Search results

  1. depward

    DJMAX Technika Tune VITA $44.99 shipped TODAY ONLY....

    I'm a huge DJ Max fan and I actually ended up selling my copy on Amazon just two days ago. I thought the game was really polished, looked great on the OLED... but my issues: 1) I missed actually using buttons / dpad. 2) In order to play using the backtouch, you have to hold your Vita in a...
  2. depward

    Fred Meyer Black Friday Sale ad(incl. 3ds holiday bundle $135)

    Yearly tradition to hit my local Freddies for cheap socks on Black Friday; I'll be sure to hit up the electronics department and see what I can snatch up this year. Thanks for sharing!
  3. depward

    Old thread, link to new thread in first/last posts.

    HAH oh man I traded in my old 3DS for $65 yesterday :lol: :cry::cry::cry:
  4. depward

    Old thread, link to new thread in first/last posts.

    Any rumblings as to when the next used B2G1F sale is? I've identified three GREAT games that I truly want - all used, all in stock at my local GS. Thanks
  5. depward

    Buy 1, Get 1 40% Off Select 3DS/DS Games at Amazon. Super Mario 3D Land is eligible

    This is a great deal. Cave Story + Super Mario 3D Land is a GREAT combination!! Picked both up recently and having played through CS and a good portion of SM3DL, I have to say it's really validated my purchased of a 3DS. Two brilliant games.
  6. depward

    What PSP you have???(and color)

    1 PSP-2000 Monster Hunter Special Edition PSP 1 PSPgo
  7. depward

    Official Amazon Trade-In FAQ 4.0 - READ 1st POST

    I think what this individual was trying to say is that you should lock-in your trade for FIFA 11 if you're planning on getting FIFA 12. At least, that is what I've done for NHL 11. Right now, the TIV is decent; in another week or so, it will plummet.
  8. depward

    Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip psp 4.99 best buy

    This is one of the best tennis games I've played. Well worth the price.
  9. depward

    Virtua Tennis 4 already $32 on Amazon

    Same exact experience. Unfortunate because I was really looking forward to a GOOD HD console tennis game... but online wasn't about skill, it was about whether you invested the time to get a level 20 character.
  10. depward

    Top Spin 4 (360/PS3) $39.99 at Amazon

    I love tennis games... but I had to trade this one in. Same issues as you - hopped online and didn't have a maxed out character and literally won zero points in my two matches. Not awesome.
  11. depward

    H: Uncharted 3, w: Various 360/PS3

    PM re: Hot Shots
  12. depward

    XBLA Deals For December: Shadow Complex, The Maw, Pinball FX, Lips Content
  13. depward

    Henry Hatsworth / N+ @ $9.99 Walmart

    While I prefer N+ for the PSP, the DS version is absolutely awesome. One warning though - the "online" play the DS game touts is actually not functioning and hasn't been all year long; it worked for about three months after release. Then Silverbirch went out of business and Atari was supposed to...
  14. depward

    PSPGo - 199.99 at GS Used

    Lemme guess: you don't own a PSP and think there are no quality games on the platform. Right? I love my PSP Go. I still have a PSP-1000 with an existing UMD library that I have not used for the time I've had my Go. $199 is a fairly good deal... I got mine with some Amazon credit I had which...
  15. depward

    PSPGO now $234.99 at Amazon

    Def recommend a Go. I love mine. Got it from Amazon after trading in some really old GBA games to make the price a little more easier to take the plunge. Sure, I still have an older PSP and some UMDs... honestly? I haven't played anything from my UMD library since having my Go.
  16. depward

    Buy a PSP Go, Get $20 PSN Credit at Amazon

    Oh! If I purchased one at the $245 price, can't I do some price adjustment thing at Amazon and get credit?
  17. depward

    Black Friday Gaming Deals 2009

    LOVE online black friday shopping :)
  18. depward

    Official Amazon Trade-In/FAQ II - READ 1st POST

    The terms and conditions state, "Limit one discount per household" and "Offer may not be combined with other offers, including promotional certificates." I think no but that's not confirmed..
  19. depward

    Official Amazon Trade-In/FAQ II - READ 1st POST

    Well dang! Now I kinda want to pull the trigger and try to get it applied later when I receive the code. If I can gamble and get $60 off, might try..
bread's done