AC:WW Discussion Thread - Visits/Trades/etc.

is anyone on right now that might want to visit me? if so instant message me on AIM at varsitygamer

otherwise you can pm me here, i should be up a little while longer... i know we have to exchange info in order to visit
My gates are open

Name: Sara
Town: Sarieton
Code: 2319.9025.9961

Please PM me if you add me to your friend list ;-)
now does someone else have to add me too before I see their gates are open? or once I add them will i be able to see that their gates are open to me?
Ok, maybe this has been addressed elsewhere, but it is late and I'm getting drowsy with cold medicine... Does anyone else find the fishing to be damn near impossible compared to the GC version? I had nearly all the fish there and could land just about every other fish I tried to catch. On AC:WW I am catching about 1 of 20 or so. There doesn't seem to be any ryhme or reason to it either. I try really early and the fish gets away, I try really late and of course the fish gets away (and everything in between they get away). Is there a trick? Someone here mentioned fishing was a must as a money-maker. I've spent hours fishing and have about 5 in the museum to show for it, and no cash... I've made much more off the damn shells. The fish are also WAY harder to find - there isn't one in each grid square like the GC game - sometimes I will only find 1 or 2 the whole length of my river, and 1 or 2 in the whole ocean part (though very rarely 2 will be right next to each other).

Even in the GC version though, I always thought the fossils were the real cash cow... Haven't sold one yet in this game though as I keep donating them. But it is a HUGE improvement in this version that you can have Blathers ID them instead of mailing them for ID. I do have a coconut tree growing well though - hopefully a grove of those will provide some currency.
-When you fish, do not run, that scares the fish away.
-When a fish is nibbling on your bait you have to wait til the float ball is submerged before you press the "A" button.
-If you turn the volume up when fishing you will hear a *pudunk* kind of sound when the fish bites the bait. That is when you press "A".
-Try throwing the bait in front of the fish so they will notice it faster.

That is all i can think of when i fish right now. Overall fishing is not hard at all. I think you are doing something wrong.
you have to have each other on each others friend code in order to see each other when you have your gates opened. If only one person has the persons code on the friends list then it is useless and you will not be able to see when that person has their gates open.
[quote name='io']Ok, maybe this has been addressed elsewhere, but it is late and I'm getting drowsy with cold medicine... Does anyone else find the fishing to be damn near impossible compared to the GC version? I had nearly all the fish there and could land just about every other fish I tried to catch. On AC:WW I am catching about 1 of 20 or so. There doesn't seem to be any ryhme or reason to it either. I try really early and the fish gets away, I try really late and of course the fish gets away (and everything in between they get away). Is there a trick? Someone here mentioned fishing was a must as a money-maker. I've spent hours fishing and have about 5 in the museum to show for it, and no cash... I've made much more off the damn shells. The fish are also WAY harder to find - there isn't one in each grid square like the GC game - sometimes I will only find 1 or 2 the whole length of my river, and 1 or 2 in the whole ocean part (though very rarely 2 will be right next to each other).

Even in the GC version though, I always thought the fossils were the real cash cow... Haven't sold one yet in this game though as I keep donating them. But it is a HUGE improvement in this version that you can have Blathers ID them instead of mailing them for ID. I do have a coconut tree growing well though - hopefully a grove of those will provide some currency.[/QUOTE]

The fishing in Animal Crossing: Wild World is a bit trickier compared to the Gamecube counterpart, but all it takes is a little practice.

I've noticed that fish usually grab the bait after about three or four nudges (give or take) after that the bait will be dunked underwater, as soon as that occurs yank the fish out.

And so far, the most lucrative way to make money for me has been to gather as many native fruits as I can and selling them in a town that grows another type. If you fill every possible slot in your inventory (do the letter storage trick as well) you'll be able to make about 12,500 (25,000 if the town owner lets you gather 25 more fruits to sell back at your town) bells from each trip.

I hope that helps...
Just got this (finally) and I'm being reminded of how much the Gamecube version sucked me in. Such a great game. Anyways, I'm going to go through this thread and add all the friend codes. My details are:

Name: Troz
Town: SeaPort
Code: 3866-0912-0671
[quote name='mkg12']-When you fish, do not run, that scares the fish away.
-When a fish is nibbling on your bait you have to wait til the float ball is submerged before you press the "A" button.
-If you turn the volume up when fishing you will hear a *pudunk* kind of sound when the fish bites the bait. That is when you press "A".
-Try throwing the bait in front of the fish so they will notice it faster.

That is all i can think of when i fish right now. Overall fishing is not hard at all. I think you are doing something wrong.[/QUOTE]

Well, I have no problem getting the fish to bite, so 1 and 3 are not the issue. As for your second point, it could be that I'm pulling it back too soon almost every time. The problem is that when I did this in the GC version the fish would still be there and I could try it again. In AC:WW the fish always scurries away if I miss time it (unless I do it REALLY early before he even gets to the bait). That combined with the utter lack of fish makes it much harder than the GC version, IMO. Like I said, I had no problem with the GC fishing, so something is different.

I'll try it with the sound turned up a bit more - I've never heard any sound when fishing, except on the rare occasion when I catch one.
[quote name='io']Well, I have no problem getting the fish to bite, so 1 and 3 are not the issue. As for your second point, it could be that I'm pulling it back too soon almost every time. The problem is that when I did this in the GC version the fish would still be there and I could try it again. In AC:WW the fish always scurries away if I miss time it (unless I do it REALLY early before he even gets to the bait). That combined with the utter lack of fish makes it much harder than the GC version, IMO. Like I said, I had no problem with the GC fishing, so something is different.

I'll try it with the sound turned up a bit more - I've never heard any sound when fishing, except on the rare occasion when I catch one.[/QUOTE]
What I do is push and hold A the split second the bait is usbmerged, I dont know if you have to hold it or not but it works every time for me. I dont let go of A until the fish is in my guy's hand. I know for a fact that you have to pull up as soon as the bait gets pulled under. And as for the lack of fish, are you fishing in the rivers or in the ocean? Theres always at least 2 fish in the ocean at the same time it seems, it takes about 10 seconds if walking along the beach to find one. The river is a little harder to find fish in, I dont really have any advice for that.
All you have to do is tap A when the fish takes the bait. The easiest way is to go by the aural cue, the "plunk" sound. If you're watching the fish, you can get thrown off by a lot of the nibbles and ripples it makes. If you listen for the "plunk" though you won't get juked. You have a relatively small window of time to push A after that (probably around .4 seconds) but it varies from fish to fish.

Also, fish are harder to find in the DS version. On the GC, fish spawn every time you enter a screen, so everyone would find their favorite spot, catch a fish, leave, come back, and repeat. But on the DS it's not broken up into the different screens, so you have to walk around more. That and the funny perspective which can make the fish hard to see.
[quote name='banpeikun']All you have to do is tap A when the fish takes the bait. The easiest way is to go by the aural cue, the "plunk" sound. If you're watching the fish, you can get thrown off by a lot of the nibbles and ripples it makes. If you listen for the "plunk" though you won't get juked. You have a relatively small window of time to push A after that (probably around .4 seconds) but it varies from fish to fish.

Also, fish are harder to find in the DS version. On the GC, fish spawn every time you enter a screen, so everyone would find their favorite spot, catch a fish, leave, come back, and repeat. But on the DS it's not broken up into the different screens, so you have to walk around more. That and the funny perspective which can make the fish hard to see.[/QUOTE]

OK, thanks for the tip - HUGE difference. For one thing, I had to turn up the sound on my DS WAY higher than I have ever had it before to even hear the "plunk". Kind of annoying because now the music is blaring. Once I did that I caught 5 fish in a row (one little one seemed to be more sensitive than the others and got away). This is a big change from the GC version - there you pulled back as soon as the fish bit the first time. In AC:WW the fish are biting 4-5 times before taking the bait! So, basically, I was nearly always hitting 'A' WAY too early - I did it right after their first nibble. Now the museum is filling up fast :D.

Thanks again! and you are right about the harder to find fish - that is what I was getting at in my previous posts. Only 2 fish in the ocean and maybe 3-4 spread the whole length of the river/pond/waterfall area. VERY sparse compared the the GC version. Oh well, now that I know how to catch the damn things it isn't too bad!
I hate not being able to go to other peoples towns right now, but eh what can i do. Just baught a king tuts helmet for 12k bells. its pretty cool. I've been buying most of the set items that nook gets in stock, so when im back online ill list the ones i have for trade if anyone wants/needs. and also if anyone has added me in the past week or so please let me know as I haven't been online and i will add you as soon as I see you add me. I LOVE THIS GAME! its the only thing keeping me sane here..... this and mario and luigi which i just beat.

EDIT: just had my 4th coconut wash up. i planted the other 3, sadly the sprouts disappeared the next day :(
Damn Redd. 3 weeks in a row he's sold me counterfeit paintings. I know you can get your money back, buts its pretty annoying.
I have ZERO paintings in my museum. They seem to be much harder to come by here.
If anyone has a shovel for sale in their town I would really like to visit. All of my residents are fossil freaks and I don't have a shovel!
Alright so who still plays AC every other day at least? I've been playing it again since Xmas, but it seems everyone has given up on playing it. Or at least when I am on. I need more folks on my friend list.
I'm going to leave my gates open most of the morning if anyone wants to wander. If you're not on my list, PM or IM me.

I'm looking for the modern series. I have access to modern bed, dresser, and table right now.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']EDIT: just had my 4th coconut wash up. i planted the other 3, sadly the sprouts disappeared the next day :([/QUOTE]

You have to plant coconut trees on the beach and you need to make sure you plant them pretty far from the water line. I planted mine just where the sand starts and it grew. The other couple I planted too close to the water and they died.
[quote name='lebowsky']You have to plant coconut trees on the beach and you need to make sure you plant them pretty far from the water line. I planted mine just where the sand starts and it grew. The other couple I planted too close to the water and they died.[/QUOTE]

lol that info would have been good yesterday ahaha but thanks for the info ill use it if I get another one.
[quote name='lebowsky']You have to plant coconut trees on the beach and you need to make sure you plant them pretty far from the water line. I planted mine just where the sand starts and it grew. The other couple I planted too close to the water and they died.[/QUOTE]Oh that explains a lot. So did you actually plant it in sand or on the grass/dirt part?
I have mine planted next to the sand. Right behind it. Also if you get a piece of land that stretches past the sand (like a penninsula) you can plant it there too.

My first 2 coconut plams died, but the 3rd one I finally got right. Now I have a nice grouping of them to round out my beautiful town.
[quote name='lebowsky']You have to plant coconut trees on the beach and you need to make sure you plant them pretty far from the water line. I planted mine just where the sand starts and it grew. The other couple I planted too close to the water and they died.[/QUOTE]

I planted 2 just above the sand (in the dirt) and they have been growing fine. What I can't get to grow are the peaches I got from my daughter's town. I've tried 3 all in different places and none made it past the seedling stage.
Darn, got a coconut today and planted it in the sand. Guess I'll have to wait until another comes to get a tree. =\

How much do they sell for? 500? Because all I have now are my native Peaches, which don't bring in much of a revenue.
[quote name='io']I planted 2 just above the sand (in the dirt) and they have been growing fine. What I can't get to grow are the peaches I got from my daughter's town. I've tried 3 all in different places and none made it past the seedling stage.[/QUOTE]There are certain spots on the map where trees won't grow to full maturity. Sometimes it has to do with proximity to a building or rock, sometimes there's no reason for it. The easiest way to find a place to plant a foreign fruit is to just cut down a regular tree and plant your peach where it was. That way, you know it will grow.
In the player's guide for animal Crossing on the Gamecube, it noted something to the effect of planting a tree next to annother tree, a rock, the river, or a building will cause it not to grow. I'm not sure if that is still true, but some food for thought building on what banpeikun said. I'd have to find my guide to get the full text.
anybodys gates open?...we brought a 3rd copy of AC so that my wife can get the all the diff she should have them all in her town so add her name to your friends list...
[quote name='sixersballernum3']In the player's guide for animal Crossing on the Gamecube, it noted something to the effect of planting a tree next to annother tree, a rock, the river, or a building will cause it not to grow. I'm not sure if that is still true, but some food for thought building on what banpeikun said. I'd have to find my guide to get the full text.[/QUOTE]Good call, see if you can find that. I checked the Wild World players guide and it didn't mention anything about where trees would/wouldn't grow.

I did find out about the golden shovel though--you just need to bury a regular shovel. Then you can plant money trees with the golden shovel. I didn't think you could do that anymore since there was no more golden "spot"
[quote name='sixersballernum3']In the player's guide for animal Crossing on the Gamecube, it noted something to the effect of planting a tree next to annother tree, a rock, the river, or a building will cause it not to grow. I'm not sure if that is still true, but some food for thought building on what banpeikun said. I'd have to find my guide to get the full text.[/QUOTE]

I planted all 3 out in the open, not near any rocks, trees, or where animal houses may appear (where the signs are). Still all died. The trick of replacing an existing tree with the new sapling sounds like a good one though. If Tom ever gets an Axe for me to buy I might just try that :D.

OK, maybe this is a dumb question, but is there a golden shovel like in the GC version? Someone here mentioned giving one to someone else but I don't see glowing spots in the ground like the GC version (where you would plant a regular shovel and grow a golden tree). So how is it done? Or are the glowing spots just more rare?

Edit - hey banpeikun, we must have cross-posted, but it is kind of freaky that you answered the very question I was posing... Thanks!
[quote name='mcgavin27']My first coconut tree bloom today with more coconuts. Coconut grove, here I come![/QUOTE]

Same here - now I've got 4 trees going in that small tropical bottom right corner of my town, just below the snow :D. BTW, they sell for $500 in case anyone wondered.

An update on my fishing. With the "plunk" trick the fishing is actually much easier in AC:WW than in the GC version. I've caught about 30 fish in a row and already landed a Stringfish (gave this first one to the museum - any more get sold!).

Now I'm trying to figure out the right proportions for the snowman... I've made 2 correctly out of about 10.
Well, my coconut died again, but I know where to plant it now, for whenever I get another. I'm still avidly fishing for a Stringfish, but no luck. I've caught a Tuna, though!

I plan on collectiing around 25k, then planting a tree. Hopefully I'll make a neat profit.

Also, tomorrow I need to collect my cash from Lyle for a fake painting. How much do I get?
[quote name='io'] BTW, they sell for $500 in case anyone wondered.


All the foreign fruits do. I make over 300k everytime my trees bloom.

Unfortunately, my coconut trees keep dying, i think i only have 5 of em >
[quote name='Bezerker']All the foreign fruits do. I make over 300k everytime my trees bloom.

Unfortunately, my coconut trees keep dying, i think i only have 5 of em >
Just to let everyone know my gates will be open a little after 1pm EST while I'm on a lunch break.(I will go to mcd's today for lunch) It will be open around 20 min.

I have a good number of people off of the AC list(mainly the ones closest to me oh, IN, etc.. PM me if you add me to your friends list.

js1 / shaolin
fruit: peaches
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']wow your mom sends you a pretty nice gift on new years day. if anyones wondering ill post what it is so I don't ruin anything for anyone.[/QUOTE]
What did you get?

Currently, I'm stockpiling Party poppers. Filling three+ sections of my refrigerator full, so I can pop them all tonight and save one or two. Yay!
I posted my friend code in the main sticky post with all the codes, but I thought I would post here to, too, just in case. I am really enjoying this game. Especially meeting all the fine people here on CAG. Please PM me if you add me. My code is:

Leenie / Home

Thanks and Happy New Year!

[quote name='sixersballernum3']What did you get?

Currently, I'm stockpiling Party poppers. Filling three+ sections of my refrigerator full, so I can pop them all tonight and save one or two. Yay![/QUOTE]

10k bells. and a metroid.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']10k bells. and a metroid.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. I got the bells today, and yesterday she gave me a small teddy bear. I guess the gift is different for everyone.
I got my 10,000 bells also. Cool little present. I am so glad I got this game, I love things that run of real time. I can't believe I have never played the GC version before.
Gates are open and should be for pretty much all day, have all fruit and nookingtons. Here's my info if anyone one needs it. PM me if you want me to add you.

scdoanintendo (IN)
Adrian / ViceCity
bread's done