Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Ryuu, damn you for putting such a convincing review on that DLC.    Since MSU says it's really for levels 20+, guess I have sometime having just made it to level 15.

Man, $15 seems too steep of a price for me. $10, and I'd be sold. But $15? A little too rich for my blood.
The DLCs for DA2 were $10 / 800 pts back in the day. Ones for DA: O I think were in the same price range, $10.

$15 does seem a bit steep, though I know I'm good for a while with the base game. Maybe when I make it to Level 20, I'll think about picking up.

LOTSB was a home run for Bioware, yes.  I think the agreement in here is pretty much universal.

If I had to pick a second one from the DA series and the ME series, I think I'd have to put DA2's Legacy up there as a #2 pick.  Maybe Bring Down The Sky from ME1 or Leviathan from ME3 as #3 pick, though if I had to rank #1 - #10 for DLCs across those two game lines, I think it would be :

#1 - ME2 / LOTSB

#2 - DA2 / Legacy

#3 - ME1 / BDTS

#4 - ME3 / Leviathan

#5 - ME2 / Stolen Memory

#6 - ME3 / Citadel

#7 - ME3 / Omega

#8 - ME2 / Overlord

#9 - ME2 / Arrival

#10 - DA2 / Mark Of The Assassin

And here's someone that doesn't think that Jaws Of Hakkon is worth the $15:


though if I had to rank #1 - #10 for DLCs across those two game lines, I think it would be :
Ooh, now I gotta do this. :lol:

1. Lair of the Shadow Broker - no contest, it is the king

2. Stolen Memory - really love Kasumi and this mission

3. Citadel - sooo much content, and that party

4. From Ashes - great mission, great character

5. The Price of Revenge - Zaeed is the man, only edged out by Javik because he's less relevant to the main story

6. Leviathan - good stuff, very dramatic

7. The Exiled Prince - I like Sebastian

8. Legacy - liked it, don't really have anything particular to say about it though

9. Mark of the Assassin - ditto

10. Bring Down the Sky - eh, I liked it okay but just felt a little slim

11. Overlord - liked some parts of this, the vehicle sections really drag it down though

12. Arrival - felt like a B-team effort

13. Omega - short and superfluous mission, this one left me unsatisfied

14. Pinnacle Station - lame

I didn't include Dragon Age Origins because you didn't. :) But Shale would be up there near the top, great character.

Oh, I love these discussions.  LIST ALL THE THINGS!!!

I can't rank them off the top of my head, but I'll spout out some that had great experiences that left lasting memories....


  • LotSB = King of the hill....the car chase, the fight on the top of the ship, etc.
  • Stolen Memory = It was so unique that it stands out.  Plus, that end battle can be tough yet fun.
  • Leviathan = It felt like we were (and we did) get into big time geeky ME lore.  This one is under-appreciated, I think.
  • Citadel = pure fan service.  All the feels, seriously.
  • Bring Down the Sky = it was my first bit of real DLC, and it's a good sequence that had future implications
  • Pinnacle Station = I realize it's not that great, but to get all those achievements and all that, it felt great.  Especially early on in my ME fandom

  • Shale = All things Shale.  Love that character
  • Legacy = Deep, meaty and had future implications
  • Leliana's song = This was a deep character based mission that was very well done.  Too bad thatLelianna and the one in Inquisition are two different people
I've been thinking about replaying ME3 lately.  I really think it's time.  Once I finish Inquisition, that is. 

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Love the lists.  I would probably agree most with Ryuu's order, but I'd put Arrival over Overlord.

Chubby, what is it with Bioware and not letting "nice" characters stay nice?  Just like Leliana in DAI isn't the same character from Origins, I felt like Liara from ME2 wasn't the same character that charmed us in ME1.

Because those characters went through a lot of life changing events in the game.
Nah, I don't buy it. Leliana always had that tough-as-nails-beneath-an-innocent-exterior thing, but there was a logic to her whole demeanor and actions. It just bugs me that she's so much more fanatical in her beliefs during Inquisition, because she had a more practical outlook on the world in the first game. Liara's transformation is more unbelievable, but that is a discussion for a different thread I suppose.

I think the issue with Leliana's change from DA: O to DA: I is that she became Justinia's Left Hand and with that, a lot of bad things came along with that position. 

Justinia was the one who "saved" Leliana after the things that happened to her from Leliana's Song with Majorlaine, so that was a turning point for her.  I think that assuming the "canon" of DA: O, if she was in love with the Warden, they died fighting the Archdemon, so she would have been mourning them in some way.  From the conversations you have with Leliana and asking her about Justinia, there was some deep feelings for Justinia, part mother/daughter, part significant other. 

I can only guess that when Justinia was elected to be the Divine and Leliana elevated to Left Hand, there was some bad stuff she needed to do and it hardened her.  When Justinia was killed in the beginning of DA: I, it probably hardened her quite a bit into what she is in DA: I.

For Liara, I can only guess it's all of what she did to get Shepard back after he died from the Collector attack, dealing with Cerberus and the three years' time worth of being on her own after being with the Normandy crew.   ME3, she's turned things around a bit for more pragmatism and less hardened, though I would guess it's all of what she's been dealing with as the Shadow Broker.

Leliana's progression is easier for me to quantify than Liara's, I suppose.

Here's my list, excluding Awakening since it's really a whole seperate game.

Top 10
Lair of the Shadow Broker- Still probably the best of all games, but I guess I need to play Minerva's Den

Citadel- Great quest and then the extra stuff at the end

Stolen Memory- Easily the most underrated one

From Ashes- Such a great character and a great introduction, but an FU to anyone who didn't get the CE

Legacy- Who would have thought ... spoilers

Leviathan- Needed to clean up the mess of ME 3 ending but still ugh

Liliana's Song- The best of Origins DLC offerings

Mark of the Assassin- Also very underrated b/c of all the hate around Felicia Day

Bring Down the Sky- Very annoying until you get past the minefield then it gets good

Warden's Keep- Makes the game immensley easier and also unlocks the best sword of Origins and most of Awakening. Cool lore tie also.

Bottom 10

Witch Hunt- So disappointing but not bad

The Stone Prisoner

The Exiled Prince




Return to Ostagar

Golems of Argamarrk

Darkspawn Chronicles

Pinnacle Station- So bad Bioware didn't bother porting it to PS3

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Huh.  I must suck at videogames.  I'm at the end of the Hakkon DLC, I'm level 25 and I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing in this game but for the life of me, I cannot beat the last or second to last boss in this DLC.  I tried 6 times tonight and just rage quit.   fuck this DLC.  It is mildly interesting to DA lore buffs and the locale is interesting, very different than any other in the game, but I am not finding it that fun overall.  In the grand scheme of Bioware DLC, I'm ranking it pretty far down the list. 

Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow. 

Okay, now that I've beaten the DLC and the game....along with a couple of days to digest it all, this is a good game.  Not great, but good. 

As for the DLC, it has some great armor, a cool last boss (though not much different than what we experienced in the main game), some good dialogue (Inquisition rooaaad triiiip!) and a very unique location.  But, it didn't add much to the storyline other than some pretty hardcore DA lore.  In the end, the DLC felt tedious to me and not worth $15. 

Back to the main game, I had been letting a pretty heavy duty rant fester for a while, but the more I played the game, the less I disliked it.  No, the open world format isn't for me and I feel like they could have cut 3 or 4 big areas in favor of 1 or 2 smaller and more story-centric locations/sequences, but it was a fun time all in all.  I like the two-endings, too.  The main ending is nice in that it wrapped everything up nicely.  You could tell Bioware learned their lesson from ME3 (which I will continue to note, I had no problem with).  No DLC to have a wrap-up party this time!  but, that last post-credit cinema!  That is the kind of stuff I like! 

I seriously wonder if an Awakening sized expansion is announced at E3. They have the base game to just keep throwing expansions at and the fan base will eat them up.
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I think my pants will be tight if we get an Awakening-sized expansion for DA: I.  They'll probably announce more DLC at E3, or some upcoming plans for more DLC later into the year.

I just hope we hear some MENext news from Bioware at E3.

Oh it's def gonna be at E3 where they will show Mass Effect stuff, could just be another concept/teaser trailer for all I care but we already got that so I'm guessing a cinematic trailer will be shown - game play shown behind closed doors.

Oh and yeah I would also love a big ass dlc for DA:I too.
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I bet we'll get some DA expansion news at E3.  The recent dlc was just an appetizer.  

Really really hope they give us something substantial, like a title and a cinematic, for M4ss Effect, too.  No more concept art or those BS video montages with the development team talking about how awesome the game is going to be.  

Really really hope they give us something substantial, like a title and a cinematic, for M4ss Effect, too. No more concept art or those BS video montages with the development team talking about how awesome the game is going to be.
I'm at the point where these smug little tweets all the time, for a game that they've been teasing for like 1.5 years now but doesn't even have an official title, are more annoying than anything else. Time to stop being coy about it and prove that you intend to release an actual game someday rather than just concept art and dev diaries.

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Managed to get in some good gametime with DA: I this weekend so far, which had some nice bits for it:

* Went through Here Lies The Abyss.  Great stuff all around, especially the sequence in the Fade, giving out all of the background of what happened in the Temple Of Sacred Ashes.    That alone was worth the price of admission, including the WTF moments in the flashbacks.  In case you're wondering,
I had my ME1 moment with picking who stays behing in the Fade and had Stroud do it in atonement for the Wardens at Temple Of Sacred Ashes.  Couldn't leave Hawke behind.
  I Did Here Lies The Abyss with Vivenne instead Solas, as I thought a second Knight Enchanter for close combat made more sense.  Heard that Solas gives you more insight into the Fade if he does with you.  Any reason to go back again with Solas?

* Unlocked multple achievements (Invincincble, Here Lies The Abyss, Peerless, People Person and Wrymslayer) in one sitting.  At 465 GS so far out of 1165.

* Took down my first two dragons (Abyssal High Dragon in Western Approach and Northern Hunter in Crestwood) though ran across the Visnomer on Dragon Island and he repeatedly kicked my ass.  Found out that he's a little bit past my level at the moment.  Will go look for the one in the Hinterlands next since it's supposed to be the easiest one.

* Went back and killed that damn Wyvern in Crestwood.

* Finished up Western Approach, which in retrospect was a pretty good area without a lot of random fetch quests since a number of them were related with the lead-up to the Abyssal High Dragon.

* Consumated the relationship with Sera after doing A Woman Who Wants For Nothing, which was some funny stuff.

* Lots of great dialogue with Iron Bull and others, which was lacking with Iron Bull for the longest time.  Good diagloue with numerous characters in the last couple of sessions.

Timewise, I think I'm in the mid 60-hour range (110-something due to that stupid time glitch that added 50 hours to my gameplay time) and just headed up to Hissing Wasters.  Will bang that out and then head off to the masked ball.

You're doing very well, Shrike.  Don't rush it, have fun.  Especially with the dragons.  Once you get a couple down, you can knock out one after the other and by the end, you're a beast because you're so leveled up. 

Another reason for picking up the guide for DA: I.  The eGuide, which is a freebie when you bought the guide, has been updated with info about the Jaws Of Hakkon DLC.  Hopefully that will continue as they release more DLC for DA: I. :D

Oh, that's good to know.  I usually pay no attention to those eguides, but this is pretty cool.  The DLC isn't that hard to figure out, but it's nice for completionists. 

Oh, that's good to know. I usually pay no attention to those eguides, but this is pretty cool. The DLC isn't that hard to figure out, but it's nice for completionists.
That was the one thing I had an issue with about the ME2 CE guide, as I had to double-dip (for a penny, of course) on the ME2 guide that came out when the PS3 version was released. That covered all the DLC except for Arrival.

This is a nicer way to do it, since the free eGuide is a nice bonus for picking up the physical guide.

Yep, I found those last night. Thanks for the links. I'm a prude and would want a new copy, so it'd cost me around $50. I'm gonna keep an eye on this for a while.

Hey, things are generally quiet in DA land, but that World of Thedas Vol 2 book is coming out soon.
Another reason for picking up the guide for DA: I. The eGuide, which is a freebie when you bought the guide, has been updated with info about the Jaws Of Hakkon DLC. Hopefully that will continue as they release more DLC for DA: I. :D
If I wasn't going to have this CE guide one-day join my autographed DA 1/2 CE guides I would be tempted to sell it if it got to KH 1.5 HD range ($100 plus.)
So PS3/4 & X360 date for the DLC is May 26 (2 month delay!) thanks to GS leak.

I hope EA loved that MS money b/c who on PS4 is going to buy that 1 week after Witcher 3 releases?
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My thoughts exactly. At this point just release the DLC the same day as Witcher 3 so people will play DA before jumping into Witcher 3.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Hakkon hit the same day (next Tuesday the 5th) as the Black Emporium and the new MP expansion?! (FYI BE and the MP expansion are both free downloads.)

Coolest thing about the 2nd MP expansion is dragon fights and Isabella as playable.

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So... tbh I haven't even touched the multiplayer so I don't know if she's being added as a playable character or as some kind of NPC or what, but... Isabela is coming to Inquisition!



Also, Black Emporium and Mirror of Transformation are coming on May 5!

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bread's done