The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

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92 (100%)
Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V6! You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

With the V6 Thread, we're trying a slight formatting change. We used to list every possible Steam deal in the OP, but they change too frequently for anyone to keep up with (even in the Wiki format). So now, we'll leave regular minor sales out of the OP. This post will keep track of major sales (Winter sale, etc.), Steam deals available through other sellers (like Amazon), Preorder deals, and Group Buys.

I would still greatly appreciate help from you folks at home in keeping this smaller-scale OP up-to-date. This is a Wiki post so anyone can contribute. Wiki instructions:
Thanks for your help! If you notice a sale has ended, feel free to delete its line from the sale list. Of course, if you see something does need to be added, then kindly add it to the list.

Make sure your changes match the thread's format! For example, every game that's on sale is part of an unordered list. When adding a game to the list, copy an existing line and update the link, title, and prices. That way, the format stays correct. Do not list percentages off! We list the original price and the sale price here. If you have any suggestions for major changes to the post/thread, PM me (EastX) about them.

Steam Sales - Updated 1/22

CAG Threads Featuring Steam Games on Sale Elsewhere - Updated 1/9

Preorder Deals - Updated 1/10
Group Buy Deals - Updated 1/9/13

Free Stuff - List needs updating with F2P games!
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Steam around CAG

If you are interested in joining the Steam CAG Community or participating in a trade or group buy with fellow Cheap Ass Gamers, please do so in the dedicated threads and not in the deal discussion thread. In the dedicated threads you will find CAGers with the same specialized interest who will be much quicker (and happier) to respond than in the Deals thread.

Past Special Sales

Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Steam Retail Key List

What is a CD key and where can I find it?

Steam's explanation and list of Steam-activatable keys

The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card. The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.

Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)

  • The Ball (bought @D2D, tested by voken)
  • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon, tested by vism)

Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads
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[quote name='Preedatore']Me and my friends played the heck out of that back in the day. We put a big piece of cardboard down the middle of the screen and put a team on each side to eliminate screen watching. We called it the Bond Divider, though it worked well for Perfect Dark as well.[/QUOTE]

CLUE - Goldeneye Edition
In the temple, with mines.

[quote name='Motoki']Wait. Origin has deals? :p

Seriously though, I'm kind of shocked that is one of the things that stirred the pot.[/QUOTE]

They had their first real deal two weeks back, Crysis 2 Max for $5, lowest price ever. In early fall I picked up NFS: ProStreet for $4 (the lowest it's ever been, I hadn't seen it for less than $20), which fills the hole in my NFS collection.
[quote name='Drabelincoln']I dont mind Origin[/QUOTE]
It's not a horrible service, I don't mind it. I would never buy a non EA game off it though. I am not going to limit my gaming just because of one service unless it's that god awful. Luckily I haven't come across that yet.
[quote name='Motoki']

Wait. Origin has deals? :p

Do we count when people were able to download the entire origin library for free? I only grabbed NFS Hot Pursuit for free but i thought I read that other people got like 75 games free
So i finally got to look at my steam account and noticed im no longer part of BGCQ. Been busy the last week or 2 playing Ni No Kuni. i didnt even notice of the "purge" reminders and all. My fault i guess. Anyway, thanks for the run and giveaways i won over there. Hope everyone enjoyed the games i brought to that group as well. Until next time i guess... or until a new group pops that will be as exciting and fun as how BGCQ started out to be. Cheers!
People use Origin aside from getting free games? Whoa...

And wait a minute, I only have 33 free games. Did I miss out on a bunch? I demand a 20% compensation for this!
[quote name='CAGkrazy']So i finally got to look at my steam account and noticed im no longer part of BGCQ. Been busy the last week or 2 playing Ni No Kuni. i didnt even notice of the "purge" reminders and all. My fault i guess. Anyway, thanks for the run and giveaways i won over there. Hope everyone enjoyed the games i brought to that group as well. Until next time i guess... or until a new group pops that will be as exciting and fun as how BGCQ started out to be. Cheers![/QUOTE]

There was a change to the rules and everyone needed to comment to indicate agreement or be removed. I nearly missed it myself. Technically, I DID miss it myself as I commented after the posted deadline. There was never an announcement that went out or an effort made to tell people about it outside of visiting the group, so far as I saw.

I'm guessing you should just have to message Spoony and agree to the new condition in order to be reinstated.
[quote name='DPsycho']There was a change to the rules and everyone needed to comment to indicate agreement or be removed. I nearly missed it myself. Technically, I DID miss it myself as I commented after the posted deadline. There was never an announcement that went out or an effort made to tell people about it outside of visiting the group, so far as I saw.

I'm guessing you should just have to message Spoony and agree to the new condition in order to be reinstated.[/QUOTE]

I think there was an announcement that came up in my client about it whenever it happened. I also remember seeing it in this thread, but it moves so fast with our semi-off topic conversations that it would've been hard to miss. Regardless, I'm certain the news was made public by Spoony because most of us signed and remain in the group.

And personally, I'm happy that Spoony treats the group more professionally than the public CAG group was. I never liked the idea that people who aren't active CAGs (or even members) could win our games on Steamgifts.
If you were dropped from the group, it's not a lifetime ban or anything. I just had to see who was paying attention and actually wanted to be in the group. I intentionally did not post anything about it on here because I wanted to see who was actually using it.

Here's the deal: there was a lot of BS going on. We sorted it out and decided to implement a civility rule. We also decided to make a push to have the group actually be worth something more than a place to get free keys. To that end, we are running more discussions and events from the group page. We want people in the group who are going to participate in it. If you want to be a part of the group (again) then PM me. But only do so if you actually plan on being a part of a community there. We want to see people talking and playing games with each other.
[quote name='Blade']People use Origin aside from getting free games? Whoa...

And wait a minute, I only have 33 free games. Did I miss out on a bunch? I demand a 20% compensation for this![/QUOTE]
Sadly yes. When EA forces you to use it for things like the new Sim City game. So someone didn't memo me that Amazon was doing $20 credit on the boxed copy of Sim City. That made my night, after this whole Fire Emblem fiasco and trying to find a copy :lol:.

Great price on Rayman Origins, love that game. Although I own the PS3 version so no point in rebuying it, actually wait, I own all the midweek and the daily. Can't say on Alan Wake, but Witcher is awesome.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']We want to see people talking and playing games with each other.[/QUOTE]

Which, honestly, over the last month has been going fantastically. We've been getting several game nights together every week. We have people making co-op parties for games like Borderlands, and there about a dozen of us that are pretty dedicated to busting our backlogs and discussing the results.

It really has become a very cool group.
[quote name='Eldredpe']Which, honestly, over the last month has been going fantastically. We've been getting several game nights together every week. We have people making co-op parties for games like Borderlands, and there about a dozen of us that are pretty dedicated to busting our backlogs and discussing the results.

It really has become a very cool group.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the group has become more and more active. It's great and that's what we want. Anyone is welcome back, but the announcement went up like three weeks ago, the page had a discussion, and Spoony made follow up announcements leading up to it. So it wasn't out of the blue, I assume most people kicked hadn't even bothered to look at the group page in months.
Soooo... before asking to be part of BGCQ should I fulfill any prerequisites? Like owning a copy of the titular "award-winning and critically acclaimed game that ended on a cliff-hanger with lots of unanswered questions"? :bouncy:

I'd like to enter the community, even though I'm not much of a multiplayer gamer due to time constraints, but I'm willing to contribute to discussions with my inappropriate, ill-formed and often way off topic assertions :)

Plus, I think it would be cool if we group together other, more "asynchronous" initiatives, like the one launched by MrshllJcb on PC General Discussions here: even though it's not completely Steam-related, it could boost group activity and drive more people to contribute :)
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']It's not a horrible service, I don't mind it. I would never buy a non EA game off it though. I am not going to limit my gaming just because of one service unless it's that god awful. Luckily I haven't come across that yet.[/QUOTE]

That's kind of why this whole Valve cracking down on Origin deals thing shocks me. Besides the fact that aside from glitches and coupon abuse their deals usually suck, I honestly don't see them as a competition for anything outside of EA games. Somehow I don't think most of Steam's money is based off of EA games. More and more of them lately aren't even getting added to Steam in the first place.

I feel like we're pretty much moving to a situation where people are going to have to get EA games from Origin and (mostly) everything else from Steam. That's fine but Origin has a long way to go to be serious competition as a general use client store for non-EA games. Maybe Valve sees them as a threat in that area but I don't. I can't think of a single non-EA game I would want to get there even if the prices were good, which they aren't.
Have to wonder if behind the scenes EA tried to pull something or trashtalk Steam or some other ridiculous thing that has caused this rivalry.
[quote name='Drabelincoln']Sounds like Origin is making Valve nervous.....kinda sad honestly[/QUOTE]

I can't see how. As others have pointed out, Origin deals are few and far between (and generally terrible). I think this has more to do with the Valve-EA feud over Steam not carrying any EA games that don't have all of the DLC available for purchase on Steam (like ME 3). And that's all about EA wanting to force you to buy your DLCs from them.

[quote name='Bios Element']When you've got a competitor that makes up outright lies and goes out of their way to try to destroy you, yeah, I'd ban them from everything I could as well.[/QUOTE]

I'm still not sure what this means.
[quote name='momouchi']Have to wonder if behind the scenes EA tried to pull something or trashtalk Steam or some other ridiculous thing that has caused this rivalry.[/QUOTE]

All it took was one incompetent support chat session after Gabe's credit card was accidentally charged twice for Mass Effect 3 and all bets were off.
[quote name='IkedaTeramusa']I dunno, but somehow I'm no longer a member of BGCQ's... :whistle2:( I coulda sworn I just saw some messages for it.. but when I look today, poof![/QUOTE]

Same. I haven't really been very active on steam/CAG lately due to certain developments in my life (yay employment!!) so I'm bummed I missed whatever warnings there apparently were. At the same time, I can't say I was a really good contributor to the group, because I had been so inactive in general anyway.
[quote name='IkedaTeramusa']I dunno, but somehow I'm no longer a member of BGCQ's... :whistle2:( I coulda sworn I just saw some messages for it.. but when I look today, poof![/QUOTE]

You needed to /sign some thread or something stupid. I read the announcement after I got kicked since that's viewable, but I probably wouldn't have signed whatever discussion thread it was referring to. The idea of needing to sign something like that is stupid in my opinion. Not a big deal either way as I haven't participated in anything really. At least not enough for me to warrant wanting to get back in.

As for the pop-up stuff, what you're seeing is calendar scheduled stuff that was scheduled before you were booted.
Apparently I'm a bad participant because I work and have a life. Bummer. Oh well. WWMD (what would Motoki do?)

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one though. Having some other regulars find themselves booted... I lose BGCQ and the CAG group in the same week. I'm.... well... oh well. Moving on.
There really isn't a need to get all uppity over getting kicked. If you visit this thread enough, you're probably already Steam friends with a lot of CAGs and can easily organize gaming sessions of your own. The only thing you'll miss out on are the giveaways, but then again you shouldn't be entering those if you weren't active or haven't contributed.
[quote name='SCMoney360']I'm calling it now... By 2015, all Activision games will require codplay..... Or dutyware[/QUOTE]

hopefully by 2015 the world has moved on from COD
[quote name='MrshllJcb']hopefully by 2015 the world has moved on from COD[/QUOTE]

lol... wishful thinking. I think COD is like the Madden of military shooters. We'll just get a different iteration. Maybe an entire version based on the zombie apocalypse by 2015.
[quote name='oman19']What is your folks opinion on Alan Wake. Seems like a pretty decent price. Question it a decent game?[/QUOTE]

It's one of my favorite games of the last few years. It's more about story and atmosphere than gameplay. The story isn't amazing or anything, but I love the world that they create. I really like the way it plays, but fully admit it's pretty repetitive, so people who don't like the combat generally really dislike it for that. I think it's definitely worth playing.
[quote name='louiedog']It's one of my favorite games of the last few years. It's more about story and atmosphere than gameplay. The story isn't amazing or anything, but I love the world that they create. I really like the way it plays, but fully admit it's pretty repetitive, so people who don't like the combat generally really dislike it for that. I think it's definitely worth playing.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I was one of those who couldn't get into it due to the clunky combat. I was looking forward to this game for quite some time too...
[quote name='oman19']What is your folks opinion on Alan Wake. Seems like a pretty decent price. Question it a decent game?[/QUOTE]

Bought it forever ago, then finally started it and couldn't stop. If you have any warm fuzzies when you hear the words twilight Zone or twin Peaks, then it's a no Brainer.
[quote name='oman19']What is your folks opinion on Alan Wake. Seems like a pretty decent price. Question it a decent game?[/QUOTE]

I personally really liked the game. I played it for XBOX when it first came out and thought it was very well done. I didnt play any of the DLC's, but I have heard that they are both very good and are included with the PC version. I actually re bought the game a little while ago and will play it again when my backlog is smaller.
[quote name='juanjava']I saw that game on IGS and said I'll buy it... Then I forgot about it. Thanks for the remainder![/QUOTE]

33 / 2

You're welcome!
Happy that Sniper Elite is doing good money in piecemeal mission DLC. Have not been disappointed in any of those purchases on sale

Crapcom's recent willingness to go sub $20 on Steam sales is great. It portends good deals on DmC and the upcoming RE:R. (And the execrable RE6 as well unfortunately.)

[quote name='oman19']What is your folks opinion on Alan Wake. Seems like a pretty decent price. Question it a decent game?[/QUOTE]

Loved it. Fun story. Beautiful. Combat is unique enough to be very satisfying. Only downside is that the finale is hideously unsatisfying.
[quote name='IkedaTeramusa']Apparently I'm a bad participant because I work and have a life. Bummer. Oh well. WWMD (what would Motoki do?)

Well I was stepping over this subject but since you asked, I would leave (again) because people were dragging CAG dirty laundry over there and there was no one who was stepping in to say 'Hey, let's not get into fights with each other here okay? Take it elsewhere'.

I'm glad that people are (supposedly since I'm not there anymore) using it to actually play games and do positive things. For a while there it was turning into a place to bitch about CAG and why CAG sucks and who sucks on CAG and who was flipping games for too much money and ripping people off, or is a terrible person because they got into an argument with someone a long ass time ago and are trying to let it go and get the hell over it but people just won't let it die etc.

Anyway, if they're all Care Bears now since I left and a certain other person went all Norma Desmond ready for her closeup and made a grand exit,

then I'm happy for them.

No seriously, I am. It was a real negative place for a while and it's good that they were able to get past that.

For those who got booted, eh, it's up to you if you want to reapply or just find people to game with elsewhere. It's not like there's any shortage of people to play games with if you really want to look for that.
Damn Motoki, I was hoping for a Steam key hidden in your Sunset Boulevard reference. Time to go bitch about it on BGCQ! ;)

btw thx for sykram
[quote name='Blade']Damn Motoki, I was hoping for a Steam key hidden in your Sunset Boulevard reference. Time to go bitch about it on BGCQ! ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm not even sure what sort of key I could hide in Sunset Boulevard. The Graveyard maybe?

It's too bad The Movies isn't on Steam.
[quote name='gentlyporking']Yea, I was one of those who couldn't get into it due to the clunky combat. I was looking forward to this game for quite some time too...[/QUOTE]

Agree with this. It's a good game with a nice soundtrack, but you'd better bring a controller or stay home.
[quote name='warreni']Agree with this. It's a good game with a nice soundtrack, but you'd better bring a controller or stay home.[/QUOTE]

I suspected that, and I've got to give it another shot that way. I logged an hour and haven't gone back. Part of it was M/KB, part of it was planning to play it with the strategy guide in my lap and getting all the collectibles in one go, and part of it was playing it right after L.A. Noire.
M/KB controls bad in Alan Wake? Not for me. I found it way easier than when I played it with controller on xbox. I thought the aiming/looking felt just right and had no issues with it in combat.
Hey bros- quick question for you all: ArmA II: CO a go on Steam?

GameFly has it on sale for $15 plus the coupon to bring it down to $12. I'm confused about the Steam activation for that game. The Steam CD key page says that digital copies only redeem on Steam but as I recall both Amazon and GMG copies would not activate? Anyone know what the deal would be for GF?
[quote name='Umair56']Hey bros- quick question for you all: ArmA II: CO a go on Steam?

GameFly has it on sale for $15 plus the coupon to bring it down to $12. I'm confused about the Steam activation for that game. The Steam CD key page says that digital copies only redeem on Steam but as I recall both Amazon and GMG copies would not activate? Anyone know what the deal would be for GF?[/QUOTE]

Ummm, most copies of ARMA II do NOT activate on Steam and I checked the page on Gamefly and saw no mention of Steam on it or on their version of the helicopter game from the same company. So I would probably bet that it does not activate on Steam. I got mine from Amazon and it does not activate on Steam either.
[quote name='IkedaTeramusa']I dunno, but somehow I'm no longer a member of BGCQ's... :whistle2:( I coulda sworn I just saw some messages for it.. but when I look today, poof![/QUOTE]

[quote name='zillionandnine']Same. I haven't really been very active on steam/CAG lately due to certain developments in my life (yay employment!!) so I'm bummed I missed whatever warnings there apparently were. At the same time, I can't say I was a really good contributor to the group, because I had been so inactive in general anyway.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Draekon']You needed to /sign some thread or something stupid. I read the announcement after I got kicked since that's viewable, but I probably wouldn't have signed whatever discussion thread it was referring to. The idea of needing to sign something like that is stupid in my opinion. Not a big deal either way as I haven't participated in anything really. At least not enough for me to warrant wanting to get back in.

As for the pop-up stuff, what you're seeing is calendar scheduled stuff that was scheduled before you were booted.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IkedaTeramusa']Apparently I'm a bad participant because I work and have a life. Bummer. Oh well. WWMD (what would Motoki do?)

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one though. Having some other regulars find themselves booted... I lose BGCQ and the CAG group in the same week. I'm.... well... oh well. Moving on.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Motoki']Well I was stepping over this subject but since you asked, I would leave (again) because people were dragging CAG dirty laundry over there and there was no one who was stepping in to say 'Hey, let's not get into fights with each other here okay? Take it elsewhere'.

I'm glad that people are (supposedly since I'm not there anymore) using it to actually play games and do positive things. For a while there it was turning into a place to bitch about CAG and why CAG sucks and who sucks on CAG and who was flipping games for too much money and ripping people off, or is a terrible person because they got into an argument with someone a long ass time ago and are trying to let it go and get the hell over it but people just won't let it die etc.

Anyway, if they're all Care Bears now since I left and a certain other person went all Norma Desmond ready for her closeup and made a grand exit,

then I'm happy for them.

No seriously, I am. It was a real negative place for a while and it's good that they were able to get past that.

For those who got booted, eh, it's up to you if you want to reapply or just find people to game with elsewhere. It's not like there's any shortage of people to play games with if you really want to look for that.[/QUOTE]

RE: All of this
What I decided to do is reboot in light of the bad crap that was going on. So we put in place the civility rule. Yeah, it's kind of hokey to sign it, but it was more for a way to see who wanted to stay in the group. If you missed the announcements because you were busy or whatever, it's no big deal. Let me know if you want back in. I had to set a time frame so I could actually do something. We really are making an effort to be a worthwhile group, and it's been a ton of fun the last month. So please, let me know if you want to be in and want to participate in what we're doing.
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