CAG GTAIV Night: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel[ 9/2 @ 10pm EST ]

[quote name='metaly']No one played??


Kube and Truthiness got on, but since there has been no 'official' second host chosen to keep the games going whenever you end up not being able to host, no one played.

Speaking of MIA CAG's, where has DD been? He's normally on 24/7. Maybe his PS3 is fried?
Metaly and I are actually going to swap our hosting duties from now on: he's taking over Red Faction night and I'll be hosting GTA4 night.

There are a few nights this month where I have to be away from home (8/5 and 8/26), XXX is going to host those nights.
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[quote name='metaly']No one played??[/QUOTE]
Sadly, no. :cold:

Personally I only have a handful of GTA night players on my list, but I think hardly anyone came online last night. I just ended up screwing around in singleplayer for awhile.

Anyway, I could easily host sometime if necessary, people would just need to show up and accept friend invites from me.
I have XXX, metaly, ohvermie(who rarely shows up anymore, I think), Randy, Truthiness, Kube, DD AND Shrapnel on my friends list from CAG GTA night.

Of course, I also have Swavage and his alt PSN name on my friends list, as well as my friend who just joined CAG not too long ago on there.

So I could definitely be the one to send out the majority of the invites, as long as someone else could do the hosting duties. Hopefully each of those people I mentioned have other different CAG's who've played GTA IV with us on their friend lists though so no one is left out.

That reminds me, I have to go back through my friends list and trim it down a bit and remove some people I haven't played against in months.
I'm still around. Just didn't see anyone on last Wednesday beside Cheapest and I think he was playing Red Faction, so I just opted to play some Force Unleashed instead.

I'll try to be around more regularly, I think the Street Fighter/Blazblue fever has run its course and I'm ready to shoot people again. :)
[quote name='ohvermie']I'm still around. Just didn't see anyone on last Wednesday beside Cheapest and I think he was playing Red Faction, so I just opted to play some Force Unleashed instead.

I'll try to be around more regularly, I think the Street Fighter/Blazblue fever has run its course and I'm ready to shoot people again. :)[/QUOTE]

I ended up returning Red Faction since it got super repetitive. Go here, grab this vehicle, drag it 3/4's of the way over the map back to the furthest friggin' safehouse, repeat till annoyed.

Plus apparently their servers are uber picky and kept booting me for having a shitty connection.

At least it finally got me to play some Force Unleashed(had it almost 3 months now from the $15 HWV sale)and I got back into playing Warhawk over the past couple of nights too.
Still having a blast playing some Force Unleashed and occasional game of Warhawk, but I always seem to come back to this game.

Fair warning though, be prepared to suffer through numerous 360* drive-bys come Wednesday. I've been practicing, as usual.
Just to repeat Randy's post, he and I are switching hosting GTA4/RF:G responsibilities, so get him on your list for this if he isn't already.

But, it sounds like his PS3 will be out of commission for a while (get well soon!), I'm not around tonight, and I don't know if xxx is available to host. So, I think that means kube is the backup backup host for tonight. kube, please let everyone know if you can't make it. GTA Night must live on!!
Yea I should be able to host, send me a message if I need to add you to my friends list!

I should be on around 6:50 pm pst
Sorry to hear about your PS3 Randy. What's wrong with it? Total failure(Yellow Light Of Death)? Or is it just not reading games that well?

I may send in my PS3 again to Sony since it's not reading games as quickly again. Luckily, I have until August 13th on my 90 day service warranty from Sony.
That was fun tonight, with the exception of the C&C game where both the cops & crooks spawned within 100 feet of each other or so. But that was pretty funny when it happened.

Maybe one of these weeks we'll have to try out the demo derby in a 20 minute free mode over in Dukes by those towers towards the airport(the ones that're a replica of the ones from the NY World's Fair/the ones from Men In Black that turn out to be UFO's).
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']That bridge blockade made my night, thanks for being such good sports!

GTAV better not have as dated shooting as GTAIV (ie: statue sniping).[/QUOTE]

I was so proud. I was in 2nd place for most of that race . . .and then . . . the blockade. Hilarious
[quote name='Dr. Strangepork']BTW does voice chat no longer work in the game?[/QUOTE]

We were chatting, your game name showed no mic as being activated.

Was it... turned on? ;)
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']We were chatting, your game name showed no mic as being activated.

Was it... turned on? ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought so. I 'connected' it a couple of times through the accessories CP when I didn't see my icon either. WHen I had it over my ear, I could hear that it was on, but I couldn't hear anybody. Also, the speaker icons of the other players weren't flashing to indicate they were talking.

Weird. Probably something on my end. THx
That blockade on the bridge was NUTS. My game was majorly lagging with all of the explosions going off on-screen. The game was chugging along trying to keep up with all of the action.

The sniper DM was fun too, especially when I got that insane spot atop the one warehouse and managed to pick off 1-2 of you before someone nailed me.

I could probably play this game for as long as I've seen some of you play Red Faction online and I routinely do at times, since this seems to be the only game my friends I play against play online.

Maybe next week we could try Turf War with only Melee weapons enabled? I've played a bunch of that game lately, but everybody seems to like using sniper rifles and they pick you off from 500 yards away. That gets annoying really quick.
[quote name='metaly']Just a reminder that it's Wednesday and someone will be hosting GTA tonight.[/QUOTE]

Keyword being 'someone' since Randy's PS3 is outta commission. We managed to get Kube to host last week.

Word of warning though, I'm still on my crappy connection, but now I have a different modem/router which seems to be helping a bit.

However, I got the 'the connection to one or more players has been lost' message a couple of times last night while playing with friends, so I may have to figure out how to do port forwarding on this one. I tried last night, but I think I tried it on the wrong thing and it locked me out of PSN until I did a hard reset on the modem.

I'm sure I'll try it again and again till i get it i used to have my linksys wrt54g done with port forwarding and it worked pretty damn well 90-95% of the time...
Sigh...I'll host again I guess.

And if you wanna play shoot me or one of the regulars a friend request and we'll see what we can do.

So Cheapest you want rockets on turf war? Can do!
[quote name='metaly']I didn't see a lot of people online so I'm backing out for tonight.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dasflikko']It might be time to put this ol' game out to pasture... or maybe make it a bi-weekly night.[/QUOTE]

Kube, xxx and MisterB showed up as well and we had some fun messing around in a Free Mode game, messing with glitches and doing stunt jumps. It was a refreshing break from the standardized games we always seem to cycle through each week.

If we had more players who we could rely on to show up on a more consistent basis, then this game night wouldn't seem to be dying off.

Even if all we did was goof around like we did tonight, I still say this game night has alot of possibilities left for it.
Bump for game tonight, which might be the last one in a while if no one shows. . . .

I'll try to be there closer to 10pm but it might be more like 10:30
[quote name='metaly']I can host tonight at the usual time. See you all there!

Did Sony give you a tracking number on that, Randy?[/QUOTE]

They did, but every time I put into the tracker I get this message:

>>> UPS could not locate the shipment details for your request. Please verify your information and try again later.
[quote name='bmachine']They did, but every time I put into the tracker I get this message:

>>> UPS could not locate the shipment details for your request. Please verify your information and try again later.[/QUOTE]

That probably just means it's going to show up at 10:30 and in the bushes, like half of my UPS stuff. :whistle2:k
I gotta chime in and say that what we did last week was probably 10 times more fun than the majority of the organized game modes we've had in regular rotation for a while now.

All we really did was just cruise around and mess with glitches in a Free Mode game, plus we did a little bit of skateboarding(with a car or dirt bike) on the three skate ramps/parks on Algonquin island.

Of course, we could do the same in Party Mode(which provides a chance to pull off unorganized rampages, among other things), except that Party Mode requires respawning you back at the old casino from the end of the single player game every time you die.

If we did something along those lines again this week and had more people show up(what happened to Shrapnel and Truthiness, among others), I think we could definitely fill 2 hours with nothing but mayhem and destruction.

Of course, if we get only a small group to show up, we could do some of the Bomb Da Base II, Deal Breaker or Hangman's NOOSE games, which are all fun and rather intense multiplayer modes.

I just hope my connection holds out tonight, since I was getting the 'connection to one or more players' kicked glitch last night. Hopefully, it was just a fluke.

Oh and Randy, when that kind of message shows up on UPS' site, it usually means your PS3 is either in transit to your location or may be like a day away from delivery. I really forget which, but hopefully it's delivered today.
[quote name='metaly']That probably just means it's going to show up at 10:30 and in the bushes, like half of my UPS stuff. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

I don't have any bushes outside of my apartment. There is a pond, though.

Oh, no! 8-[
If they haven't delivered it by now, chances are it'll be tomorrow at the earliest then Randy.

I know I was keeping a close eye on the tracking # UPS gave me for my system when I was expecting it back from Sony.

Thing is, if you kept your PS3's exterior in great shape, you may wanna take the static wrap they wrap the console in inside the box off VERY, VERY carefully. It left some marks on the case of my PS3 when I took it off of mine, since it seemed stuck to it.

I was actually going to call Sony and ask that they either send me something to get those marks off with or ship it back to them, but I don't think that's covered under the warranty.
Thanks for the tips, Cheapest. I'll keep that in mind with the static wrap.

I was thinking the same thing, wasn't here when I got home from work today so it's probably not coming today, dammit.

There's a movie quotes edition of 1 vs. 100 on tonight at 10:30...I think I could clean up on that. Or maybe I'll just play some Shadow Complex. ;)
Speaking of Shadow, i should break out that DreamGear Shadow controller I bought from Gamestop about 2-3 days ago and charge it up for tonight. It has the left stick and D-Pad reversed, so it's like an original XBox/360 controller on setup. Only problem is, it doesn't have a HOME/PS button, so I still need to keep my Dual Shock 3 around to get into and out of the XMB.

I was tempted to go with that controller or the Gamestop branded one for $24.99, which is USB powered and has a Home button, but I'd rather take a chance on the DreamGear one versus one that's GS branded, since my one buddy had a couple GS ones for PS2 and they broke pretty easily.
Well, DD is on(but playing Shatter). No sign of Metaly, Kube or anyone else, though I guess maybe I shouldn't have deleted MisterB and a few others from my friends list.

Looks like CAG GTA night is a bust, like it almost was last week. Oh well...

EDIT: I'm just sitting here trying out my DreamGear Shadow controller for PS3 and I like it thus far. The sticks are a bit stiff when you first use it and the L2/R2 buttons seems to have some sensitivity issues when driving/flying/shooting, but once you realize what amount of pressure you need to use it's no problem at all.
LOL I was wondering who Microshock was. I'll add ya.

BTW, that DreamGear controller was working great, up till it got fully charged, then it was making the XMB act like it was having a seizure and wouldn't let me get into or out of anything. I had to switch back to my DS 3. Oh well...I'll try it again tomorrow, hopefully it was just a temporary glitch.
[quote name='MisterBee']Flik come back to gta, after intense dliberation we decided to play[/QUOTE]

I can't. I wish I could but I need to get to bed early tonight. My new job is kicking my ass and I've been running on very little sleep for the past two weeks. I'll try and be there next week if we get enough people, but I will 100% be there for Red Faction tomorrow night.

Have fun guys!!!!

GTA Night lives! But, where did everyone go? We need more people next week.

I wish this game had half as many game tweaks as Red Faction. We could get some pretty weird matches going.
bread's done