Animal Crossing: City Folk - Gen. Discussion and info

town: tomato
name: buttle
fc: 4983-8436-5006
fruit: cherry

i'm in. i've completed the exhausting tutorial. for now the third time. and now i can really start playing.

please add me. while the list stays small, i'll add everyone. but if it gets bigger, i'd recommend giving me a pm if you add me.
Well, dammit, I want to play but my 3 kids are fighting over playing it themselves now. We sorted it out so they are taking 30 minute turns... :cry: I'll get on eventually. Of course they bought all the good stuff Nook had and probably took all my fruit. But I'm carrying some in case anyone needs peaches.

But damn, I may need to buy another copy of the game - oh yeah, and another Wii - if this keeps up ;).
I lost my football fish! :bomb::bomb::bomb: I was gonna donate that! I guess that's a night then...

MUST...FIX...ROUTER (but if that was me, shouldn't you and Strell have continued while I disconnected?
ok, dumb question I'm sure but I've only played solo on my DS before. Now my wife and niece want to play.

My niece is in a different state so we need to do the FC thing, no problem. But locally, can only one person play at a time?
[quote name='kloda'] But locally, can only one person play at a time?[/QUOTE]

Aye. No splitscreening or anything. You share a town so multiple people can be in it (up to 4) but you can only play one at a time.

Lilboo/Doomed: That was fun. I was laughing the entire time. I could tell something happened when I tried to catch a fish and it literally did nothing, even though my bait was right there. Plus you two stopped talking so I KNEW there was a problem. :] I lost my apple and cherry. :[

So then I went to Suko's and got both of dems back. :]
Anyone have an extra shovel? I really need to bury my fruit (hehehe). I'd be willing to go to someone else's town & buy from Nook. I also have plenty of oranges.


Woot, paid off my first house. I was amazed to find a mushroom that sold for 10k. Also, a coconut washed up on shore, so more fruit to bury once I get that shovel.
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Wish someone could buy me a scanner. :cool:

And I have something that isn't listed in the guide, a miniature car.
Everything else I've been able to check off.
i had a pretty successful first day. i caught a ton of fish. and i'm hoping that a net goes on sale tomorrow, so i can catch some bugs. i've purchased a pretty solid outfit. though a little generic.

this time around i'm planning to fill the museum as i go. so every fish i get, it if it's the first time i've caught it, i'm taking it to the museum. i've got a list going of the fish i've caught, and i'm going to have to take note of the fish i need for november, so i don't miss anything.

and i think my plan for bells is to not pay off anything. and put all of my bells into turnips on sunday. and i'll try and multiply them sometime next week. speaking of, if anyone's nook is selling turnips for a ton of bells please invite me over.
I knew that would happen. I left to go donate my fish and now I can't get back in :cry:

Thanks again for the peaches Io, and Suko, for the money. I got a ton of fish tonight :D Still need that football fish though.
I think I'm going to hang out in my town and see if my villagers will give me anything.
[quote name='Daisydog']I knew that would happen. I left to go donate my fish and now I can't get back in :cry:

Thanks again for the peaches Io, and Suko, for the money. I got a ton of fish tonight :D Still need that football fish though.
I think I'm going to hang out in my town and see if my villagers will give me anything.[/QUOTE]

Io's son wanted to play so he had to let us go. I want to visit your town tomorrow!
[quote name='Daisydog']I knew that would happen. I left to go donate my fish and now I can't get back in :cry:

Thanks again for the peaches Io, and Suko, for the money. I got a ton of fish tonight :D Still need that football fish though.
I think I'm going to hang out in my town and see if my villagers will give me anything.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BlueLobstah']Io's son wanted to play so he had to let us go. I want to visit your town tomorrow![/QUOTE]

Yeah, sorry, and actually he wanted to play Guitar Hero (which he is doing right now before bed). Then my other son (who has afternoon kindergarten so he stays up a bit longer) wants to play AC with his character. BTW he was the one fishing for me there at the end. He actually caught me a goldfish and a football fish, so that was actually somewhat productive ;).

THEN, I will be on again. So if there are any late-nighters out there I should be back on around midnight Pacific...
[quote name='yukine']I've played AC with one if io's kids before... I think his daughter. She stole my Apple TV. :([/QUOTE]

Holy shit this is funny. Why do I think this is so funny?

I don't know why I do, but I do.
So, what's the general consensus for this game? Positive or negative? I need something to take up my time after beating Fallout 3.

Also, is the online any good? And how different is this one from the original on Gamecube (since that's the only AC I've played)? I was pretty much addicted to the first AC, so I'd like to jump on this one if it's pretty good.
[quote name='Bavgate']So, what's the general consensus for this game? Positive or negative? I need something to take up my time after beating Fallout 3.

Also, is the online any good? And how different is this one from the original on Gamecube (since that's the only AC I've played)? I was pretty much addicted to the first AC, so I'd like to jump on this one if it's pretty good.[/quote]
I am loving this game. I played both the ds and gamecube versions. I love that it has on line. I don't like that people have to share towns, but I got over it. The gamecube version was better in that respect with the memory cards and different towns. The on line has worked great for me so far. I think there has been a good mixture of new stuff and old faves.
Here is my info:

FC: 1204-2726-2233
Name: Music
Town: MNL.OP

Feel free to add me and PM if you do. I'll be pm'ing some people from the OP.
Played for a bit, found a Mush Lamp and paid off 20k off my mortgage. Only 100k left to go!

Also found some remaining oranges and another elegant shroom, but Nook's was closed by then. :( Brettinia gave me a cabinet though, so now I have a place to store things while I wait for Nook to open agian.

I also got stung by bees four times. BEES.

Also Blue, I got your letter! Thanks!
Just got done doing Nook's starting chores. I'm already getting hooked :)

Anyway, here's my info, feel free to PM me if you add me:

FC: 4253-6994-0246
Name: Randall
Town: Nowhere
Fruit: Cherry

I already can't wait for K.K. Slider's performance on Saturday :bouncy:
Did some fishing for today and caught Crucian Carp, Dace, Black Bass, Sea Bass, Zebra Turkeyfish, and football fish! Donated them all to my museum, the doubles i sold which were only the bass and dace.

PS tried to send a photo to my pc email and you cant. Cant said any photos to cellphones/pc emails through the wii. :(
[quote name='yukine']I've played AC with one if io's kids before... I think his daughter. She stole my Apple TV. :([/QUOTE]
:rofl: Well you go and steal something of hers! Or go choppy choppy in their town... it also prevents forest fires this way.
[quote name='Beccaree']I am loving this game. I played both the ds and gamecube versions. I love that it has on line. I don't like that people have to share towns, but I got over it. The gamecube version was better in that respect with the memory cards and different towns. The on line has worked great for me so far. I think there has been a good mixture of new stuff and old faves.[/quote]

Share towns? Can you elaborate on that? I'm not sure I understand what that means.

Besides that, thanks for the input Beccaree. Much appreciated.
[quote name='CouRageouS']:rofl: Well you go and steal something of hers! Or go choppy choppy in their town... it also prevents forest fires this way.[/QUOTE]

Hey now, I don't quite remember her stealing anything. I think he let her have it ;).

[quote name='Bavgate']Share towns? Can you elaborate on that? I'm not sure I understand what that means.

Besides that, thanks for the input Beccaree. Much appreciated.[/QUOTE]

I think she means you can only have one town on a given Wii and each player has to share that town. Luckily it worked out in my family because the 3 kids and I all want to play and there's just enough spots for all of us. It does make for pretty short play sessions unless I go online, though, as they tend to snap up all the good stuff before I get to it in the late evening :lol:. My daughter got the Forest Wall (from a mushroom).

I'd say the biggest disappointment is the inability to play at the same time with someone at home. They really should have added split screen play or something, or even just same screen though I could see lots of problems that would need to be addressed in that case. Split screen would probably work better. I mean, I used to play the DS game all the time with my daughter. She was able to play online in short doses and meet people and get new items just via my game (I'd open my town, she would visit + 2 CAGs). That was a hell of a lot better than letting her set up her own friends codes and all that. Of course that did require 2 DS's and 2 copies of the game. I suppose I could do the same thing now but it would require another Wii in the house (in addition to another copy of the game) while many households would already have multiple DS's so it was just a matter of buying 2 carts back then. I'm not quite willing to go as far as geting a second Wii just for Animal Crossing.

Just tonight my son wanted to go outside the town and visit people and I had to break it to him that he couldn't just go do that. I assume you need separate friend codes for EACH player in the town, right? He saw what I was doing earlier and really wanted to do that himself. Oh well, Nintendo disappoints yet another kid ;).
Sharing towns is fun. I used to have a lot of fun with my brother on the Cube version, we'd leave signs and funny things for each other. I used to leave junk outside his house all the time and put a sign outside his house that said dump. He once saved up a bunch of pitfalls and surrounded my house. Fun stuff.

Whatever happened to the dump anyway? One time I put a sign next to the Dump sign that said "Jeff took a big". Oh man I am so clever.

If you really do need more than one town, I suppose you could move the data to an SD card and make another one. But the AC save might be the type that you can't move.
[quote name='CouRageouS']

Whatever happened to the dump anyway? One time I put a sign next to the Dump sign that said "Jeff took a big". Oh man I am so clever.

It's now a recycling bin in the Town Hall... So, sorry, no clever signs for that one ;).
Has anyone looked into the weather at all? I remember hearing a LONG time ago when they launched the forecast channel that the real weather in your city would actually relate to the real weather in your town. So if it was raining today in Memphis, it would be raining in my town. Seems kind of dumb, but it would encourage people to seek out friends with towns experiencing bad weather.

Can anyone verify this? If this is the case, maybe we should post our actual locations with our info so people can use it to get certain fish/bugs/items.

So far i'm really enjoying the game, i just wish it was easier for friends to come and go- without me having to open my gate all the time.
[quote name='nbballard']
Can anyone verify this? [/QUOTE]

It was speculated this would happen, but it didn't. My call on this was dev laziness, but others said "this would imbalance the game." I.e., everyone in Seattle would ALWAYS be able to get the money fish, but those in drier areas (like me) would not be able to.

So no go on the weather integration.

I still think it's a shame. AC really has this amazing amount of potential - it just needs to be exploited. I.e., we need to find out Nintendo is going to spend 2-3 years developing the next one with a host of new features.
eh- it should have been included as an option that could be turned on or off. They used the feature in Madden for the Wii and i believe it was optional. I understand that it would be lopsided for people playing in the far north that experience constant snow fall, or rainy cities, but a majority of the players would be uneffected. That feature would make it really easy to know what days you needed to play.
[quote name='nbballard']eh- it should have been included as an option that could be turned on or off. They used the feature in Madden for the Wii and i believe it was optional. I understand that it would be lopsided for people playing in the far north that experience constant snow fall, or rainy cities, but a majority of the players would be uneffected. That feature would make it really easy to know what days you needed to play.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that was a rumor and didn't really work that way. Madden has an option to use "Sys" as the weather source but all that does it take into account the Date/Time of the console's system clock.

So if it is night on your system, it is night in the game. If it is December on your system and you are playing in a city that could get snow, it might snow.

It was never pulling data from the actual channel.
Somehow I doubt it, as it was raining when I rode the bus to the city, but was not raining back in my town. Best bet is probably to open your gates if it is raining in your town so people can snag the harder to find bugs/fish.
Sahara is in my town and wants old carpets.... nothing I have is good enough though, she won't do a trade. :(

I'm at home sick. cough cough
bread's done