The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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I don't think anyone is going to begrudge someone for flipping an extra copy of something if there's several of them up for purchase. But if there's 5 copies and you buy all 5 to flip, then you're just being a greedy dick and giving the finger to anyone else in the area who wanted the games to, you know, play. If you don't like people ripping into you if you do that, then don't come here waving your dick around boasting about it. Just keep it to yourself. It's pretty simple.
I think people look at these things too microscopically. In other words, from a business point of view, the more revenue these sales generate, the more likely blockbuster may be to run them in the future. So perhaps (speaking as devil's advocate) people are getting the opportunity to find what they want in these sales because others bought multiple copies of games (to flip or for whatever reason) during this and other previous sales.
In terms of the economy you would think that flipping probably helps things. If a customer goes and buys all of the Falllout New Vegas from Blockbuster for $7.50 each then that limits the supply and in turn GameStop will probably sell a copy for $17.99. It helps Gamestop in the sense that it drives the business to them, and it probably hurts Blockbuster because the customers looking for that game won't find it and it will decrease the reliability of that brand for the consumer. In the end, both Blockbuster and GameStop make their money on the deal which pays their employees salary another day.
[quote name='PhoenixAZ']In terms of the economy you would think that flipping probably helps things. If a customer goes and buys all of the Falllout New Vegas from Blockbuster for $7.50 each then that limits the supply and in turn GameStop will probably sell a copy for $17.99. It helps Gamestop in the sense that it drives the business to them, and it probably hurts Blockbuster because the customers looking for that game won't find it and it will decrease the reliability of that brand for the consumer. In the end, both Blockbuster and GameStop make their money on the deal which pays their employees salary another day.[/QUOTE]

I agree. In fact, I think flippers should get tax breaks because they stimulate job growth. It's trickle down at its finest.

Flip/not to flip debate rages on. More news at 10.

Thanks for the price drops hawaiiboy, even though nothing new became eligible for the sale.
I think if the sale started on Tuesday and you go in today and buy games to flip it should be ok. For anyone that wanted to purchase games from BBV they would have purchased what they wanted by now.
[quote name='str8gamer23']All these people flipping games to gamestop, should be banned. You are truly anti- cheap ass gamers. I bought Wii- Mario Galaxy 1 (last one), Metal Slug, and Force Unleashed 2 . Then I had to drive a few extra miles to find some decent PS3 games (Grid, Force Unleased 1, Fallout) I sold one game to a friend for 5 bucks. I bet its because of dirty flippers, that the pickens are so slim this time around. IN my opinion, you suck.[/QUOTE]
I seen lots of galaxys and fire emblems. I am a flipper, but I left a few fire emblems and I no kids like marios so I didn't touch them. I did get 3 out of 7 fire emblems though. I got tons of fallout NV cause there was like 30 for xbox and like 50 fall outs for ps3, (count 3 stores). Its weird though cause I went to a different blockbuster so avoid clearing out all the good titles and want fallouts cause they are abundant. It said 24.99, but everywhere there are 14.99. I seen punch out also and thats 14.99 along with zelda tw and mario 64 ds. I ask here to check prices and she said prices on sticker. I said can't be, cheaper everywhere else. She scanned them & said see same price. all was 24.99. not sure if she was a a** hole or some use different systems.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']Does what include movies or just games?[/QUOTE]

The update that you get that shows the price drops, is it just for games or movies as well?
[quote name='bgame2']I think people look at these things too microscopically. In other words, from a business point of view, the more revenue these sales generate, the more likely blockbuster may be to run them in the future. So perhaps (speaking as devil's advocate) people are getting the opportunity to find what they want in these sales because others bought multiple copies of games (to flip or for whatever reason) during this and other previous sales.[/QUOTE]

Alternatively, maybe BBV is hoping that normal customers come in for the sale, buy some games, maybe buy some pre-viewed movies, and, better yet, sign up for an account and rent some movies.

I highly doubt that BBV is hoping that flippers/re-sellers run in, buy all the sale games, and leave without looking at anything else. If they only wanted to clear out old rental inventory to a reseller, there are much easier ways of doing that than sending hundreds of games to each individual store.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']
In case anyone wants the price drops it's
Bulletstorm $29.99
Dead space 2 $29.99
NCAA football 11 $19.99
Both systems.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the update, but BOOOOOOOO!!! :bomb:

I was really hoping for a Dead Rising 2 price drop! Fallout NV came out about a month after DR2 and it's already down to $15. Then again with the price that DR 1 is still set at I'm not sure if it will ever drop.
Pour some lotion on it. Massage it in real nice. Give it a rub-down followed by a scrub-down and everything ends up alright.
Thanks for the update Hawaiiboy; too bad Dead Rising 2 and SWFU2 didn't drop to $15 for the sale, those were the main things I was looking forward to hopefully getting.
So when you're flipping the Fallout NV.. where do you flip it to get the best profit? Obviously nobody where I live follows this site luckily so theres tons of games left even today
[quote name='neoKEN']Would think there would be more copies of Alan Wake floating around Blockbusters, given how Alan Wake is included as a 360 bundled last year.[/QUOTE]

It was only bundled as a downloadable title, not a game in a case, sadly. : (

Thanks to HB for the list (I guess BBV is too smart to lower anything to the $15 mark this weekend). Dead Space 2 for $30 is... meh, especially since I'm pretty sure you need the online pass for the multiplayer ($10 extra anyways), same thing with Bulletstorm, actually. Blah price-drop weekend.

@ GirlsRwhatever

Amazon's TIV last time I checked was $12, and GS' base TIV value I think is $8 so with the 50% bonus they're offering, it's $12 too. Pick your poison, I guess.
[quote name='TheHelix']*Yawn*

Flip/not to flip debate rages on. More news at 10.[/QUOTE]
:lol::applause: I just get a kick outta the fact that neither side can keep their pieholes shut for very long on this.
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol::applause: I just get a kick outta the fact that neither side can keep their pieholes shut for very long on this. [/QUOTE]

And every time you mention this you follow with your own diatribe.
Shitty deals compared to last time they had this sale. Enslaved for 35 bucks? UFC 2 thousand and fucking 9 for 30? The only thing they had for 14.99 was Iron Man 2.
Now it's my turn to bitch and moan... Do the non-flippers think they are going to change the flippers minds? Do the flippers think they are going to change the non-flippers minds? Just mind you own business and please STFU. :p

It's a free country and all you're doing is making people skim through the thread to find significant posts from Hawaiiboy, io, and others who make meaningful and informative contributions.
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']Now it's my turn to bitch and moan... Do the non-flippers think they are going to change the flippers minds? Do the flippers think they are going to change the non-flippers minds? Just mind you own business and please STFU. :p

It's a free country and all you're doing is making people skim through the thread to find significant posts from Hawaiiboy, io, and others who make meaningful and informative contributions.[/QUOTE]
I didn't check back after my last post administering the atomic wedgie to the self-righteous Ferengi who make life miserable for others with their selfish greed, so if y'all lit me up with bogus outrage, you wasted your time. Haters will hate. Yawn....

Anyhoo, my friend did me a solid and salvaged the data off a hard drive that I'd thought dead, so I wanted to hook his unemployed broke-ass broke ass up with Fallout New Vegas and went to my local store. There weren't as many copies as last time, probably due to the Flipping fuckers, but I was then stuck looking for a second game. I could've just grabbed another copy of FONV and recouped all but $3.89 of my money by being a hypocrite, but I finally found Resistance 2 (original case, no manual) to make the twofer; so I got that for my exponentially expanding backlog pile.
[quote name='TheCro']Shitty deals compared to last time they had this sale. Enslaved for 35 bucks? UFC 2 thousand and fucking 9 for 30? The only thing they had for 14.99 was Iron Man 2.[/QUOTE]

Umm . . . . . . . .
[quote name='BobbyTastic']You're not helping....

And neither is the guy I'm quoting here.:roll:
[quote name='DirkBelig']I didn't check back after my last post administering the atomic wedgie to the self-righteous Ferengi who make life miserable for others with their selfish greed, so if y'all lit me up with bogus outrage, you wasted your time. Haters will hate. Yawn....

Anyhoo, my friend did me a solid and salvaged the data off a hard drive that I'd thought dead, so I wanted to hook his unemployed broke-ass broke ass up with Fallout New Vegas and went to my local store. There weren't as many copies as last time, probably due to the Flipping fuckers, but I was then stuck looking for a second game. I could've just grabbed another copy of FONV and recouped all but $3.89 of my money by being a hypocrite, but I finally found Resistance 2 (original case, no manual) to make the twofer; so I got that for my exponentially expanding backlog pile.[/QUOTE]
Cool story bro. How about a new one? Those insults are tired and boring.

As for flippers being self righteous, the anti flipping crowd seems to think they're perfect, but if you sell so much as one of those games you bought after beating them then you're no better either.
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[quote name='TheCro']Shitty deals compared to last time they had this sale. Enslaved for 35 bucks? UFC 2 thousand and fucking 9 for 30? The only thing they had for 14.99 was Iron Man 2.[/QUOTE]

Yeah what do you mean? Enslaved was 14.99 used or 8 with B1G1. Me personally am really glad for this sale. Been waiting on Enslaved for a good price. Glad I didnt bite on GS B2G1.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
As for flippers being self righteous, the anti flipping crowd seems to think they're perfect, but if you sell so much as one of those games you bought after beating them then you're no better either.[/QUOTE]
I personally dont care whos doing what with each game, but I would prefer to not flat out know they're flipping (if that makes sense). However I disagree with this statement. The whole point to buying a game without flipping is to get something you wanted to play for less. Like I would be more than happy to rebeat Bayonetta for 5, but I couldnt find one. While I might sell it later on... flipping is all about the quick return and is only profit driven.
[quote name='admiralvic']I personally dont care whos doing what with each game, but I would prefer to not flat out know they're flipping (if that makes sense). However I disagree with this statement. The whole point to buying a game without flipping is to get something you wanted to play for less. Like I would be more than happy to rebeat Bayonetta for 5, but I couldnt find one. While I might sell it later on... flipping is all about the quick return and is only profit driven.[/QUOTE]

^ Third to last sentence and last sentence are more or less where I stand on this issue, and I'll say no more about the topic. Good day.

On-topic: Calling my second closest BBV to see if they have Tats. vs. Capcom, wish me luck.

No luck, trying one more store.

SUCCESS!!! I guess I'm headed for another trip (It's only 7 miles away), I might exchange RE: Umbrella Chronicles for this. I assume that's a no-brainer, lol.
[quote name='str8gamer23']All these people flipping games to gamestop, should be banned. You are truly anti- cheap ass gamers. I bought Wii- Mario Galaxy 1 (last one), Metal Slug, and Force Unleashed 2 . Then I had to drive a few extra miles to find some decent PS3 games (Grid, Force Unleased 1, Fallout) I sold one game to a friend for 5 bucks. I bet its because of dirty flippers, that the pickens are so slim this time around. IN my opinion, you suck.[/QUOTE]

If you found smg, no flipper visited that store
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom was all over the place during the last sale, but I too didn't see a single copy of it at this sale as of yet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's why I'm enjoying my little victory. I wasn't around here during the last B1G1 free sale, so I missed out.

I got them to hold it for me until the end of the day, I'm rather happy.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']You're not helping....


Can I not help too?! :D

Okay, so a bit of haulage for me today. I asked about a Wii Points card and BAM! I got one Wii Points card today. He looked for Xbox points and Live cards, but no dice unfortunately. Got a PS3 Remote for half off and an HDMI cable for half off. Only problem is the computer didn't take half off for the remote and cable. The sales guy said it'd be more difficult and requires paperwork to do a proper return and re-purchase (Hawaiiboy, enlighten us on returns and exchanges if you don't mind), so he allowed to grab $20 worth of stuff in lieu of it. Picked up New Vegas and Force Unleashed on the Wii for flipping and a couple of sodas. Sorry, if you somehow can't find either of these two games because you're angry at flippers, I have no sympathy for you. I visited two Blockbusters and these two games were available in copious amounts. Everything else that was decent however was not available or not in decent shape. Damn flippers... :lol:

My sales guy was really cool though. He let me pick and choose the best copies of the games. He also brought out two Netbooks for me to look at. Apparently also clearanced. Didn't ask about the price, but it was a 160 GB Archos Netbook.

And if you're looking for HDMI cables, I'd highly recommend picking some up at Blockbusters. They were $14.99 at my store, so I picked up one for $7.50. Even cheaper than Amazon's generic cables.
Whee 6.49 sackboys and 1.39 half liter of Mexican coke.

Oh and 50 Cent Blood on the Sand and Eternal Sonata for 6.99.
[quote name='imacgod']Can I not help too?! :D

Okay, so a bit of haulage for me today. I asked about a Wii Points card and BAM! I got one Wii Points card today. He looked for Xbox points and Live cards, but no dice unfortunately. Got a PS3 Remote for half off and an HDMI cable for half off. Only problem is the computer didn't take half off for the remote and cable. The sales guy said it'd be more difficult and requires paperwork to do a proper return and re-purchase (Hawaiiboy, enlighten us on returns and exchanges if you don't mind), so he allowed to grab $20 worth of stuff in lieu of it. Picked up New Vegas and Force Unleashed on the Wii for flipping and a couple of sodas. Sorry, if you somehow can't find either of these two games because you're angry at flippers, I have no sympathy for you. I visited two Blockbusters and these two games were available in copious amounts. Everything else that was decent however was not available or not in decent shape. Damn flippers... :lol:

My sales guy was really cool though. He let me pick and choose the best copies of the games. He also brought out two Netbooks for me to look at. Apparently also clearanced. Didn't ask about the price, but it was a 160 GB Archos Netbook.

And if you're looking for HDMI cables, I'd highly recommend picking some up at Blockbusters. They were $14.99 at my store, so I picked up one for $7.50. Even cheaper than Amazon's generic cables.[/QUOTE]

Damn, lucky you. I'm hoping for this kind of luck when I head out in a few minutes. I'll keep an eye out for some sweet cables. Is it weird that I have HawaiiBoy's post as to the clearance schedule, bookmarked? It'd be nice to pick up that 360 and that Classic Controller/Nunchuck for 75% off.
Hawaiiboy do the USB Drives, SD cards and HDMI cables count as general merchandise? One store near me had a 25ft 1.3 HDMI for 19.99 on the regular tag.

Also, I found a pretty sweet fat head type giant wall sticker of Optimus Prime that my four year old went crazy for.
The sales guy said it'd be more difficult and requires paperwork to do a proper return and re-purchase
i dont know what he was talking about as there is no paperwork required. if there was any cash back a manager would be required and you would have to sign a receipt but nothing all that difficult.

do the USB Drives, SD cards and HDMI cables count as general merchandise? One store near me had a 25ft 1.3 HDMI for 19.99 on the regular tag.

yes, they weren't initially on the markdown list but they are part of the clearance sale now. i don't know how stocked ur store is but if ur willing to wait a bit on 6/6 they go to 75% off. we have tons of sd cards and usb drives at our store so i'm gonna wait it out another week.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']i dont know what he was talking about as there is no paperwork required. if there was any cash back a manager would be required and you would have to sign a receipt but nothing all that difficult.

yes, they weren't initially on the markdown list but they are part of the clearance sale now. i don't know how stocked ur store is but if ur willing to wait a bit on 6/6 they go to 75% off. we have tons of sd cards and usb drives at our store so i'm gonna wait it out another week.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, as always, the information is appreciated. I have two remaining nearby stores. One has a ton of stuff. The other has a pretty good amount also.

Sadly, I didn't see any usb drives bigger than 4GB.
[quote name='bgame2']Thanks, as always, the information is appreciated. I have two remaining nearby stores. One has a ton of stuff. The other has a pretty good amount also.

Sadly, I didn't see any usb drives bigger than 4GB.[/QUOTE]

Make sure to ask the sales clerk. My guy pulled out a basket from behind the counter of just random stuff. I definitely saw SD cards and that was when he offered me the HDMI cables. Clearly some stores haven't put everything out quite yet, especially with all of the other merchandise they're still trying to clearance.

[quote name='hawaiiboy']i dont know what he was talking about as there is no paperwork required. if there was any cash back a manager would be required and you would have to sign a receipt but nothing all that difficult.[/QUOTE]

He was the only one working. He said he was typing some stuff up after checking my $20 worth of stuff out. Dunno. His other offer was store credit, but I wasn't so sure about how often I'd be back at Blockbusters. Oh well. Works out all the same for me I guess.
I visited a Blockbuster in Orange County CA on Katella street and the place was wiped clean. I asked the clerk if she had any more games in stock and she told me that someone hoarded all the games on the first day of the sale and claimed that he was opening a game store and needed the games. She stated that he hit up 5 areas in OC and hoarded everything except old sports title. They labeled him as "That Guy" in all 5 stores
There were several FO:NV where I live (Las Vegas).
I bought FO:NV 360, Fire Emblem RD, and two Star Wars FU II (Wii).
Flipped FO to Amazon, and the rest to Gamestop.
Spend $27, and got $49 total= $22 profit
[quote name='Abeja']Yeah what do you mean? Enslaved was 14.99 used or 8 with B1G1. Me personally am really glad for this sale. Been waiting on Enslaved for a good price. Glad I didnt bite on GS B2G1.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, it was 34.99 here. Not sure why.
[quote name='TheCro']Honestly, it was 34.99 here. Not sure why.[/QUOTE]

Did you get the price-checked or was that just what the sticker said?
BBV's trolling you!
[quote name='BobbyTastic']Did you get the price-checked or was that just what the sticker said?
BBV's trolling you![/QUOTE]

I wasn't really wanting to pick it up so I didn't check. The sticker said 34.99 and I didn't bother.
[quote name='TheCro']I wasn't really wanting to pick it up so I didn't check. The sticker said 34.99 and I didn't bother.[/QUOTE]

Copies of FO: NV were stickered @ $25 at the first BBV I went to this week, so that's probably what happened there. My rule of thumb for clearance stuff/used stuff is to always bring up everything I take an interest in and have them price-check it just in case (it takes like 5 seconds). Okay, see everyone later FOR REAL. I will post results upon return.
hawaiiboy - that unlimited rental coupon is a strange one. I saw it online (and printed it). But how does that work? Do you rent a $2.99 movie and a $1.99 movie along with it and scan the coupon to get the $1.99 taken off? But then how does the "unlimited" part work? Does it remember that promo on your account and give you free $1.99 rentals till July 4th? That just seems like something BBVs computers aren't set up to handle :lol:.

Or do you have to rent a $2.99 movie each time and use a coupon each time? That doesn't seem to be what it is implying but that seems to be the only way it would work.
hawaiiboy - that unlimited rental coupon is a strange one. I saw it online (and printed it). But how does that work? Do you rent a $2.99 movie and a $1.99 movie along with it and scan the coupon to get the $1.99 taken off? But then how does the "unlimited" part work? Does it remember that promo on your account and give you free $1.99 rentals till July 4th? That just seems like something BBVs computers aren't set up to handle

Or do you have to rent a $2.99 movie each time and use a coupon each time? That doesn't seem to be what it is implying but that seems to be the only way it would work.

you rent a $2.99 movie then they scan the coupon to activate it to your acct. then they scan the $1.99 title and then we have another barcode we scan to take off the $1.99 title.

the key part is the coupon you bring in which activates it to the acct and then a little message pops up everytime we pull up your acct. when you rent something we scan your movie and we scan our barcode to give you the free rental. no other rental is necesssary. this promo runs thru 7/4 so you could go in everyday if you want and get a free movie.
bread's done