Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Yeah, even on the easiest difficulty, the difference in survivability between rogues vs. everyone else is stark. Sera and Varric are always the ones either dying or bogarting the potions.

I noticed that with the rogues during my dragon fights.  I ended up removing them from the equation of any difficult battle. 

Gotta say, now that I've re-spec'd my Knight Enchanter and have taken down a dragon, this game is getting my attention more.  I was not feeling it in a big way and there are still some rather major gripes, but I'm having fun and I guess that's what it's all about. 

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I just went through that thought process and ended up with Knight Enchanter.  The abilities didn't sound that great and was leaning to Rift Mage because Necromancer sounded too evil (I always play the good guy the first time around), but boy oh boy, I'm glad I went with KE. 

There is a move where you go invisible for 2 seconds and if you reappear *inside* the enemy it does major damage.  That plus the sword strike move = major ass kicking inquisiting machine!  I was stuck on my first dragon until I equipped these abilities and just tore through it. 

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Since it looks like the three NPC mages all have one of the specializations, I can always flesh out their abilities in their respective specialization and have them work backup.

KE does sound pretty good, if that's one spell you can use.    The mini-rifts you can make after leaving Haven are pretty cool on their own.

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Since it looks like the three NPC mages all have one of the specializations, I can always flesh out their abilities in their respective specialization and have them work backup.

KE does sound pretty good, if that's one spell you can use. The mini-rifts you can make after leaving Haven are pretty cool on their own.
Yes, KE abilities + mini-rift = serious damage. Plus, one of the abilities (sorry, I'm bad with the names of all these things) replenishes your barrier as you are fighting, making you near invincible in the right conditions.

I'm still plugging away at Inquisition.  52 hours in and I think I've done all of the major stuff except for the final missions.  I just finished the ball, was interesting enough.  But once again, the options I was given were just off of what I would have chosen.  Can't complain though.....no, I am going to complain....

after reading Masked Empire, a part of me liked the intimacy between Celine and Briala.  LIke, they had something that was genuine and it was sad to see the events of the book go down.  I had hoped that there could have been a reconciliation on some level.  Maybe not as lovers but at least as two people/powers with Orlais' best interest in mind and heart.  Then, at the end, I chose to let Gaspard die so I could make a point to ask what would come of Briala.  And as a thanks for helping the Inquisition thwart her murder, Celine says "oh cool, thanks for the assist, brah, but you are exiled."  What the hell is that?  I was hoping to have Briala's forces at least acknowledged as dedicated to the Inquisition or something.  It was rather anticlimatic.

I have to say, judging the wrong-doer from that mission was fun.  "Welcome to MY party"   I decided to
make Florianne the Inquisition jester.  Just to be a dick.  hehe heh

One last observation, pertaining to the addition to my advisory board :lol:
Morrigan's kid is hanging out at Skyhold......who is really, MY kid........weird to see.  But I couldn't help but think, "hey Morrigan, cover up those tittays when your kid is around.  That's weird.  8-[ 

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Glad you finally got that ball out of the way, Chubby!  My observations on your observations...

As with everything, the outcome is dependent on how the conversations go at the Winter Palace.  In mine, Florianne was executed, Gaspard was exiled and Briala and Celene came to a truce.  All outcomes I could live with, especially since Florianne's execution leads to a fantastic judgement sequence later back at Skyhold.

And I was kind of disappointed to see Morrigan default back to her crazy Witch of the Wilds attire back at Skyhold.  She looked a lot classier in her gown back at the palace.  The new look suited her.

I am 50 hours in, just went to Exalted Plains, and have numerous major stuff to.do, including the ball. Will bang through there, make sure I have KE specialization started, then look at what's next. Have to go meet Hawke and Stroud as my next major plot points.

Don't have any dragon fights yet, though it sounds like I should be KE before going that way.

On the romance front, I have potential relationships with Cullen and Sera. Almost had one with Blackwell, though I ended it before it turned into one. Cassandra politely told me she doesn't like girls. ;)
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On the romance front, I have potential relationships with ... Sera.
You've gotta lock that down!


In other news: Free DAI week-long trial starting today on Xbox One, for Gold members.


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You've gotta lock that down!


In other news: Free DAI week-long trial starting today on Xbox One, for Gold members.

Working on that, my friend, working on it, as I need some more approval to lock that down.

EDIT: Can now cross Josephine off the LI list, as I was at the "commit or end it" point. Shame, as it was some nice dialogue back and forth, especially with Leliana's "protective friend" speech about Josephine.

Still not locked anything down with Sera yet, though I did go pranking with her around Skyhold. Time to figure out what's left to do to get the approval up more to the lock-in point.

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It's locked down now. :D   Took one more Red Jenny mission to cross over the line, as it seems.

And in a "WTF?" moment, when I was saving a game last night, it claimed the time I had spent to-date went up from 52 hours to 99 hours and had only been 45 minutes at the most.   Saves after that point were the same exaggerated time in-game.

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And in a "WTF?" moment, when I was saving a game last night, it claimed the time I had spent to-date went up from 52 hours to 99 hours and had only been 45 minutes at the most. Saves after that point were the same exaggerated time in-game.
That sounds like the game went into standby at some point while you were doing something else. The clock keeps running on the play time even when suspended. Happened a few times to me, so I just loaded my last save before starting to play again.
That sounds like the game went into standby at some point while you were doing something else. The clock keeps running on the play time even when suspended. Happened a few times to me, so I just loaded my last save before starting to play again.
Great, wish I knew that before proceeding. Feh. Guess I could redo what I did to that point a second time.

And in a "WTF?" moment, when I was saving a game last night, it claimed the time I had spent to-date went up from 52 hours to 99 hours and had only been 45 minutes at the most. Saves after that point were the same exaggerated time in-game.
That must be why my game said 300 hours at the end hahaha.
Phew, I finally got all the dragons slayed.  I'm really glad that I kept a save at a level 15 dragon for my unofficial 11th fight for the achievement.  That last dragon wasn't so bad, even at level 23.  I was level 21 and very soon into the battle, Cassandra was dead.  Then it was just Varric and I when Dorian went down at about 66% health left.  Varric hung in until it was down to about 33% health.  Then, I said screw it and just fought the thing by myself.  That Knight Enchanter specialization is ridiculously OP.  As long as you're wacking on something, you won't die.  And if you keep a barrier ready for when the dragon jumps around, you'll be fine.  It was a slow dance of slashing, cloaking to realign after he jumped around, hit the barrier, start wacking again.  It was silly easy, just a little time consuming. 

I guess I can now begin the end-game story stuff.  I might go get all of the rifts first.

Spoiler comments about a certain Hero:

I was very glad they had a reference to the Hero of Ferelden, but OMG that was lame!  It was a letter that said "Hey, nice work, bro!  That Corypheus is a pisser, in'he?  Aw right, well, I don't want to be a corruption zombie, so I'm gonna go do my thing.  Have a snazzy belt.  Take care, brush your hair!"

Very anti-climactic, but interesting that a major character in the game is looking to end the Calling.  That could be an interesting storyline for future iterations.

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Heads up! New DLC on the way. I was browsing the Xbox app this morning and noticed 165 new gamer score. It must be coming relatively soon if the cheevos are already live.

I'm at work, on my phone, or I'd do screenshots and links.
Sweet, DLC incoming FINALLY! I hope they drop the Mirror of Transformation soon as well.

DLC Pack: Unknown Pack




Unknown Pack
0 tracked gamers have this dlc pack

There are a maximum of 4 achievements worth 165 (165)

There are no reviews

Firestarter15 (15)

Destroy all the Winter Shards and light all the fires in the Old Temple.
0.0You have not yet won this | There are no guides - add a guide

Legend-Marked30 (30)

Impress the Avvar of Stone-Bear Hold and gain their friendship.
0.0You have not yet won this | There are no guides - add a guide

Historian30 (30)

Uncover the secrets of a legendary figure.
0.0You have not yet won this | There are no guides - add a guide

Winter's End90 (90)

Dispel a myth of ancient days.
0.0You have not yet won this | There are no guides - add a guide
No tracked gamers have this Achievement

Question for the gang.....the Solasan temple, is it worth it to find all those shards? It seems like a big time sink, so I want to make sure its worth the effort.
AFAIK you just get increased elemental resistance buffs for your character. There's no big, unique prize at the end (besides the achievement).

In other news, been going through the Western Approach and that's been pretty fun. Meeting with Stroud and Hawke was quite cool. Running into the fun that was there was so easy due to keeping a mini-Rift on standby and used it to clean out the entire area with one small button press. Sort of like the heavy weapons from ME2. :D

Speaking of cool, the Spirit Blade from the KE is all kinds of cool. That adds in a nice bit to combat if someone gets up close and personal.

Heads up! New DLC on the way. I was browsing the Xbox app this morning and noticed 165 new gamer score. It must be coming relatively soon if the cheevos are already live.

I'm at work, on my phone, or I'd do screenshots and links.
Nice find, chubby.

And I'll have to wait an extra 30 days. :( Thanks for the heads up Chubby.
That's the price you pay for 1080p gameplay. ;)

Sweet, DLC incoming FINALLY! I hope they drop the Mirror of Transformation soon as well.
Let's hope the Black Emporium shows up with it as well.

AFAIK you just get increased elemental resistance buffs for your character. There's no big, unique prize at the end (besides the achievement).
Good to know. I'm trying to pick them up when I can, though if it's a huge prize for it, I can be OK with not getting all of them.

Question for the gang.....the Solasan temple, is it worth it to find all those shards? It seems like a big time sink, so I want to make sure its worth the effort.
It is very boring and frustrating too. Especially when you see the damn shard and it is fifty feet up on a cliff that you have to jump around like a damn fool to get to it.

It is very boring and frustrating too. Especially when you see the damn shard and it is fifty feet up on a cliff that you have to jump around like a damn fool to get to it.
My Inquisitor should be named Mountain Goat for some of the tiny places they've ended up looking for shards, loot chests and the like. It's been a little crazy the places they have placed some of those items.

It's like the crazy driving I used to have to do in the Mako in ME1 for getting some of those items that were in such random places on a planet.

Oh damn if it's coming out tomorrow.

And the big questions:

1) How much and how big/long will it be?

2) Is it for anytime during the game, or post-ending DLC?

I don't know if this affects anyone else since Shrike already returned his CE, but if you contacted Josh from Triforce about your damaged CE, replacements are incoming & they need addresses for the items to be sent out.
Good luck with that one. :) I would bet $14.99, don't forget about the 10% EA Access discount though.
Or the "wait until next year when it might be 50% off" discount as well. ;)

I have no shortage of content with DA: I at the moment, so I might wait until some reviews get posted first than knee-jerk it tomorrow.

If this new DLC is under $20 I'll buy it. Because Bioware is the only DLC I buy sight unseen, I want to support the dev and it's one of those silly luxuries I afford myself. I'm knee deep into the game now and I'm right at the end, so the timing is actually perfect for me.
Lol on the Xbox One the DLC is available now due to a glitch.


Discover the fate of the last Inquisitor and the powerful dragon he hunted. Enter an overgrown wilderness filled with Avvar, fiercely independent hunters who settled in the southern mountains of Thedas. Explore their culture to uncover what happened to the last Inquisitor and the dragon he pursued. Find an ancient Tevinter fortress that hides a dangerous secret. In this new adventure, playable within the Dragon Age: Inquisition campaign, you will face powerful foes, gain legendary armor and weapons, and confront an ancient god of war bent on destroying the world. Features: • Uncover a lost chapter in the history of the Inquisition and discover the ultimate fate of the last Inquisitor • Explore a vast, new area in Thedas with lush forests and mountainous terrain • Earn the respect of Avvar warriors while destroying an ancient cult • Strengthen the Inquisition through new operations unlocked by your discoveries
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Sweet, I'll be playing later tonight

ETA: Installing now, wife is watching television though, I might not be able to play for a little bit :)

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So, impressions! I played for about 3 hours last night. It kinda feels like I've done the bulk of the main story and am approaching the end, but I'm not sure, and I've unlocked 0/4 achievements so far, so there's obviously more to do. My impression is definitely positive, and it felt in some ways like they're taking the opportunity in DLC to correct deficiencies with the main game.

One thing that bothered me a bit about Inquisition was that the main story quests felt disconnected from the world. Any time you were doing something substantial, you were in an instanced, linear 'setpiece zone' that you only visited once, and the only things to do in the actual open world were 'kill 10 dickwolves' sorts of quests. In Jaws of Hakkon, the story quests have you traipsing around the open world, doing stuff in it. That felt good. The new Frostback Basin setting is great-- big and varied, without being too big. It's dense with interesting locales to see, with some interesting verticality going on too.

One very cool thing, is that at the beginning of the DLC, you're kind of presented with two possible avenues of progress-- speaking to a scholar in your camp, or seeking out a friendly native tribe and speaking to their leader. I opted to go see the tribe first, and did a quest or two for them, and when I looped back to the scholar, my dialogue with him reflected everything I had already learned from investigating the tribe. Very nice.

I did hear a lot of intra-party banter, but I don't recall anything that sounded specific to the DLC setting; I think it was probably all stuff leftover from the main game that I just hadn't heard yet. Party members do individually comment on stuff going on in the DLC quests though.

I feel like there's less loot in Jaws, but it's better stuff. I've only found 4 or 5 new weapons, but 2 of those were substantial upgrades to stuff my party was carrying. I like that kind of setup better than feeling like I'm drowning in vendor trash. Also, it's not part of the DLC itself, but oh my god that storage chest was needed. The first thing I did was dump 90% of what I was carrying into it. It was so nice, when you've only got 90 inventory slots, to not have to carry around dozens of runes and weapon parts in case I needed them later. Instead, I found a weapon with an open rune slot, warped back to Skyhold, browsed through the runes in my storage chest, did the modification, and warped right back to what I was doing. No constant micromanaging of my inventory, because I have 10/90 slots full instead of 85/90.

Scout Harding! Great to see so much more of her in this DLC. Seemingly no new romance opportunity, but that might be because I was already attached to Cassandra. ;) Hear our demand BioWare, Harding romance or riot.

bread's done