Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

Anyone up for some deathmatch later?

[quote name='gbpackers94']Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a looong time, but have the fixed the lag yet?[/QUOTE]

I've noticed lag sometimes when I'm really close to an enemy.
[quote name='slickkill77']Yea but they showed boats and it didn't have any music. That's what he was probably referring to. All the previews said the boats and helo's have music.[/QUOTE]

You're right, I didn't hear any on the boats. I honestly don't care, as long as the gameplay is not buggy, i'll be a happy engineer :D

[quote name='gbpackers94']Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a looong time, but have the fixed the lag yet[/Quote]

The only time I've had lag in this game was because I forgot to close Azureus. Other than that, I've not had lag.

What I have noticed is that it kicks me from games where we're annihilating the opposition. Sometimes it kicks me back to the main menu and sometimes it freezes on me :bomb: Anyone else experience this too?
[quote name='htown01']What I have noticed is that it kicks me from games where we're annihilating the opposition. Sometimes it kicks me back to the main menu and sometimes it freezes on me :bomb: Anyone else experience this too?[/QUOTE]

I never had it kick me once when I was in the game. I have occasionally been kicked when entering a game back to the main menu.

[quote name='gbpackers94']Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a looong time, but have the fixed the lag yet? [/QUOTE]

Occasional lag... lag is nowhere near as bad as other games.
[quote name='TiKi2']Anyone up for some deathmatch later?[/QUOTE]

Every Deathmatch game I've ever been in has consisted of the following: each squad hides in a building until either A.) another squad shoots the building down or B.) another squad rolls in and takes that building to hide in.
[quote name='HydroX']Every Deathmatch game I've ever been in has consisted of the following: each squad hides in a building until either A.) another squad shoots the building down or B.) another squad rolls in and takes that building to hide in.[/QUOTE]

The games I get everyone is sniping. No problem for me I get my saiga and rape them. Went 14-4 in arica harbor, stabbed about 7 snipers. Same map next game went 15-0 inside the tank. I don't do as good in the other maps.

Funny thing you enter a building with snipers kill one of them, the other one never notices, since he is perch by a window , walk up stab the other one in the back.
[quote name='TiKi2']The games I get everyone is sniping. No problem for me I get my saiga and rape them. Went 14-4 in arica harbor, stabbed about 7 snipers. Same map next game went 15-0 inside the tank. I don't do as good in the other maps.

Funny thing you enter a building with snipers kill one of them, the other one never notices, since he is perch by a window , walk up stab the other one in the back.[/QUOTE]

Not good snipers than...they need to use their motion sensors. With 2 snipers you would have 6 and if an assault leaves you an ammo box...
[quote name='kklems']Not good snipers than...they need to use their motion sensors. With 2 snipers you would have 6 and if an assault leaves you an ammo box...[/QUOTE]

Trust me. The motion sensors doesn't detect a ninja. ;) The majority of all my Platinum knife kills were from snipers. I have an itch to go after them and knife them. '

As for Squad Deathmatch, I have found it mostly to be snipers camping on the edge of the map i.e. SNOOZEFEST.
[quote name='lordopus99']I never had it kick me once when I was in the game. I have occasionally been kicked when entering a game back to the main menu. [/QUOTE]

Damn, then it looks like my 360 will soon fail on me because it does it with MoH too.

Yeah sometimes it kicks me to the main menu when entering a game but it doesn't occur often.
[quote name='seanr1221']The Vietnam stuff looks great.

Why did I have to download that 1.64 GB vietnam file though?[/QUOTE]
It's the 3rd title update to prepare for Vietnam. Better to have it now then wait for 3 hours of downloads once the expansion releases.
[quote name='slickkill77']I love this game and I want vietnam bad but it worries me when i hop into a game at 10:30 and there are 2 people on a team.[/QUOTE]

That's why I have started playing Monday Night Combat instead. There are always people to play with when I am playing and it's a good game.
[quote name='slickkill77']I love this game and I want vietnam bad but it worries me when i hop into a game at 10:30 and there are 2 people on a team.[/QUOTE]

This is my findings...

I normally play between 3pm-6pm. If it is an older map, the teams are 6-7 people each. If it is a newer map, then it is packed 11-12 on each team. It is as if people jump off into another game if an older map comes on. This was the same when I played between 9pm-midnight this past Friday/Saturday.

I haven't seen a big drop off for this mode. Most games I played in were close to full.

The one game of Squad Rush my normal team (3 of us) played against 1 to 2 guys. They gave up thus it ended up just being us in a game. No one else joined. That mode is dead.

Long story short... most people are only playing the new maps.
I guess I'm just lucky...I rarely have any problems finding populated games. If I'm on at like 4 am, then ok, yeah, 3 on 3 is your only option. But during "regular" hours I'm not having any issues. That said, I never check squad rush or DM modes so I can't comment there.

I've been a shitty player lately while getting my recon specact achievement - I fucking hate recon and I'm pretty awful at it as far as the sniping aspect. Now that it's out of the way though I can get back to being a contributing member of the team.

Will be on and off the next few days but I'm down for Onslaught whenever if I'm on.
[quote name='TiKi2']I think there is enough people playing but it seems that EA needs to work on the matchmaking.[/QUOTE]

This is very true, Ill go from a even game to 10+ players against 1 or 2 on the next map.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I guess I'm just lucky...I rarely have any problems finding populated games. If I'm on at like 4 am, then ok, yeah, 3 on 3 is your only option. But during "regular" hours I'm not having any issues. That said, I never check squad rush or DM modes so I can't comment there.

I've been a shitty player lately while getting my recon specact achievement - I fucking hate recon and I'm pretty awful at it as far as the sniping aspect. Now that it's out of the way though I can get back to being a contributing member of the team.

Will be on and off the next few days but I'm down for Onslaught whenever if I'm on.[/QUOTE]

For specact recon try the spec op sniper with 4x scope and magnum ammo. At close range one shot kill and at medium range it is also usually a one shot kill. I have a terrible time getting one shot kills with the 10x scope so this worked well for me and knocked out the recon achievement quickly
[quote name='lordopus99']Trust me. The motion sensors doesn't detect a ninja. ;) The majority of all my Platinum knife kills were from snipers. I have an itch to go after them and knife them. '

As for Squad Deathmatch, I have found it mostly to be snipers camping on the edge of the map i.e. SNOOZEFEST.[/QUOTE]

What am I missing? Is there a way to avoid the sensors? ala crouching in MW
[quote name='kklems']What am I missing? Is there a way to avoid the sensors? ala crouching in MW[/QUOTE]

There is always two ways to get to people. The snipers that use motion sensors normally only cover one side that they assume most people come from... I come from the other side. In addition, I found that now-a-days people don't use them as much as they once did.
[quote name='kklems']For specact recon try the spec op sniper with 4x scope and magnum ammo. At close range one shot kill and at medium range it is also usually a one shot kill. I have a terrible time getting one shot kills with the 10x scope so this worked well for me and knocked out the recon achievement quickly[/QUOTE]

I already got the achievement but I'll give that a shot just for the hell of it. Thanks.
Hey if you need an extra person, count me in. My gamertag is iamdestruktor. Now just be warned i have not played this game yet. Its been sitting on my shelf for a few months. And ive been too busy with Halo Reach and Black Ops. But i played the first Bad Company!!
I haven't actually downloaded the update yet but I heard it came with improved visuals/sound? Is this true and is there any comparison screens or videos around I could see the difference?
[quote name='saunderscowie']I haven't actually downloaded the update yet but I heard it came with improved visuals/sound? Is this true and is there any comparison screens or videos around I could see the difference?[/QUOTE]

I didn't notice any difference. The update really is only prep for the Vietnam expansion.
[quote name='saunderscowie']

"Outside of a handful of (relatively minor) tweaks noted on the Battlefield blog, the biggest change to the maps will be the addition of Bad Company 2's "Destruction 2.0" system and enhanced graphics. "[/QUOTE]

First off, why ask the question if you don't trust any answers from it?

Joystiq's post is referencing the new maps. The new maps were throwbacks. They "enhanced" them to BF:BC2 standards.

This is all that is different that has any difference on gameplay from the update. Note the only modes I play are Rush and Conquest.
1) The M-Comm stations take little damage from engineer rockets.
2) You can put scopes on G3 and M14, which makes them alot of peoples go to weapons now
3) The new Maps.

That is all I saw the update do, besides of course what I mentioned before.
Any problem with using a saiga ? Seems I was reported for "lacking skill". Thats the message I got from a person on the other team that I keep owning with the saiga.

Anyways you guys want to do some sunday action?
[quote name='WTPolaris']I'd be up for some squad action on Sunday. What time?[/QUOTE]

Anytime after 2pm.

I'm about to hop on at around 7 pm est and play a few games . I'll send you an invite .
I'm actually headed out for dinner now but if you're still playing when I get in again I would be up for that. Send a friend request either way!
Utterly disappointed that the Games on Demand version of this is $40. The Ultimate edition has been cheaper on EA's site for months now, and that comes with BF1943 and the chintzy DLC this game has. I was hoping against hope for $20 and would have still bought it but regret it at $30, but $40 is a complete joke.
[quote name='HydroX']Games on Demand are always at MSRP .. consider who is marketing it -- Micro$oft. (See what I did there?)[/QUOTE]
You'd figure the price would be lower because it's a digital copy, but since its all about convenience they can charge you more I guess.
Been playing this over the last few days along with Reach, I went on hiatus from them both for a while (mainly because my dorm internet connection sucks and can't handle online games) but now most people have left for christmas its been real fast.

Man I forgot how great is game is, its so superior to Black Ops. Its been so good jumping back into the game. I've lost none of my skill in playing and the game just feels so much better, and I prefer the people playing online compared to Black Ops. I doubt i'm ever really going to touch that again (ha i'm only like level 4 on it!) Been finishing off some Spect achievements and getting ready for Vietnam DLC - can't wait for that!
[quote name='bluedotlounge']Got Vietnam early if anyone is on. Could use help to finish my review. Gamertag: Circle Of Vice.[/QUOTE]

Oh crap, Im gonna d/l it now and jump on after the game.
[quote name='bluedotlounge']Got Vietnam early if anyone is on. Could use help to finish my review. Gamertag: Circle Of Vice.[/QUOTE]

I dont see it in the BC2 store
[quote name='mannysgoldglove']I dont see it in the BC2 store[/QUOTE]

It doesn't release until Tuesday. He said he got it early. The PC version though released today.
[quote name='lordopus99']It doesn't release until Tuesday. He said he got it early. The PC version though released today.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I was excited for a quick min
Does anyone know if your stats carry over to Vietnam from the original game? Or do we all reset and have to level up again and unlock weapons and stuff?

Just curious. Thanks
[quote name='sp8001']Does anyone know if your stats carry over to Vietnam from the original game? Or do we all reset and have to level up again and unlock weapons and stuff?

Just curious. Thanks[/QUOTE]

Everyone starts at 0 for Vietnam because it's a different era, different weapons, unlocks, etc.

Obviously you aren't going to start in Vietnam with the tracer dart gun and Carl Gustav with Tracer lock-on action.
Cool... I'm so far behind everyone else in the original (just got it 2 weeks ago) that it will be nice to be on an even playing field for at least the first few days :)
bread's done