BIOSHOCK 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - Pushed to 2010

you wouldn't believe how many friggin people I killed till I realized I didn't have to kill people.

I remember thinking before that point "man, I haven't died for at least 3 hours".... then died twice because I killed like 50 dudes
Can you go backtrack through areas later on in the game to collect stuff you missed the first walk through? Im at Siren Alley now and it doesnt seem like Im going to be able to go back and get stuff I missed... :(
[quote name='aspen1284']Can you go backtrack through areas later on in the game to collect stuff you missed the first walk through? Im at Siren Alley now and it doesnt seem like Im going to be able to go back and get stuff I missed... :([/QUOTE]

No. Before heading on the train to leave Ryan Amusements the game told me to double check the area before leaving because you cannot return.
Don't know if this should be spoilered or not but I will anyway just for people who haven't gotten the camera yet.

I'm basically done with all research except for the thuggish splicers. Will there be more? I've been searching for them but can't find any at all. I'm about to finish Dionysis Park by the way
[quote name='kurrptsenate']i think the reason it paused for those is because its on the console and there is no way to be able to switch to the specific weapon/plasmid you want in a timely fashion and not be punished because the controller doesn't have enough buttons to map all the guns to.

I thought the entire game was a easy as hell, but I think it's due to my tonic choices, my plasmid gun combos, and my overall strategies for little sister harvests and bid daddy fights.

I hate that you could only hold $600 in your wallet. Thats just retarded. Oh yea, I can hold a friggin rocket launcher, 18 frag grenades, 12 proximity grenades, and like 8 heat seeking missles, but God forbid I can hold more than $600 in a friggin wallet[/QUOTE]

They didn't use all the dpad buttons. They could of mapped the eve to one of them like they did with the med kit. You don't have to pause the game to switch guns or plasmids; only if you wanted a specific one. You can hold $800 not $600 btw.

What did you play it one hard? Theres no way you could consider it easy as hell on hard.
Do any of you good sirs have a 48 live trial code I could use? I wanna give the multiplayer mode a try. Send me a pm if you happen to have one.

So far I'm really enjoying the SP. Ryan Amusements was a great level.
Finished it up tonight. If there's multiple endings, I'm sure that I got the bad one since I harvested all of the little sisters and killed anyone it gave me the option to.

Overall, the story was okay. As the above guy said, the first was better, the ending was kinda meh, but overall it's a solid B/B+. They could've done a lot worse.

If I had to complain about something, though, it's the variety of enemy types. Bioshock is a video game anomaly. Starting out, everyone is tough as hell, but later on, everything is a cakewalk. They'd throw two or three of the alpha series big daddy's at me and I'd shrug and take them out. The enemies never got more powerful, but I did. The game, like the first, gives you a decent amount of plasmids to upgrade and play around with, though I wish it forced you to get some of them so you could mess around with them all and decide what you want instead of the system they have.

I did run into the occasional "sound stuck" glitch - a sound would keep looping even though the situation was solved. It happened three times - once after I killed a Big Daddy (the little sister could still be heard crying even after I adopted her), once during a tense moment (tense music continued to play long after I killed all enemies) and once during an explosion (I could still hear what sounded like rumble falling down). A simple save/load took care of the situations (except the little sister crying one), but it was still annoying.

One thing I found to be funny was the comments the little sister made as she rode along your back. If you zap them with lightning, she says "Look! They're dancing! Dancing!".. when I set someone on fire, she said "Mmm.. marshmallows". I laughed.

Seeing the whole environment through the eyes of the little sister towards the end was amazing.

I won't be keeping it. I'm a huge Bioshock collector, but I have no desire to re-play this one. By the time I get the urge again, it'll be fairly cheap and I can just pick it up again.

Bottom line: A little above average game through and through, well worth it for the single player campaign, but the magic that the first one had is absent.
Finished it last night -- great stuff. For me I liked the ending of this game a lot more than the first one. The first game's story just kinda petered out as you went; this one felt a bit more compelling and the last hour or two was really strong. Overall even if it was "more of the same" that's better than 99% of everything else I've played recently.

Highly entertaining, though the difficulty was again odd -- I switched to easy early on but switched back to normal later. Not particularly well balanced!
I honestly wish I hadn't delved into multiplayer. I'm having so much fun with it I don't think I'll be touching the campaign for a couple of days. I wasn't a fan at first but after a few games I have to say they've done a great overall job with it. Most if not all of the plasmid combos are well balanced so rest assured I've yet to deal with any zero risk/guaranteed reward Freeze/Charge combo shenanigans. Speaking of which that combo (though a one hit kill) is a high risk/high reward easier said than done affair. It takes up to 2 - 3 Freeze Blast shots to immobilize opponents (which can still shoot you btw) then you have to switch up to Aero Rush, aim properly and attack before it wears off, they or anyone else kills you. Fun when you can pull it off but otherwise not a practical or efficient method of killing on most maps.

Big Daddies are a huge pain in the ass to deal with without a team effort though a couple of people with Freeze Blast own it for free. One on one though... your ass is on borrowed time unless it's near death or on a half bar of life. My only concern with balance is your recovery after being stomped. Sure it has a slow start up and you're getting riddled with bullets, but once it hits an immediate rivet gun follow up (3 - 4 shots) guarantees a kill. There's very little your victim can do to stop it, but again locating a suit when it spawns or teaming up to kill a Daddy should be your main priority in most game types. It's way too damn easy to rack up kills if you stay on the move and take advantage of a scattered team when suited.

I'm looking forward to finding a decent team for Capture the Sister in the near future. I've already grown sick of every game I've played in ending in a draw. ;\
Done with the SP sooner than expected. I was hoping it would take long enough that the MP problem would be fixed. I am thinking I will really like it, because the two games I actually got to finish were really fun and I felt that addiction level rising.

Anyone want to play today or tonight....I actually have a Friday off work
Playing through it now. It's great but doesn't have the feel the 1st did.

My only problem so far is that it seems "tighter" than the first. Once in a while you'll hit a large area, but most of the time it's in cramped spaces. Some of the textures can be muddy too, but I found this to be the case with the first as well though. I also find myself easily carrying max ammo and cash constantly while in the first I had to watch everything I was doing. 2K tried to do their best copying something that was already awesome in the 1st place.... they succeeded in some ways, but tripped on a few things.

Once I got Hypnotize lv2 I hardly need to shoot anyone now. Make 1 or 2 guys an ally and then murder them when yer done with em. I understand how all the reviews say it's a bit too "familiar".

Plus i'm really irritated about the amount of reading the optical drive of the 360 has to do when playing this. I actually like HEARING a game when playing, so I had to install it on the HDD and now have no space for anything else for a while. It sounded lik ethe thing was going to fly out the damn window.
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']
Once I got Hypnotize lv2 I hardly need to shoot anyone now. Make 1 or 2 guys an ally and then murder them when yer done with em. I understand how all the reviews say it's a bit too "familiar".


ha wait til you get lvl3.
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']
Once I got Hypnotize lv2 I hardly need to shoot anyone now. Make 1 or 2 guys an ally and then murder them when yer done with em. I understand how all the reviews say it's a bit too "familiar".

If you shoot them when they're hypnotized, they don't revert back as enemies?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']If you shoot them when they're hypnotized, they don't revert back as enemies?[/QUOTE]

After they've been fighting with someone else for a while.... they're usually in no shape to take more than 1 hit. You could basically stand there and wack em over the head to "dismiss" them of their duty.

[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']

Plus i'm really irritated about the amount of reading the optical drive of the 360 has to do when playing this. I actually like HEARING a game when playing, so I had to install it on the HDD and now have no space for anything else for a while. It sounded lik ethe thing was going to fly out the damn window.[/QUOTE]

You should get a bigger hdd and install everything. I couldn't imagine playing a game without installing it anymore
Regarding the Camera.

Do you have to kill the enemies in different ways (different guns, plasmids) to get it to increase? I keep on getting like a B PLus after the first few times.
Man, I was flying through the game on normal. I restarted the game on Hard with no vita chambers and am now seemingly stuck at siren alley with no ammo and no money after taking out a big daddy and defending a little sister twice to get the adam :(

Luckily I found a better save and got myself to Siren Alley again but don't know how to kill the Big Daddy on Hard without using all my health kits and ammo; any suggestions?
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Man, I was flying through the game on normal. I restarted the game on Hard with no vita chambers and am now seemingly stuck at siren alley with no ammo and no money after taking out a big daddy and defending a little sister twice to get the adam :(

Luckily I found a better save and got myself to Siren Alley again but don't know how to kill the Big Daddy on Hard without using all my health kits and ammo; any suggestions?
[quote name='thamaster24']Don't know if this should be spoilered or not but I will anyway just for people who haven't gotten the camera yet.

I'm basically done with all research except for the thuggish splicers. Will there be more? I've been searching for them but can't find any at all. I'm about to finish Dionysis Park by the way

Plenty more.
Just finished up the single-player. Wonderful experience, in my opinion.

Tried a few multiplayer games. Definitely far from sold. It just feels somewhat unpolished.
For some reason, I am liking the unsophisticated style of the multiplayer; just run around and shoot, not much strategy involved. If anyone wants to add me, my GT is Tayman2037.
I'll add you in the mourning....I am loving the MP slightly unpolished, but I just had to move out of Modern Warfare Bad Company mindset, and go into it with a more Team Fortress for 360 attitude.
it doesn't work all the time because the people somehow disappear on my screen but i like the combo of aero dash - into shotgun - into beatdown. its pretty much guaranteed to kill. just lining things up is a pain.

anyone else having telekinesis activate twice from one button press?
Tried multiplayer last night a was pleasantly surprised. Played three matches of free for all and it's pretty fun.
[quote name='n00bie']Plenty more.[/QUOTE]

I looked forever but eventually gave up and ended up beating it last night. Word of Warning for everyone trying to complete the research, take as many thuggish splicer videos as you can as soon as you get the camera. I didn't encounter anymore after a certain part of the game.
You're absolutely right. Thuggish splicers do disappear from the game. Spider splicers are only seen in a small segment, too, so make sure you start filming as you soon as you encounter them.
[quote name='thamaster24']I looked forever but eventually gave up and ended up beating it last night. Word of Warning for everyone trying to complete the research, take as many thuggish splicer videos as you can as soon as you get the camera. I didn't encounter anymore after a certain part of the game.[/QUOTE]

I actually got thuggish splicers done on the same level you get the camera.
As long as you aren't playing on hard you can max out most tracks the same level you get the camera if you do all of the little sister gathers. I don't know why but I don't think i liked the single player as much as I liked it the first time playing the original Bioshock. Multiplayer is pretty fun but it feels like all of the weapons suck and my god is it way too laggy; feel like I'm playing L4D2 again it lags so badly. It's still pretty fun, however; especially when a Big Daddy suit spawns right in front of you 3 times in a row. Honestly, why the fuck do they spawn that shit in spots where people are at?
[quote name='Thorgouge']As long as you aren't playing on hard you can max out most tracks the same level you get the camera if you do all of the little sister gathers. I don't know why but I don't think i liked the single player as much as I liked it the first time playing the original Bioshock. Multiplayer is pretty fun but it feels like all of the weapons suck and my god is it way too laggy; feel like I'm playing L4D2 again it lags so badly. It's still pretty fun, however; especially when a Big Daddy suit spawns right in front of you 3 times in a row. Honestly, why the fuck do they spawn that shit in spots where people are at?[/QUOTE]
lol tell me about it. i was triple teamed once. and as i was on my killers camera. the suit spawned a few feet away from him(them)
[quote name='Thorgouge']Multiplayer is pretty fun but it feels like all of the weapons suck and my god is it way too laggy; feel like I'm playing L4D2 again it lags so badly. It's still pretty fun, however; especially when a Big Daddy suit spawns right in front of you 3 times in a row. Honestly, why the fuck do they spawn that shit in spots where people are at?[/QUOTE]

I feel you on all points. The game is definitely laggy as sin, the guns don't feel right, and the Big Daddy spawns are dumb. They should have made them some kind of reward. Or made them available, but you lose some of your Adam if you pick one up. Something. Anything. Not just have it randomly appear and then turn one lucky soul into the best player in the game. With good teamwork, fortunately, the Big Daddy is definitely fairly easy to take out, but come on. How many times do you really get a few good guys together? Generally, I'm just running around, racking up Adam, and doing my best not to get destroyed.

EDIT: And I think I've seen it mentioned previously, so I guess I am not the only one. The MP freezes constantly. The campaign did not freeze once one me, but I'd say the MP has frozen 15+ times, and I've only been playing for a few days. And I know it's not my console, because it rarely has any issues.
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I beat the single player game last night. I played it on PC, but it is GFWL which means achievements.

I enjoyed it quite a bit. My favorite way to take down a baddie was to freeze them and then shoot until they shattered. Seemed like a pretty effective way to take them down.

I only played one round of multiplayer. I think tonight I'll have to go back and play a few more rounds.
To me, this feels like two unfinished games, though the multiplayer feels way more unfinished. The single-player campaign isn't that bad. It just doesn't stand up to the experience of the first one. And the multi-player is just a mess. Lags a lot, and I never feel like I'm in control. Just feels random rather or not I play well. That they touted the fact that they pawned the multiplayer off on another development team makes it even more inexcusable how many bugs and issues people have had with it. Whoever worked on the multiplayer really needs to be thought about a second or third time before they get any more big projects.
The online lag reminds me of the first Gears of War where the host lag will be soo bad that you can shoot an enemy multiple times without registering a hit!
Games that I like, I almost always feel compelled to get all of the achievements, but with this, I don't know. I've gotten up like level 22 or something on the MP, but I might not bother getting all the way up to 40. As someone else mentioned, I rarely feel like I'm in complete control, especially because of the lag. Players are constantly getting glitching all over the screen.
I just don't like the way the game feels and the guns feel very strange when shooting other players. I wasn't ever really sure if I was hitting someone and my incinerates lack of damage annoyed me.
Ive only just finished the Ryan Amusements level and Im wondering if Im going to have to search every little nook and cranny for shit to stay alive the entire game. Its really pissing me off that I always have to walk into rooms and look for money/ammo/health instead of just playing the game. Do you have to hoard shit like that later on or do you get enough eve/health/ammo that you dont really have to worry about it?
Jesus' Bush;6846083 said:
Ive only just finished the Ryan Amusements level and Im wondering if Im going to have to search every little nook and cranny for shit to stay alive the entire game. Its really pissing me off that I always have to walk into rooms and look for money/ammo/health instead of just playing the game. Do you have to hoard shit like that later on or do you get enough eve/health/ammo that you dont really have to worry about it?

Isn't the hoarding a means to an end?

IDK, in BS 1, I remember pretty much gathering anything and everything I came across. I also searched just about everything I could, I figured that was how people played BS1 more or less?
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[quote name='A Happy Panda']Isn't the hoarding an means to an end?

IDK, in BS 1, I remember pretty much gathering anything and everything I came across. I also searched just about everything I could, I figured that was how people played BS1 more or less?[/QUOTE]

that's how i played.
[quote name='sinkingships']that's how i played.[/QUOTE]

I played the same way

[quote name='Malik112099']I hate the dont really need to use it though, right?[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily but you get huge damage bonuses and tonics so it would definitely benefit you to use it.

Playing MP, I think the best thing to do is play capture the sister mode. You can get a ton of adam from those matches especially if you start out as the big daddy.
[quote name='thamaster24']I played the same way

Not necessarily but you get huge damage bonuses and tonics so it would definitely benefit you to use it.

Playing MP, I think the best thing to do is play capture the sister mode. You can get a ton of adam from those matches especially if you start out as the big daddy.[/QUOTE]

CtS is actually one of the slowest to get ADAM. You get a lot but the games last double/triple the time all of the other games last.

IMO, Team ADAM Grab is pretty quick if you are on the winning team. The games are very short and if you hold the little sister you get 3 ADAM for every second you hold her. You can get 540 ADAM in the game by just holding the little sister for three minutes, plus another 200 for winning. That is 740 ADAM before you add in your kills/assists/bonuses.
im definitely reporting that son of a bitch. i was in a match killing people with barley an shots i couldn't kill this one guy no matter what ans no one else could either.

WITH damage plus on. it took me three homing grenades + 2 beat downs to kill this guy. and in the same match i was killing people with just two grenade hits (with NO damage plus)....

i fired two shotgun blasts right at his face with damage plus on he gets me with what. 5 machine gun bullets..

im telling you even with damage on him and firing everything i had... he wouldn't die. and I kept killing people in the match with half as much. i even froze him a few time and unloaded a few dozen bullets into him and still nothing.
Okay, problem:

I'm in the Little Sister Orphanage in the Siren Alley portion of a game. Some spider splicers seem to have closed all the gates leading to the room and I can't open them to get out and I can't seem to find any buttons or switches to get out. Anyone have a solution?
[quote name='TheOtherBarber']Okay, problem:

I'm in the Little Sister Orphanage in the Siren Alley portion of a game. Some spider splicers seem to have closed all the gates leading to the room and I can't open them to get out and I can't seem to find any buttons or switches to get out. Anyone have a solution?

There should be a brute splicer to fight and then the door will reopen and let you leave.
[quote name='thehuskerfan']
There should be a brute splicer to fight and then the door will reopen and let you leave.

I've already walked around the room for 15 minutes and nothing. I'm tired of this game not auto-saving until the end of the level. It's not that hard to implement a simple auto-save system after you do a goal in the level. Maybe I'll just go ahead and send the game back to GameFly and pick it up again later in the year when they fix some bugs.
bread's done