Assassin's Creed - Gen. Discussion & Info

Just started this with no expectations after the mixed reviews. I was surprised at how much I absolutely loved the first 1 1/2 hours or so. Can't wait to play more. Good stuff.
My enjoyment of the game peaked after about the third assassination. It just gets bogged down a little bit in being repetitive after that. Glad I played it but I can't get rid of it (via trade) fast enough.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Maybe that's my problem.

Also, for people going after flags. I have collected all flags & killed all templars. It's not that bad when you have the use of this blessed site:

Screen shots and maps of every flag and templar. So great.[/quote]
Wow, awesome site. Thanks.

Now I just have to wait an hour for them to stop talking... I hate how you cannot just jump into the game once you beat it. You have to listen to the whole story again...
They really should have come out with an option to just be placed at the bureau in whatever city you want to go back to after you finish the game.

If you're going to create 400 flags to nab, seems like the decent thing to do.
[quote name='psychobrawler']Just started this with no expectations after the mixed reviews. I was surprised at how much I absolutely loved the first 1 1/2 hours or so. Can't wait to play more. Good stuff.[/quote]

Same here. I am actually glad the game got such mixed and in some cases negative reviews because I think the lowered expectations have made me enjoy it considerably more. Previously due to the hype I would have expected a 9.5 game and instead only got an 8.0. After the review debacle I expected a 6.5 and instead got an 8.0. I think having low or no expectations in general really makes good games stand out so much more... One of the reasons I absolutely loved Portal was because I had absolutely no idea what to expect other than it being some sort of puzzle game.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']They really should have come out with an option to just be placed at the bureau in whatever city you want to go back to after you finish the game.

If you're going to create 400 flags to nab, seems like the decent thing to do.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. I'm flag hunting today, and their replay mechanism... well sucks.
I'm actually finding I enjoy the game more the longer I play. I'm on block 6 and having more fun now than ever. Also, I've got the fighting down pretty well and I think that helps the enjoyment. It's no fun just to do counters all the time.

Although I will not have the pacients for collection all the flags.
I had this from Gamefly the past week and thought it was great. I got all the achievements except the flags and the fight 25 guys one. I'd really like a sequel, just to see where they would take it from there.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Same here. I am actually glad the game got such mixed and in some cases negative reviews because I think the lowered expectations have made me enjoy it considerably more. Previously due to the hype I would have expected a 9.5 game and instead only got an 8.0. After the review debacle I expected a 6.5 and instead got an 8.0. I think having low or no expectations in general really makes good games stand out so much more... One of the reasons I absolutely loved Portal was because I had absolutely no idea what to expect other than it being some sort of puzzle game.[/quote]

Interestign points about negative/mixed reviews making for a more pleasant surprise.

As far as combat went, can you beleive i went through the whole game without ever completley mastering the combat. Once I got counter it was just so easy to simply counter everybody. I'd go on the attack occasionally and would often grab and throw; but I never relaly got the combo attack and dodging down pat.
[quote name='pittpizza']Interestign points about negative/mixed reviews making for a more pleasant surprise.

As far as combat went, can you beleive i went through the whole game without ever completley mastering the combat. Once I got counter it was just so easy to simply counter everybody. I'd go on the attack occasionally and would often grab and throw; but I never relaly got the combo attack and dodging down pat.[/quote]
Yeah learning the combat is worth it. Really makes the fighting actualy kinda fun, although I iwsh we would ahve seen more Prince of Persia type of fighting.
I googled the SHIT out of this but cannot find any information what so ever. What the hell is the pen used for that you steal off the scientist? I did it before entering the Animus so perhaps it was story related (meaning if you didn't steal it you wouldn't be allowed to enter the machine)?

Anyways, anyone with any information it would be very helpful, thanks!
Just beat this game and got everything but the flags, and the gameplay was quite fun. However, I read a bit about the background after playing the game. I've read a lot of comments on the game being anti-Christian. While I was going through AC, I assumed that my assassination targets were both part of the Salacen and Crusader armies...and that the main targets were those that had deviated from the goals of these armies and what they were striving for. So, the thought of either anti-Christian OR anti-muslim never REALLY striked me while I played. I mainly just thought I was taking out a group of individuals who were ultimately working together to harm civilians and mess things up even further, and that the Crusaders who were supposed to be Christians had turned on Richard's plan, joined with the arabics, and together they created their own motives and no longer actually had any true beliefs.

But now, looking back at the language used by Desmond, and some of the silly "illusions" they state occured with those artifacts, I'm starting to wonder if this game really was made to be at least slightly anti-Christian. When Mualim ranted about those artifacts, I assumed again that the makers of the game had him say those things only because he was ultimately an enemy in the game, and it would make you want to kill him all the more. But apparently Altair is a muslim anyway.

So, what do you think? Was it made to be an anti-Christian game? I kinda felt bad that I played through the game after reading some of the comments on this, as I seemed to convince myself throughout that I was technically eliminating those who had turned away from both sides...even though it is a game...
Is Altair a muslim? I was under the impression that the most of the assassins were of an agnostic/atheist bent.
"Nothing is true, Everything is permitted" seems hard to reconcile with "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet".
Hmm I meant more about the times Mualim and also Vidic at one point spout out and try to deny some of the miracles that took place as told in the Bible. Basically what I mean is that they seem to make, at least a slight effort at trying to discredit the Bible.

and ya I read he's a muslim...and that his name means something like flying eagle, or something like that.
playing this game for the first time lately. and i have to say i am LOVING it, It took a while to start enjoying it though, the beginning made me want to send it back to gamefly. but after the first assassination, omg. And I know why i love it, im a HUGE Tenchu fan, the first two on PSX, and this one feels like those games with the stealth kills and everything, it's like Tenchu on crack with a shitty story. hahaa. totally picking it up when it's cheaper.
I'm about to finish up the game myself, and noticed the following in Vidic's emails:

Nation Mourns the Loss of Final Film Studio:

History was made today with the closing of the country's last movie studio. The rising prominence of video games coupled with rampant piracy are considered to be the leaded causes of its demise.

Pretty funny.

[quote name='jkam']Is this game worth it at $30?[/quote]

100% yes.

The only thing I'd say that is bad about it, would be replay value. Besides flag collecting, there isn't really much to-do.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']100% yes.

The only thing I'd say that is bad about it, would be replay value. Besides flag collecting, there isn't really much to-do.[/quote]

To that point if you're the type of person who buys games and holds onto them, you may want to consider renting this game instead of buying it.

I absolutely loved this game, but I played through it once and never went back to it.
After I beat the game can I go back to the cities to get all the save citizens, pickpockets, and high points.

I know this is a dead thread, but please help!
[quote name='Richlough']AC could be Ace Combat , don't be so lazy .[/quote]

Actually if it was meant to be Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation that has been released on Xbox 360 it would be "AC6", don't be so quick to judge, think first. Have a nice Labor Day
This is nice to hear that it has made Platinum status, but the $29.99 price is no bargain considering you could get it for less than that earlier this year.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']That list seems to be jacking the prices up on some really old games.[/quote]
Well for one thing it's the official Xbox site so they aren't going to be your lowered retail prices.
[quote name='bardockkun']Still $25 too much for that game...[/quote]

fucking agreed. That game was pure shit and hype mixed.

Also OP fix your topic title. It is really lazy man.

Also did you mean to say hope this "hasnt" been posted before? Just type out the name of the game like every other post on this thread.

Please and thank you.
[quote name='Soodmeg']fucking agreed. That game was pure shit and hype mixed.

Also OP fix your topic title. It is really lazy man.

Also did you mean to say hope this "hasnt" been posted before? Just type out the name of the game like every other post on this thread.

Please and thank you.[/QUOTE]

Using OP is lazy.
Not including an apostrophe in 'hasn't' is lazy.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Using OP is lazy.
Not including an apostrophe in 'hasn't' is lazy.[/quote]

Yeah awesomely funny.

All hilarity aside its a thread title.
I appreciate its breadth but the game became way too boring way too fast. Intelligence gathering provided little fun. The tasks were pretty 'square.' I would have liked to have seen more creativity. Also, I think assassinations could have been handled better. Perhaps the next Assassin's Creed game will allow less-scripted assassinations.

15 is a good deal for the game. 30, for me, is still way too much.
I've held off on this game for a LONG time. Logic is telling me to listen to all the people who said it's boring as hell. But, it just looks so damn good. I wish there was some wicked magic sale and I could get it for $10 or something.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I've held off on this game for a LONG time. Logic is telling me to listen to all the people who said it's boring as hell. But, it just looks so damn good. I wish there was some wicked magic sale and I could get it for $10 or something.[/quote]
Probably Black Friday, but I think you can just as easily Gamefly it or rent it where ever and you can beat it within a week or less.
I was really hoping the Platinum Hits edition would be the PC Director's Cut instead of just the same 360 game. Ah well.... still crossing my fingers for Mass Effect Platinum Hits will be the PC version.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I've held off on this game for a LONG time. Logic is telling me to listen to all the people who said it's boring as hell. But, it just looks so damn good. I wish there was some wicked magic sale and I could get it for $10 or something.[/quote]

My opinion is completely opposite. I can't believe I hadn't played it sooner. I just beat it about a week ago. Its repetitive, but I didn't really mind it so much since I had fun just assassinating people.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I've held off on this game for a LONG time. Logic is telling me to listen to all the people who said it's boring as hell. But, it just looks so damn good. I wish there was some wicked magic sale and I could get it for $10 or something.[/QUOTE]

It's only what you make it. You can make it boring and repetitive, or you can make it fun, and an adventure. That's the point of an open-world, you can do what you want, when you want.

If you simply just go around and only do the missions, of-course this game will get boring.. however, just running around the city and doing whatever you want, and occasionally doing missions, will give you an entirely new perspective / experience on and with the game.

It's the same principle as any GTA game, if you just go and do the missions, you'll get bored rather quickly (although not as-much in GTAIV, but still). The real fun happens when you just go around the open world just doing whatever you want.

It's a game where you take your time to beat it. If you don't take your time, and just do mission after mission, you won't have any fun. However, like I stated above, if you "stretch" it out per-se, by just having fun through-out the city, and doing the occasional mission, you'll enjoy the game without a shadow of a doubt.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']It's only what you make it. You can make it boring and repetitive, or you can make it fun, and an adventure. That's the point of an open-world, you can do what you want, when you want.

If you simply just go around and only do the missions, of-course this game will get boring.. however, just running around the city and doing whatever you want, and occasionally doing missions, will give you an entirely new perspective / experience on and with the game.

It's the same principle as any GTA game, if you just go and do the missions, you'll get bored rather quickly (although not as-much in GTAIV, but still). The real fun happens when you just go around the open world just doing whatever you want.

It's a game where you take your time to beat it. If you don't take your time, and just do mission after mission, you won't have any fun. However, like I stated above, if you "stretch" it out per-se, by just having fun through-out the city, and doing the occasional mission, you'll enjoy the game without a shadow of a doubt.[/quote]

Dude that is a fucking lie and you know it. Thats such a bullshit excuse that those dumbass Penny Arcade guys made up. Why would I play this game differently then I play any other game? Like I bought AC for the sole purpose of rushing through it as fast as I can. No I played this game the same as I play every other game.

And you really do need to check the definition of a open world game because AC is far from and open world. Its just a huge ass map with a lot of NPC doing nothing. The difference being in an actually open world there are things going on that are completely separate from each other whether the user is there or not.

In GTA (which a insult that you would even compare the 2) there are thousands of lines of dialogue that the NPC will say to each other whether or not the user is in range to hear it or not. The NPC will also get into car accidents, fights, chase by cops, hell actually talk with different accents depending on what part of the city you are in, etc etc.

There is literally only 4 things to do in AC that's it that's all and that what your ever going to get. Yeah but its my fault that they didn't program anything more to the game but the exact same 4 missions over and over again right? My fault beacuse I don't think its fun to run around collecting fucking flags for 3 hours in every single city. The exact same dialogue said in the exact same way is in 6 different cities is not an open world. NPC preform the exact same action anywhere in the game. There is no open world because I know exactly what every single NPC will do whether I am in the first city or the last beacuse they are all only programmed to do 2 one action and one action only.

And this is not to dump all over you but we all played the game and half of us said it was extremely boring and repetitive and its bullshit that you can even imply that its our own fault like we some how missed the boat on how fun the game is. Even though I beat the piss poor game and did about half of the extra stuff.

If you like the game or not is none of my concern. But don't imply that the people who didn't like this game somehow "did it wrong" and that's the reason why they didn't like it. Beacuse that is bullshit. I didn't like the game beacuse it fucking sucked and no other reason. It sucking being my opinion but trust me its not because I played the game wrong. :roll:
Ive been going through my backlog and this game was up next. Finally finished it after playing for 3 or 4 days, i loved it. I liked how the achievements really helped make the game a lot more fun and i got every high area, rescued everyone in every city, and all the other goodies. Ending was odd, but i wasn't expecting anything major from it anyway. I give it a solid b-. Looking forward to part 2!
I am in the middle. I have done several assassinations and I find myself bored as hell right now but I cant really unload it either. I will just keep it around and do what I can with it every once in a blue moon. I might beat it over the next few years :)
I never got to finish this game, as I got bored after awhile, just doing the same thing but with the amount of work increased twofold. That's probably why I sold the game, but I wish I had kept it. The only thing that was really interesting was the very beginning, which basically had a great story going, and then to the middle. After the middle part it began to become ehh...

I would have loved the game more if it had more replayability, and possibly more invigorating gameplay. Although they did have some great ideas, let's hope they improve the next game (if there's going to be one).

I'd have to give this game a 3.5/5, not worth it at 60 bucks, but I'd say it is at 30-40.
I need some help. I was playing AC last night and when i started it up today i cant leave the area. It was right after i got the Blood of A Nemesis achivement. I cant leace the area that the battle took place in. when i try it says that the memory can not be accessed at this time. There are a few archers in the area, but i cant kill them and they wont come at me. If i pause there is no mission in the status menu. Ive tried restarting, loading the tutorial and then going back. nothing has worked. Hope someone can help. Thanks.
[quote name='UltimoRey']I need some help. I was playing AC last night and when i started it up today i cant leave the area. It was right after i got the Blood of A Nemesis achivement. I cant leace the area that the battle took place in. when i try it says that the memory can not be accessed at this time. There are a few archers in the area, but i cant kill them and they wont come at me. If i pause there is no mission in the status menu. Ive tried restarting, loading the tutorial and then going back. nothing has worked. Hope someone can help. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Meaning you just cant find a way out or you have those blue walls all around you that wont let you out?
Funny, I just started this game the other day. After seeing footage of AC2, I figured it was about time to pop it in. I've spent about 4-5 hours in it and it's pretty dull. The atmosphere, locations and characters are great but the game itself is so dame boring. Despite that, it is still strangely addictive for some reason. I can't put it down.
I picked it up used for 15 bucks (w/ Blockbuster 25% coupon), and it was super fun at the beginning. The graphics are really amazing, and the "parkour-type" running around is really neat.

I did get bored pretty fast, but I plan to go back to it at some point. Right now all I want to do is jump around in Crackdown and blow stuff up, so AC seems like a visit to the library in comparison.
[quote name='life.exe']Meaning you just cant find a way out or you have those blue walls all around you that wont let you out?[/QUOTE]
blue walls
This was one of my favorite games when it originally came out. I do agree with the fact that it gets quite repetitive after awhile, but I still really enjoyed it. Assassin's Creed 2 is probably my most anticipated game behind Halo O.D.S.T. and The Saboteur. During the interview at E3 the developer was apologizing for how repetitive the first one was and he promised the new one is going to be very different.
bread's done