The Get Well Soon Jerry "The King" Lawler Wrestling Thread: King OK, Going Home Soon

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[quote name='kodave']What other 3D PC wrestling titles are there?[/QUOTE]
Jesus Christ. #-o I'm talking about other people developing an indie Aki-inspired wrestling title. Look at the modding community for No Mercy. If you think this guy is the only hope of an indie developed wrestling title, you're crazy...

I gave it the thumbs up just to see what the modding community can make out of it.

I think someone else could and should do it better. Stop putting words in my mouth, stupid.

Speaking of which, I bought a some wrestling titles for the N64, recently:

- No Mercy
- Wrestlemania 2000
- (2) WCW vs. nWo Revenge
- WWF Attitude
- WWF Warzone
- ECW Something or Other
- WCW Mayhem
- WCW Backstage Assault

I played all of them last night. I never played Attitude, Warzone or the ECW title... Yeeesh. Steamy hot dog doo.

And, as you all already know, the two EA WCW titles are piss poor.

I need to reacquire a copy of World Tour so I can rip Rey Mysterio's mask off.
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[quote name='kodave']How, in all seriousness, can you not pick up on things?

Again, that's a bad video. The guy obviously doesn't have marketing skills. It shows no actual gameplay, no enemy AI in action.

Its just video clips of move after move. It shows you and tells you next to nothing about the game. Again, that's the creator's problem.

Some of the strike animations don't look very good, but all of those move animations looked pretty solid and fluid.

I bet if I fired up No Mercy, put it on two player mode with two humans but only had one playing, and then video captured moves - it would look similarly bad and unnatural.

The guy made a bad video that doesn't really show case how this can play like the old N64 games, and that's his fault because its obviously not selling some of you. But the negativity here and shitting on this guy for little to no reason is kind of astounding.

But whatever, this thread is just going to hate on anything and everything these days. Classic IWC negativity in action. Hate everything modern unless its the in thing to like at the moment, pretend like the years past shit smelled like roses.





So it's an indie title. Good for him. Wish him all the best in his future endeavors. But don't compare that crap to one of the greatest wrestling games of all time. To be blunt, if you see the next No Mercy in that, you're delusional. Stop looking for wrestling game Jesus in pieces of toast.
I had fun with Attitude when it was still new, but it definitely does not hold up. I remember being stuck in the story mode on a hardcore handicap match against The Acolytes. They'd beat the shit out of me, and every time I got up and tried to run, one of them would crack me in the head with a shovel.
Isn't it funny that, in his own mind, he's carrying a torch for indie games, yet championing WWE's corporate nature - All in the same wall of text, even. :lol:

Relax. Go listen to your Sounds of the Ocean CD.[/QUOTE]

Tell me again where a major publisher is working on a 3D wrestling game thats not THQ for WWE? Because those TNA and AAA games came out so well. Indie or not - doesn't matter to me. Forgive me for not shitting all over someone's attempt to bring a 'rasslin' game to the PC market.

[quote name='Brak']Jesus Christ. #-o I'm talking about other people developing an indie Aki-inspired wrestling title. Look at the modding community for No Mercy. If you think this guy is the only hope of an indie developed wrestling title, you're crazy...[/QUOTE]

Other than past Mat Dickie projects, this guy is the only one trying to make a traditional 3D wrestling game for the PC. In 10 years the PC hasn't seen a real retail release. In 10 years no one other than this guy and Mat Dickie have tried to fill that gap.

I gave it the thumbs up just to see what the modding community can make out of it.

I think someone else could and should do it better. Stop putting words in my mouth, stupid.
What words did I put in your mouth, stupid? You're the one that said "This guy isn't the PC's only hope, you know." and I replied with the state of PC wrestling games and how this guy is the only one doing a traditional 3D game aside from Mat Dickie, and Dickie aside he's been the only one for 10 years, and he's the only one who has a shot of making it right now. Again, if you see any news out there of indie or bigger studios even CONSIDERING traditional 3D game for the PC, I'd love to see that news so I can support them.

[quote name='BlueSwim']:roll:

So it's an indie title. Good for him. Wish him all the best in his future endeavors. But don't compare that crap to one of the greatest wrestling games of all time. To be blunt, if you see the next No Mercy in that, you're delusional. Stop looking for wrestling game Jesus in pieces of toast.[/QUOTE]

I don't think anyone is saying its the next No Mercy or its "spiritual successor." In the dude's videos he just says he's trying to capture the same fun and feel of those N64 AKI games. What made those AKI games so great? The control scheme, and in turn, the way the engine runs, that AKI implemented seems to be one of those most cited things. The second thing would probably be the CAW creations. And third would probably be the story mode which was pretty deep for its time. I don't know how this guy's story mode is going to play out or if there will even be one. But if this game controls similarly and has lots of customization options - its probably going to be FUN! Like I said before, if its close to the AKI/No Mercy setup in terms of control/enginge performance plus customization, then it stands a good chance of some degree of success. Every year, every WWE game, tons of people mention in comment sections is the N64 games and how the games since then haven't been as good. I don't expect this game to BE the next No Mercy - but I don't see the harm in supporting it, especially supporting it to get to Steam. If its good - then we all win. If its not good, then some of us will have lost a little in the way of time and money. Its a relatively low risk situation to give it some support with a possible high pay off in terms of fun and having a good wrestling game again.

[quote name='Brak']Isn't it funny that, in his own mind, he's carrying a torch for indie games, yet championing WWE's corporate nature - All in the same wall of text, even. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Well, your lack of reading comprehension is quite hilarious :applause:.

Should I use some more emoticons? :roll: \\:D/:twoguns::imwithst::applause:

I'm not carrying a torch for "indie games."

I'm carrying a torch for the possibility of getting a 3D PC wrestling game out to a super wide audience on Steam. Either way this game is coming to market - I just want to see it maximize its potential by hitting the Steam market, and all that takes is a click of a Thumbs Up button.

If this was a big name studio I'd equally want it to get out there and succeed, though I imagine a big name studio wouldn't need to through Steam Green Light to get listed on the service.

I cut this guy a break on graphics because he's just an indie developer. I'd expect better out of a big name studio with more finances and resources in the graphics department for sure. Obviously this dude isn't going to be able to put the same level of presentation into this game as THQ is putting into WWE 13. But if this guy can find success in this game, hopefully he can make even better games in the future.

And - like I said before - if this guy finds some success on Steam, maybe a big name developer of sorts would be willing to try to bring a 3D wrestling game to the PC market, whether licensed or original content. And maybe they can do it better than this indie developer, and if so - GREAT! Unfortunately, the last few attempts by TNA and AAA were subpar and those weren't even for the PC.

But hey, like I said, this thread seems to thrive on the usual discussion so lets take it back to the circle jerk of:

1) Jawn Seenya - God could they just turn him heel already? Amirite guyz? So sick of his SUPAHMAN gimmick.

2) Shame-us - Could they stop cramming Triple H's work out buddy down our throats? I mean, that Triple H guy, we all still don't like him, right? The dude will never amount to anything - lets turn him #HEEL even though his heel run was excruciatingly bad and universally panned.

3) PG - Man if Linda stopped running for office, WWE would totes go back to the Attitude Era even though they stopped that kind of stuff long before Linda Mac got plotical. I hate how WWE loves to cram POOPY down our throats. The whole PG movement obviously was a conspiracy since it started before Linda ran! STAND UP FOR WWE? NO I STAND DOWN FOR IT - even though I haven't watched it in ages and come into this thread and post "Who is So and So? Looks like a chump. But I haven't watched WWE since '04. I only watch "good" wrestling. lulz."

4) Could Boreton beat Ziggler any more? How many more times does the Ziggles need to job?!?!?!?!

How many alt account does Zen Davis have? :O

First guy I've had to ignore in a long time.

I also went back and gave the game thumbs down. Trololo~
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I've never felt so old. Not knowing what show came on at 6:05 on TBS? Confusing Attitude and No Mercy? I am disappoint.

That guy interviewing Saturn is awful. Let him talk, because no one really cares about your banter.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']It had something to do with a lawsuit regarding Mayweather's entrance music.[/QUOTE]

thanks.. very interesting
Real fun Impact show. Aces stuff was silly.

Full show thoughts -

Pre-show hype is SHAQ COMING TO said on Facebook of all things. AL SNOW is in an Impact show-opening video in 2012. This cheap film crackle filter over the Hogan footage looks terrible. The show itself opened with Hogan and SHAQ, who will be across the street. Hopefully he can get back into the building since the Impact Zone is LOCKED DOWN. It's gut check night - some poor fucker gets 10 minutes of fame and 10 months in Louisville. Angle stumbled over words but eventually called out Chavo and Hernandez to determine the true number 1 contenders. Massive "Eddie" chant. Poor Chavo - his uncle's been dead for seven years and he's still more over than Chavo. Tenay shilled @TNADixie for ALL THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS.

Gotta say, Chavo's a great guy to work with for pretty much everyone in the company - he'd be great as TV Champion in that sense since he's also a relatively well-known name and could probably carry someone like Garett to a good match. I was terrified when Hernandez was in there with Kurt. Weird to hear Tenay get cut off mid-sentence. YAY Ronda's on MMAUL and Tenay brought up LeBell and his stopwatch! Loved the three amigos starting with Angle and finishing with AJ. The champs came down and beat up everyone. I'm fine with that - anything that leads to more of this group of guys having tag matches is fine by me. Taz calling Daniels the more bald one ruled. Hogan made a 3-way for the PPV. Good stuff.

Al talked about the Gut Check guy, who I forgot about but it's that 18 year old from last week. Evan's gear says Elias on it. I wonder if he believes in pussy trolls. Hogan and Joseph talked about...parking problems and security. Unless he's talking on burner phones, Hogan should probably stop discussing these plans over the phone. Or on global television. Joe's favorite BFG moment was nearly killing himself by jumping out of the skybox in '08. They replayed some of Evan's vid from last week before going to an abrupt break. Dixie had another wacky meeting with Bruce Prichard while dressed with a table cloth and some Godzilla-esque lip syncing. She prepared for her meeting with Al, and then they went to the ring. I sure hope they're going to watch the match together and we don't get another 'sorry, missed the match due to Joey Ryan" deal. Evan's facing Douglas Williams, who needs his British Invasion theme back and not his new shit. Loved Douglas losing his shit after a stiff dropkick and his sick knee strike on a seated Evan. Loved Williams using some corner clubbering, then doing the judo hiptoss/head and arm crank that Hardy used, only he did it well. This was a very fun squash. Storm's coming out to kick some ass.

Great Storm BFG Series vid. Love Storm bobbing his head to the Cowboy chants. Great promo outside of the flub here and there. He called out Roode, Roode declined but was given an ultimatum by Hogan - either fight tonight, or don't fight for a week, month, or year. No money, no title shots. AWESOME. A smart GM. They came back for the fight and Storm was over huge once again. I'm amazed how bulletproof he is. I thought he could be that over, but doubted it after they hurt him with the Aces accusations. Loved this stuff. Storm was trending worldwide while having a fan hold his shoe up to bonk Roode into it. Then a fan shouted fuck YOU, ROODE over and over before a YOU SUCK DICK chanted started. Spike's poor attempts at muting rule. This has been a blast, and I'm digging it more than their Lockdown match. They brawled so much that the some random point, ended it. Other than him stopping it after one random wacky crazy thing out of 5,000, this rules and should make for a fine setup to a hardcore PPV match. Hogan got a call from the Aces, who now has a lawyer. I guess they kidnapped Joseph, or something. Hogan was really vague with everything and this sucked as a result. Well, that, and he can't act for shit.

I loved Aries being a subtle heel against Hardy. Kinda respectful, but not TOO respectful. They're the same age and anything Hardy can do, he can do, and he wants what Hardy's had for 10 years. Hopefully he's a bit more selective about that. Tara came out being all hot in her black latex number. She's got a BF from Hollywood. I'm guessing EY. She called out Hemme. NO DAMMIT. SHE WAS TERRIBLE WHEN SHE WAS A WRESTLER, AND SHE'LL BE WORSE NOW! Thankfully, it was just some bullying before Tess came out. Tara was great playing a psycho here.

Tara met with Brooke Hogan, who I'm guessing was very cold. RVD said in the most boring way possible that his best TNA matches were at BFG. They announced that the TV Title would be on the line next week on Championship Thursday. They never mentioned Devon, so hopefully he's either coming back, or they've got a new belt made that doesn't look like shit. Hogan clarified that the Aces have Joseph, and also, that things are so hot that he's going to paint everyone. Or kill them or something. And Hogan expects the Aces to keep their word. And he's gonna go to their club house. I'm sensing some IT'S NOT HOT/THERE ARE NO HULKAMANIACS HERE stuff. The Aces smashed the laptop with a hammer and then bonked Joseph with it since his head contained the knowledge of the computer.

They came back with no health update, but with a recap video of the Park beating. I'm guessing they've 'taken out' Joseph Park, but it'll lead to the return of Abyss since they bonked the part of his brain keeping that part of him dormant. Nice little Hardy video making him out to be a serene guy hanging out in his garden. Love Aries' super-shiny cape and Bully-Aries II should be good stuff. Loved Bully telling a fan who looked like Steen not to touch him again or he'll punch him, saying he's an Aries fan, leading to Aries saying that if that guy touches Bully again, HE'LL punch him before Bully can. That was wacky, but amusing. Loved the spinning dive over the top to start this deal off. They had a real good TV main event, and Aries had the win with the Last Chancery, but the ref was out, and Bully won with a chain shot. Then he hugged Earl on the floor. That was hilarious. Loved seeing Bully with the belt afterwards. I liked Hardy making the save and the staredown with Aries was fine.

Screens -

Creepiest Champ That Ever Lived

Don't fuck with the Williams

#fanboots2faces TRENDING WORLDWIDE

New King interview -
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[quote name='guyver2077']thanks.. very interesting[/QUOTE]

What 's weird is that the case was settled and WWE is allowed to use the song.
Looking on eBay looks like the average sale price for WM24 on Blu is around $30 right now. Dunno if I'd sell my copy at that price. However I might consider Amazon's trade in value.
Fire Pro Wrestling for XBLA is up. I played the trial and rather liked it. Bought it for 800 points, and the 400 point pack that adds 20 wrestlers, new moves etc.
[quote name='Haggar']Fire Pro Wrestling for XBLA is up. I played the trial and rather liked it. Bought it for 800 points, and the 400 point pack that adds 20 wrestlers, new moves etc.[/QUOTE]

Yea, its not too bad. Not Fire Pro but at least its better than that shitty Pro Wrestling X. Sorry kodave ;)
Played through the trial. I think the Fire Pro label sets the bar way too high for it's own good because it's a decent pick up on its own merits.
[quote name='kodave']Gee, sorry some dude in Canada trying to independently develop a wrestling game doesn't have the resources to put out lifelike HD graphics which not even THQ manages to pull off for their WWE games.

Whats the worst that happens? You click the Like button on Steam Greenlight, the game gets approved for publishing on Steam, and then you don't buy it?

The world needs wrestling alternatives outside of WWE/THQ, and I don't think Mat Dickie titles cut it.[/QUOTE]

The least they can do is N64 WWF No Mercy graphics. The game just looks bad.
[quote name='davo1224']I've never felt so old. Not knowing what show came on at 6:05 on TBS? Confusing Attitude and No Mercy? I am disappoint.

That guy interviewing Saturn is awful. Let him talk, because no one really cares about your banter.[/QUOTE]

"Raven...get the rhino!"

LOL. Man, what a hearing stupid backstage stuff like this, brightens my day.
Problem with pro wrestling x, wasn't it suppose to come out 4 years ago or so and they hyped it immensely? Then it fell off the face of the planet and now it's back. Yeah, no thanks I'm good. Know how well those games work out.
You know kodave, you didn't even mention Action Arcade wrestling either. You just said Matt Dickie doesm't cut it. I love Action Arcade and I'm pretty hyped for the new one. Even so much so that I donated by buying his his one game off of the indie marketplace when it was $5 (not AAW). So to say Matt Dickie doesn't cut it, shows a lot of disrespect to the other creators of wrestling games and shows me that you barely researched into any other ones.
Action Arcade Wrestling is being ported to PC now?

Look, if you guys aren't interested, great and move along. No need to keep beating a dead horse and shitting all over a project you're not interested in especially when the conversation has moved on. They're currently right outside the top 100 games on Greenlight, so vote if you like it, and if not then don't. Simple.
Not to sound all 'dirt sheet', but I notice that all of the Beth Phoenix reports don't touch on her former relationship with Punk.

She got a decent push around the same time he did when they were together (Summer of Punk), and then she got utterly buried. I always assumed her start-stop push was based on her being, then not being, with Punk. Timeline-wise, it all fits.

I mean, if that's the case, I can't blame her for leaving. She's been jobbing clean to the entire Divas division for a year now, so why stick around? If her burial is about bad blood (if I remember correctly, he made some thinly veiled shitty remarks about her in interviews) with the guy that's the non-Cena focal point of the company, I can't imagine it'll get better.
[quote name='Chase']Just need an intense TEW or EWR debate, and this circle of hell can be complete.

TEW or EWR? It's all about TNM 7, man.
[quote name='007']Not to sound all 'dirt sheet', but I notice that all of the Beth Phoenix reports don't touch on her former relationship with Punk.

She got a decent push around the same time he did when they were together (Summer of Punk), and then she got utterly buried. I always assumed her start-stop push was based on her being, then not being, with Punk. Timeline-wise, it all fits.

I mean, if that's the case, I can't blame her for leaving. She's been jobbing clean to the entire Divas division for a year now, so why stick around? If her burial is about bad blood (if I remember correctly, he made some thinly veiled shitty remarks about her in interviews) with the guy that's the non-Cena focal point of the company, I can't imagine it'll get better.[/QUOTE]
Sometime after their split, Punk referred to Beth as a "douche bag" during some podcast interview. So, yes: I do believe there is something to the timing.
This guy...


...should consider himself lucky to be with a "douchebag" like this girl...


She can do better than him.
in b4 "Beth looks like a mayun!"

Because only men can have muscles.
[quote name='Brak']in b4 "Beth looks like a mayun!"

Because only men can have muscles.[/QUOTE]

If Beth looks like a man, then she gives me the weirdest boner ever.
[quote name='Purple Flames']If Beth looks like a man, then she gives me the weirdest boner ever.[/QUOTE]
CM Punk's 3rd grade yearbook picture looks like he might drop a different kind of pipebomb at school.
[quote name='xilly']Add Beth Phoenix to the list of actual talent jumping off the sinking ship..[/QUOTE]

I'd love to see some matches between her and Gail Kim and Mickie James (assuming MJ gets back on TV on a regular basis).

[quote name='MisterModest']This guy...


...should consider himself lucky to be with a "douchebag" like this girl...


She can do better than him.[/QUOTE]

In her sleep. Punk is one ugly dude.
[quote name='MisterModest']This guy...


...should consider himself lucky to be with a "douchebag" like this girl...


She can do better than him.[/QUOTE]

In her sleep. Punk is one ugly dude.
Wow, everything from the hair color to the facial structure to the exaggerated mannerisms are totally off.

And I still hate the "throw catchphrase in front of the theme music because crowd is too stupid to realize who's about to come out without it" thing. That completely killed Ryder's theme for me.

Also, I'm pretty sure this is my new favorite Wrestling meme:



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McMahon definitely prescribes to "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
[quote name='neocisco']I'd love to see some matches between her and Gail Kim and Mickie James (assuming MJ gets back on TV on a regular basis).

In her sleep. Punk is one ugly dude.[/QUOTE]
Punk basically looks homeless.
[quote name='Brak']McMahon definitely prescribes to "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."[/QUOTE]

If anyone else watches the "Are You Serious?" show on their YouTube channel, they can attest that this statement is highly applicable. They ask fans to use the hash-tag "WCWRuinsEverything," which says quite a bit about attempting to control the image of a past competitor.

And, according to Colt Cabana, a loyal friend of the man of the hour, CM Punk is a dick and can be difficult to handle. Considering how he goes through women, I can only assume that he's a womanizer—which would make his "I wanna fight Chris Brown" publicity attempt a wee bit hypocritical—but then again that's the name of his game.

P.S. Beth Phoenix is hot.
[quote name='Chase']which would make his "I wanna fight Chris Brown" publicity attempt a wee bit hypocritica[/QUOTE] It was already made hypocritical by him praising a guy like Stone Cold while he takes shots at Brown.
[quote name='neocisco']Just to be clear, though, Chris Brown definitely deserves a thorough beating.[/QUOTE]

Absolute agreement.

Put him in a cage with chompy crocodiles.
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