Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

I have to tell a few amazing BC2 demo stories that happened to me this morning.

First story: I was an attacker on sniper hill with the sniper class. I chose this class because I can pick off other snipers and open up the middle for my attackers. For some reason, the defending team decided to just keep snipers and medics in the construction site across the way. I began my pick off fest with one sniper. I would hit him and he would be revived right away. I picked him off 5 times in a row before he finally realized that I had him dead to rights every time. Another sniper joined me and just like MW2 Spec Ops, we started counting down and firing at two people at a time. I took snipers, he took medics. We took out 4 guys in a matter of seconds and like roaches, everyone scattered from the building. It was the greatest thing I've ever seen until...

Second story: As a defender, I sat at the construction site watching sniper hill for any opposing snipers. After a few minutes, I realized they were making a full out attack to my right flank. 2 tanks, multiple assault class guys, and a few engineers. Since, I couldn't change my class, I decided to try and flank them from the right side by the double pipes. I made my way down and noticed that my team had a similar idea. Our snipers decided to lay down about 15-20 C4 explosives in the opposing tanks' path and just waited in cover. Some assault guys began to open fire on the tanks to draw them in. I started picking off stragglers and snipers behind enemy lines and guys using the tanks as cover.

Out of no where, a guy on an ATV runs right past me and another guy. I saw him circling around to take another run at us so I laid down some C4 in front of me and started firing at him with my pistol to draw him in. Sure enough, he came blazing back around, headed right for me. I took out my detonator and blew C4 just as he past it. The back of the ATV flew in mid air and over my head, killing the guy in the process. It was the most amazing kill I have ever done in any game. It was like out of an action movie. Then, to cap it off, a few moments later, I realized the tanks had rolled into my team's trap. Ka-boom! Both tanks and about 10 guys went flying as my entire team blew their C4 at the same time. It was freaking epic! I wish I had a way to record it!
I downloaded the demo the day it got put on the marketplace, absolutely hated it. Granted I only gave it one game, which I joined halfway through. So I deleted it, but I re-downloaded it when a buddy of mine wanted to play. It's a lot more fun with at least one person than it is on your own.

I don't understand most of the complaints about it. It does seem somewhat inconsistent some times, but it is a demo. So my hopes are that it will get better when it is actually released.

But as far as complaining about such little things like campers,'re playing an attack/defend game mode. There is going to be campers on the defense since that is what they should be doing, and if the attackers are camping...they aren't going to win. Very simple.

After playing with with some friends, I pre-ordered it from Amazon, which is sweet considering the $20 Promo with it.
[quote name='matto1233']Is it just me or does nobody ever have mics when I'm playing this?[/QUOTE]

I think you need to be in a "squad" to hear other people -- which sucks, because it limits you to speaking with 4 people only. So unless you get people in an xbox live party, that's what you're limited to.

Otherwise, I have never heard a peep out of anyone if I wasn't in a squad -- and even if I was, it's usually dead silent.
[quote name='Puffa469']I am loving the T90 tank. As an attacker at the start of the round I just drive it halfway down the hill and start shellacking Point A, the house behind it, and the three story construction site.

Whenever I hear a missle lock I cleverly back up toward the spawn to avoid it. After I destroy A, I then drive all the way down to start on B.

It really helps when I have a good gunner with me to take out snipers and sappers creeping up on the tank.[/QUOTE]

You and I are gonna have to play here sometime soon. I accepted your friend request and finally got a chance to play earlier tonight. Weekends are hard for me sometimes but the next two days will be Battlefield-mania since my girlfriend has school and I'll be off work, so get at me and we'll get a game together.
[quote name='HydroX']You and I are gonna have to play here sometime soon. I accepted your friend request and finally got a chance to play earlier tonight. Weekends are hard for me sometimes but the next two days will be Battlefield-mania since my girlfriend has school and I'll be off work, so get at me and we'll get a game together.[/QUOTE]

I can usually play most weeknights for an hour or two. I usually get on around 8-8:30pm EST.
[quote name='Puffa469']I can usually play most weeknights for an hour or two. I usually get on around 8-8:30pm EST.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good I'll try to remember that. If you see me on just shoot me a game invite and we'll go from there.

That goes for anyone who is on and wants to form up a CAG squad!
Team chat with 12 other people is annoying trust me. My friend and I would always do private chat during our sessions of Battlefield 2 MC on the Xbox and the 360.
I'm wondering if only one friend needs to have the GS preorder code for the Squad Rush. What I mean is, if at least one person has it, he or she can just invite anyone in to play Squad Rush. Anyone have any idea about this?
Some Battlefield Bad Company 2 gifs I made from the multiplayer beta. Too many battlefield moments!
*credit to the youtube vids I got these from*

Just started making gifs so if they are too slow or fast or messed up, lemme know what browser you are using.




Does this happen to anyone else with the Demo?

Whenever I log in for the first time to play, all my class settings are reset. This happens every time when I first load up the game.

I didn't realize it for a while and was running around with the starting equipment.

I usually figure it out when I pull out my trace gun to mark a Tank and 'plink plink plink' I'm shooting a Tank with a 9 milli like a retard.

Hopefully that wont happen with the full game.
[quote name='Puffa469']Does this happen to anyone else with the Demo?

Whenever I log in for the first time to play, all my class settings are reset. This happens every time when I first load up the game.

I didn't realize it for a while and was running around with the starting equipment.

I usually figure it out when I pull out my trace gun to mark a Tank and 'plink plink plink' I'm shooting a Tank with a 9 milli like a retard.

Hopefully that wont happen with the full game.[/QUOTE]

Its a demo thing. Because there is no save file on the xbox to remember your settings
[quote name='HydroX']I'm getting on in the next 30 minutes if anyone wants to form a squad and roll through some peeps.

Friend me.[/QUOTE]

I added you as a friend last night just so you know it wasn't a random add.
great video I need ppl to play BF with so please add me toyour friends list ppl!

bonemonkey80 is my gametag

also the demo is coming down in a week right?
[quote name='Pure Apathy']I added you as a friend last night just so you know it wasn't a random add.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I think we played some games before I cleaned out my friends list and I didn't recognize your gamertag at the time. When I got the request though I knew right away where it came from.

[quote name='BoneMonkey80']great video I need ppl to play BF with so please add me toyour friends list ppl!

bonemonkey80 is my gametag

also the demo is coming down in a week right?[/QUOTE]

coming down in a week? whaaa??
I believe it's coming down in a week or so. I remember there's sometime between when the demo ends and when the game ships.

I went back and played some more tonight after watching that video. Definitely helped out some as I found myself doing better overall and was usually the #1 person in the game scorewise with a reasonable K/D spread.
I played the 1st Bad Company multiplayer demo and it was just "ok". I found it a clunky and you died all the time from tanks just pounding buildings you were in until you couldn't hide anywhere because it was totally destroyed.

Played the BC2 multiplayer demo and this one sucks more. The map is so tiny and there are hardly any vehicles on the map. Why the heck would they demo that map?

I'll pass on this game again, i don't see the big appeal of these 2 games. I miss Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
[quote name='BARRICADE_28']I played the 1st Bad Company multiplayer demo and it was just "ok". I found it a clunky and you died all the time from tanks just pounding buildings you were in until you couldn't hide anywhere because it was totally destroyed.[/QUOTE]

Dunno if it was because stuff wasn't unlocked for the demo, but there were PLENTY of ways to take care of takes. Engineers had rockets/tracer darts no matter what. Eventually, engineers could lay down AT mines, and snipers had laser designators (guided missiles). There is no excuse for getting tank raped.

I remember the demo was the Oasis/Desert level... the attackers start so far away from objectives on that map that if their tanks are getting to the buildings, and staying long enough to shell them, its the defenders own fault.

Played the BC2 multiplayer demo and this one sucks more. The map is so tiny and there are hardly any vehicles on the map. Why the heck would they demo that map?
As an attacker, it takes less than 20 seconds to run to an objective. Do you really feel as if you need to get there faster? Tiny map + more vehicles? Doesn't really work out/is even necessary.

I'll pass on this game again, i don't see the big appeal of these 2 games. I miss Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Keep in mind, what is demo'd is Rush Mode, which is nothing like Conquest (which is what BFMC is).
Hi guys. I don't know if anyone has done this yet, but I am making a BC2 friends group. This is of course for team players who can communicate with their squad (Microphones recommended).

Add Gt: BC2 Friends

Hopefully it will make it easier to find people who you can rely on as it is a team based game.
That was a great video, thanks. When you weer discussing the Recon class, you should have mentioned that on offense, you need to get to the crates and advance or you will lose, just like when you run out of respawn tickets.

Nothing is as frustrating as having your squad sniping well back from the objectives, and having to run all the way across the map to get to the objectives.
I had probably my best game ever last night as an attacker.

I dropped down into the T90 and someone playing Engy jumped in as gunner. I rolled halfway down the hill and blasted A into oblivion while periodically backing up so my gunner could jump out and repair. We even killed 3-4 enemies that snuck up towards the tank to plant C4 or shoot RPGs. I was able to take out B as well, so now we rolled towards the second set of M-COMs.

I started blasting A with my tank and spotting all over the place. My gunner was great at mowing down everyone I spotted. As I was shooting at A, a teammate planted a charge. So i kept shooting as the entire enemy team ran into A building to defuse. I killed their whole team with Tank shells. I even got two double kills! So A blows up finally. I roll to B and take some enemies out, but eventually they get my tanks health down, I jump out just as it blows up and shoot/stab about 3 more guys before I die, and that was my first death!

The rest of the match went my teams way, and I was able to plant and destroy two more objectives myself. I got into another T90 as a gunner, but the guy driving was an idiot, and not on my squad so I couldnt even say 'LET ME DRIVE!'.

I ended up with close to 4000 points, not counting awards. And had over 30 kills and less than 10 deaths.

The game is awesome but I am getting a little tired of this one map. This game cannot come out soon enough!

EA DICE will indeed honor its tease to put a little bit of Battlefield 1943 in your Battlefield: Bad Company 2. In a conversation with DICE's Patrich Bach, MTV Multiplayer discovered that DICE is set to honor "veterans" with the M1 Garand. The catch here is that you'll have to register both Battlefield 1943 and Bad Company 2 at

As MTV notes, the Thompson and the M1911 pistol are separate unlocks via the Web site that you can get if you bother to register Bad Company 2. Word is that if you register six Battlefield titles, you'll get a spear and a net -- both handy for killing sabretooth tigers, and of course, your foes.
[quote name='moojuice']

Good "Bad Company 101" tutorial for newbies (some NSFW language).

Hell, even I learned something from this video: You can blow up the UAV station.[/QUOTE]

Good video but that guy is a tool. He says how realistic you should play it and then rams people with the UAV. And advocates the use of the UAV to take out the chopper. UAV is OP in my opinion. I'm gonna think about canceling my preorder if they are gonna allow it to keep that secondary machine gun.
Yeah that vid was Awesome. The "1943" and "Banned from XBL" ones are even funnier IMO.

Nice to be aboard the CAG wagon. Been A battlefielder since the Clunker xbox days playing with the gigantic "Duke" controller.

Trading in BC1 and MW2 today. Should I wait for that 50% bonus that allegedly starts Monday ? Signing up for the edge card is like 15 bucks, any suggestions ?

Yeah, I had this round as A turret gunner in some random guys tank. As an attacker we pulled out on the right side of snipers hill. I provided suppressing fire with the heavy armor tanks turret and spammed the hell out of the back button. The guy driving the tank was smart by reversing so I could fix his tank. Our team didn't even get past the first set of crates and I finished with A 42-0 K/D ratio. I wonder how many more kills we could have racked up if our team got through the first set of crates. :(

Anyhoo, it's great to Finally be in the CAG community.
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[quote name='MemphisChill901']Good video but that guy is a tool. He says how realistic you should play it and then rams people with the UAV. And advocates the use of the UAV to take out the chopper. UAV is OP in my opinion. I'm gonna think about canceling my preorder if they are gonna allow it to keep that secondary machine gun.[/QUOTE]

The ramming with UAV I agree that it is a bit unrealistic, but really, it's not that easy to do, and once the UAV is that low, it's not the hard to take out.

Taking out choppers seems reasonable, since technically the UAV is calling out a target for the missile, and not firing the missile itself.

The alt fire is annoying, but to be really effective, the UAV needs to be flying fairly slow, which again, makes it easier to take out.

The guy constantly emphasizes knowing your role, and that's what dealing with the UAV is. Getting constantly peppered by it? Switch to the medic class and mow that thing down. It only takes around 10-15 bullets.

And this next comment isn't particularly directed at you, but at most people who complain something is OP: There is a countermeasure for everything in this game. Half the time people when complain that there is something OP, its because they are too focused on doing one thing, and won't change to take action. "hurr, im trying to snipe in this one spot and this stupid tank keeps shelling my camping spot over and over and i cant keep sniping and i hate waiting to respawn this game sucks bawwwww" Well guess what, switch to a different class, such as an engineer or use your C4 to take out the take. I swear, its like people in MW2 who get killed repeatedly by killstreaks, but won't switch to a cold blooded class or use rockets.
[quote name='MemphisChill901']Good video but that guy is a tool. He says how realistic you should play it and then rams people with the UAV. And advocates the use of the UAV to take out the chopper. UAV is OP in my opinion. I'm gonna think about canceling my preorder if they are gonna allow it to keep that secondary machine gun.[/QUOTE]

The UAV machine gun is just about the most innacurate weapon in the game. To hit anyone consistently, you have to get soo low and soo close to them, that it becomes easy to shoot it down.

Also, lots of stuff in the demo is locked, like lock-on rockets and missle type weapons and mines. Stuff like that will lessen the effectiveness of the UAV, helicopters, and tanks/vehicles.
[quote name='Puffa469']The UAV machine gun is just about the most innacurate weapon in the game. To hit anyone consistently, you have to get soo low and soo close to them, that it becomes easy to shoot it down.

Also, lots of stuff in the demo is locked, like lock-on rockets and missle type weapons and mines. Stuff like that will lessen the effectiveness of the UAV, helicopters, and tanks/vehicles.[/QUOTE]

You've obviously never been flying and start getting hit by it. It is not inaccurate. Takes maybe 30 seconds to take a chopper out with. Then to the other guy up there. Yeah, that's great, you can take out the UAV with a machine gun, but not when your piloting. No one on your team tries to take it out. UAV alt fire needs to go.
[quote name='moojuice']
And this next comment isn't particularly directed at you, but at most people who complain something is OP: There is a countermeasure for everything in this game. Half the time people when complain that there is something OP, its because they are too focused on doing one thing, and won't change to take action. "hurr, im trying to snipe in this one spot and this stupid tank keeps shelling my camping spot over and over and i cant keep sniping and i hate waiting to respawn this game sucks bawwwww" Well guess what, switch to a different class, such as an engineer or use your C4 to take out the take. I swear, its like people in MW2 who get killed repeatedly by killstreaks, but won't switch to a cold blooded class or use rockets.[/QUOTE]

I'm done with CAG. You guys are a bunch of F U C K I N G (not shaqfuing) retards. No better than god damn gamestop posters. Burn in hell you retarded group of fuck mouth fuck faces with your retarded leader cheapy d who always sounds like hes on fucking drugs and is a child molester. DIE. SUCK DICKS.:bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:
Yea just go away with your incoming ban.

Looks like he got banned...ok or not. Or the mods just deleted his posts only.
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I guess that's a perfect example of what not to do here.

Battlefield demo ends on the 25th. So, get your practice time in before its over.
Was at Gamestop today, they said there's A possibility of a midnight release, and to call back next week. Will post News when I hear more.
[quote name='MemphisChill901']You've obviously never been flying and start getting hit by it. It is not inaccurate. Takes maybe 30 seconds to take a chopper out with. Then to the other guy up there. Yeah, that's great, you can take out the UAV with a machine gun, but not when your piloting. No one on your team tries to take it out. UAV alt fire needs to go.[/QUOTE]

Then it's your teammate's fault. You know, this being a team based game and all, you can't really expect to dominate solo. You pick rock, your opponent picks paper, don't bitch and moan.
So from what I've heard, This game is Big Time worth the money. Especially for $40 after Amazon $20 game credit.

Guess I'll have to try out the Demo and see for myself. I'm getting bored with MW2. Lack of new maps for MW2 may really help this game pick up a lot more new fans.
Totally, instead of Amazon if you are sick of MW2, Trade in MW2 at gamestop. The 2/4/7 promotion ends Sunday the 21st. I traded in BC1 and MW2 for $40. Then, have them run your debit card as credit, No sales tax, if you are in one of the tax free states.
Does Not Charge Sales Tax on Credit Purchases: Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia
bread's done