CAG NFL Season Discussion

Jed is all about "winning with class" though remember? lol

I think another subtle slight at Harbaugh was when Tomsula said "the difference between confidence and arrogance is ignorance. In this world, sometimes we are teetering on that." Harbaugh was at times, an arrogant coach. In the context of Tomsula's quote, I took it as him spewing out principles and philosophies which was in stark contrast to Harbaugh.

About the assistant coaching staff, you have to openly wonder what the direction of the team is. If you were to promote a popular, defensive assistant coach, you're telling me that the big vision is all about continuity. That's all swell in theory - until your entire coaching leaves (which in many league circles was HIGHLY regarded). So my problem is that there is no continuity anyway. This doesn't look like a "reload" situation to me as the GM had put it. If you were going to pick the scab and start fresh, it would have made sense to go with a hot offensive coordinator. Because in the end, it's going to come down to how well Kaepernick plays. If he isn't surrounded around a solid offensive staff, this team is going to go back to the cellar again.

It's being reported now that Harbaugh and Tomsula had a strained relationship at the end of last year when Jed thought the team could do better with a coach like Tomsula. They even stopped talking to each other. Tomsula mentioned at the presser that he hadn't talked to Harbaugh in awhile either. Just food for thought but what if Tomsula leaked this information out? What if Fangio suspected this and decided he (alongside the rest of the staff) couldn't work with somebody like that? Just speculation.

The stories coming out now about the various Harbaugh vs. the front office incidents are pretty juicy. Who needs the Love and Hip Hop TV show when you got the Dysfunctional 49ers show LOL.
Yup, no continuity. Basically a whole new staff. I think I read that they also kept the QB coach.

That would be crazy if Tomsula was the leak but nah, that had to be all Jed and Baalke. But Tomsula probably went along with it, which wouldn't be surprising, and which could have resulted in the defensive staff seeing Tomsula as disloyal or just would rather walk than continue to work with this front office.

Watched it live. Terrible.

lol going to be a long season for you 49er fans.
Won't know til the season starts but it ain't looking good. Who knows, maybe they get some good coordinators and all Tomsula has to do is a pregame speech and call the coin toss.


Picks for the week.

Packers and Colts.

Division games 3-1

wild card 3-1

Seattle is playing really poorly right now, as they're just begging Aaron Rodgers to destroy them with their offense only producing three-and-outs, lost fumbles, and interceptions. Their ability to get back into the game lessens with every successive Green Bay drive with no score.

Sure, if they can score. They got a three-and-out to start the second half, so the jury is out on whether they have the ability to get back into the game.

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well this is annoying. Everyone is gonna talk about the last drive by Russel Wilson instead of focusing on the defense and special teams being the reason they won the game.

Wilson rose to the occasion though, unlike the Packers offense who did absolutely nothing all game. Seattle handed it to them numerous times and they never seized the game. That's the choke job, not letting Seattle come back. Packers defense can cause some turnovers, but they won't get big stops when needed.
So Peter King reported that, "The NFL is investigating the possiblity that the Patriots deflated footballs on Sunday night." If confirmed they will lose draft picks.
Um... If they're caught doing that, shouldn't they have to forfeit the AFC Championship Game? Wouldn't this be like if all of their players were caught using corked bats?
Um... If they're caught doing that, shouldn't they have to forfeit the AFC Championship Game? Wouldn't this be like if all of their players were caught using corked bats?
I am a diehard Colts fan and have the hangover from last night's loss to prove it but the deflated balls didn't cost us the game. Didn't matter either way. Are the Patriots even more scummy? Oh hell yeah.
I dont really understand this. Wouldnt this affect the Patriots just as much?

Or is this supposed to mean the Pats prepped the whole week with deflated balls to be ready for it?
First off I don't think this would really change the outcome of the game at all. But supposedly a deflated ball is easier to throw and catch.  Each team provide about 12 footballs for their own offense to use. Further report is that the refs did noticed it, and removed several balls from play. Now they are investigating how it happen and if it was deliberate. Supposedly the issue is that it is not abnormal to remove a ball from play at all because of varying reason, but what was abnormal was that they have to removed several balls. Now they are investigating if it was deliberate act.

A USC college coach did this to Oregon and was fined a couple of years ago or supposedly his student manger acted alone to do it.

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I dont really understand this. Wouldnt this affect the Patriots just as much?

Or is this supposed to mean the Pats prepped the whole week with deflated balls to be ready for it?
I'm not really sure if they all use the same balls. The home team brings 12 balls, the away team brings 12 balls. I don't know if the home team uses their balls and the away team uses theirs or what...

Regardless, I'd almost be willing to bet that from now on that the NFL will be providing all the balls.
I'm not really sure if they all use the same balls. The home team brings 12 balls, the away team brings 12 balls. I don't know if the home team uses their balls and the away team uses theirs or what...

Regardless, I'd almost be willing to bet that from now on that the NFL will be providing all the balls.
Huh, shows what I know. Didnt realize each team brought their own balls. Figured it was all from the home team or straight up NFL provided.
Huh, shows what I know. Didnt realize each team brought their own balls. Figured it was all from the home team or straight up NFL provided.
I've seen two different things regarding the balls. I think during the regular season that the home team provides the balls and during the post season both teams bring balls. Honestly the whole thing is weird.

I just assumed that the NFL brought the balls before this mess.
I never played in the NFL so can't speak on experience but in College teams bring their own balls and each is embossed with both the NCAA and team name and/or logo. Very easy to distinguish which ball belongs to which team.

I would imagine the NFL does the same thing... 


But uh... what do I know?

Hint: where was this rumor started/first reported?

The NFL confirmed that they are under investigation. Who first reported it doesn't really matter and it's no longer a rumor when the league spokesman says that they are investigating the matter.
The NFL confirmed that they are under investigation. Who first reported it doesn't really matter and it's no longer a rumor when the league spokesman says that they are investigating the matter.
Let's hope they investigate it as well as the Ray Rice incident.

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Yeah it's not a big deal for this game but a part of a larger pattern. Whether you like it pretty much depends on if you like the Pats.

Also the rain had a role.. A deflated ball is easier to catch in slick conditions.
The home team provides the game balls, alternates and the visiting team also has some alternates. They split the game balls and each offense uses their half of the balls.

some good stuff on Belicheat from SI.


But the question is not whether Belichick needed to cheat. It’s whether he did, and could.
Generally, the home team supplies footballs, but that’s no advantage, because the officials check them all before the game. The advantage begins after the game starts. The home team has ball boys (or girls) who monitor the balls on both sidelines during the game. Officials can’t do it, because they are officiating the game.
And since each team’s offense tends to use the balls from its own sideline, a team could easily deflate balls on its sideline, allowing for an easier grip and more catchable ball, without the other team ever catching on.
And if any coach would try it, it’s Belichick. He has earned his reputation for doing anything to gain an advantage.

Smart opposing coaches put locks on every entryway to the locker room, so nobody from the Patriots can walk in, "accidentally" grab a play sheet or two and "inadvertently" bring it back to the New England coaches.


Kraft is a close confidant and protector of commissioner Roger Goodell...

Cross Belichick and you cross Kraft. Cross Kraft and you risk the wrath of Goodell.


Maybe some of this is overstated. But the perception is real, and it is not totally unfounded.


It's a good read. The comment section if full of Patriots fans shitting on the Author. 

Also Jay Glazer said today that he still has his copies of the spygate videos. You know, the ones Goodell had to destroy because he had no shelf space to store them *wink wink*

Eh, this one says each team provides their own balls.

This could have all been kept secret if Brady didn't get picked off.

Jackson intercepts and tells equipment manager about ball... and so on

Colts player that intercepted > equipment manager > head coach > GM> calls NFL director of field operations who calls into refs locker room to talk to them at halftime.
Let me get this straight.

Patriots are lucky to go into halftime up 17-7 and Brady throws that bad pick when targeting Gronk. Supposedly they are cheating in the first half using deflated balls. The referees are made aware by the visiting team and take steps to address the issue at halftime/start of 3rd quarter.

Patriots then go on to embarrass Colts in second half, using game balls with the correct PSI.

So, assuming they were cheating (it's awesome how many accusers there are when nothing has been confirmed other then "This was brought to our attention... we are looking into it" - League Official) by theory of deduction it worked against them right?

I mean poor first half performance when cheating. 

Embarrass Colts when not cheating.

Who says they changed balls after half time?

We don't know for sure if they did it yet but I bet if their was nothing wrong with the balls the NFL would have said so instead of letting this go on.
Who says they changed balls after half time?

We don't know for sure if they did it yet but I bet if their was nothing wrong with the balls the NFL would have said so instead of letting this go on.

So you're telling me that a Colt's employee notified the officials... the officials removed one or two game balls to start the second half... and didn't look over the one they allowed them to use in the second half before putting it in play?

I'm just telling you that according to deadspin, an NFL official talked to the refs at halftime. I don't know or have read on what happened after that.
I'm just telling you that according to deadspin, an NFL official talked to the refs at halftime. I don't know or have read on what happened after that.
Oh my bad. It looks like they removed either one or two balls prior to the Patriots first offensive series of the second half. It hasn't been officially revealed why but odds are that it was for testing to appease Indy or the referee didn't think they were usable (in which case I'm sure they would have been held for tesing)

Bill Belichick should be suspended all of next season. Enough is enough. Sean Payton arguably did less to get the same.
If deliberate then it is inexcusable, because that would mean that personnel were in on it.

But riddle me this:

You get 6 game balls and 6 kicking balls, correct?. Why would they deliberately deflate the kicking balls? That would be a HUGE disadvantage in the kicking game?

Either it is a coincidence or whoever was "cheating" didn't get the memo that kicking balls need MORE air not less.

I have no idea what a NFL game ball inflated to 10.5PSI feels like but I'm very curious. I'm just as curious as to what the air pressure would have been in Indy's game balls.

I do know that the TPMS in my cas tires will occasionally be set off on cold mornings although I don't think it was blow freezing in Foxboro since it was raining and not snowing.

Either way the longer the NFL waits to conclude the investigation and/or issue penalties the bigger the bigger its image problem is going to be.

If deliberate then it is inexcusable, because that would mean that personnel were in on it.

But riddle me this:

You get 6 game balls and 6 kicking balls, correct?. Why would they deliberately deflate the kicking balls? That would be a HUGE disadvantage in the kicking game?

Either it is a coincidence or whoever was "cheating" didn't get the memo that kicking balls need MORE air not less.

I have no idea what a NFL game ball inflated to 10.5PSI feels like but I'm very curious. I'm just as curious as to what the air pressure would have been in Indy's game balls.

I do know that the TPMS in my cas tires will occasionally be set off on cold mornings although I don't think it was blow freezing in Foxboro since it was raining and not snowing.

Either way the longer the NFL waits to conclude the investigation and/or issue penalties the bigger the bigger its image problem is going to be.
Kicking footballs are provided by the NFL, not the teams.

Kicking footballs are provided by the NFL, not the teams.
That would make sense but the previous article stated each team had 12 game balls; 6 for offense and 6 for kicking.

This article states 11/12 were deflated under the acceptable bottom limit. What balls are they testing then to get 12?

The kicking balls are different from the 12 balls the teams use on offense.

here's the rules on balls from

The home club shall have 36 balls for outdoor games and 24 for indoor games available for testing with a pressure gauge by the referee two hours prior to the starting time of the game to meet with League requirements. Twelve (12) new footballs, sealed in a special box and shipped by the manufacturer, will be opened in the officials’ locker room two hours prior to the starting time of the game. These balls are to be specially marked with the letter "k" and used exclusively for the kicking game.
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bread's done