Ace Combat 5 only $4.99 at SEARS! Major YMMV

[quote name='ViolentLee']
And then some people have the gaul to bitch about employees giving them a hard time? Wake up! You're leeches, damaging companies which in turn hurts the employees trying to feed their families, just so you can get a good deal on a game you're just going to add to the pile or sell outright. I hate Wal-Mart more than anything, but this is still disgusting.
You have a lot to give Thanks for next week, don't you? Bucha cheap ass parasites.[/quote]

Yeah its sales like this that bring out the ugly side of CAG. Sears made a mistake, and everyone jumps right in to exploit it like they're owed something. I hope you guys don't get this kind of harsh treatment next time YOU make a mistake!
Reading some of these stories is pretty funny though. Getting up at 7am and driving round to 4 different stores to try and pricematch? Holy crap, is it really worth all that effort, time, and frustration, not to mention the hordes of pre-Christmas shoppers you have to fight your way through, just to get yet another videogame (that most people probably weren't all that interested in to begin with)??? Even with the trade-in value of Ace Combat 5, what profit are you making, $25 or so? Obviously its worth it to some. I sure hope it is, anyway.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I wonder if you guys realize how much you're hurting both Namco and Sears (and the other stores you PM at) by exploiting a flyer typo. Moreover, I wonder if you care. I don't mean to get on my high horse, as I've picked up stuff for trade-in credit ($5 CC games, for example), but those were the real prices -- not mistakes.[/quote]

Namco didn't get hurt at all. They already sold their games to Sears for a low price, Sears was supposed to sell them to us for a higher price, but because of this mistake, they didn't. If anything, it's helped Namco out a ton because Sears will have to order more AC5s, giving Namco more sales.

And do we bitch at Sears for making a profit everyday by ripping us off? They get their items really cheap, and sell em to us for more. That's the way business works. They made their mistake, so it's their fault.

With that being said, I did get my copy of AC5 from Sears this morning, and I'm looking forward to playing it when my brother is done borrowing my PS2. :)
Slidecage, you're a fucking prick. You don't need SEVEN AC5's.

I'd still like one if anyone is offering. I actually want to PLAY mine.. and with all the AC5's flooding the market, don't be suprised if trade-in value shoots down fairly quick..

Is there any more for $4.99 than the ones pictured in the ad?
no ace combat 5 for me... but i did get armed and dangerous! would anyone trade me my armed and dangerous for your ace combat 5?
Got AC4 at Sears for 5, then went over to Walmart and PMed AC5 for 5 as well. Only got one copy of each.

Walmart was kind of a bitch, they first said it was cool, then when I got to the front of the line, they wanted to say no to the price. Then they finally decided that I was to be the last one for this. ^_^ So, $75 of games for $10 bucks. Happy me.

Now I'm just not sure which to play 1st.
I bought 3 papers and FINALLY got the ad with the games on it. First one was bought when the ad was reported here to have appeared in a Texas paper on Wednesday or Thursday. No joy. Then it was reported that the LA Times of Friday had it. I bought the last copy from a vending machine, it didn't have it. I checked a drugstore and their copies had it so I bought it, because I went to Sears last night and the whole store literally only had ONE copy of the ad for Saturday's sale.

Drove to TRU on Friday night before they closed and tried to PM it. They asked me to come back when the sale is effective on Saturday morning. Darn, wanted to sleep in...

Woke up and drove around like a zombie. First stop CC (Pasadena, CA). They didn't even have the game in stock. Same story at CompUSA (Monrovia, CA), but I did see their cost for the game was $41.xx when the girl tried to look it up on their screen. Went back to the same TRU (Monrovia, CA) and they called Sears, who did not have it in stock, so they didn't PM it.

Final stop, WalMart (Duarte, CA). The clerk was ready to PM me the game but his manager stopped him and took the ad to the store director. After what felt like an eternity (about 30 minutes), the store manager came and OK'ed the PM without any fuss. Since I got such a kickass deal, I picked up the Star Wars DVD box which was on sale at $35.94. Thank you Walmart! Thank you Sears! Thank you OP! Thank you CAG!

Edit: they kept the ad, which I don't mind - all I need was that 1 copy to play if I get bored or stuck with MGS3. Just be polite and cool about it without being a prick and the store clerks will treat you nicely.

BTW, today is the last day PS2 GH games are $14.77 at Target, go get loaded on cheap thrills. I picked up Manhunt there (non-GH) for $9.99!

Edit 2: after all is said and done...

Time lost for the trips, 5 hours.
3 copies of newspapers to find the ad, $1.50
Gas for the trips: $8.00
Ringinng the game up at $4.99 + tax: PRICELESS
last update:

went to CC to try a PM and it was a no go. they said the same as everywhere else, "if they have it in stock we'll PM it".

tried Target and the kid at the game counter tried to PM it but couldn't figure out how exactly to do it. gave us the game and said have the cashier do it. she flat out refused and took the game.

last ditch was Wal-mart. walked in and had them get the game. gave them the ad and asked for a PM. after about 20min. of debating and them studying every inch of the ad looking for a loophole we walked out with Ace 5 for 5.xx.
YAHOO!!! I was able to get AC5 for $4.99

Here is my story

I tried one Wal-mart it was a mess. Games thrown everywhere. I looked but could not find any AC5. There was nobody wokring there it was a mess. So I left since I didn't see it.

I tried the second Wal-mart and it worked! I got AC5, Unreal CHampionship, and Dragon Balllz all for about $16.00. The clerk looked drunk, high or something. He eyes were all red and she was like real spacy. She sat there for about 10 minutes trying to study the AD. She tried to call a manager but he was on break. So she called over the photo dept supervisor. She didn't know anything. She looked at the AD tried to convince me the AD was for yesterday when it says clearly Saturday all over it. The line was getting really long so she said hell with it and gave them all to me for $5.00. She said though that she wanted to keep the AD and show the store manager to verify. SO I stopped there and didn't go to the third Wal-mart since I had no AD.

So I am happy AC5 for $5.00 I am gonna keep it and play it great game so far.
Went to the Sears sale this morning and they were sold out of everything, but I did have good luck pricematching Ace Combat 5 and Dragon Ball Z Budokai (GC) at Best Buy. Got one copy of each.

FYI: Ace Combat 5 trades in for $30 at EB Games.
[quote name='era5000']Went to the Sears sale this morning and they were sold out of everything, but I did have good luck pricematching Ace Combat 5 and Dragon Ball Z Budokai (GC) at Best Buy. Got one copy of each.

FYI: Ace Combat 5 trades in for $30 at EB Games.[/quote]

man if someone wanted to take Ace to ebgames get 30 credit buy 3 ZOOM ROOMS for 30 take to FYE get 78 buck credit
Here's my story:

I went to Sears first, and saw a big sign that said it was a misprint. It said they'd honor one per person, though. Unfortunately they were out of stock due to someone coming in the night before and buying like 20 copies. That is what the manager told me. So that sucked. They were sold out of all the other $4.99 games, too.

Next stop, Circuit City. After a brief conference, the mangers and cashiers agreed to match the price if Sears had it in stock. I knew they didn't but I was hoping maybe they'd find an employee that thought the game was in stock, lol. Not only did they tell them it was out of stock, but they told them it was a misprint over the phone. So that killed anyone else chances at that CC.

After that, Best Buy. The employee took forever to find the game, and then I go to PM it, and the lady says they don't PM one day sales. I asked where on their policy it said that, and she said she doesn't know. So she brought her manager up, and he said he thinks it might be an error. So I didn't want to be an ass, and just left.

Next I went to Wal-Mart, and they told me they won't price match it since it's such a high difference in price.

Finally, I tried one more Wal-Mart, and I get told that they don't PM Sears. I said I think you do, my friend has PM'd here before. She says "I am in charge of price matching, and I say we only price match Target". So I asked for a manager, and the manager comes and then the lady steps in again and says "I already told him we don't price match it" and then I again say I know a friend that did. So they call another manager who not only says they do in fact PM Sears, but ok's it after the snotty girl tried to say they don't do special sales. The look on her face was priceless. But I'm happy :D

By the way, I also think the people that are buying more then 1 copy at one store are greedy. If you go to 5 different stores, and get 5 games, sure, that takes alot of effort, and you earned it. But why not share your wealth with some people that couldn't get the game?
[quote name='n00bie']
By the way, I also think the people that are buying more then 1 copy at one store are greedy. If you go to 5 different stores, and get 5 games, sure, that takes alot of effort, and you earned it. But why not share your wealth with some people that couldn't get the game?[/quote]

How is that different from a person went to 4 store and counldn't get it, but got 3 copies at the fifth store?
Well after a lot of run around, I finally got it. I'll keep the story brief. Wal-Mart were total asshats and I plan on complaing to someone there, first they send me everywhere back and forth, upstairs, downstairs, back upstairs finally the call the manager and say their policy ISN'T to match sale prices, B.S and their corporate will be getting a call.

CC they called Sears and Sears didn't have any in stock, no big deal.

BB called the nearest Sears and they didn't have any either, this was after 20 minutes of huddling though, I wish they would have just called first and saved me the time.

Finally , got lucky at TRU, the employees were really cool and at 10am said NO ONE had come in to PM it? I found that really odd. Anyways, they got their manager asked for the override code (they didn't even tell him what for) and sold me the game, afterward they were all asking if they could do it and tell their friends.

So my finding were: Hats off to TRU they were awesome, Indifference to CC and BB, I didn't get it their but they followed their policy so no real complaints, and a big BOO-URNS to Wal-Mart for lying to me.
I went to Sears today. As soon as I walked in I saw a big rat in the electronic department just shopping around :). Two girls were screaming. People paniced. It was fan to watch.

Didn't get the game, but rat was worth a trip.
Third time's a charm for me.

Circuit City, 1:30 PM: "We will honor Tekken Tag Tournament, but because "game titles may vary by store" was printed on the ad, we will not honor Ace Combat 5." -- poor excuse.

Wal-Mart, 2:15 PM: "We do not price-match Sears". -- A no-go.

Another Circuit City, 3:30 PM: after waiting for 15 minutes, the sales clerk comes back to the register: "We called Sears, and they are honoring the price -- therefore, we will honor it." -- success!
[quote name='slidecage']the day it went..

6am Went to walmart on coldwater road they were going to do it then some idoit fat dude had to weight 500 pounds had to stick his nose in it and said if your going to sell him i copy i want to buy all of them (around 40) so they called the manager and they said NO PRICE 0

630am Meijers on lima road: i feel sorry for the old dude working there who had the Gameboy package the idoits attacked him knocking the items out of his hands and then had the balls to Yell at him when all of them were gone. Had NO problem Price matching 2 ACE 5 PRICE 10

7am Sears This was a major joke 701 walk in and all the good games are wipped out was able to grab a copy of TEKKEN TAG and UNREAL CHAMPIONSHIP IF anyone wants to offer something for them let me know .... PRICE 10

8am Meijers on Illi. Road. Had 3 in hand but they would only let me get 1 NO PROBLEM Price matcing 1 ACE 5 and 1 PacMan fever

9am Best buy at appleglen NO PROBLEM price matching 3 ACE5 games PRICE 15

10 Am other best buy the news broke that its a misprint and they wouldnt honor anymore Even though i had a BB recept showing they honor at the other place but they said too bad

10:11- now NO good at CC Toys r Us and Ebgames


Total spent 50 bucks

not bad for 10 gifts[/quote]

And all the CAG's in Indiana are cursing your name.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I went to the Sears in Cedar Park, TX, just outside of Austin. Decided it would be better than fight the crowds in the city. Myself included there were only 5-6 people there waiting for the guy to tell us where the games were (none of the ones in the ad were anywhere to be found.)

They looked for a long time and tried scanning a few random games to see if they would come up as being on sale. I said to one of the guys waiting there with me, "I understand if they only have a few, but they cant have zero. They better sell us something for 4.99 or they're in trouble".

Then the employee who we had been trying to figure stuff out says, "OK, you can have anything in this bin for 4.99, limit 2." Before you could turn your head, I grabbed TWO copies of Metroid Prime 2, handed them $10.80 in exact change, and got my pretty ass out of there.

:rofl: Best Deal Ever \:D/[/quote]

Good score on the MP2.
[quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='MegaMan3k']I never got the ad. :( Where is it? What does it looklike, like the cover I mean? I looked through four different ads in the Sears store and none had it in there.[/quote]

yeah, i never got this joint either- how did you guys get it- maybe it will come in the sunday paper tomorrow? hope so...[/quote]

The ad wasn't in any of the papers in the St. Louis area that I could see, but they had it in-store.
[quote name='Samurai T'][quote name='DX']I HOPE everyone who went out and got multiple copies of this obvious mistake to make profit from it get genital warts.[/quote]I agree. Everyone who is buying multiple copies to make a profit for themself should be beat. My reason is that there are tons of people who have love Ace Combat 5, who would be delighted to buy a copy of $5. I think it's wrong to try and make profits on games you get really cheap, my buying multiple copies. All stores should put a limit of one per customer and look at I.D.'s. The only way it's okay to sell the game you bought really cheap is if you didn't like it.

Like LoganDX had in his signature, "Death to all hoarders"[/quote]

I picked up one copy and only one copy for me. Anything besides that, gotta start having a few friends that want it.

I agree with you on that one, like one person who picked up 7 copies of AC5. :shock:
People also need to keep in mind that if you try to buy multiple copies they might not let can get away with one but if you try to buy more....they might call, verify or refuse to sell any to you
[quote name='Scorch']Slidecage, you're a shaq-fuing prick. You don't need SEVEN AC5's.

I'd still like one if anyone is offering. I actually want to PLAY mine.. and with all the AC5's flooding the market, don't be suprised if trade-in value shoots down fairly quick..

Is there any more for $4.99 than the ones pictured in the ad?[/quote]

Gotta agree with you there, Scorch. One copy is being lucky, seven copies is stiffing the other people in the area, and trying to doubly-exploit the ad in trading it in for ridiculous profit.
I went to sears this morning and was able to get one copy, but the best part was the lady who rang me up (they had a print out saying they'd honor one copy per person, only had 4 copies, and 3 employees bought the other 3 copies) rang it up for $4.49 instead of $4.99 so I walked out Ace Combat 5 in hand for a total of $4.86...
I ran back to Sears today to return the copy of Tekken Tag Tournament I picked up at Sears (had a PM'd copy for $3.99 from CC) and they did a return on AC4 and then repurchased it for $4.99. Success there, and I'm glad I picked it up yesterday, since there wasn't anything there at 3:30PM (stuck with work crap earlier in the day).

Ran to CC, no sign of Spyro (the only other game I wanted), so left there.

Ran to TRU to bring back my B2G1 copies of Tekken Tag Tournament and AC4, replacing them with Socom and Socom 2. Handed them the ad for Sears to PM Spyro and they did it without incident, $4.99 + tax. No muss, no fuss, no problems.

Which makes me wonder why people have such problems with PM's, when the ones for this sale I did were so easy, it was scary. Must be my nice personality and the fact that I didn't feel entitled to the PM's, if I picked them up, then great, otherwise, oh well.

Total score:
AC5 from CC for $0.49 + tax, on a PM + 10% from $49.99
Tekken Tag Tournament for $3.99 + tax, on a PM + 10% from $14.99
AC4 from Sears for $4.99 + tax
Spyro from TRU for $4.99 + tax, on a PM from $29.99

Socom & Socom II from TRU for free in returning Tekken Tag Tournament and AC4

Overall, not a bad day's work.
[quote name='zaphon']I went to sears this morning and was able to get one copy, but the best part was the lady who rang me up (they had a print out saying they'd honor one copy per person, only had 4 copies, and 3 employees bought the other 3 copies) rang it up for $4.49 instead of $4.99 so I walked out Ace Combat 5 in hand for a total of $4.86...[/quote]

That's complete crap with the employees buying copies of the stuff on sale. Especially when they've been waffling on honoring it.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='zaphon']I went to sears this morning and was able to get one copy, but the best part was the lady who rang me up (they had a print out saying they'd honor one copy per person, only had 4 copies, and 3 employees bought the other 3 copies) rang it up for $4.49 instead of $4.99 so I walked out Ace Combat 5 in hand for a total of $4.86...[/quote]

That's complete crap with the employees buying copies of the stuff on sale. Especially when they've been waffling on honoring it.[/quote]

Are you telling me you wouldn't have bought a copy if you worked there and saw the game for $5?
[quote name='ViolentLee']I wonder if you guys realize how much you're hurting both Namco and Sears (and the other stores you PM at) by exploiting a flyer typo. Moreover, I wonder if you care. I don't mean to get on my high horse, as I've picked up stuff for trade-in credit ($5 CC games, for example), but those were the real prices -- not mistakes.

And then some people have the gaul to bitch about employees giving them a hard time? Wake up! You're leeches, damaging companies which in turn hurts the employees trying to feed their families, just so you can get a good deal on a game you're just going to add to the pile or sell outright. I hate Wal-Mart more than anything, but this is still disgusting.

You have a lot to give Thanks for next week, don't you? Bucha cheap ass parasites.[/quote]

Namco already got thier profit. Even if Namco was direct with Sears, Sears bought the games at the direct price (prob ~38 each). Sears is hurting though because of a marketing mistsake.
This mistake solely rests on Sears. It is unreasonable to think that people are going to not take advantage of an ad.

I do agree with you that it is hurting the companies. Do I care? No. It is the fault of management from the top down to be responsible for thier actions. Employees will not STARVE this Thanksgiving, they are paid hourly; paid hourly whether they screw up or not. Yeh thier bottom line will be affected, but you got to take the hits with the misses. If anything is going to cause employees to be out of a job its the K-Crap, Sears merger. The blind leading the blind with more money. And what do you care what people do with thier game after they buy it. They have every right to sell it on ebay or otherwise. Its Sears fault for not limiting the purchases. As far as I see it, its a unfortunate mistake, and I feel sorry for Sears, but too bad.
[quote name='masha']I went to Sears today. As soon as I walked in I saw a big rat in the electronic department just shopping around :). Two girls were screaming. People paniced. It was fan to watch.

Didn't get the game, but rat was worth a trip.[/quote]

LMFAO :rofl: Poor rat, it was just looking for a cheap AC5 . Either that or someone let it loose so they could pick up the last few copies.
[quote name='Tequilla Gundam']Damn. Horrible day for me.

Wal-Mart: Was gonna buy 2 copies till whore looks at the time and says its past noon.
ToysRUS: About to ring it up, man comes up with bs excuse abount no pming doorbusters.
Target:No PM

Bout to try Circuit City. Wish me luck :)[/quote]

Good luck and don't worry if it doesn't go through. There are so many deals ahead! :!:
[quote name='AlanSaysYo'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='zaphon']I went to sears this morning and was able to get one copy, but the best part was the lady who rang me up (they had a print out saying they'd honor one copy per person, only had 4 copies, and 3 employees bought the other 3 copies) rang it up for $4.49 instead of $4.99 so I walked out Ace Combat 5 in hand for a total of $4.86...[/quote]

That's complete crap with the employees buying copies of the stuff on sale. Especially when they've been waffling on honoring it.[/quote]

Are you telling me you wouldn't have bought a copy if you worked there and saw the game for $5?[/quote]

Actually, no, I wouldn't. Would you be a bit irked if you went into a store and found that all the copies of something on sale were bought by the employees?
[quote name='Mishimaryu']It would be funny to see lots of ebay auctions with Ace Combat 5 selling. :lol:[/quote]

I imagine you will be seeing an increase in AC5 auctions, that's just the way it goes.
[quote name='Mishimaryu']It would be funny to see lots of ebay auctions with Ace Combat 5 selling. :lol:[/quote]

Increase in eBay auctions for it, as well as trade-in values decreasing.
[quote name='masha']I went to Sears today. As soon as I walked in I saw a big rat in the electronic department just shopping around :). Two girls were screaming. People paniced. It was fan to watch.

Didn't get the game, but rat was worth a trip.[/quote]

Sounds like this deal hit FatWallet already.
I was up around 7 when they opened but I fell back asleep. I ended up getting at 12:00 and the deal was over. I wasn't interested in AC5, just a copy of TTT for my sister. No big deal though
[quote name='Mishimaryu']It would be funny to see lots of ebay auctions with Ace Combat 5 selling. :lol:[/quote]

I bought two

I am selling one on ebay :)
I wish you had said you wanted sypro. I could have gotten a bunch. I didn't get any thing. All mine had was sypro deer hunter and legends of wreslin! Thats all. my sears normally dosn't carry games so they just had this box of three games. They had a spot on the dvd rack for ace 4 though. no ace 5 anywere to be found!
[quote name='masha']I went to Sears today. As soon as I walked in I saw a big rat in the electronic department just shopping around :). Two girls were screaming. People paniced. It was fan to watch.

Didn't get the game, but rat was worth a trip.[/quote]

OMG I'd have given up my chance at a cheap copy of AC5 to be there. OK maybe not. :lol: Still, if you got a photo or video footage you'd have enough dough for games after selling it to your local TV station!
[quote name='Luckychunk'][quote name='masha']I went to Sears today. As soon as I walked in I saw a big rat in the electronic department just shopping around :). Two girls were screaming. People paniced. It was fan to watch.

Didn't get the game, but rat was worth a trip.[/quote]

Sounds like this deal hit FatWallet already.[/quote]

priceless, quote of the week
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='zaphon']I went to sears this morning and was able to get one copy, but the best part was the lady who rang me up (they had a print out saying they'd honor one copy per person, only had 4 copies, and 3 employees bought the other 3 copies) rang it up for $4.49 instead of $4.99 so I walked out Ace Combat 5 in hand for a total of $4.86...[/quote]

That's complete crap with the employees buying copies of the stuff on sale. Especially when they've been waffling on honoring it.[/quote]

thats not as bad as the two guys in the R Zone department of TRU telling me they went through and picked out all the good games before they even priced them for the green tag sale
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='scuba'][quote name='Mishimaryu']It would be funny to see lots of ebay auctions with Ace Combat 5 selling. :lol:[/quote]

I bought two

I am selling one on ebay :)[/quote]

Forget eBay. Hook a fellow CAG up with it, Stink_Pickle:[/quote]

Scorch and a couple others were also looking for it in this thread.
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='scuba'][quote name='Mishimaryu']It would be funny to see lots of ebay auctions with Ace Combat 5 selling. :lol:[/quote]

I bought two

I am selling one on ebay :)[/quote]

Forget eBay. Hook a fellow CAG up with it, Stink_Pickle:[/quote]

Scorch and a couple others were also looking for it in this thread.[/quote]

I just tossed Stink's post in the trading thread 'cause I was viewing that as well. Firefox rocks. :D
bread's done