Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Be still my heart, Isabella's back, even if it's in MP only.

Black Emporium showing up, too?  Awesome.  I hope they're right that it is coming as where it used to be in DA2, in Kirkwall.  Which would be even cooler, especially since it might be more Hawke interactions if there's more in Kirkwall than just the Black Emporium.

I didn't like that they went with a default male Hawke in DA: I, as the Hawke in both my playthroughs (one complete, one started) were female. :shame:

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I so wanted the map in Inquisition to be good. But Lord, it's awful. Sim, myself and a couple of our buddies tried it a few times and it just was not fun no matter how much we willed it to be. I'm a big Isabela fan, and the idea of fighting dragons with my friends sounds fun. But I don't think it can save DAIMP. :sad face emoji:
The Black Emporium is up on the store. I thought it might be part of a title update but I guess you have to manually download it. Free though!

So Dragonslayer is just a multiplayer dlc right? I have to get back into DAI this summer. I got burnt out but I am fairly close to beating it.

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It's absolutely worth finishing up the main campaign.  That is a lot of fun.  My negative commentary is laser-focused on the multiplayer. 

[quote name="chubbyninja1319" post="12679733" timestamp="1430964866"]It's absolutely worth finishing up the main campaign. That is a lot of fun. My negative commentary is laser-focused on the multiplayer. [/quote]
They're adding lasers to multiplayer? ;)
So, um, am I missing something cool about the Black Emporium? In DA2, I remember actually having fun for a little while poking around at the things you could interact with, and seeing things in the store you couldn't get anywhere else.

When I looked around last night, the benefit is pretty much the Mirror of Transformation and the ability to buy some more Dragon-based construction material. My existing equipment exceeded everything that was being offered for sale. Heck, I wasn't even there five minutes trying to figure out what else to do, and I got repeat Xenon dialog.

I get that it's free and all, but I'm still fairly underwhelmed.

At the very least, some Tier 4 material variations would have been neat. They have Krogan heads mounted in different places in the game, so they aren't adverse to having cross-over. I'm not talking Might & Magic style robots or anything, but maybe some Varren Hide or heck, some good old fashioned Ankheg Shell.
So, um, am I missing something cool about the Black Emporium? In DA2, I remember actually having fun for a little while poking around at the things you could interact with, and seeing things in the store you couldn't get anywhere else.

When I looked around last night, the benefit is pretty much the Mirror of Transformation and the ability to buy some more Dragon-based construction material. My existing equipment exceeded everything that was being offered for sale. Heck, I wasn't even there five minutes trying to figure out what else to do, and I got repeat Xenon dialog.

I get that it's free and all, but I'm still fairly underwhelmed.

At the very least, some Tier 4 material variations would have been neat. They have Krogan heads mounted in different places in the game, so they aren't adverse to having cross-over. I'm not talking Might & Magic style robots or anything, but maybe some Varren Hide or heck, some good old fashioned Ankheg Shell.
This is pretty much my thoughts exactly.

Did anyone get someone different than the 2-handed warrior as their free unlock from the free Dragon chest? I would have loved to have gotten Isabella, might of made me play the MP if I could just start as her.

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This is pretty much my thoughts exactly.

Did anyone get someone different than the 2-handed warrior as their free unlock from the free Dragon chest? I would have loved to have gotten Isabella, might of made me play the MP if I could just start as her.
It's actually pretty easy to level and max. I went from nothing to 10 in a day and not even playing that much. In your case though, yes, Isabela will take awhile as her item requirements are kinda high. It would require quite a bit of games and some luck so probably not what you want. If you see any of the other classes that are locked that might be a bit interesting none of them take much time at all to get the items for on the bright side if you ever decide to check it out.

I have to agree, the game is really good and I like it more than Inquisition. That was a good article, but a couple of years too late. That game needed a Champion back when it was getting ripped up and down.
Points to the podcast in my signature ... :)

I know I'm the smallest of small time though. I've been ridiculed for my opinion of DA 2 everywhere but this sub forum.

Gave DA 2 best audio for my 2011 GotY podcast & don't blink an eye about it. I always bring up in the deals forum the DLC (when it goes on sale) is better than the core game, especially in how Legacy sets up Inquisition.
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That was a good article, but a couple of years too late.
I've ranted on this before, but that's always the way. Jump on the hate bandwagon with everybody else, then when the spotlight has moved onto the new version and it's safe to come out, you can write your brave reappraisal. :lol: When Mass Effect 4 comes out, we'll see the pieces from bold, contrarian thinkers about how maybe ME3 wasn't actually the worst thing since Hitler.

Mass Effekt 3 über alle!!


As an RPG, DA2 was pretty good. As a Dragon Age game, it was pretty lackluster. Origins was one of the best games I've ever played and I can say with absolute honesty I wasn't letting my opinion of it set me up for massive disappointment (in other words, biasing my thoughts going in) as I didn't figure it would wow me like the first game plus it's like a tradition in any media that the sequels are never as good anyway. I liked the characters, didn't mind the faster combat and one of the biggest gripes about the constantly reused dungeons didn't even bother me that much. Yes, as I said, I wasn't expecting a whole lot since it was a sequel (and a rushed one at that) but it could have been way better and I can only wonder what it could have been like had they released it later as without having impossible standards due to the greatness of Origins, it still fell flat.

Back to this game, I think it took a step back in the right direction as it was definitely way better than DA2 but that's about it. It seems the devs were more concerned with how pretty they could make their pictures and see how far they could push the consoles to create maps the size of small countries. I can't lie, it's almost a bit insulting to see them try and hype the game's length and content when 2/3 of the time you spend in this game is traversing the huge ass (empty) maps to get to your objectives or doing the countless fetch quests. Sorry, but this isn't Skyrim and if I wanted to see super nice graphics and hugely detailed, empty terrain I'd go with that game. This game may have had more sidequests than the other two games but that's an insignificant boast when practically all of them are point A-to-point B fetch quests or "go here and find this item, quest immediately done" BS. Origins was over 70 hours and it didn't rely on maps the size of third world countries or a thousand useless quests to make that time - it was all pure content with very little sidequests.

Origins + Awakening was a pretty good game and most of the DLC that was available was pretty good to decent.

DA2 + Legacy was also pretty good, though Legacy was some of the best DA2 gameplay to be had, as it was a good nod back to Origins.

Characters in both were pretty good, though I think I'd need to give a nod to DA2's characters over Origins, especially Varric, Aveline and Merrill.

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I am somewhat ashamed to admit this, but I could not get into Awakening.  I tried at least three times and, by the time I got to it, gaming had evolved so much that it looked and played like a PS2 game.  The story didn't grab me either. 

That being said, the majority of the DLC for Origins was great.  Like Leliena's song, the Golem stuff, and even Witch Hunt was pretty darn good.  The Darkspawn one sucked hard, though. 

I'm betting we'll hear more about DA:I DLC at E3.  And not the lame armor and mounts DLC that just came out.  That was weak. 

Oh dang Spy, Legacy and Mark of the Assassin were top notch Bioware DLC's.  Definitely worth going back for those if you haven't played them.  I liked Assassin more than Legacy, personally.  It felt kind of like Kasumi's stolen memory with the party and all.  Definitely a precursor to the Winter Palace in Inquisition. 

Shit, I didn't play Legacy, never picked it up. I'm not going back to those games, need to go back to The Witcher 2 lol.
Legacy was a direct tie-in for DA: I and it was some of the best DLC from DA: O and DA2. Mark Of The Assassin was not quite as good, IMO, though still well worth the money, with some more great DA background materials, plus some Felicia Day elf action. :D

Oh dang Spy, Legacy and Mark of the Assassin were top notch Bioware DLC's. Definitely worth going back for those if you haven't played them. I liked Assassin more than Legacy, personally. It felt kind of like Kasumi's stolen memory with the party and all. Definitely a precursor to the Winter Palace in Inquisition.
Speak the word, brother. ;)

Couple of things:

1) Jaws Of Hakkon DLC is on-sale at the moment for 33% off, was $10.04 when purchased.  I jumped on it, since I'm at Level 21 and it's on-sale.

2) Made it through Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.  That was a rather interesting bit of story, though I had to do the endgame section three times to unlock Belle Of The Ball and then put the world-state back the way I wanted it for the end.  Nice diversion from the rest of the story, along the lines of Citadel from ME3.   I also have three dragons on the done list, as well.

Spoils of the Avvar DLC... Apparently this came out a few weeks ago? Why wasn't I informed? lol.

And the armor is body paint...? Hoo boy.  :hot:


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^^. Where's Isabella when you need her??

Side note, there is another comic series coming this fall. It's titled Magekiller and runs parallel to Inquisition, featuring a contract Mage Hunter modeled after Boba Fett. I love the premise and I'm a sucker for DA books and comics, so I'm excited.
Spoils of the Avvar DLC... Apparently this came out a few weeks ago? Why wasn't I informed? lol.

And the armor is body paint...? Hoo boy. :hot:

$4.99 for this:

The Spoils of the Avvar content pack adds new personalization elements to your Inquisition, including the Avvar Mount Pack, which contains five different beasts to ride across Thedas. Charge into battle atop a war-painted mount! Bring the unfettered spirit of the Avvar to Skyhold with several options to customize your base. The Spoils of the Avvar content pack also includes two sets of unique armor as loot and schematics to give your party the advantage against your foes.

Looking at that Avvar DLC content and seeing the bed made me think.....was there any reason or use for your bedroom in the game?  I went up there once to check it out.  I think there was one dialogue cinematic up there with my LI once out on the balcony, but what else?  Sure it's cool to have all those rooms, but I feel like there should have been some function. 

Yeah ditto, at first I was hoping for some sort of love scene with your intended but now that I have been playing Far Cry 4 a lot I'd just take a nap and pass time to help out my war room missions lol.

Yeah, I agree. The bedroom was cool to have but I was hoping for some actual stuff to do there, like in Mass Effect 2 where there a few little doohickeys to interact with and you could even spend time with your LI.
Every time there is a sale/code for the BioWare store, I get bummed out that I never got around to buying the N7 polo they were selling a few years back that is now discontinued.
Couple of questions:

1) If I have "What Pride Had Wrought" as my next piece of many story question, does that basically tail into the endgame from that point forward?

2)  Since Morrigan gave me the background on it, would it be something that would make sense to bring Solas along as my mage versus Dorian or Vivenne?

There is one more point where you can pause in the game before initiating the end game sequence. Maybe two, actually.

And, yes. Bring Solas. I did not and wished I had.
Got it.  Sounds like I should go do Jaws Of Hakkon and some other stuff like take down more dragons so I can grind up a level or two before hitting the end.

I know you can do other quests post-ending, though I think I'd like to put it aside once I get through the end as it's been a long, long trip to-date.

yeah, now is a good time to do that stuff.  That's when I went after the dragons and Jaws.  Seriously, though, you are going to plow through the ending. 

I strongly suggest slaying ALL of the dragons in the base game before attempting Jaws of Hakkon.  It is very difficult and even the ruffians in the map can give you a run for your money even at a high level. 

I'm at Level 22 right now, though I just started Jaws Of Hakkon last night.  I can certainly backtrack and get rid of the rest of the dragons I have to take down, which is five of them

Can certainly backtrack from where I'm at and do the rest of the side missions and the rest of the dragons.

I'm starting to look at my X1 play through of this once it hits EA Access, there shouldn't be any issue with beating the story on Nightmare and then lowering the difficulty for the dragon fights Afterward right?
Surprise to figure out what all the shards are for in the game.

Annoying that the completionist in me wants to finish up that area of the game after finding all the damn shards. 

Someone, please pity me.

bread's done