CAG Killzone 2 Game Night [Currently Inactive]

As I am dying (You just know sometimes you aren't going to live through the next 5 seconds) I pull out a grenade and hold onto it. I can usually take 1 or 2 people out, Its pretty funny, they get so upset.
[quote name='Pan1c42']As I am dying (You just know sometimes you aren't going to live through the next 5 seconds) I pull out a grenade and hold onto it. I can usually take 1 or 2 people out, Its pretty funny, they get so upset.[/quote]

I try to do that but by the time I'm about to pull out the grenade I die.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I figured it was you since I didn't see the other two and noticed he was online. Thank you so much for your help last night and getting the clan game accepted. :D[/quote]

No problem, I wonder if it had worked if I had tried to accept more than 10 minutes before it was scheduled to start...I'm guessing it would have and that was the problem not the time zones.

Also for the people in the hardcore clan sending messages about tournaments, while I'm not interested in that (I'm probably a casual player but chose hardcore because most of the socom people are in that clan) if you guys get together and send me a message telling me what tournament you want to enter I will gladly enter you guys in it. I'm on PSN pretty much everyday so it shouldn't be hard to contact me here or on PSN.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Just for the record, I HATE Friendly Fire. It is so damn easy to kill your own guys or vice versa it's not even funny :([/quote]

Yup. I think most hosts though now have friendly fire off, which is a good thing.
the grenade launcher is the worst one because of its speed and rapid(ish) fire.

oh and i probably wont make the sat. 3pm game (noon here) because its unlikely ill be awake that early on a saturday.
My biggest complaint is how those respawn flares can be thrown on top of objectives. You end up with enemies just appearing right next to you. Or, even better, having your own spawn right there and the game degrades into: spawn, unload grenades, shoot, die, repeat. All within about 5 seconds. Not exactly the most fun play experience in my opinion.
It's hard to kill with either of them though(I swear the rocket veers off course after a certain distance) and they have some of the slowest reloads and lowest total ammo counts. Rockets get only three, and unless you hit with the first shot, you're likely to get creamed during the reload.
[quote name='Beanopolis']My biggest complaint is how those respawn flares can be thrown on top of objectives. You end up with enemies just appearing right next to you. Or, even better, having your own spawn right there and the game degrades into: spawn, unload grenades, shoot, die, repeat. All within about 5 seconds. Not exactly the most fun play experience in my opinion.[/quote]

I'm of mixed opinion about that. For me, KZ2 seems to be all about Spawn control. Teams can use the spawn grenades, and squads can spawn off the Squad leader. So when you have two forces clashing for control over a few square meters, it's an absolute bloodbath and those spawnfests are the height of fun.

But it does seem a little odd that there aren't "no-spawn" zones where the spawn grenade and squad spawning doesn't work.
To let everyone know, if you are from the U.K. and want to play on Saturday, show up at around 7pm GMT (because you are now 4 hours ahead of 3pm EST). For those who were GMT +1, you might have to adjust the time.
[quote name='Pan1c42']Question: early on, I was inside of a caged in area, killed someone with a sniper and then he and I were laughing and he asked me how I got there. We were on...the big open map, with 4 bridges. I shot him with my pistol, thinking he was done talking. He was not. I was just wondering who that was...and apologize.

Also, I wanted to apologize to CheapyD, I caught him with a cheap grenade (no pun intended) through a window, when he was the assassination target.[/quote]

1. Are you really apologizing to people for killing them?

2. I totally killed Cheapy when he was the target on Radec Academy!

Yes, I want friendly fire back on. It would make my Saboteur much more powerful since you don't want to go around randomly shooting your teammates. I basically shooting everybody now for fear they're in disguise. Shoot first, ask questions later.

Actually, it would cause people who like to shoot a lot and use the grenade and rockets to deal with the possibility of killing their teammates. Than we can have Wombat shout in joy after killing Traken again.

Oh please! Like Saboteur needs more help. Those are so good...

And don't worry mana knight, nobody blames you for dieing as the target and losing it for us! Haha.
I shot CheapyD when he was on my team because he was being an idiot on Corinths, looking down at his teammates coming up the ramp WITH HIS SNIPER RIFLE.
I got my USB headset now, so there shouldn't be any weird problems I've been having with my bluetooth one.

As for the match tomorrow, I think I'll most probably be available.
I have no clue if I want to join the clan or not, if I do it would be the hardcore clan. Btw, is the HC Clan on yet?
[quote name='ChiefsFan21']I have no clue if I want to join the clan or not, if I do it would be the hardcore clan. Btw, is the HC Clan on yet?[/QUOTE]Hardcore is not on We do not plan to use it at CAG (we dislike the site, that's why).

Although the newer rule is if someone is not registered on CAG for at least 90 days, they cannot join hardcore clan right away (which went into effect early this week, those who got in before this rule lucked out. We only have this rule because some will try to join CAG looking for a clan to instantly be competitive, before really getting to know the community first, so we have them join a casual clan for a week or two, then we move them up).
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I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to attend one of the meets tomorrow
Was going to do something on Sunday, but now it's been pushed up to Saturday...
Hoping to make one or the other though ;)
So after seeing Giant Bomb's clan thread, they really seem organized unlike our Hardcore clan. Does anyone want to have a go around or just talk about how we're going to.. do stuff? I wasn't there during the Hardcore vs. Casual so I don't know how you guys went about yourself. If it doesn't matter since really, all we're doing is adjusting ourselves to how they play since we "normally" play casually, then just forget what I said. =p

Oh and that Logitech PS3/PS2 headset is awesome. It's very clear. It sucks cause I can't really use it for PC gaming though. =/
[quote name='Beanopolis']Anyone remember how my mic sounds?
It's a cheap one I bought off of Amazon when they were dumping a bunch of old headsets. Samsung WEP200 I think...
I've tweaked it a bit but I really don't have much to base it off other than it usually doesn't transmit when I'm not talking (which is good :) ).[/quote]

I have the same headset. My voice sounds fine in the audio settings and I have never got any voice quality complaints. I do not remember how you sounded, but I am sure you sound fine.
[quote name='xGunCrazyx']I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to attend one of the meets tomorrow
Was going to do something on Sunday, but now it's been pushed up to Saturday...
Hoping to make one or the other though ;)[/QUOTE]If you are available in the evening, you can join the clan battle. :D

I thought Beanopolis sounded fine, and I could definitely hear Razzuel clear (very clear in fact).
I've kinda noticed that when playing Killzone 2 online, if you're near 8pm EDT (or 12am GMT as per Guerilla's location) it's a struggle to sign-in for online.
[quote name='sh10151']I am going to go start up a CAG Night game if I can't find one already running. Password: shaqfu[/QUOTE]

what time are you planning on hosting it?
[quote name='tenchi']what time are you planning on hosting it?[/quote]

I have the game up right now. I didn't see anyone else from the hardcore clan online so I doubt anyone else on CAG can find my game easily.
I won't be able to play until 11 or 12 PM EST but if there's any late night people who want to get a game together, I'm more than happy to join in or host one.
Just got back from my trip, and won't be able to make it for tomorrow's Clan Game at night. :(

But I'll try to get some rounds in at 3:00 PM.
[quote name='tenchi']I won't be able to play until 11 or 12 PM EST but if there's any late night people who want to get a game together, I'm more than happy to join in or host one.[/QUOTE]It's probably because you wanted to watch the PSU basketball game against Purdue (my college) in the Big Ten Tournament. ;)

Anyway, I haven't seen the clan leader of Giant Bomb get on yet, but once I do I'll send the game request.
I'd be up for a game or 2 later tonight. As for tomorrow I have no idea whats going on. I'm supposed to go out with some friends Saturday night but I really don't want to... So I may or may not be around for the clan battle(But I'm sure enough better players will show up for that). But I'll probably show up for the earlier game.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I'd be up for a game or 2 later tonight. As for tomorrow I have no idea whats going on. I'm supposed to go out with some friends Saturday night but I really don't want to... So I may or may not be around for the clan battle(But I'm sure enough better players will show up for that). But I'll probably show up for the earlier game.[/QUOTE]Play KZ2 instead of going out with friends, that's what I'd do. ;) Eh, I'm just kidding. :p I understand, but just do what you really want to do. I don't think we'll have issues filling the clan game, I just hope the notice isn't short since I'm still waiting to hear back. If I don't, it WILL be next week.
As far as facing other clans, I think we need to figure out what's needed on most maps first in terms of classes. On some maps, it's obvious we need Tacticians and Engineers (I'd say these are 2 most important classes in the game overall) on almost every map in order to be successful. Then we also need to figure out how we organize ourselves in Squads.
The engineer sucks. The only thing saving that class is that you spawn with a shotgun and it's ridiculous aim/range after this last patch.
[quote name='Trakan']The engineer sucks. The only thing saving that class is that you spawn with a shotgun and it's ridiculous aim/range after this last patch.[/quote]



I get most of my kills with it, usually from turrets.

It's easy headshots and easy kills. I notice people who hate engineer class are the ones who never seem to place turrets in the right places. I get an average of at least 5 headshots with that class in most games strictly from turrets.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']???


I get most of my kills with it, usually from turrets.

It's easy headshots and easy kills. I notice people who hate engineer class are the ones who never seem to place turrets in the right places. I get an average of at least 5 headshots with that class in most games strictly from turrets.[/quote]

That's fine. Keep your 5 headshots. I do just fine with my boost medic.

I get more points destroying enemy engineer turrets than I would using turrets of my own.
I would rock a Tactician, but I'm never going to 80 kills with it to unlock boost because it sucks so much. If you run with a few people like I do and play with a room full of idiots and squads are all you got, they're great.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']???


I get most of my kills with it, usually from turrets.

It's easy headshots and easy kills. I notice people who hate engineer class are the ones who never seem to place turrets in the right places. I get an average of at least 5 headshots with that class in most games strictly from turrets.[/QUOTE]

Bragging about 5 kills = useless
Squads are without a doubt the most important thing in any game I join.

There's maybe a Tactician in 25% of the rooms I go into, and out of that group maybe 1 in 10 actually plants good spawns.

Oh, and Engineers are the worst class in the game - aside from regular soldiers. The turrets are very inconsistent and cannot take much damage. I probably get 10-12 points per game killing people's turrets. They do, however, provide a very high annoyance factor when you're constantly facing 4 turrets (especially on maps like Salamun Market).
If you have a good tactician though, what's the point of squads? There really isn't any. If it get's over crowded with Tacticians then it can be a pain, but if you have one tactician who is in charge of spawns, there's no real point in squads, unless you want to talk to your friends if you're rolling in like a defense group in capture the flag.

But a tactician can ALWAYS alter the way a battle goes if they know how to play the class. True your death rate is extremely high, but when you're putting up sub 200 point matches and consistantly coming in the top 3 every match, does that really matter?
so boston, correct me if im wrong but most of your points come from your skill (of killing) people because great spawn points don't earn you mission points.

i wonder what would happen if your team is entirely assaults.
I agree about Engineers sucking. Their turrets are only really useful when you amass them and it overwhelms the enemy. But, they are so damn weak that is kind of useless - one rocket can destroy 4 turrets.

Oh P.S - rockets are so annoying.
[quote name='zewone']Bragging about 5 kills = useless[/quote]

I'm not bragging, I'm just stating what good engineers average in a haed count only game.

in full games I get at least 15-20 turret kills + kills by me.

turrets aren't weak if you position them high. high ground in a good spot = alot of head shots.

still think people are underrating engineer turrets a bit too much. Good kills, good defense, but it's alot of paying attention to hotspots and tight areas.

The dumb thing most people do is place them then forget em... kill your own damn turrets as soon as a new round starts if the position is useless.

I'll make it a point if I have to to prove turrets are good... if I'm not obvious already :lol:

I'm 6/8 for C4 specialist... after that the only job badge left is tactician which I can kindly say fuck off... I'll wait till they adjust the ariel bots since it's too random and damn hard to get 5 kills with them.. most i've gotten was 4.
Finally arrived today after a week sitting at the post office. Halfway done with the singleplayer campaign so 4 rounds with multiplayer and I'm wondering how long it took ya'll to unlock all the classes and their upgrades?
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Finally arrived today after a week sitting at the post office. Halfway done with the singleplayer campaign so 4 rounds with multiplayer and I'm wondering how long it took ya'll to unlock all the classes and their upgrades?[/quote]

Two nights of play, so about 10 hours.

Rolento, how much time do you have put into multiplayer?

Two of the more amusing games from last night:
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I'm having a tough time with the turret medal and the aerial support medal. Any suggestions for the Turret ribbons? Since Aerial support is almost not an option (I've gotten 1 out of 8, in over 30 hours)
Personally, I don't find the Engineer too bad. I know its not great, but I like using it for now.

Anyway, if I do not get a response back from Giant Bomb about the clan battle when I return later today from getting my haircut (around noon EST), I will most likely cancel it.

Just in case, I MIGHT need a backup host for this afternoon if something comes up with a friend, but I kind of doubt it (I'd love to go out, but I may stick around if I need to since I doubt he'll call anyway so I probably won't call either).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'm not bragging, I'm just stating what good engineers average in a haed count only game.

in full games I get at least 15-20 turret kills + kills by me.

turrets aren't weak if you position them high. high ground in a good spot = alot of head shots.

still think people are underrating engineer turrets a bit too much. Good kills, good defense, but it's alot of paying attention to hotspots and tight areas.

The dumb thing most people do is place them then forget em... kill your own damn turrets as soon as a new round starts if the position is useless.

I'll make it a point if I have to to prove turrets are good... if I'm not obvious already :lol:

I'm 6/8 for C4 specialist... after that the only job badge left is tactician which I can kindly say fuck off... I'll wait till they adjust the ariel bots since it's too random and damn hard to get 5 kills with them.. most i've gotten was 4.[/QUOTE]

I believe you... seems like one match I couldn't get away from your turrets.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It's probably because you wanted to watch the PSU basketball game against Purdue (my college) in the Big Ten Tournament. ;)

Anyway, I haven't seen the clan leader of Giant Bomb get on yet, but once I do I'll send the game request.[/QUOTE]

Yup. It was a good game though a disappointing loss. The party went on longer than I expected so I didn't play and KZ last night. I'm definitely going to host the 3PM EST game today though. See ya'll there.
[quote name='tenchi']Yup. It was a good game though a disappointing loss. The party went on longer than I expected so I didn't play and KZ last night. I'm definitely going to host the 3PM EST game today though. See ya'll there.[/QUOTE]All right, I'll just make you host the afternoon while I deal with later this evening. It will take some stress off of me.

As for another KZ2 night, we have a few options:
-Play once on Sunday
-Play once on Monday
-Not play again until Thursday

Personally, I rather do Monday because that gives us a day break. Despite how many times I say this, I need to break from all the KZ2 clan management/hosting/online stuff since I'm losing touch with a few things right now (like dealing with people, friendships going downhill), but hopefully I'll be back to full swing on Tuesday (basically, I might break for Sunday and Monday, or at least just one of those two days). So I want to get everything planned out so I can do that.
[quote name='enufs8d']so boston, correct me if im wrong but most of your points come from your skill (of killing) people because great spawn points don't earn you mission points.

i wonder what would happen if your team is entirely assaults.[/QUOTE]

Spawn points get you 0 points :(
bread's done