Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

I ended up doing In Your Heart Shall Burn once I figured out that the remaining quests that weren't accessible after that point were either done or not showing up.

OMG, In Your Heart Shall Burn was so good, it's on par with the end mission of ME1 at the Citadel going after Saren or the suicide mission against the Collectors in ME2.

Though, as I look over the Wikia, I think I need to redo it again after seeing where my choices ended up and have some preference on other ways to do my choices.

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Def agree and oh come on you can't look at the wikia afterward, that's cheating. :p
It's not cheating, I was trying to figure out why I couldn't save everyone in Haven and a couple of them made no sense. Just kept reading, of course. :whistle2:$

It's not like I couldn't find the same thing in the guide, though the guide is at home. :whistle2:$

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OMG, In Your Heart Shall Burn was so good, it's on par with the end mission of ME1 at the Citadel going after Saren or the suicide mission against the Collectors in ME2.
Mr. Shrike, I have to respectfully disagree. While In Your Heart Shall Burn is a great sequence, nothing compares to the to the sight of Shepard fighting up the side of the Citadel tower while Sovereign looms over him. Nothing gives me chills like the end of Mass Effect.
I ended up doing In Your Heart Shall Burn once I figured out that the remaining quests that weren't accessible after that point were either done or not showing up.

OMG, In Your Heart Shall Burn was so good, it's on par with the end mission of ME1 at the Citadel going after Saren or the suicide mission against the Collectors in ME2.

Though, as I look over the Wikia, I think I need to redo it again after seeing where my choices ended up and have some preference on other ways to do my choices.

Mr. Shrike, I have to respectfully disagree. While In Your Heart Shall Burn is a great sequence, nothing compares to the to the sight of Shepard fighting up the side of the Citadel tower while Sovereign looms over him. Nothing gives me chills like the end of Mass Effect.
I think we can all agree it's some of their best stuff since those times.


I've had some computer issues, so I haven't posted sooner, but I [finally] beat the game earlier this week.  Back in early January I got distracted by Destiny again and stopped playing Inquisition, not realizing how close I was to the end.  It only took me a couple hours this week to finish things off.  My thoughts...

 Loved the game.  I really love how they built off of the events of DA2 and incorporated many of those characters.  For a lot of the game, I felt like they were pretty much ignoring Origins, but once Morrigan showed up I was thrilled.  The way they tied in her story along with the Eluvians was great.  And at the end of Masked Empire, I theorized that Flemeth was the mystery person who Falassan was speaking to and now I am even more certain it was her.  Really, they did an excellent job of putting in little things to reward those of us who read the books and play the games.  I do wish we had a chance to see Rhys and Evangeline though.

Also, I pretty much got the ending I want, which is rare for my first playthrough of an RPG.  Early on, I had wanted Leliana to be the next Divine, but after i told her I'd endorse her she got all c-c-c-crazy and started talking about how everyone would be a part of the Chantry...or else.  Yeeks.  So, I did my best to backtrack and I must have done something right becuase in the end, Cassandra became Divine.  They didn't say so, but does anyone else think that they inferred that Leliana was leading those who opposed her reforms?

The final battle was a bit anti-climatic.  It started out appropriately epic with the flying castle, fade-rift, and crashing rocks.   Then when Morrigan-dragon came flying in I was grinning like an idiot.  But then my party just mowed down Corphyus and his zombie dragon like nothing.  I honestly had a tougher fight with the last few dragons I hunted.  

All in all, great game.  I put in 88 hours and feel like I did just about everything worth doing.  I'll go back in for a couple more achievements, but I will probably wait a while before starting another character.  Maybe when the dlc hits.

I finished the game last night. Save file says over 150 hours. By the time I was ready to finish the last few story quests, my dual blade rogue was overpowered for everything I faced.

Got every achievement save the Hard/Nightmare ones. I have exactly one quest left in my journal, the requisition in the Exalted Plains for Orlesian lore. Too bad I've apparently killed every Freeman all the way down to the stable boys, so it'll just be staring at me when the inevitable DLC arrives. Decided I don't care about missing a Bottle of Thedas or finishing off the last mosaic (the rewards for collecting shards were much better than codex entries about art theory).

I will admit to getting a little choked up in the victory walk at the end.
That's great to hear that the Black Emporium is making its way to DA: I.

Aren't the console versions 1 patch behind the "current" patch?  I think that we're on Patch 3 or Patch 3 is about to be released because it's in the approval process and the PC is on Patch 4.

It is funny that the image for the armor tinting shows the XB1/X360 buttons at the bottom of the image. :D

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I'm finally getting back into Inquisition and finished Here Lies the Abyss last night and


  At the end, I had to leave Hawke or Stroud.  In the heat of the moment, I left Hawke using the logic that, "Yeah, I believe in the Wardens and someone has to rebuild them......gotta be Stroud, right?"  But, Hawke man.  Freaking Hawke.  The undeniable coolest sumbitch in all of Dragon Age.  Varric was distraught when we got back, too.  Now I'm totally rethinking that decision. 

Anyone else go this route and did you regret that decision?  There was an auto save right before the decision point, so I can easily go back.

Anyone else go this route and did you regret that decision? There was an auto save right before the decision point, so I can easily go back.
How could you? Have you no heart? :shame:

Heh. Anyway, I made the other decision, so I really can't speak to the ramifications of yours. However, I didn't experience any negative results or particular challenges from doing it the other way. Everything seemed to work out.

How could you? Have you no heart? :shame:

Heh. Anyway, I made the other decision, so I really can't speak to the ramifications of yours. However, I didn't experience any negative results or particular challenges from doing it the other way. Everything seemed to work out.
Agreed. Does not make much impact at all.

I wrapped up the main story last night, a little over 70 hours total. Going to reload a slightly older save though for some trophy cleanup (playing on PS4) before I shelve the game.

Any thoughts on that ending scene? ;)
At the end, I had to leave Hawke or Stroud. In the heat of the moment, I left Hawke using the logic that, "Yeah, I believe in the Wardens and someone has to rebuild them......gotta be Stroud, right?" But, Hawke man. Freaking Hawke. The undeniable coolest sumbitch in all of Dragon Age. Varric was distraught when we got back, too. Now I'm totally rethinking that decision.

Anyone else go this route and did you regret that decision? There was an auto save right before the decision point, so I can easily go back.
Yup and it's good writing when Bioware makes you feel this, they make you feel bro.
Yeah, the only long-term effect from that decision will be the shame of knowing how much you suck. :shame:
Whatever man! It was the heat of the moment! My logic was
Stroud can rebuild the Wardens, and I believe they are worth rebuilding. Hawke is awesome, but he's kind of not tied to anything...other than killer hair and furry pauldrons. And Isabella, rawr. .... So, I picked the greater good. Well....I did.....but I'm going back and replaying that fight and choosing Hawke. I CHOOSE YOU, YA CHAMPION BASTID!

The outcome was ambiguous anyway, I mean clearly it's implied that they died, but BioWare left themselves enough of an out that if they really want to use that character again, they can.
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What is this Stroud guy doing in y'all's playthroughs anyway, real DA fans know that
is the man.
Respectfully disagree. His deeds warranted capital punishment. Betrayal is not acceptable. Now, there *is* one other Warden that *should* have come over, but my save state must've been jacked up. Oh well. Stroud is a worthy addition to the mythos, I think. For his mustache alone, really.


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Anyone else go this route and did you regret that decision? There was an auto save right before the decision point, so I can easily go back.
Went that route as well for pretty much the same reasons you did. Varric being so down really bummed me out, but I didn't go back. My other reasoning was that if someone could escape, it would be him.

Knocked out my remaining dragons, as well as some other achievements, over the weekend. The final dragon fight took me over an hour, because for some reason the game slowed to a crawl when he was down to about a third of his health. Like, a total slideshow. It was incredibly tedious to keep playing but I didn't want to have to do the entire fight over again, so I just kept chugging along at like 2 frames per second. That was not fun.

Managed to get some playtime this weekend and went through Crestwood to find the mustache'd Warden.  Overall, Crestwood was very good and have some of that great spooky atmosphere present in Fallow Mire.    That was another area where it was great just to go around and see the different parts (think I was up to 16/19 areas discovered).    Some funny parts in there, especially going into the Rusty Anchor and getting the surprise of finding the place not so abandoned.   I need go to back and finish up a couple of random bits there before labeling it done for the time being.

I also did get my second dragon sighting as well, once I left the Rusty Anchor, as I had one buzz the bridge out of there.    Guess I should actually go and try to fight one of the easier ones and see how it goes.

Up to Level 13 and it's certainly seeming easier in the last couple of bits once I made it up to Level 12-13.  I had Vivienne + Sera + Blackwall for Crestwood and that seemed to work well. 

In unrelated news, finished up reading Last Flight and thought it was great.  Surprised how good it was in the 2nd half as the first half was a little "fluffier" than I expected.

I somehow missed this the first time around, but Angry Joe's DAI review is pretty great. He even loves Scout Harding! :lol:


Knocked out my remaining dragons, as well as some other achievements, over the weekend. The final dragon fight took me over an hour, because for some reason the game slowed to a crawl when he was down to about a third of his health. Like, a total slideshow. It was incredibly tedious to keep playing but I didn't want to have to do the entire fight over again, so I just kept chugging along at like 2 frames per second. That was not fun.
I pretty much wrapped up the PS4 version as well, only have the dragon fights and the shards to go. At least until I get around to doing a Nightmare speed run...
Yeah, I don't see myself playing this on the harder difficulties. I'm actually kinda disappointed that I won't be completing the achievements, since I did for the first two. :-({|=

I probably should have just done Nightmare from the start (Knight Enchanter is so OP anyway) but this was my first entry in to the Dragon Age series so I figured I'd start off on an easier difficulty, lol.
I've been quiet on the board because I have very conflicting opinions of this game.  It's not what I hoped it would be, but I'm just at the part with Empress Celine (not a spoiler), so I believe there is some good stuff coming.  But be prepared for one heck of a rant in the coming weeks. 

I do think I should've started the game on hard because I definitely don't see going back to beat it on the harder difficulties. 

Yeah, I think I know where you're coming from. I liked the game a lot but reflecting on it I think it's very strangely designed. Like, how the main story quests largely take place in sealed, one-off areas that can't be revisited, and meanwhile you've got these enormous, beautiful zones like Emerald Graves or Emprise du Lion that don't have anything in them but fetch quests. I've said this before but it does sometimes feel like a Dragon Age game awkwardly stapled to an Elder Scrolls game.

Yeah, I think I know where you're coming from. I liked the game a lot but reflecting on it I think it's very strangely designed. Like, how the main story quests largely take place in sealed, one-off areas that can't be revisited, and meanwhile you've got these enormous, beautiful zones like Emerald Graves or Emprise du Lion that don't have anything in them but fetch quests. I've said this before but it does sometimes feel like a Dragon Age game awkwardly stapled to an Elder Scrolls game.
DA: I is the love child of Skyrim and DA2?

EDIT: And speaking of zones, I was impressed with Crestwood, which didn't seem like a lot of "fetch quests" per-se. There were a couple of main quests in there, with some fetch filler tossed in there on top. Not like the Hinterlands, which seemed like all fetch quests. Not that I'm finished with Crestwood, though I'm mostly done with it.

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Yeah, I think I know where you're coming from. I liked the game a lot but reflecting on it I think it's very strangely designed. Like, how the main story quests largely take place in sealed, one-off areas that can't be revisited, and meanwhile you've got these enormous, beautiful zones like Emerald Graves or Emprise du Lion that don't have anything in them but fetch quests. I've said this before but it does sometimes feel like a Dragon Age game awkwardly stapled to an Elder Scrolls game.
The Hinterlands had the most quests, but half of them were pretty dull and pointless. I really enjoyed areas like The Emerald Graves, The Western Approach and especially Emprise du Lion. I thought there were a wide variety of quests in Emprise du Lion; some of them my favorites outside of the story-missions.

But like you, I was disappointed that I could not go back and explore some of the more interesting locales after the story mission they were associated with had finished. I would have liked to spend more time in areas like The Winter Palace.

Inquisition is the single player MMORPG, If you're not phased by the MMO structure you don't notice the fetching since that's the gameplay. I'm now "grinding" in Diablo III atm, lol I'm used to it I guess.
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My one wish was for more story-based missions. The ancillary quests are great, especially some of the character ones, but the main story just feels too short to me. Still a great game, though; don't get me wrong.

I wrapped up the Dragon hunting and shard trophies tonight, and like Ryu my fight against the last dragon took a while due to the FPS just going really sluggish.  Once I got him under 40% it slowed to PS1 game levels.  Additionally it seemed to take FOREVER to get him from 25% to 0...and after all that the damn trophy didnt pop.  Luckily I had a save right before the right, and after reloading it the second try seemed to go really fast and the trophy popped.  That leaves me with only a Nightmare Speed-run for the plat.

I think I'm just gonna trade it in this weekend though and rent it down the road.  I had a lot of fun with the game (80 hours or so, my first entry in the Dragon Age series) but I need something different for a while.

I saw this on a Facebook post. Not sure but I think all 3 of the original books are combined in that but I couldn't get a definitive answer.

If so that's a good price as those 3 were each $30-$40 MSRP. If not then it's the same ballpark as the $200 Super CE strat guide, in being overpriced for everyone except the hardest of hardcore.

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Notes from this weekend's gameplay:

* I spent an hour and a half Friday night, just walking around Skyhold, taking in the sights and talking with people.  I didn't realize how damned big the place seems to be.    Not that Haven was small as a base, though Skyhold just seems really damned big.

* Caer Oswin mission for Cassandra was awesome sauce.

* Verichel mission for Sera was even more awesome sauce.

* Damn cave wyvern kicked my ass when I found it in Crestwood.  I'll head back there when I make up a level or two more. 

bread's done