Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

[quote name='ianoid']I do get confused as to how to communicate with my squad. If I party up with friends and we join a squad, will we be automatically included in squad chat? I've noticed that barely anyone random I play with has their mic enabled. And BFBC2 as well as 'Nam lend themselves to team work and communication, so it comes as a bit of a surprise nobody's talking.

In summary, does being in a party prevent game chat in general?

Do parties automatically get included in game chat if we are all in a BFBC2 squad together?[/QUOTE]

If you are in party, you can only talk to people in party. You would have to exit party in order to communicate in game chat with randoms. Do realize there are alot of people that do not utilize the headset or they are in parties themselves. For instance, I normally play with a group of people so we all stay in party and create our own squad. Sometimes we have more than 4 so we have others in different squads on our team. In other words, they would be mute for the other users in their squad.
[quote name='kklems']Wish they would fix the issue with the stats resetting.[/QUOTE]

Oh thats happening to people? Gosh I thought it was just me
[quote name='metalmat']I am thinking of buying it. Hmmm, I am wondering if the soundtrack is good[/QUOTE]

You will hate Fortunate Son.....and despite their claims of two hours worth of music I think I've heard four songs: Fortunate Son, Instrumental Rock song that sounds like Jimmy Hendrix, Ride of the Valkyries, and another gospel/church/ 60's game show sounding song, Fortunate son, Fortunate Son, Fortunate Son...x100

[quote name='intoxicated662']Did the Onslaught mode get a permanent price drop of 400 ms points or what? Also, is it even worth buying?[/QUOTE]

From what i understand its a 4 person mode vs AI characters. So I assume if you liked that co-op mode in Modern Warfare 2 then you might like it. Otherwise there's no reason to get it. Its not a versus mode at all
[quote name='intoxicated662']Did the Onslaught mode get a permanent price drop of 400 ms points or what? Also, is it even worth buying?[/QUOTE]

I would only buy if you want the achievements. Most people do not play it once they get those done. The mode is semi dead like Squad Rush.

[quote name='saunderscowie']Oh thats happening to people? Gosh I thought it was just me [/QUOTE]

Interesting... I haven't had that happen for me since probably April when they were having all those server issues.
I just went to play Vietnam and I got a pop up saying something like because of your current form your rank has dropped from 189 to 0?

Edit: see here

[quote name='saunderscowie']I just went to play Vietnam and I got a pop up saying something like because of your current form your rank has dropped from 189 to 0?

Edit: see here


Honorable discharge . You will have to start all over.
but is the Onslaught Mode a permanent price drop of 400 ms points or is it a temporary sale and have it going back up to 800 ms points soon? I wanna get it, but if it's a permanent drop then there's no rush. Plus, with the holidays everyone is busy playing other game modes or other games.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I just went to play Vietnam and I got a pop up saying something like because of your current form your rank has dropped from 189 to 0?

Edit: see here

Yeah, I've had that happen to me too. It goes up and down; for me it went from 198 to 0, then from 0 to 198 on the same day. I use to care about what those messages meant, but now I ignore them. I believe this happens to several people playing BFBC2. EA needs to fix these issues on their servers.
I thought you were talking about your rank/unlocks... don't you know that Skill Level means nothing to the game... I wish they would just remove those screens when entering the game.
I've got a question, I'm planning on buying BC2 since this Vietnam expansion has came out. If I buy it used do I have to pay for the online code, if so how many points is it? Trying to decide from going new or used. Thanks
[quote name='pimpster4183']I've got a question, I'm planning on buying BC2 since this Vietnam expansion has came out. If I buy it used do I have to pay for the online code, if so how many points is it? Trying to decide from going new or used. Thanks[/QUOTE]

there is no online code, but there is a VIP Code which is 33% off right now and that gives you access to more maps and other good stuff. Well worth it, you can even buy it for cheap on here from a fellow cag in the 360 code trading forum. I'd say get the game used, it's $22.99 @ gamestop but u can find it cheaper now. I found mine on craigslist for $15 yesterday used.
[quote name='pimpster4183']I've got a question, I'm planning on buying BC2 since this Vietnam expansion has came out. If I buy it used do I have to pay for the online code, if so how many points is it? Trying to decide from going new or used. Thanks[/QUOTE]

It's $10 for the VIP Code right now. If you're really lucky, there might be a VIP Code in the used copy of the game, however, those chances are slim. I would go ahead and pick up an ultimate edition if I were you.
[quote name='Ichigo1993']It's $10 for the VIP Code right now. If you're really lucky, there might be a VIP Code in the used copy of the game, however, those chances are slim. I would go ahead and pick up an ultimate edition if I were you.[/QUOTE]

I agree, theres been some good deals on the Ultimate edition lately.
I have 400 points sitting idly by ... waiting for Sunday's apparent Perfect Dark sale. I will only buy Onslaught if A. Perfect Dark is like 560 or some shit and B. if Onslaught Mode is still 400 at that point in time.
[quote name='HydroX']I have 400 points sitting idly by ... waiting for Sunday's apparent Perfect Dark sale. I will only buy Onslaught if A. Perfect Dark is like 560 or some shit and B. if Onslaught Mode is still 400 at that point in time.[/QUOTE]

in which case, i'm still wondering if Onslaught Mode is a temporary sale or permanent price drop? It's 400 ms points and am tempted to get it..
well, i was trying to give this game another shot and it wasnt working so well, (newbie, so its been kinda rough lol) but i picked up the nam' pack yesterday, and it was more enjoyable. so im hoping i can use that to get a better grip on the game and actually get into it. had alot of fun on the 2-3 matches i played tonight. although i have one big gripe with the game right now, it seems like no matter what you loose your first match because it seems to always spawn you in a match that is almost over and hopeless (in the base game and nam' dlc)... i dunno, maybe i just have really, really bad luck...
[quote name='GamerChris']Dude no one knows if it's a temporary or permanent price drop or else we would've answered by now.[/QUOTE]

u mad? I would of guessed that someone knew. afterall, there are alot of responses on this thread and it's a good game in which alot of people play. But thanks for replying anyways :applause:
Vietnam is fuck'n amazing. I'll be back on battlefield for a long time now. I love how the achievements are somewhat time consuming as well (gold stars on all of the weapons).

The only one I see being a real pain is the 50 kills in the Huey. I don't even try to think about flying one of those.
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']well, i was trying to give this game another shot and it wasnt working so well, (newbie, so its been kinda rough lol) but i picked up the nam' pack yesterday, and it was more enjoyable. so im hoping i can use that to get a better grip on the game and actually get into it. had alot of fun on the 2-3 matches i played tonight. although i have one big gripe with the game right now, it seems like no matter what you loose your first match because it seems to always spawn you in a match that is almost over and hopeless (in the base game and nam' dlc)... i dunno, maybe i just have really, really bad luck...[/QUOTE]

You never know... my squad all the time can turn the tide on a game.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']The only one I see being a real pain is the 50 kills in the Huey. I don't even try to think about flying one of those. [/QUOTE]

I see that one being the last of the new achievements to get. I haven't had much chance to get in one let alone be a gunner in one.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Vietnam is fuck'n amazing. I'll be back on battlefield for a long time now. I love how the achievements are somewhat time consuming as well (gold stars on all of the weapons).

The only one I see being a real pain is the 50 kills in the Huey. I don't even try to think about flying one of those.[/QUOTE]

I think sitting in the gunners seat counts are well.
[quote name='lordopus99']I thought you were talking about your rank/unlocks... don't you know that Skill Level means nothing to the game... I wish they would just remove those screens when entering the game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know that i'm just saying the problems i've been having. It seems like everytime I play the game something happens.. rank reset, lost all my stats/weapons etc then they randomly appear back the disappear.. this game has issues.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I'm getting a 4GB slim - How big is the Vietnam download?[/QUOTE]

Vietnam update is like 1.6gb plus all the maps packs for BC2 if you want those... 4GB system is just a joke, you really only get like 3.2gb you can use..
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I'm getting a 4GB slim - How big is the Vietnam download?[/QUOTE]

Unless Vietnam is the only thing you're going to play, I would go out and get a new HDD. The 4GB can barely hold anything.
[quote name='Ichigo1993']Unless Vietnam is the only thing you're going to play, I would go out and get a new HDD. The 4GB can barely hold anything.[/QUOTE]

That system made very little sense, the 20gb system started getting too small for alot of people. Its a obvious money making ploy by microsoft (most things they do are), but this one is just taking advantage of the consumer. They could have easily packed a bigger hard drive and kept the price point the same. Sorry for the rant guys
Yeah, I don't have money for a 250GB right now but I do have a couple 8GB flash drives laying around I could put to use. I already have a PS3, just want a 360 to play live with my buddies back home. 4GB makes sense for just playing games and if I can use a flash drive to get any DLC I'd want to play that would be perfect.
Is it just me or does conquest in vietnam almost always quickly devolve into pin-the-team-in-the-spawn game?

It also kind of sucks that almoat everyone uses the same few weapons (m40, ak47,m16, ppsh...)
So I played Vietnam for the first time this morning (anyone who wants to play base game or Vietnam feel free to add me) and I couldn't help but be let down by the maps. I only played 3 games, but the maps all seemed so small. We got spawn trapped on offense, then we spawn trapped them on defense twice ... because we all spawned so close to each other.

Seems to be set up to be easymode for defenders.
[quote name='Kaoz']So I played Vietnam for the first time this morning (anyone who wants to play base game or Vietnam feel free to add me) and I couldn't help but be let down by the maps. I only played 3 games, but the maps all seemed so small. We got spawn trapped on offense, then we spawn trapped them on defense twice ... because we all spawned so close to each other.

Seems to be set up to be easymode for defenders.[/QUOTE]

I'll be down for some squad action.
[quote name='Kaoz']So I played Vietnam for the first time this morning (anyone who wants to play base game or Vietnam feel free to add me) and I couldn't help but be let down by the maps. I only played 3 games, but the maps all seemed so small. We got spawn trapped on offense, then we spawn trapped them on defense twice ... because we all spawned so close to each other.

Seems to be set up to be easymode for defenders.[/QUOTE]

Yep, spawn trapping is the name of the game. I've begun to just rage quit when games become spawn trapping.
[quote name='HydroX']Is Onslaught Mode worth 400 points? Or would it be better spent on Perfect Dark today?[/QUOTE]

Onslaught is one of those things that once you get the achievements you will never play it again. So to me, if you want the cheeze then buy if not do not get it.

[quote name='kaoz']So I played Vietnam for the first time this morning (anyone who wants to play base game or Vietnam feel free to add me) and I couldn't help but be let down by the maps. I only played 3 games, but the maps all seemed so small. We got spawn trapped on offense, then we spawn trapped them on defense twice ... because we all spawned so close to each other.

Seems to be set up to be easymode for defenders. [/QUOTE]

Vietnam is definitely set up for defenders. Playing Rush I never felt spawn trapped. Maybe people should start playing the superior mode ;)
[quote name='lordopus99']
Vietnam is definitely set up for defenders. Playing Rush I never felt spawn trapped. Maybe people should start playing the superior mode ;)[/QUOTE]

This was on rush, we had two guys up in the other teams spawn with flamethrowers, while the bulk of us stood back a bit with a pair of medics (me and some other guy) reviving and healing everyone.

Forget the name of the map where this seemed the most like a complete spawn trap, all I remember is there was a broken down tank right next to their spawn that I used for cover.
Picked up the Vietnam expansion today, I'm enjoying it so far. I think I like it better than BC2 itself. I seem to like the smaller stuff DICE puts out more than their full fledged games. I liked 1943 more than BC2 as well. There's only a couple of things I don't like, such as the spawn barriers in Conquest (though I understand why they did that) and the fact that Hill 137 is wayyyy too dark. It's hard as hell to see anything on that map. It seems like they tightened up the controls a bit since I last played, but maybe it's just been a while.

One thing I really hope they fix/change for BF3 is the player movement. Loading it up for the first time today I got stuck on a piece of geometry and ran in place for a few seconds. Hopefully they'll make it so it doesn't look like your character is holding in the biggest shit of his life while waddling through water, too.

Just make BF3 more like Modern Combat, DICE. Please.
[quote name='Trakan']
Just make BF3 more like Modern Combat, DICE. Please.[/QUOTE]

Many of us play BF precisely because of the differences from COD. Sure hope they don't make it similar.
Vietnam definitely feels like a meat grinder without the scopes for non-snipers. And I think that causes the spawn trapping because the gun ranges are so reduced that there is a huge benefit to being a stationary team picking off people as they try to move at you. Seems like the assault or the medics could maybe use a bit of ranged weapons at times. In that, I like the modern weapons a bit more like Trakan.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Many of us play BF precisely because of the differences from COD. Sure hope they don't make it similar.[/QUOTE]


One thing I forgot to mention in my post earlier is that I also hope DICE tunes the guns a bit for BF3. The SMGs and pistols should not have sniper rifle accuracy, burst firing or not. I could not believe how far away I got killed by a pistol earlier today. LMGs/Assault rifles I can understand, but being sniped by a 1911 is annoying.
Modern Combat was awsome and is still one of my top 5 FPS of all time. I had it for PS2 and it was simply amazing. They really need to get back to that as quickly as possiable.

Now to be honest, I cant really remember what made that game so great so I have no current basis for comparison but man those days were great. I hated Bad Company 1 and BC2 was decent but not great.
[quote name='Trakan']Uh...

One thing I forgot to mention in my post earlier is that I also hope DICE tunes the guns a bit for BF3. The SMGs and pistols should not have sniper rifle accuracy, burst firing or not. I could not believe how far away I got killed by a pistol earlier today. LMGs/Assault rifles I can understand, but being sniped by a 1911 is annoying.[/QUOTE]


I was thinking Modern Warfare...... Screw me for trying to post at 5am.
bread's done