The "Night of Champions" Wrestling Thread

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You've typed more words discussing how many videos were posted than what's in the videos themselves.

This post alone was over 50 words. The post on the Cesaro videos was only 22 words. Please stop giving wrestling fans a bad name and learn to count. Hah.

If you guys don't want to watch or talk about professional wrestling, leave. There are plenty of other threads like the OT where you can center on arguing with other people. This ain't that thread.

Your post that I quoted wasn't succinct in it's meaning. I read it to mean that you were referring to the contents of the videos themselves, not text typed in reference to the videos. Instead of counting words thinking you're going to make some grandiose point just do a better job at making your point clear in the first place.

I'm not sure who you think you are to be telling anyone to leave these wrestling threads based on your inane standards but it's not going to take. You're on your third or fourth identity now on CAG yet you can't seem to show any growth in your maturity. Just grow up, Zen Davis.

I think the thread name of "Zen Davis is about to be banned again, one more time, because he can't stay quiet in the wrestling threads" seems the most appropriate.

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First of all, I'm not this guy you're talking about. 

Secondly, the post in question referred to Antonio Cesaro, a guy everyone was talking about. He's not been featured as much on TV recently so I went ahead and did a recollective on him using a number of videos I found. I don't understand the hub hub. Being upset about professional wrestling content being posted in a professional wrestling thread makes zero sense to me. 

Lastly, there are are eight hours of WWE programming minimum every single week. If everyone can keep up with Raw, Smackdown, Superstars, and Main Event, that's one thing, but for most people, that reasonably isn't going to happen. On top of that, the WWE has started a heavy presence on the Youtube. Just in the last 24 hours they've thrown up 8 new videos. 

There used to be an ignore feature. I don't know if it's still around but by all means, if you don't think I'm adding anything to the thread, by all means put me on ignore. If you don't think I'm contributing I won't take it personally. Like I said, leave me alone and let me post in peace and I'll do my best to continue contributing. 


Natalya Visits A Koala Reserve. Not Total Divas.



Smackdown Rating Rises






















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HttM, the primary problem isn't what you're posting, it's how you're posting it.  If you want to post multiple videos, fine, just use spoiler tags.  IMO, that would be just fine.  You seem to be doing it now so if that continues to be the case I personally won't have a problem with it.

I'm pretty sure that absolutely no one but you cares about fucking anyone Natalya at a Koala reserve.

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Monday Night Raw

Top Rope German Suplex 


That AJ promo had me thinking "CM PUNK CM PUNK" for a moment. I wish I could have heard more of it over the Bellas screaming over and over...and over.

Random thought:

I think Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback could be a good feud. Think about it.

Also, Cesaro needs to turn face already. It's going to happen at one point, they just need to fast track it.

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I guess Big Show forgot that he has an ironclad contract.
Exactly what I was thinking during that last segment. This was the guy who they had a couple years ago spend months bragging on TV about "having an ironclad contract and can't be fired". But with WWE logic, I guess they like to forget about that stuff.

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AJ Promo From RAW -

It's the best female promo I've ever seen. If you consider yourself a fan of professional wrestling, WATCH.

I think Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback could be a good feud. Think about it.
I like what I've seen of Ryback's transition from glutton constantly asking strangers to feed him to a mean high school jock outta Saved by the Bell. Sorta like Bully Ray lite. And I mean that as a sincere compliment.

A wet mop draws more heat than Ted DiBiazzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I'm sorry, where was I?
Joe Hennig and Ted DiBiase, Jr. taking a page out of Ryan Couture's playbook. Their fathers are legendary but they'd be better at answering phones at the front desk than actually trying to follow in their father's footsteps. I guess not everyone can be Bray Wyatt, or even Randy Orton, who, while boring, is proficient in the ring.


I have only watched the Bryan-Shield gauntlet match clip, but I like what I saw. Put Danielson and Black in a ring and they will impress.

Just from that short six minute clip, it seems like WWE's building up an angle where the locker room fights back against the New Corporation. And someone from The Shield needs to start carrying a nightstick a la Ray Traylor. Just to completely fulfill their role in the New Corporation.

I rewatched Is Your Body Ready for the second time over the weekend. Damn that is an amazing card. After my first visit, I thought O'Reilly-Richards and Cole-Callihan tied for my favorite match of the year. After this second visit, I now think The Young Bucks vs. Samuray del Sol and AR Fox is my favorite match of this year. The following GIF details one reason why.

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Nothing says we sure showed you after getting handed a verbal ass whupping like dancing around in a retarded do-si-do with two bimbos and a walking tampon.  

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Prince Devitt is being considered as a talent the WWE wants to pick up. An example of the gentleman's work. He is considered among the best heels in Japan right now. An example of his work:

Exactly what I was thinking during that last segment. This was the guy who they had a couple years ago spend months bragging on TV about "having an ironclad contract and can't be fired". But with WWE logic, I guess they like to forget about that stuff.
I'm guessing that is null and void now that HHH is in charge? Wish they had at least brought that up when the crowd started chanting for Big Show.

Muta, I highly recommend reading the HHH feature on that ran last week where basically HHH said NXT is going to be where all the talent for the future of WWE is pulled from. They want that to be their MLB minor league style system.

Even the old guard like Austin during the WWE2K14 press junket talked about in interviews how they like NXT better than RAW.

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AJ Promo From RAW -

It's the best female promo I've ever seen. If you consider yourself a fan of professional wrestling, WATCH.
I retweeted that today. Other than what she said about Nattie (which even if a little true she had to say since she's a heel) I agree 100% with her and would have marked out cheering if I was in the arena. You can hear the AJ chants she gets at the beginning.

If we could have a multiple month feud of AJ vs. Nattie for the Pink Gold that would be the best women's wrestling on TV since the glory days of the Knockout division in TNA or Trish vs. Mickie.


WWE reuploaded it to take out the match beforehand.

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One thing to note about the video talk before is that it isn't with speed as much anymore as it is data caps. My IPhone 5 has a 2 GB/month cap. If I was at my parents house in southern IL their internet is over a 4G adapter b/c broadband isn't available where they live and they have a 5GB/month cap that costs as much or more than anyone on here is paying for DSL/Cable/U-Verse/FIOS.

I can't speak for WWE (and don't remember in WCW) but it has been done in TNA.  Don't ask me who though.

Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell (I know!) have had 2 great matches this year (1 on PPV, 1 on Impact) along with Gail Kim and Mickie James having a really good one on Impact last month IIRC.  I can't imagine any female wrestler being better than Gail at this point.

Has this been done in WWE/WCW/TNA by anyone before? I had never seen it but I probably just forgot it. Still so awesome.
Top Rope German?

Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit at KotR 2001 when Benoit busted his neck. Though that was more of a belly to back suplex from the top rope.

The thing I liked about the move is that Bryan teased it this past Smackdown in the cage against Barrett. So for him to hit this time actually builds on his previous match. Rollins dead limp arms selling is superb as well!

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Muta, I highly recommend reading the HHH feature on that ran last week where basically HHH said NXT is going to be where all the talent for the future of WWE is pulled from. They want that to be their MLB minor league style system.
I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the heads up.

I can't speak for WWE (and don't remember in WCW) but it has been done in TNA. Don't ask me who though.

Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell (I know!) have had 2 great matches this year (1 on PPV, 1 on Impact) along with Gail Kim and Mickie James having a really good one on Impact last month IIRC. I can't imagine any female wrestler being better than Gail at this point.
Taryn Terrell looks to have been giving wrasslin an earnest try a la Kelly Kelly. I can respect that. Gail Kim is consistent and enhances anyone working with her. Tangentially, it's a shame TNA didn't do anything with Cheerleader Melissa.
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Anyone think that this Corporation 2.0 angle is going to Bryan get consistently beaten down by HHH for a while. 

When Vince comes back on TV, the power has gone to Hunter's head and he listens less and less to Vince. Eventually Vince announces that he is Vince McMahon "Goddamnit!". Hunter diminishes Vince saying he is washed up. Vince ends up teaming with Byran who ends up facing HHH at Wreslemania 30 and getting the win and the rub from both Vince and HHH. 

If that does end up being the case, I expect HHH to run Bryan into the ground for the next few months. Looks like its already started.

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Alberto Del Rio Interview: 

Having changed since the last time he was at the arena in January: “I’m still the World Champion, but I’m in a place where I feel more comfortable. I love being the bad guy of the movie. I’m having a lot of fun. I once said that I never wanted to be a good guy or the “baby face,” as we call it in the wrestling business. But you know, it is what it is, and I’ll be whatever they want me to be. At the end of the day, we work for the WWE fans.”

If he could wrestle any former World Champion, who would it be:“Undertaker brother. That’s like the dream match for me. I don’t know for how long we will have Undertaker, but hopefully one day I have the opportunity to work with him. I worked with him in a tag match three years ago in Mexico. It was Kane and Alberto Del Rio against Rey Mysterio and Undertaker, so that was fantastic. It was an amazing experience, because it was in front of my people and it was against two of my idols.”

His favorite Undertaker match: “There are so many amazing matches, but just to mention one, which was actually here in Phoenix, Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker (WrestleMania XXVI, 2010). That was fantastic! I was there, because the company had just hired me. I wasn’t wrestling that night, but they wanted me to see how the WWE works and how big it is. So they flew me from Mexico to Phoenix to watch WrestleMania. It was amazing. I remember the former head of talent relations saying, ‘Alberto, that’s the place where you want to be,’ and I said, ‘Well, I’m going to be there next year.” He was like, “Okay boy, you’re good, but that’s too much to say.’ But I did it. The next year, I was facing Edge for the World Heavyweight title in Atlanta.”

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You know, between Cena & Sheamus being injured, Bryan's ascension, the Wyatt stuff, and The Shield being kept strong, I'm not really minding WWE right now. If Orton, Christian, Miz, and Del Rio get suspended and/or take time off for movies, I'll like it even more.
Sami Callihan is no more. He will now be known as Solomon Crowe.
While it's difficult to replace a name like Sami Callihan, Solomon Crowe is acceptable. He'll have to have a similar gimmick, right? Difficult to imagine Callihan as anything but Callihan. Sorta feel like WWE is due for another "Kerwin White"-type surprise.
"Another WWE NXT wrestler to have his name changed is Australian wrestler Matt Silva. He is now known as Buddy Murphy."

They might as well just release this poor guy now.

Night of Champions Card - September 15th, 2013

WWE Champion "The Viper" Randy Orton vs. Daniel "The Goat" Bryan


Handicap Match CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman


World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio vs. "The Whole fucking Show" Rob Van Dam


New Battlegrounds Poster:


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Monday Night Raw 8.02.93

With Vince McMahon, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and "Macho Man" Randy Savage on Commentary

The Steiner Brothers vs. Barry Horowitz and Duane Gill

"Who is Lex Luger?" Part 01

Atom Bomb vs. Tony Roy

Doink The Clown vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Mr. Perfect vs. Barry Hardy

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Monday Night Raw 8.09.93
With Vince McMahon, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and "Macho Man" Randy Savage on Commentary
Tatanka vs. Mr. Huges
"Who is Lex Luger?" Part 02
The Bushwackers and the Macho Midget vs. Brooklyn Brawler, Blake Beverly, and Little Louie
Razor Ramon vs. Dan Dubiel.
The Heavenly Bodies vs. Dan Dubiel and Bobby Who
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SD stuff -

Tremendous show. Easily the best and most important-feeling SD in a long time. It was one of the best wrestling TV shows all year.
Just finished watching SD. You're absolutely right Jay! Top-notch show from top to bottom! Not one weak segment and one of the best SD showings since 2008. If you're not watching guys, you're missing out! Orton and Hunter are absolutely killing it as heels.

This week was set up around the ending of Raw where Miz, Ziggler, and Big Show wanted to help Daniel Bryan out but because of their fear of being fired they could only stand by. The wrestlers clearly want to speak out but Hunter has been having wrestlers beaten down left and right by The Shield and so the smarter thing to do is keep their mouth shut.

Give it a shot! The show just zoomed by with how tight and well done it was. Full show for everyone!































How Wrestlers Age!



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One of my favorite things about this main event angle is that the heels can be completely justified in their actions. it isn't one of those out of nowhere turns that has a bunch of holes in it - this has some, but not enough to completely betray the characters. HHH has spent a year+ going corporate and this is the culmination of it. Orton has been nice, but outright said he'd do whatever it took to get the WWE Title. The Shield stands for justice, and their definition of it varies depending on the situation that benefits them the most.. This angle was worth doing just to get them back into a main event slot and out of the treadmill that the secondary titles (and some backstage stuff) put them in.

"JBL did mention Show’s guaranteed contract and said Triple H would rip it to shreds if Show didn’t follow along."

If they are going to bother to bring it up, it would be nice if it at least made sense.
"JBL did mention Show’s guaranteed contract and said Triple H would rip it to shreds if Show didn’t follow along."
If they are going to bother to bring it up, it would be nice if it at least made sense.
Cole also said something about the guaranteed contract being performance based. Not that that makes any more sense, I was just shocked that they mentioned it.
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