GGT 270 Traded in his $400 xbox for $50 back

Really? I think I've only heard of about 6-7 people getting consoled banned for this so far. Only one of which I believe, that being GUNNM Dawg. Unless he was a secret pirate this whole time.

Allegedly Secret.

Seems like they're really sprinkling this banning shit out.

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Really? I think I've only heard of about 6-7 people getting consoled banned for this so far. Only one of which I believe, that being GUNNM Dawg. Unless he was a secret pirate this whole time.

Allegedly Secret.

Seems like they're really sprinkling this banning shit out.
Yeah, I've got 9 people on Facebook that got their consoles banned and all of them got in on Rayman. Out of those 9 there were 3 that got account bans and my one friend's that was a family system got every account (6 different accounts belonging to other family members) on their system banned. Pretty shitty. I preemptively moved my brothers' and sister's accounts to another 360 and hope they'll be okay since it's been a couple of weeks since they signed in.

I'm also wondering if this whole banning thing is because these accounts have been looked at before. All of my friends that got banned got in on that cheap points thing on eBay a couple of years ago like I did and they said they were going to look at us more closely for infractions in the future after that.

My computers been being kind of a douche bag lately, so I just ran it through a refresh and re-installed the stuff that got deleted, of course the one file I wasn't really thinking about at the time was my chrome bookmarks....well there goes like 5+ years worth of links that I've found. At least it wasn't really anything important and I rarely went through them anyways, but now my bar on the top is all empty :(

Also, how the hell do I add friends on Wii U??? I can't find Mocwie anywhere on my system.
There are two ways to add people, one way is through Miiverse where you just search for the person on there then click add friend, but since you weren't on Miiverse yet when I invited you I did the other way.

What you do is hit the home button, then go to Friends List. From there hit register friend and then just type in my name there, make sure you are typing MoCiWe and not Mocwie (just wanna make sure you are searching for the right name, in case that was a typo)

My computers been being kind of a douche bag lately, so I just ran it through a refresh and re-installed the stuff that got deleted, of course the one file I wasn't really thinking about at the time was my chrome bookmarks....well there goes like 5+ years worth of links that I've found. At least it wasn't really anything important and I rarely went through them anyways, but now my bar on the top is all empty :(
There are two ways to add people, one way is through Miiverse where you just search for the person on there then click add friend, but since you weren't on Miiverse yet when I invited you I did the other way.
What you do is hit the home button, then go to Friends List. From there hit register friend and then just type in my name there, make sure you are typing MoCiWe and not Mocwie (just wanna make sure you are searching for the right name, in case that was a typo)
lol, no wonder you have not been posting regularly lately in ggt.
Really? I think I've only heard of about 6-7 people getting consoled banned for this so far. Only one of which I believe, that being GUNNM Dawg. Unless he was a secret pirate this whole time.

Allegedly Secret.

Seems like they're really sprinkling this banning shit out.
One last ban wave to generate interest in (1) another 360 or (2) moving to xbone. :rofl:

Or (3) say fuck it since you've been banned and move to PS4. The more I think about it, the more I realize that they're basically just shutting down Xbox live for everyone that's getting a ban early.

I think I'm going to make my first complaint to the GM of GS over here sometime tomorrow. Exciting. 

I'm finally going to give my Vita some love with Sly Cooper.

This one goes out to you, Frosty. 

I think I'm going to make my first complaint to the GM of GS over here sometime tomorrow. Exciting.

I'm finally going to give my Vita some love with Sly Cooper.

This one goes out to you, Frosty.
Oooh, what over? I just did that for the first time earlier this year. It was some shit.

I just realized that I don't think MS will ban all of the accounts tied to my console because there's 17 of them and it would take a lot of time.

If it doesn't look like that roast beef that doesn't fit inside of the sandwich and just sloppily hangs out it can go jump in a lake pardon my language.

I was just thinking about how so many chicks I've talked to that have claimed that they're the tightest or best ever and how I wished there was some sort of service that could be consulted about the matter. Something like CGC grading for comic books or antique's roadshow for the older ones.

I really do like the look of a grenade that imploded inside of a girl and pushed everything out.

Video games, Tales of xilla, laura bailey.

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Oooh, what over? I just did that for the first time earlier this year. It was some shit.

I just realized that I don't think MS will ban all of the accounts tied to my console because there's 17 of them and it would take a lot of time.
This employee who seems to be a dick to people. In the three GameStops I've seen him at over the past 6 months, he always manages to make it the worst experience I've ever had in a retail store. Between disappearing orders, valid coupons that apparently aren't working, and always charging refurb fees on items that I'm trading in that I literally opened and never used it's stupid.

Today he told me my copy of Etrian Odyssey that I had put for pick up had disappeared. He "called" another GS to put a hold on it for me and when I asked if I could talk to the guy on the other line (I wanted to see if I could pick it up tomorrow) he said he couldn't give me the phone and hung up the call.

I think I'm going to make my first complaint to the GM of GS over here sometime tomorrow. Exciting.

I'm finally going to give my Vita some love with Sly Cooper.

This one goes out to you, Frosty.
With that one, I highly recommend doing the cross-save between Vita and PS3... there are some sections that are just balls on Vita with the lower framerate and lower draw distance... but for the most part, it's a solid port.

This employee who seems to be a dick to people. In the three GameStops I've seen him at over the past 6 months, he always manages to make it the worst experience I've ever had in a retail store. Between disappearing orders, valid coupons that apparently aren't working, and always charging refurb fees on items that I'm trading in that I literally opened and never used it's stupid.

Today he told me my copy of Etrian Odyssey that I had put for pick up had disappeared. He "called" another GS to put a hold on it for me and when I asked if I could talk to the guy on the other line (I wanted to see if I could pick it up tomorrow) he said he couldn't give me the phone and hung up the call.
Wow, I would be pissed! Make sure that whatever the GM promises you gets put in writing. Whenever I talked to mine earlier this year I was told I'd get a $25 gift card, but all I ended up getting was a 20% off coupon because she forgot about me and then thought I was making up stuff. The employee will probably get fired over that shit.

There are two ways to add people, one way is through Miiverse where you just search for the person on there then click add friend, but since you weren't on Miiverse yet when I invited you I did the other way.

What you do is hit the home button, then go to Friends List. From there hit register friend and then just type in my name there, make sure you are typing MoCiWe and not Mocwie (just wanna make sure you are searching for the right name, in case that was a typo)

Damn I was hoping it was not that teeny bopper script kiddie leet spelling and just regular first letter cap, rest lower case like the rest of the adult world....

oh yah and sorry to hear your computer pooped out on you.

Zeki doesn't think this is hawt


Damn I was hoping it was not that teeny bopper script kiddie leet spelling and just regular first letter cap, rest lower case like the rest of the adult world....

oh yah and sorry to hear your computer pooped out on you.
It's the name I use for everything, I don't do it for "leet" reasons, it's more just so people can pronounce it better online, but I do like how it looks like this and everybody still says it wrong anyways :p

GGT Confirm or Deny
What Zeki said was wrong, so I guess that would be denying what he said :p

It's the name I use for everything, I don't do it for "leet" reasons, it's more just so people can pronounce it better online, but I do like how it looks like this and everybody still says it wrong anyways :p

What Zeki said was wrong, so I guess that would be denying what he said :p
Zeki is always right.

Makes sense that you're in denial about it... it's a hard fact to come to grips with.

It's the name I use for everything, I don't do it for "leet" reasons, it's more just so people can pronounce it better online, but I do like how it looks like this and everybody still says it wrong anyways :p

What Zeki said was wrong, so I guess that would be denying what he said :p
I'm just fucking with you bro. This thread....

Joss Whedon: Always Oppressing Women.
He does kind of do a little of both...white knighting strong female characters but making them sexy too.

I'm just fucking with you bro. This thread....
I can never tell with this stuff when it comes to the internet, even though I do it myself :/ But yeah man, some of the posts in this thread are always on that line of "are they serious or not" posting

Zeki is always right.

Makes sense that you're in denial about it... it's a hard fact to come to grips with.
Can I be in double denial about being in denial?

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Jeezus fuck but Square Enix registration process is enormously confusing, convoluted, and horrible.  I get the whole security thing, but goddamn it shouldn't be so fucking hard just to sign into the service for the first time...holy christmas.

I remembered my hungarian account email and pw maybe I'll wait a while until I risk getting banned just so I can replay shitty AC3.

I'm banned from ebay for not paying for shitty DMC 3 PC. I didn't know it wasn't PC until I won the bid for it. whatever

I can still buy stuff but not sell

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I'm not even worried dawg if it happens it happens I'll lose an awesome account but life goes on dawg.

All I know is I'm eating oatmeal listening alice in chains unplugged right now AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR DAT

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bread's done