An OTT portrait.

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[quote name='joe2187']They are ENTIRELY Dependent, kicking them out would essentially be a death sentence. So no, I dont think that's possible as well as nobody else in my family is willing to take them in due to the massive amount of problems they're bound to cause.

It's hard as fuck though, all by myself at least. My mom helps out but that's just two people trying to take control of all that bullshit. We're trying to fix up the house so at some point down the line we'd be able to sell it for a good price. But they refuse to co-operate with the workmen and contractors we hire, and even offend and threaten the people we have come over to work on the me and my cousins fiance have been trying to fix the house....verrrrry slowly though.

Not only that since I need to pay the mortgage, I need to rent out one or 2 of the rooms to make ends meet and the only people willing to put up with their bullshit is my other aunt's sister in law...who is a lazy bitch with an awful gang banger vato asshole son of bitch.

So...barely barely making it work out.
That really sucks, man. I hope things end up working in your favor soon.
[quote name='zewone']Yes.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Liquid 2']Camels are always cheap. Spirits are moderately priced. Nat Shermans are similar to Spirits. Dunhills will run you like $8.50 a pack.

Those aren't bad. Unfiltered cigarettes are almost always better than filtered ones though.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I'll take brown's advice and try and find a gas station that will sell to me and see if I can't get a pack or two of those.
Not yet, man. I hate when people are so eager to show off their tats that they don't let them heal and take pictures right away and they look like shit.


For that TB:RB cheese (the 24 hour one), do I have to beat the game by today if I started it yesterday?
[quote name='Liquid 2']You kind of have a baby face, Puma. You're going to get carded everywhere.[/QUOTE]

You're probably right. :whistle2:|

[quote name='zewone']Not yet, man. I hate when people are so eager to show off their tats that they don't let them heal and take pictures right away and they look like shit.


For that TB:RB cheese (the 24 hour one), do I have to beat the game by today if I started it yesterday?[/QUOTE]

Alright. What did you end up getting?
[quote name='Brak']Marbo Lights.[/QUOTE]

She said that when she came in to get cig'rettes--Marbo Lights--you said somethin' sexy to her.
[quote name='Liquid 2']She said that when she came in to get cig'rettes--Marbo Lights--you said somethin' sexy to her.[/QUOTE]

I forgot all about that. :lol:
yeah. usenet server. I have astraweb but haven't renewed and I'm wondering if there's anything better/cheaper. 15 a month right now.
Anyone know of an easy way to set up an internet streaming radio station? I've used ShoutCast before, but it kinda.. sucked
[quote name='Liquid 2']You kind of have a baby face, Puma. You're going to get carded everywhere.[/QUOTE]

I still get carded everywhere. It doesn't really bother me , it just usually catches me off guard cause I always forget about it. Especially when I get carded for an M rated game. I'm like "carded? for what? oh yeah".

Best one for me still had to be one time at Flannagins , where the waitress almost refused me a drink because she swore , even with my ID , that I couldn't have been any older than 16.:lol:
[quote name='becuzimbrown']You need to get a manly beard like me so you don't get carded StarKnight.[/QUOTE]

My facial hair is really light so I'd really have to grow it out to make any difference , but it's a moot point since I'm required to keep clean shaven for my job (although I can usually get away with only shaving like once or twice a week).
[quote name='Liquid 2']Brak: you absolutely have to get in contact with Sweeney again and do some more That Soldier Boots Grace.[/QUOTE]
I know... I was actually thinking about him, earlier.
[quote name='zewone']For that TB:RB cheese (the 24 hour one), do I have to beat the game by today if I started it yesterday?[/QUOTE]

I believe you have exactly 24 hours from the moment you start the save. I started at 11:30 PM on Friday and beat it at 5:30 PM on Saturday, for example, and I got the achievement.

[quote name='tiredfornow']which newsgroups services do you guys use?[/QUOTE]

I've been using xennews free trials over and over.
dang. Motorized parachute accident this weekend. VIDEO. Guy was dropping candy to the crowd and lost it. Note to self: always remove oneself from the trajectory of a flying lawnmower.
I'd like, one day, to be able to make it through a long weekend without absolutely demolishing any semblance of a sleep schedule I previously had.
Good morning, OTT.

[quote name='Liquid 2']Brak: you absolutely have to get in contact with Sweeney again and do some more That Soldier Boots Grace.[/QUOTE]

This would be a real treat :cool:
So last night I was doing the sexting thing with this chick last night (I fucking hate doing this to begin with) and in the midst of it, she calls me daddy. :whistle2:|
[quote name='Sleepkyng']what's the difference between a cholo and a vato?[/QUOTE]
I also need clarification on this. It seems cholo is more derogatory.
[quote name='seanr1221']sexting.[/QUOTE]

I find it as retarded as you do, but this chick loves it. I think it's because she really doesn't have a clue what she's talking about, and needs the extra minute in between texts that plain old phone sex doesn't provide. Some of her messages were hilariously bad.
[quote name='seanr1221']How long does it take to get through the songs in TB:RB?

I don't think I'll have time for the Day Tripper achievement :[[/QUOTE]

Not long. I blasted through the whole set in 2 sessions, each lasting maybe an hour and a half? They're so much fun to play, and some of the songs are more challenging than you'd think.
I know, I know, Wii sucks.

But would you sell your Wii, 3 controllers, 2 nunchuks, and three mediocre games--and a slew of gamecube games--for $300? I'm trying to sell mine, and a guy offered me that after sitting on craigslist with no bites for $350.
[quote name='munch']I know, I know, Wii sucks.

But would you sell your Wii, 3 controllers, 2 nunchuks, and three mediocre games--and a slew of gamecube games--for $300? I'm trying to sell mine, and a guy offered me that after sitting on craigslist with no bites for $350.[/QUOTE]

I would maybe, but without the Gamecube games. You are already taking a loss with throwing in the controllers, chucks and Wii games.

Just my $.02.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Oh hi.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lorne']dang. Motorized parachute accident this weekend. VIDEO. Guy was dropping candy to the crowd and lost it. Note to self: always remove oneself from the trajectory of a flying lawnmower.[/QUOTE]
Did everyone miss this? Who is this broooo?
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