The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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[quote name='Stevothepro']Picked up a ps3 80gb blockbuster bundle for $285 after taxes. Its a good deal, especially for those that missed out on the target $100 coupon thing. The bundle comes with a 80 Gb ps3,the official ps3 remote control, HDMI cable, Transformers-the game,a blu-ray movie, I think its an adam sandler movie but the 12 week rental card supposedly does not work(i forgot to try)[/QUOTE]

If its the BC 4 usb port 80gb, then ya , it was a decent deal. If not then...well ya know.
[quote name='CaoPi']anyone flipped anything yet?[/QUOTE]

I posted soem good flips on pg 21.

Guess it's a bit ymmv on prices. One store had New Carnival Games for $19.99 but I tried to ring it up anyways, the second copy was marked as 14.99 and I didn't even notice, so could have gotten them both cheap.
Chickened out though before I didn' t know how much more credit I needed and didn't want to overspend.
The first store I went to the guy said everything was returnable.
The second the guy said only it there was a problem with it.

14.99 / 2 is still a good price for KH though if you want to keep it not flip. I really wanted to keep that one but just have too many games atm unplayed. :(
Never played a KH game until a few days ago when i started chain of memories for GBA, loving it so far.
[quote name='LordSMVS']I'll do a more throughout inspection and cleaning this weekend before I make another trip back. Maybe I'll get at least some of them to work. Hopefully, it's just me.[/QUOTE]

Crap, I completely forgot to even test mine! I find that about 1/3 of the games I get from my closest BBV either don't work, or work but the middle ring is chipped or cracked (and therefore I don't want to take a chance with it in my XBox).
[quote name='foreinter']Is the xbox point card in plastic wrap or the regular card you need to scratch the code?[/QUOTE]

Its inside the plastic thing.
[quote name='knightsdwn']So where does a CAG get replacement manuals? I'm sure I am not the only one that's OCD about their gaming collections but these BBV sales are way too good to pass up on cheapo incomplete games.[/QUOTE]You might be able to get them from BBV. I asked for spare manuals a while back and below were the responses from 3 different BBV managers at 3 different locations:
* "Sorry, we can't give those away."
* [pulls stack from drawer] "Sure. Pick out whichever ones you want, you can have them."
* "Just go look through the rentals for the manuals. If you see any you want, let me know and you can have them."

Goes w/o saying, YMMV.
Please forgive the following rant. I had to get it out of my system.

What is the deal with these idiots who ask you what you're planning on doing with the games that you buy? For example, "Are you trading them to Gamestop?" Who the hell cares what I'm doing with them! :bomb:

I'm paying in cash to buy games that your employer desperately needs to sell. Instead of being happy that you are still employed at one of the remaining BBVs, you want to be Mr. I'm-SO-smart condescending guy? Really? Just be happy that you may continue to have a job for a longer period of time because your employer is bringing in money.

And, BBV is on the verge of extinction. Gamestop is a massive profit machine. If they want to help me help your employer by taking games from me then smile and shut the hell up. :whistle2:#

I've said a million times that Hawaiiboy is awesome. But the reality is that Hawaiiboy is a dedicated employee. I get the sense that Hawaiiboy would do well at just about any job because he cares about his work. Employees like the one I'm referring to are more concerned about thinking they are smart than they are about actually conducting themselves intelligently.

End Rant.
[quote name='bgame2']Please forgive the following rant. I had to get it out of my system.

What is the deal with these idiots who ask you what you're planning on doing with the games that you buy? For example, "Are you trading them to Gamestop?" Who the hell cares what I'm doing with them! :bomb:

I'm paying in cash to buy games that your employer desperately needs to sell. Instead of being happy that you are still employed at one of the remaining BBVs, you want to be Mr. I'm-SO-smart condescending guy? Really? Just be happy that you may continue to have a job for a longer period of time because your employer is bringing in money.

And, BBV is on the verge of extinction. Gamestop is a massive profit machine. If they want to help me help your employer by taking games from me then smile and shut the hell up. :whistle2:#

I've said a million times that Hawaiiboy is awesome. But the reality is that Hawaiiboy is a dedicated employee. I get the sense that Hawaiiboy would do well at just about any job because he cares about his work. Employees like the one I'm referring to are more concerned about thinking they are smart than they are about actually conducting themselves intelligently.

End Rant.[/QUOTE]

Just tell them it's for you and friends.
I was actually surprised nobody said anything when i was buying/trading 4 copies of fallout.

All someone said to me was the gamestop guy as he was handing me the ps3. "You don't want to keep the ps3 games?"
[quote name='bgame2']Please forgive the following rant. I had to get it out of my system.

What is the deal with these idiots who ask you what you're planning on doing with the games that you buy? For example, "Are you trading them to Gamestop?" Who the hell cares what I'm doing with them! :bomb:

I'm paying in cash to buy games that your employer desperately needs to sell. Instead of being happy that you are still employed at one of the remaining BBVs, you want to be Mr. I'm-SO-smart condescending guy? Really? Just be happy that you may continue to have a job for a longer period of time because your employer is bringing in money.

And, BBV is on the verge of extinction. Gamestop is a massive profit machine. If they want to help me help your employer by taking games from me then smile and shut the hell up. :whistle2:#

I've said a million times that Hawaiiboy is awesome. But the reality is that Hawaiiboy is a dedicated employee. I get the sense that Hawaiiboy would do well at just about any job because he cares about his work. Employees like the one I'm referring to are more concerned about thinking they are smart than they are about actually conducting themselves intelligently.

End Rant.[/QUOTE]
:lol::applause: Well said. I've been asked by numerous employees at different chains(BBV, GS, etc) what kinda 'scam' I'm running that week when I'm buying up some product of theirs.:roll:

I guess when most of their customers are ignorant mouthbreathers it's a shock to see an educated consumer come in and ONLY go after the real deals.;) Of course, the employees at those chains only ever saw me when there was a decent deal or money to be made off of it.
[quote name='bgame2']Please forgive the following rant. I had to get it out of my system.

What is the deal with these idiots who ask you what you're planning on doing with the games that you buy? For example, "Are you trading them to Gamestop?" Who the hell cares what I'm doing with them! :bomb:

I'm paying in cash to buy games that your employer desperately needs to sell. Instead of being happy that you are still employed at one of the remaining BBVs, you want to be Mr. I'm-SO-smart condescending guy? Really? Just be happy that you may continue to have a job for a longer period of time because your employer is bringing in money.

And, BBV is on the verge of extinction. Gamestop is a massive profit machine. If they want to help me help your employer by taking games from me then smile and shut the hell up. :whistle2:#

I've said a million times that Hawaiiboy is awesome. But the reality is that Hawaiiboy is a dedicated employee. I get the sense that Hawaiiboy would do well at just about any job because he cares about his work. Employees like the one I'm referring to are more concerned about thinking they are smart than they are about actually conducting themselves intelligently.

End Rant.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what or how many games you bought, but if someone's buying 8 copies of Fallout NV, what's the clerk supposed to say? It's clear that you will be trading/flipping those games, so it's not really the worst thing for the clerk to notice that and crack a joke. If they stop you from buying them, that's something else, but it's hard not to admit that it looks strange when someone buys in that bulk. Some of these employees may be asking because they want to do the same thing themselves down the road.

Can't believe I just defended a BB employee...
[quote name='Plastics']I don't know what or how many games you bought, but if someone's buying 8 copies of Fallout NV, what's the clerk supposed to say? It's clear that you will be trading/flipping those games, so it's not really the worst thing for the clerk to notice that and crack a joke. If they stop you from buying them, that's something else, but it's hard not to admit that it looks strange when someone buys in that bulk. Some of these employees may be asking because they want to do the same thing themselves down the road.

Can't believe I just defended a BB employee...[/QUOTE]

A joke is fine, but the employees should just be happy that 8 games were just sold.
[quote name='Plastics']I don't know what or how many games you bought, but if someone's buying 8 copies of Fallout NV, what's the clerk supposed to say? It's clear that you will be trading/flipping those games, so it's not really the worst thing for the clerk to notice that and crack a joke. If they stop you from buying them, that's something else, but it's hard not to admit that it looks strange when someone buys in that bulk. Some of these employees may be asking because they want to do the same thing themselves down the road.

Can't believe I just defended a BB employee...[/QUOTE]

i completely agree with you...I've too been in situations where I've been "harassed" by an employee (never had 1 downright deny the sale though)....but if all the clerk asked was if you were trading them into gamestop....then what's the big deal? perhaps he was just considering doing the same and was just guaging if it would be a good thing to do by asking you?.....I've had a gamestop manager literally shouting in a store at me inquiring if I was reselling because I bough 3 copies of 2 different games during one of their sales where the power saver sale on used games stacked with the buy 2 get 1 free right before christmas when the store was packed....i just downplayed it and was like wtf dude? it's right before xmas....perhaps their christmas gifts?......I could only imagine the hissy fit he would have if I ever bought anything in larger quantities.
[quote name='bgame2']Please forgive the following rant. I had to get it out of my system.

What is the deal with these idiots who ask you what you're planning on doing with the games that you buy? For example, "Are you trading them to Gamestop?" Who the hell cares what I'm doing with them! :bomb:

I'm paying in cash to buy games that your employer desperately needs to sell. Instead of being happy that you are still employed at one of the remaining BBVs, you want to be Mr. I'm-SO-smart condescending guy? Really? Just be happy that you may continue to have a job for a longer period of time because your employer is bringing in money.

And, BBV is on the verge of extinction. Gamestop is a massive profit machine. If they want to help me help your employer by taking games from me then smile and shut the hell up. :whistle2:#

I've said a million times that Hawaiiboy is awesome. But the reality is that Hawaiiboy is a dedicated employee. I get the sense that Hawaiiboy would do well at just about any job because he cares about his work. Employees like the one I'm referring to are more concerned about thinking they are smart than they are about actually conducting themselves intelligently.

End Rant.[/QUOTE]

Everyone knows flipping is wrong, you know you're taking deals away from others so why cry about it when someone notices what you do? If you're flipping you should automatically know what's coming you're way. I've talked to a lot of blockbuster employees and a lot of them bring up flippers when I tell them I love these sales, they know what you guys do and just like pretty much everyone else they don't think much of it. What you're doing is shitty and underhanded, don't expect people to give you praise for it.

I've given up on trying to fight the flippers on this site but either stop being an asshole or if you're going to be one stop crying about it when someone calls you on it.
[quote name='Plastics']I don't know what or how many games you bought, but if someone's buying 8 copies of Fallout NV, what's the clerk supposed to say? It's clear that you will be trading/flipping those games, so it's not really the worst thing for the clerk to notice that and crack a joke. If they stop you from buying them, that's something else, but it's hard not to admit that it looks strange when someone buys in that bulk. Some of these employees may be asking because they want to do the same thing themselves down the road.

Can't believe I just defended a BB employee...[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's obvious that the person is going to do something besides play them all. I don't see the problem with a joke. Some of the people in here act like if the employees are asking them for their social security number or something of that nature.
First I want to say I hate you guys. I went to my local blockbuster looking to score a deal. Unfortunately I own Fallout New Vegas, and I don't want Tiger Woods 09 or NCAA Football 10. That's not why I hate you though. So when I left there was a bus or something on fire half a block from where I live. I'm going the other way so it doesn't matter to me. On the way back I get a block from my house and find out it's an 18 wheeler and they blocked the area off because of a chemical spill. Right now I'm waiting to go home.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Everyone knows flipping is wrong, you know you're taking deals away from others so why cry about it when someone notices what you do? If you're flipping you should automatically know what's coming you're way. I've talked to a lot of blockbuster employees and a lot of them bring up flippers when I tell them I love these sales, they know what you guys do and just like pretty much everyone else they don't think much of it. What you're doing is shitty and underhanded, don't expect people to give you praise for it.

I've given up on trying to fight the flippers on this site but either stop being an asshole or if you're going to be one stop crying about it when someone calls you on it.[/QUOTE]


Flipping doesn't take a deal from anyone, just gives you a deal somewhere else.
Sure buying $800 worth and clearing out the store is greedy, but snagging what you need to get something you want elsewhere shouldn't set off such a silly rage.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Everyone knows flipping is wrong, you know you're taking deals away from others so why cry about it when someone notices what you do? If you're flipping you should automatically know what's coming you're way. I've talked to a lot of blockbuster employees and a lot of them bring up flippers when I tell them I love these sales, they know what you guys do and just like pretty much everyone else they don't think much of it. What you're doing is shitty and underhanded, don't expect people to give you praise for it.

I've given up on trying to fight the flippers on this site but either stop being an asshole or if you're going to be one stop crying about it when someone calls you on it.[/QUOTE]

get over yourself, and stop presenting your morals as facts. We live in a capitalitic society, if you don't like that.....well too bad, that sucks for you. You are just looking for someone to blame for you not getting whatever game it is for whatever price it is you wanted and/or just jealous of the credit flippers are able to make during these sales.
[quote name='ev1lg00dguy']:lol:

Flipping doesn't take a deal from anyone, just gives you a deal somewhere else.
Sure buying $800 worth and clearing out the store is greedy, but snagging what you need to get something you want elsewhere shouldn't set off such a silly rage.[/QUOTE]

Your link failed you. The first thing that shows up is this

Buy Low, Sell High: You Are Stupid
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Everyone knows flipping is wrong, you know you're taking deals away from others so why cry about it when someone notices what you do? If you're flipping you should automatically know what's coming you're way. I've talked to a lot of blockbuster employees and a lot of them bring up flippers when I tell them I love these sales, they know what you guys do and just like pretty much everyone else they don't think much of it. What you're doing is shitty and underhanded, don't expect people to give you praise for it.

I've given up on trying to fight the flippers on this site but either stop being an asshole or if you're going to be one stop crying about it when someone calls you on it.[/QUOTE]

I bought 4 total games during the purchase I'm referring to:

2 Fallouts for the 360
and 2 Wii games

How is it that Shitty and underhanded? There were no less than 20 fallouts still there and at least 4 copies of each wii game left. The sale has been going on for several days and ends on Monday so who am I taking deals away from and I tend to think that BBV would rather have me buy games today in cash than wait for the alleged customer who is going to be coming by at some point to potentially buy these games. There is nothing underhanded about my 4 game purchase.

Relatedly, I'm not "crying" about it. The guy who commented was not even the CSR ringing me up.
[quote name='ev1lg00dguy']:lol:

Flipping doesn't take a deal from anyone, just gives you a deal somewhere else.
Sure buying $800 worth and clearing out the store is greedy, but snagging what you need to get something you want elsewhere shouldn't set off such a silly rage.[/QUOTE]

Dress it up however you want, it's greedy and wrong. CAG exists only because other members are willing to post these excellent deals. How many times in this thread or others have people come up empty handed. A large portion of this is because people hoard for their own personal gain.

I'm not enraged by the flipping, I'm enraged by the fact that he had to come here and rant because someone called him on his wrong deed.
There's a difference between an employee genuinely asking, cracking a joke, and being an outright smartass about something though.
[quote name='jdb230']get over yourself, and stop presenting your morals as facts. We live in a capitalitic society, if you don't like that.....well too bad, that sucks for you. You are just looking for someone to blame for you not getting whatever game it is for whatever price it is you wanted and/or just jealous of the credit flippers are able to make during these sales.[/QUOTE]

How am I jealous? I've come across tons of games that I know are worth more at gamestop. There's no jealousy here, I have the exact ability to do what you do I just choose not to.

Let me guess you're the kind of person that cries foul when one of our deals hit's slickdeals.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Everyone knows flipping is wrong, you know you're taking deals away from others so why cry about it when someone notices what you do? If you're flipping you should automatically know what's coming you're way. I've talked to a lot of blockbuster employees and a lot of them bring up flippers when I tell them I love these sales, they know what you guys do and just like pretty much everyone else they don't think much of it. What you're doing is shitty and underhanded, don't expect people to give you praise for it.

I've given up on trying to fight the flippers on this site but either stop being an asshole or if you're going to be one stop crying about it when someone calls you on it.[/QUOTE]

So I'm just curious. Then flipping a house is also wrong? As is flipping a car? Or scanning "free" listings on Craigslist and flipping that stuff? I fail to see what's any different here. Yes I'd say there's a limit to being courteous, sure, but I don't think most (not all, but most) of the flippers her push it THAT far.
WHEN DID BLOCKBUSTER STOP TAKING GIFT CARDS? I went today to get some 5 for $20 BD's or B1G1 Free and use the rest of my Value Card, and they said NOPE. I was a bit upset. They did have about 10 copies of New Vegas, but I passed anyways....I was not a big fan of Fallout, no time for it really.
[quote name='JKSonic']So I'm just curious. Then flipping a house is also wrong? As is flipping a car? Or scanning "free" listings on Craigslist and flipping that stuff? I fail to see what's any different here. Yes I'd say there's a limit to being courteous, sure, but I don't think most (not all, but most) of the flippers her push it THAT far.[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming you mean by flipping a house and a car you're talking about people that actually put work into these houses and car's. Are you guys recoding the games, making them better and then flipping for a profit? It's not exactly the same thing is it?
[quote name='simpsonps121']Dumb question - But why would you buy 8 copies of New Vegas? It is only trading in for $8 at Gamestop....[/QUOTE]

Gamestop has a 40% extra coupon right now, as well as a "trade in 3 get $10 deal".

Say you buy 4 NV's, you spend essentially $30. 4 x 8 is $32 but add in the extra $10 and it's $42. Or, add in the extra 40% and it's about $44. Then, add in the extra 10% for PuR members and you're spending $30 and making about $48. Not much no, but $18 profit is $18 profit, right?
Guys, I didn't mean to start a debate. Let's not piss iO off at all of us for discussing it in the thread. Let's just all agree to disagree and drop the flipping debate.
[quote name='JKSonic']So I'm just curious. Then flipping a house is also wrong? As is flipping a car? Or scanning "free" listings on Craigslist and flipping that stuff? I fail to see what's any different here. Yes I'd say there's a limit to being courteous, sure, but I don't think most (not all, but most) of the flippers her push it THAT far.[/QUOTE]

Flipping one or two games is no big deal, but when people buy everything to resell it becomes douchey. You're taking advantage of the sale eventually sales like this will cease to exist once they realize all they are doing is helping people stock their ebay store.

Flipping is frowned upon here because snatching everything up ruins the good faith between gamers. Then coming here and bragging you bought everything and sold it to a store that is going to mark it up 100% aggravates people who wanted to purchase games to play them.

[quote name='JKSonic']Gamestop has a 40% extra coupon right now, as well as a "trade in 3 get $10 deal".

Say you buy 4 NV's, you spend essentially $30. 4 x 8 is $32 but add in the extra $10 and it's $42. Or, add in the extra 40% and it's about $44. Then, add in the extra 10% for PuR members and you're spending $30 and making about $48. Not much no, but $18 profit is $18 profit, right?[/QUOTE]

I thought GS wouldn't take multiples of the same game
[quote name='silentevil']Flipping one or two games is no big deal, but when people buy everything to resell it becomes douchey. You're taking advantage of the sale eventually sales like this will cease to exist once they realize all they are doing is helping people stock their ebay store.

Flipping is frowned upon here because snatching everything up ruins the good faith between gamers. Then coming here and bragging you bought everything and sold it to a store that is going to mark it up 100% aggravates people who wanted to purchase games to play them.[/QUOTE]

Flipping isn't officially frowned upon here. It's something that individuals may frown upon, but cheapyd has said that there isn't a policy against flipping talk.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean its right. And vice versa.
I think when someone buys 10 copies of New Vegas they know theyre being dicks to other people who would actually buy a copy for themselves and play it instead of selling it somewhere else for a profit.
Its the willingness of pushing through that feeling, thats what makes you a dick or not.

But people have different morals, so whatever. Thats just me. Ive never flipped games before. I just like buying games for cheap. Thats why im here. Not to make a profit or get things for free. These "businessmen" kind of ruin the spirit of it.
I guess my point would be, is anybody having trouble finding FO:NV? Cuz that's what I'm reading as teh #1 flipped game, and from what I've seen/heard everyones finding 10-15 copies at their stores. No ones missing out on playing that one...
[quote name='exileinoblivion']I'm assuming you mean by flipping a house and a car you're talking about people that actually put work into these houses and car's. Are you guys recoding the games, making them better and then flipping for a profit? It's not exactly the same thing is it?[/QUOTE]

I would guess less than half of people actually put work into the houses or cars. And even out of them, only a small amount actually do the work themselves, most use contractors.

The ONLY reason it can be considered wrong or shady is if you go in and buy out ALL the copies and do so on a fairly regular turn screwing over other gamers. People who go in a buy a few copies now and then, and especial those that leave copies left for other people, are fine in my book.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']How am I jealous? I've come across tons of games that I know are worth more at gamestop. There's no jealousy here, I have the exact ability to do what you do I just choose not to.

Let me guess you're the kind of person that cries foul when one of our deals hit's slickdeals.[/QUOTE]

lmao, you couldn't be any more wrong... I love slickdeals, and have taken flack before for posting a deal I've seen on here to slickdeals. Boths sites are good, but CAG is a bit better for video game related deals.
[quote name='silentevil']Flipping one or two games is no big deal, but when people buy everything to resell it becomes douchey. You're taking advantage of the sale eventually sales like this will cease to exist once they realize all they are doing is helping people stock their ebay store.

Flipping is frowned upon here because snatching everything up ruins the good faith between gamers. Then coming here and bragging you bought everything and sold it to a store that is going to mark it up 100% aggravates people who wanted to purchase games to play them.[/QUOTE]

This is all I'm trying to say. Everyone know's there a line were this becomes morally wrong. CAG exists because of other cags, these deals don't magically appear. Other members post them to help other members out. Flipping at large volumes takes away from the exact people that help you get the deal in the first place. If you're going to do it, don't expect a pat on the back from everyone.
[quote name='bgame2']Guys, I didn't mean to start a debate. Let's not piss iO off at all of us for discussing it in the thread. Let's just all agree to disagree and drop the flipping debate.[/QUOTE]

Alright, I'm done. I forgot how much IO hates the flip debate in this thread.
[quote name='silentevil']Your link failed you. The first thing that shows up is this

Buy Low, Sell High: You Are Stupid[/QUOTE]

Yeah I saw that and thought it was pretty funny. The article is just a silly rant though with nothing of interest. Has a semi-valid point though when referring to stocks. You can't just try and buy low and sell high with stocks and expect to make money. Unless you're buying at a discount and selling immediately for guaranteed gain.
You could call this flipping stock, it's a very common practice and a great way to make some extra money if your company provides you with the option.

Likely when they went bankrupt all gift cards went to $0 balance.

8$ base, +10% power up rewards +40% bonus from coupon gives you $12 which is the same as amazon.

Edit: Missed a lot of posts in between typing. Fair enough on the stop of flip discussion.
I do agree with the clearing out the store being wrong exile, but when done in moderation I just see it as transferring the sale to another location.
[quote name='JKSonic']So I'm just curious. Then flipping a house is also wrong? As is flipping a car? Or scanning "free" listings on Craigslist and flipping that stuff? I fail to see what's any different here. Yes I'd say there's a limit to being courteous, sure, but I don't think most (not all, but most) of the flippers her push it THAT far.[/QUOTE]

Buying a single house and reselling it for a profit is okay. Buying an entire block of houses knowing someone else wanted one of those houses then selling that house to someone for 25% profit who is going to sell it for double what you bought it for is being a douche.

What people aren't understanding is the issue with flipping is that you are giving the stores the ability to screw consumers. If you guys were smart you would just sell your games here for cash.
[quote name='silentevil']Flipping one or two games is no big deal, but when people buy everything to resell it becomes douchey. You're taking advantage of the sale eventually sales like this will cease to exist once they realize all they are doing is helping people stock their ebay store.

Flipping is frowned upon here because snatching everything up ruins the good faith between gamers. Then coming here and bragging you bought everything and sold it to a store that is going to mark it up 100% aggravates people who wanted to purchase games to play them.

I thought GS wouldn't take multiples of the same game[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I'm trying to say...flippers who take it to the EXTREME know what they're doing. But trying to make some extra cash is no big deal to me. A lot of people seem to be overlooking the fact that if somebody goes through that much trouble to flip though, they probably need the cash.

GS will sometimes take multiple copies, it's ymmv from what I understand. However I have 3 GS's within a 7mile radius from my house so it would be pretty easy just to hit them all up. I don't think they have a "so many of one game over a certain amount of time" policy like BB and Amazon do.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Alright, I'm done. I forgot how much IO hates the flip debate in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Anyone else find it funny how it always seems to be the ones preaching on their soap boxes of how something is "morally" wrong and ridiculing others which starts these debates (whether it be flipping or the big no no "return fraud" lol) are always the first ones to say ok "let's not argue.....this isn't what cag is about...." ?
[quote name='jdb230']Anyone else find it funny how it always seems to be the ones preaching on their soap boxes of how something is "morally" wrong and ridiculing others which starts these debates (whether it be flipping or the big no no "return fraud" lol) are always the first ones to say ok "let's not argue.....this isn't what cag is about...." ?[/QUOTE]

Oh believe me if you want to argue we can hash this out all day through other means. But the same way that I respect fellow cags enough not to steal up all the good deals and leave none for them I respect the mods enough that are going to have to clean up this mess. Someone pointed that out and I'm done, I don't need to make there job worse.
[quote name='silentevil']Buying a single house and reselling it for a profit is okay. Buying an entire block of houses knowing someone else wanted one of those houses then selling that house to someone for 25% profit who is going to sell it for double what you bought it for is being a douche.

What people aren't understanding is the issue with flipping is that you are giving the stores the ability to screw consumers. If you guys were smart you would just sell your games here for cash.[/QUOTE]

Wow!!! you know there's a place, called gamestop, whose business practice is primarily to buy used games at a low price, and then turn around and turn around and resell them for atleast double most of the time?.....And guess what, they do this hundreds of thousands of times each year and make millions off of it.....

It's funny that people like you only ridicule individuals who do this (flipping) on a MUCH smaller scale though.

We live in a capitalistic society, which means people ARE going to make money by buying/selling ALL OF THE TIME. I for one take no shame in being the one to make money by flipping when the opportunity presents itself.
I'm sure glad so many people think their judgment is important on other people. Credit to those who don't care how other people judge you and have either the self confidence or self esteem to stand by their actions.

That goes for either side of the debate, I'm not picking a side.

Thanks HawaiiBoy, your contributions along with IO are nearly the only value often provided in these threads.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Oh believe me if you want to argue we can hash this out all day through other means. But the same way that I respect fellow cags enough not to steal up all the good deals and leave none for them I respect the mods enough that are going to have to clean up this mess. Someone pointed that out and I'm done, I don't need to make there job worse.[/QUOTE]

wow what a saint you are.....You come in here and insult other people and tell them what they are doing is wrong...and according to you, EVERYONE AGREES its wrong......then when people tell you are a fool, you take this stance where now you "Care" about the forum as a community and respect the mods too much to argue? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO STARTED INSULTING PEOPLE YOU FOOL!

It is people like you who continously want to exert your morals on others who bring down this community. Get off your high horse and stop judging others and the world would be a much better place.
.... If you guys were smart you would just sell your games here for cash.[/QUOTE]

If YOU were smart you'd realize many people have tried to this in the past, and have made 0 to negative profits because people lowball, don't take into account shipping/driving costs, and then say "oh, well you bought the game for X.xx, so I'll give you that much for it".
[quote name='jdb230']Wow!!! you know there's a place, called gamestop, whose business practice is primarily to buy used games at a low price, and then turn around and turn around and resell them for atleast double most of the time?.....And guess what, they do this hundreds of thousands of times each year and make millions off of it.....

It's funny that people like you only ridicule individuals who do this (flipping) on a MUCH smaller scale though.

We live in a capitalistic society, which means people ARE going to make money by buying/selling ALL OF THE TIME. I for one take no shame in being the one to make money by flipping when the opportunity presents itself.[/QUOTE]

Re-read the post you quoted. Just in case you don't understand I was speaking about people flipping to places like GS and how douchey it is. I have no problem with someone buying something and selling it for a profit, but why sell it to a company that sticks it to consumers? Like I said before, why not sell it here and make actual cash in hand? I'm done with this now. The end.
[quote name='xxjonoxx']If you want to buy the official ones,[/QUOTE]

This will do nicely. Thank you!

[quote name='eugaet']You might be able to get them from BBV. I asked for spare manuals a while back and below were the responses from 3 different BBV managers at 3 different locations:
* "Sorry, we can't give those away."
* [pulls stack from drawer] "Sure. Pick out whichever ones you want, you can have them."
* "Just go look through the rentals for the manuals. If you see any you want, let me know and you can have them."

Goes w/o saying, YMMV.[/QUOTE]

I usually ask the BBV employees if they have the manuals set aside somewhere but I found out it's basically what you see is what you get.
bread's done