GGT 270 Traded in his $400 xbox for $50 back

I think my approval only took like... two days? Almost two days? I don't remember.

Y'all better get them accounts up and ready cuz when the time comes, the GGT (171) is taking a vacation to NeoGAF.
One of the higher profile GAF posters (Wario64) is a CAG mod too apparently.
It's to prevent spam and also the thought process is you will be a better commenter if you have a college or professional email account. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch used to do that so I couldn't post on their site about the Cardinals so I just stopped going to it.
lololololol We all know this isn't fucking true.

I've wanted it for Vita since launch, so that's pretty cool for me. We'll see if I'm even still playing at that point though. Been pretty close to trading my copy in on a few occasions now.
I hope it drops to $10 as fast as MK Vita did.

I'll consider the game now though since it's on Vita.

I wish they'd spend their time making a new MK instaed though.

Hey gaiz.




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Oh. Mortal Kombat 2 thingy is out today. I might watch it. Liu Kang is a bad guy.


I should probably watch the first one.

Hey gaiz.



10/10, will preorder if it gets confirmed for America.

I think Yukari's helmet pretty much confirms my suspicions of her acting on Featherman R. Dunno about Sho, but I hope that last sequence isn't hinting at Shadow Yu being the fourth new character.

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Icebeasty will be happy once he learns that green She-Hulk is getting her own ongoing series. From a pretty good creative team, no less.

MK Legacy every episode released today. I guess I'll do that.

Hrm an asian doing karaoke in the first 30 seconds yeah...

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I hope it drops to $10 as fast as MK Vita did.

I'll consider the game now though since it's on Vita.

I wish they'd spend their time making a new MK instaed though.

MK 2 is rumored to happen for next gen. Ed Boon was quoted last year as saying he'd be up for it. It was successful so I'd be surprised if there wasn't another MK. The devs may just go back and forth between Injustice and MK. I wonder if they stick with 2D or not.

If they do MK again, I hope they fix that god awful netcode. Make a popular fighting game. Check. Half-ass the online lag play. Check.
I want dat early free PS4 from taco hell, but I don't want dat diarrhea, diabetes, or heart disease. 

Decisions decisons....

MK 2 is rumored to happen for next gen. Ed Boon was quoted last year as saying he'd be up for it. It was successful so I'd be surprised if there wasn't another MK. The devs may just go back and forth between Injustice and MK. I wonder if they stick with 2D or not.

If they do MK again, I hope they fix that god awful netcode. Make a popular fighting game. Check. Half-ass the online lag play. Check.
Ya, I guess the first one was super successful. Which is good because it's the best fighter this gen.

It even spawned a lame wannabe like Injustice.

I don't understand "hardcore" gamers.  Peeps have finished GTA V took the devs years to make the game and it has barely been in stores for a week.

I guess I am envious a few people can put so much time and energy into something that isn't a job, family or some other obligation or responsibility...

You can beat the story of GTAV fairly quickly, I think. I've yet to beat it myself. I get easily sidetracked, plus I got papers to write and books to read for class. 

But yeah, there are people out there that play the game nonstop until they beat it. 

Icebeasty will be happy once he learns that green She-Hulk is getting her own ongoing series. From a pretty good creative team, no less.
Oh boy hadn't heard about that, I'm SUPER excited! :bouncy:

I'm SO happy that she is appearing in more stuff again.

Yeah. I heard Red She-Hulk was a good series, but nobody bought it much like Journey Into Mystery.
Red She-Hulk wasn't bad, there were some fun moments, the final arc wasn't that good though.

Also, Journey Into Mystery with Sif was alright, but it was a huge drop from the Loki arcs.

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I don't understand "hardcore" gamers. Peeps have finished GTA V took the devs years to make the game and it has barely been in stores for a week.

I guess I am envious a few people can put so much time and energy into something that isn't a job, family or some other obligation or responsibility...
Yeah man, I like to take my time though and do every little thing a game has to offer, but as GhostShark has pointed out it seems like for people to just want to rush the story and that's it, it doesn't take too long in GTA I guess

I disagree with JIM dropping off after the Loki stuff. I'd argue that it got it better, but nobody read it so who cares. 

I don't understand "hardcore" gamers. Peeps have finished GTA V took the devs years to make the game and it has barely been in stores for a week.

I guess I am envious a few people can put so much time and energy into something that isn't a job, family or some other obligation or responsibility...
I feel the same way. I really wish I had the time to put all that extra work into games. I have to really work just to be able to carve out what time I get to use for gaming as it is.

I disagree with JIM dropping off after the Loki stuff. I'd argue that it got it better, but nobody read it so who cares.
Well to be fair I read every issue of both, so I feel like I can make the claim. And I think in this case it does matter since apparently JIM was popular enough during the Loki arc to get a good run (and a strong cult following), but not very many of that readership must have stuck around for Sif.

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The sales numbers were pretty similar, except the Fear Itself tie-ins when Asgard was at the forefront of everything. It has nothing to do with the quality of the book when books get canned (mostly). There have been plenty of high quality books cancelled in the past two years because of poor sales, Journey Into Mystery and Red She-Hulk are just two examples. And besides, Sif is going to be a mainstay in the next few arcs of Thor: God of Thunder. 

I wasn't saying it had to do with the quality of the book (even though I disliked it), I was obviously making a comment about how I figured maybe the readership that liked the Loki arc didn't stick around (I know at least for me I didn't feel like sticking around, but waited it out just to see if it got better).  Maybe you have the legit numbers and they are really similar and people did stick around (or some new people tried it out), could be, but the clear transition for Kid Loki fans was probably to Young Avengers.

Also, I'm not saying Sif is a bad character, but the writing really didn't captivate me.  The only story I really enjoyed out of that Sif arc was the issue or two that had to do with Volstagg's daughter.

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The stuff with Beta Ray Bill was amazing. And that is true about Kid Loki. However, that is beginning to die. Sales have been dropping for Young Avengers, because that shit is all over the place the now. Gillen needs to get back to focusing more on the characters and less on the story. 

No one knows that ZombyWulf is Indigi, yea totally.  :roll:

Shadow Warrior is on pc now does. Looks good. Start mirin

I just said the offer wasn't available in Hawaii.

How about you gimme YOUR code?  ^_^

Also, I really need to streetpass more.

Also, how the hell do I add friends on Wii U???  I can't find Mocwie anywhere on my system.

I mean if you make him into a douchebag, sure.

In MK9 he was on Raiden's side and didn't do anything stup...

Um, in the original MK movie he didn't run away from his temple like some as...

I mean, MK2 totally didn't have him almost hooking up with some other chi...

Liu Kang is kind of a douchebag.

I mean if you make him into a douchebag, sure.

In MK9 he was on Raiden's side and didn't do anything stup...

Um, in the original MK movie he didn't run away from his temple like some as...

I mean, MK2 totally didn't have him almost hooking up with some other chi...

Liu Kang is kind of a douchebag.
I was talking about MK Legacy bro

I know, I was trying to counter that they made him into a douchebag in that and that he wasn't always a douchebag.

I'm not surprised that an MK casual like you wouldn't have gotten the references.

Man, I have so many friends on Facebook that got their Xboxes banned for Rayman today that it's ridiculous. I'm guessing my days are numbered. I'm just hoping I get lucky like gunnm dawg and don't get my gamertag banned since I've put so much love into it.

bread's done