start talking about this and I'm listening cause I'm just thinking they lost a travel mate.

About 20 seconds into their conversation. A middle aged man, probably mid 40s, walks up out of no where and grabs forza boy and his talking mate strongly by both arms. The man starts pilling them go the back of the track. They're both startled but the man starts telling them, "Relax. Relax. Don't resisit."

Just them. Another guy in a black jacket walks up and grabs the girl and the other guy strongly by the arm. "Do you know this kid," he asked while motioning his head to Forza boy.

Of course all four of them are startled. So the kid held by the second guy asks, "Whats going on?" where he replies, "I'm a cop. How do you know this guy?"

i didn't hear what the guy said next but he asked, "Can you explain to me what this is all about?" Where the cop says, "You're gonna have to come with me." Then they get forcibly removed from the terminal a split second behind the first pair.

I don't know what the he'll forza boy did. But he just screwed his friends into missing their train.

I am so glad my intuition guided me into not saying anything or the cops coulda thought I was with him and they might have tried to snatch me.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I updated to the latest iphone firmware and now everything on my phone is wiped? what the fuuuuuuuck happened? I have everything backed up on my computer, but that's annoying. :\[/QUOTE]


Told you iTunes sucks ass, but you kept defending it.
Did the "cop" show any identification? Should have been out getting my good friend zewone one of those Street Fighter keychains that'll never be made again instead of sitting in on that corny-ass panel.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Dude this is so fucking funny.

I'm waiting for the train. And in front of me walks forza guy. Forza guy is the first queston ASked in the xbox enforcement panel q&a. About half way through the show. (I would recommend listening half way through the show cause he's a whiny bitch.) Anyway his question is he wants his gamertag and score unbanned because he's really sorry for playing forza before release date. And of course the xbl guys shut him down.

So I'm standing on the tracks and in front of walks forza boy. I actually almost said something to him but something in my head thought it was a bad idea.

He walks to a group of three on my left. Two Guy and a girl. We're five mins from boarding. One guys says to forza boy, "where's your brother?". Forza boy says, "I don't know. I haven't been able to find him.". They start talking about this and I'm listening cause I'm just thinking they lost a travel mate.

About 20 seconds into their conversation. A middle aged man, probably mid 40s, walks up out of no where and grabs forza boy and his talking mate strongly by both arms. The man starts pilling them go the back of the track. They're both startled but the man starts telling them, "Relax. Relax. Don't resisit."

Just them. Another guy in a black jacket walks up and grabs the girl and the other guy strongly by the arm. "Do you know this kid," he asked while motioning his head to Forza boy.

Of course all four of them are startled. So the kid held by the second guy asks, "Whats going on?" where he replies, "I'm a cop. How do you know this guy?"

i didn't hear what the guy said next but he asked, "Can you explain to me what this is all about?" Where the cop says, "You're gonna have to come with me." Then they get forcibly removed from the terminal a split second behind the first pair.

I don't know what the he'll forza boy did. But he just screwed his friends into missing their train.

I am so glad my intuition guided me into not saying anything or the cops coulda thought I was with him and they might have tried to snatch me.[/QUOTE]

Are you fucking serious? :rofl:
I didn't see any.

I didn't get any swag. I got a crappy pokemon figurine at the joystiq podcast.

The only good swag I saw was the skateboards they had. But I didn't really want any of the crap they had. It was amazing the number of people loaded down with shitty merchandise.
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