[quote name='wubb']I shall address your fears TMK:
Merging) Just get up to speed and you'll be able to get over. The rookie mistake is to stop at the end of the entrance ramp and wait for a big gap in traffic to get over onto the highway. They give you a merge area for a reason and it's not that bad.
Parallel Parking) Yeah this is a bitch but you rarely have to do it in real life. And yes the only way to learn how to do it is by trying it yourself. Go to a parking lot, measure out the distance of your state's test and set up some cones with brooms or whatever in them so you you can see them easily in your car mirrors. Then practice.
Snow/Ice) Just drive slower. Sounds like you live where it snows a fair bit so that should mean the roads are treated and cleared fairly quickly at least. :shrug:
Parking lots) Yeah backing up can be tricky/lead to an accident. I also park far enough way that I can pull through unless the lot is so packed that's not an option.
Braking) Just drive a bit and this shouldn't be a problem. As far as avoiding rear ending somebody, just leave enough room.
It sounds like you've barely driven at all. You need to practice as much as you can.[/QUOTE]A lot of that was written when I barely drove. I've driven more now, but the last time I drove was October 2007.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']Well, I only partially agree. I have some of the same fears as TMK (merging in particular), but not many of them (like parallel parking). As I see it, getting over the fear of being in any accident, fine. But the fear of getting rear-ended by a big-ass truck going 80 on the highway, and not having medical examiners being able to identify you because its hard to get your remains since they're distributed across the next 3 counties? Not so easy.
And I'm pretty sure we can get somewhere without a license. When I cure cancer from my basement, I'll let you know

.[/QUOTE]Well, the reason I have a fear of parallel parking is because I see how tight some of the spots are, and I'm too concerned about bumping another car, causing my insurance rates to go up, and having to pay it. Despite practice driving numerous times around the neighborhood and a few times around a nearby street, I still have a lot of difficulty judging the length of the car.
My fear of an accident went up greatly after being in one, and I had a very close call of being hurt even worse. That is why I get all jumpy in a vehicle when there's a semi-truck right now to me and it kind of sways to me. I actually experienced a semi-truck crush a car in front of Wal-Mart one day from the side.
[quote name='MarkMan']Well, I'm not too suprised. TMK also said Devil May Cry 4 on Human was hard for him as was Ninja Dog for Ninja Gaiden... :shrugs:
Some people just can't do things that require reflexes...[/QUOTE]I'm actually solid at fighters and good at DDR, just that I'm no action gamer (that's a different story). I do have a college degree in a pretty difficult major, awesome with Physics, Chemistry, Math, Computer Programming, etc. Some people just have different specialities. I'm a terrible driver, but can do Physics better than most.
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']Dude you worry about shit
WAY too much. You make it seem like driving is harder then it actually is. If you ever want to get anywhere in

ing life you need to learn how to drive. Get some

ing balls and get over your fear, it's that simple. I'm really shocked at most people that still don't have their license here, I mean wtf is up with people these days? Just think one day you will finally go out on a date with a girl, and she'll say pick me up at 7:00 and you'll reply: I don't have a license. Guess what? That date ended before it even began. She sure isn't going to be impressed if you say "Come back to my place baby and look at my Wii!"[/QUOTE]The very first time I drove on a U.S. highway, I had difficulties controlling the speed of the car where I quickly fell behind and my speed wasn't staying constant (it was 40mph and 55mph, kept going all over the place) and I had difficulty keeping the car straight, so I quickly pulled off the side and had another family member drive. Later on I took another chance and drove on a street outside my neighborhood. I started off good. I made a right turn at an intersection and a car was right behind me riding my bumper. The thing is, this guy was WAY behind me and out of no where, he's behind me. In an area where the speed limit is 40mph, I was trying to drive that, but the guy was forcing me to go almost 50mph and still riding my bumper. I ended up taking a very sharp turn into the first neighborhood I saw slightly hitting the curb, in order to avoid him. I only increased my speed since I was afraid he was going to hit me. I also have problems slowing down too much when taking a turn. If I don't slow down, I take a turn way too fast.
Well, I do tell girls I don't have a license, and they don't have a problem with it.
But let's just say driving just doesn't come as easy for me as it does for some.
The only thing I'm good at is parking in perpendicular spots.
I probably have driving anxiety:
EDIT: I'll admit, there's probably a higher chance I'll fail the vision test than me failing the actual driving test (since I almost did fail the vision test the last time I got my permit).
To also admit, I never had driving lessons w/ a Professional.