GGT 244 Thinks That Sonic Game Looks Fun

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The lack of NES games was definitely a bummer, it made sense since they had the Virtual Console out now and from a business point could make money off of the games, but it sucked from a game standpoint that they took them out, they could have just left in like 5 basic games that everyone already has and I would have been happy with it.

I still want Dragon's Dogma.

I want it for PC. Life's too short for games that run under 30fps.
I'm looking at you blight town
I want it for PC too, since I'm moving toward that as my main platform. When weevles said that it was like "dark souls with a bad framerate" that put *really* bad images in my head. And I platinumed Slideshowrim (Skyrim before all the patches)... ;)
Everything has better framerate then Dark Souls.

gunm is out of his mind.

I can tolerate the framerate in Dragon's Dogma, but I know some of y'all will grouse about it, if you haven't played it already.  Still, it's way fun.  I think it's "easier" than Demon/Dark Souls, but there's a very similar "feeling" to it.  It would be cool if the next game had a PC version.  

I finally have a level 50 toon in BL.  We got wiped with Terramorphus last night.  :(

Whoever else gets Animal Crossing, send me your FC or whatever the hell it is we need to connect.  I have the game on order, but it will probably be a little while, 'cause Amazon Prime is kind of slow.  :p

I have a few other games I'm planning to get in the next week or two:

Mario Kart 7/3DS

New Super Mario 2 3DS

Rayman Legends Vita

The Last of Us

It's been a while since I did a major game pick up.

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Yeah, I'd pick one up eventually, especially if the starting price is $400 or less.

Probably I'd wait to finish out my backlog on PS3 and then move after a price drop/revision, for sure. I mean how else am I going to play fighting games with the GGT? ;)

As for Gears? Unless MS changes their policy or you concede to be abused by their DRM, you won't be playing any more Gears games already. Yes, you'll miss out on Uncharted, or whatever Sony exclusives you might want to play, but you missed out on most of those without knowing what you were missing until your 360 mishap and adoption of a PS3. I'm not saying never get a PS4, just maybe consider PC as another option.

Yes, you'd need to have a keyboard or mouse of some sort -- but if you did it right, you could just use your iPad to launch most games once your PC is built. I fully plan on controlling my gaming PC by the netbook that sits here with me most of the time and getting a wireless/keyboard mouse for games that are better off being controlled by those. :)
Missed replying to this earlier.

I'll definitely keep the PC option on the table if Sony has similar DRM crap to MS. Though I'd probably wait and see if the long rumored Steambox becomes a reality as that would be a simpler solution for playing Steam games on the home theater for me.

I don't need a PC to wait things out though, as you note, I got a PS3 late in the game (and just got my 3DS XL recently too) so I have plenty to play for at least a couple years if I need to.

I don't mind missing exclusives on one or two of the console platforms, I'd hate to miss console exclusives period though as there are few third party games (IMO) that are on part with the Gears, Uncharteds and Zeldas of the world. I can get my fill of Nintendo's stuff on the 3DS, and would like to get one or the other of MS/Sony's on a next gen console. Regardless of DRM non-sense I was going to pick one and stick with it next gen as I just can't keep up with exclusives on more than one console and one handheld these days.

Really hoping Sony has much more reasonable DRM/used game policies as I'd hate the Xbone model to become the norm for any amount of time. I know we'll eventually hit full digital--and hopefully by that time consoles games are on a steam like pricing model where it's easier to swallow than what MS is trying to forcefeed us now.

I can tolerate the framerate in Dragon's Dogma, but I know some of y'all will grouse about it, if you haven't played it already. Still, it's way fun. I think it's "easier" than Demon/Dark Souls, but there's a very similar "feeling" to it. It would be cool if the next game had a PC version.

I finally have a level 50 toon in BL. We got wiped with Terramorphus last night. :(

Whoever else gets Animal Crossing, send me your FC or whatever the hell it is we need to connect. I have the game on order, but it will probably be a little while, 'cause Amazon Prime is kind of slow. :p

I have a few other games I'm planning to get in the next week or two:

Mario Kart 7/3DS

New Super Mario 2 3DS

Rayman Legends Vita

The Last of Us

It's been a while since I did a major game pick up.
Rayman Legends for Vita is out soon?

I've been waiting on MK7 and NSMB2 for 3DS -- I have enough games to wait for a deal or something.

I would seriously skip the first 2 and I'm a pretty huge Nintendo fan...
Skip the first 2 what?

Sorry I meant Rayman Origins.  >_<

I still got dat FC going so I will just bite the bullet now on those 3DS games.  I mean how often do those go on sale really?

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I enjoyed both Mario Kart 7 and NSMB2 myself, if you don't mind more of the same you will enjoy it but if your expecting something completely different it's probably not for you. Playing online on Mario Kart is always fun though.

I enjoyed both Mario Kart 7 and NSMB2 myself, if you don't mind more of the same you will enjoy it but if your expecting something completely different it's probably not for you. Playing online on Mario Kart is always fun though.
Not sure about how Mario Kart 7 is, but I haven't played one heavily since the DS version, so I'm guessing it'd feel a bit fresh after my limited time with the Wii version. As far as NSMB2 goes, as long as it's more like NSMB Wii than NSMB DS, I'd be happy to give it a shot. NSMB DS was garbage though. Biggest letdown of the DS generation for me, and that includes the stupid Zelda games. :p

Sorry I meant Rayman Origins. &gt;_&lt;

I still got dat FC going so I will just bite the bullet now on those 3DS games. I mean how often do those go on sale really?
Shit, dude, I had a brand new copy I'd just grabbed out of target for $10. I'd have given it to you for $10+shipping.

Mario Kart 7 &amp; NSMB 2, both really boring.
Sure. I'm sure a lot of people thing a lot of games are boring. I think the Monster Hunter games are boring, personally, but I know others love them. :p

My kids enjoy them.
That's reason enough. Even better if you enjoy them too.

Dang, I'd have bought that too Frosty mayng.

I actually do enjoy MK and NSMB (the Wii one), so I'll make use of it for sure.

NSMB DS was so bad.  I can't believe how bad.  Then again I've never played NSMB Wii/U single player so maybe they are bad when playing by yourself as well.

I didn't have a problem with NSMB DS myself, I actually ran through it quite a few times and actually enjoyed it. The little multiplayer modes were also fun and I played those a fair amount. Heck, some of the people in my house still play that game regularly.


NSMB DS was so bad. I can't believe how bad. Then again I've never played NSMB Wii/U single player so maybe they are bad when playing by yourself as well.
NSMB WIi, from what I've played (never tried the WiiU one, don't plan on getting to play it, since I'm not buying a WiiU at any point in the near future), had much better level design and powerups. The growing giant/small stuff didn't work great for me in NSMB DS and without something like the racoon tail or cape... it makes everything very linear and boring for me. For me, NSMB has become all about the powerups (and level design that cleverly makes use of it). I only made it to world 4 in NSMB Wii, but it was MUUUUUCH better. I'd rather play just about any 2D Mario game instead of NSMB DS.

I was so excited for it when I bought myself a DS too. It was one of THE reasons I'd done it, because there hadn't been a 2D mario since Super Mario World (I think) and I was craving one. :(

Yeah NSMB was ass. I luckily got it free and sold it to gamestop for $20

NSMB DS was so bad. I can't believe how bad. Then again I've never played NSMB Wii/U single player so maybe they are bad when playing by yourself as well.
NSMB WIi, from what I've played (never tried the WiiU one, don't plan on getting to play it, since I'm not buying a WiiU at any point in the near future), had much better level design and powerups. The growing giant/small stuff didn't work great for me in NSMB DS and without something like the racoon tail or cape... it makes everything very linear and boring for me. For me, NSMB has become all about the powerups (and level design that cleverly makes use of it). I only made it to world 4 in NSMB Wii, but it was MUUUUUCH better. I'd rather play just about any 2D Mario game instead of NSMB DS.

I was so excited for it when I bought myself a DS too. It was one of THE reasons I'd done it, because there hadn't been a 2D mario since Super Mario World (I think) and I was craving one. :(
Don't feel bad I bought a 3DS for mega man legends ^___^

Loved Mario Kart DS, in fact still have it. Really enjoyed NSMB & NSMBU. NSMB 2 was just too much and MK7 was boring.

I thought NSMB DS was fine.  NSMB Wii was definitely better though.

Will definitely get NSMB2 for 3DS at some point as I love Mario games.

Watch Dogs looks promising, but I agree it's premise and exactly what the whole point of everything is seems pretty vague still.

So you're some kind of "hacker" who can infiltrate the city infrastructure (everything from computers and cell phones down to the city's security cameras, traffic lights, and power grid) to your own ends.  Exactly how you're doing this, why you're doing this, what your limitations are, and to what end is what is so obtuse I think.

if you had seen one of the previous watchdog trailers, it hinted/showed the reason behind the protaganist doing  all this, is because he lost someone close to him. He is essentially out for revenge/ vengence.

Just tried the demo out for Project X Zone, I like the game so far and already have it pre-ordered, there are just a lot of 3DS games that have been coming out that I want to get lately, which I don't mind but I don't really have the time needed to play through all of them :(

Did you play as X? How cool was it? Frank?! CALM DOWN!
No X in the part of the demo that I played, or Frank for the matter lol. I enjoyed it though mainly because I like seeing the characters in the spriteish form and know most of them, then the combat is more button spammy but it's still cool to watch. Feels like a normal tactics game with a "interactive" combat system, you get a fair amount of free bonus stuff for buying the game as well which is cool.

E3 tomorrow we find out what games M$$$$ paid off and what cool new call of duty exclusives we get on the XBOX.ONE.!!.1.11!

Who isn't out for revenge or vegeance these days?
Who's that?

Did you play as X? How cool was it? Frank?! CALM DOWN!
No X in the part of the demo that I played, or Frank for the matter lol. I enjoyed it though mainly because I like seeing the characters in the spriteish form and know most of them, then the combat is more button spammy but it's still cool to watch. Feels like a normal tactics game with a "interactive" combat system, you get a fair amount of free bonus stuff for buying the game as well which is cool.
You mean like XIII? Cool!

I'm going to miss the first two conferences tomorrow cuz of school or something.

But I'm down to skype the other three. I think Uraizen said he'd only be around for the Sony one.

if you had seen one of the previous watchdog trailers, it hinted/showed the reason behind the protaganist doing all this, is because he lost someone close to him. He is essentially out for revenge/ vengence.

I'm sure E3 will explain more, but this game isn't too hype right now since beyond graphics, no one really knows what to make of this. It just hasn't presented well so far.

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I'm going to miss the first two conferences tomorrow cuz of school or something.

But I'm down to skype the other three. I think Uraizen said he'd only be around for the Sony one.
I'll be around for the Sony one... not sure when the others are, but I have a conference I have to be at, so I probably won't be home til about 6pm EST.

(Times listed are EST)

Monday, 6/10

Microsoft press conference: 1 p.m.

EA press conference: 4 p.m.

Ubisoft press conference: 6 p.m.

Sony press conference: 9 p.m.

Tuesday, 6/11

Nintendo Direct video: 10 a.m.

I will try to be in on the Sony one for sure.  I don't think I can do the others due to the time and I'll be at work in meetings and what not.

I'd be down to join in the E3 conference fun, I'll probably only have text chat though, since I'll be at work, unless I decide to work from home, which I could do since I brought my laptop home over the weekend.  Just add me to the call when you guys get on and I'll either join with voice or I'll just join with messaging.

I can be text chat from the conference, but no voice -- just like icebizzle.  Not sure it's worth it though.

I can only make the Sony one for sure.  I might be home for Ubi, but the rest I'll be at the conference and probably just checking liveblogs or something.

45 minutes will be given to the Call of Duty Dog...
That would probably be better than whatever they actually have planned.

(Times listed are EST)

Monday, 6/10

Microsoft press conference: 1 p.m.
EA press conference: 4 p.m.
Ubisoft press conference: 6 p.m.
Sony press conference: 9 p.m.

Tuesday, 6/11

Nintendo Direct video: 10 a.m.
9PM EST for Sony? o_O;

I definitely can't be in a chat for the Nintendo Direct; that's around the time I'm getting up. Microsoft's will just be depressing. EA and Ubi I always skip, anyway. Sony's I'm kind of sort of interested in, even though I can't stand Jack Tretton's presentation style.
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(Times listed are EST)

Monday, 6/10

Microsoft press conference: 1 p.m.

EA press conference: 4 p.m.

Ubisoft press conference: 6 p.m.

Sony press conference: 9 p.m.

Tuesday, 6/11

Nintendo Direct video: 10 a.m.
Someone convert these to my timezone.


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