CAG NFL Season Discussion

There had better be a Batman vs Superman trailer soon because the game itself is becoming unwatchable.
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Looks like Brady chokes again this year.

Was good while it lasted, he just needs to ride off into the sunset now and let the Patriots go back to mediocrity.

(The bad part is, I want them to win.)

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I like that people refer to anybody that wasn't in the current Hall of Fame class as snubs like they're fucked and will never get in now. This isn't the Baseball Hall of Fame.
I have to agree with you there.

If you get snubbed in baseball, you may never get in. All great football players get in sooner or later.

If the Pats win, the league will say they did no wrong with the game balls.  If they loose.....

No way the league champion can be punished for cheating.


Seahawks can join the Superbowl loser club with the 49ers.  Fitting they choke it away like we did in the last minute of the game.

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Seahawks OC needs to lose his job after that call. That is some Jason Garrett type dumb shit. Run the football. The whole passing league nonsense is hot fucking garbage.
Seahawks OC needs to lose his job after that call. That is some Jason Garrett type dumb shit. Run the football. The whole passing league nonsense is hot fucking garbage.
Yep. Best back in the league and you decide to throw it on 2nd and goal from the 1?

Then encroachment when the pats have to at least run it out of the end zone?

Then acting like clowns after the game was decided.

Post game reaction is going to be more fun than usual.  Usually the loser can congratulate the winner but that scrum at the end just highlights the frustration more than ever.

Seahawks OC needs to lose his job after that call. That is some Jason Garrett type dumb shit. Run the football. The whole passing league nonsense is hot fucking garbage.
Obvious 4 down territory, so they had 3 more plays to get 1 yard. If you do pass, you better put it in a spot only your guy can get it and if it's incomplete, you still get 2 more plays. Terrible.

Seahawks OC needs to lose his job after that call. That is some Jason Garrett type dumb shit. Run the football. The whole passing league nonsense is hot fucking garbage.
I don't care for either team but I'll tip my hat the Patriots, they pulled through what seemed like a defeat after that catch near the goal line. It wasn't a race against the clock towards the goal but a memorable ending with out saying!

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My American Bulldog is more smart than the Dumbhawks offensive coordinator. How can you not give Beast Lynch the football in that situation? 

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Aye Brady got his 4th Ring! :)

Edit : Seahawks had it... Beast mode is automatic yards how do you not play out those last 2 plays and do a pass?

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Ahahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahaha

God that look on Sherman's face at the end was the greatest part of the entire game. Finally shut his mouth up.
Ugly ending to a decent game. Officiating was shit the entire game. It didn't really favor either team...but just referees not understanding the rules (roughing the kicker on the Pats first punt), missed calls (Ricardo Lockette being blatantly pulled to the ground after the Pats DB fell down), etc.

Then a very, very probable TD chance gets "dun goof'd" to not even make Brady try to orchestrate a final game winning drive. I just don't get it. To come that far just to fuck it up at the one yard line. I guess that's why these guys are athletes and not scientists, lol. But God damn, man...get your head out of your ass.

In what world does Tim Brown deserve to go into the HoF before Marvin Harrison? Is it because Brown has been linked to fewer shootings? And Bettis getting in before Harrison is an even bigger joke.
Tim Brown's peak was a bit longer, and he got a later start to his career. Had the Raiders not strangely waited until his 6th season to make him an every down WR, and had he had Peyton Manning throwing to him for nearly his entire career, Brown would have had some pretty bonkers career totals.

As it is, he's easily a top ten all time WR, and but if he had the same situation Harrison was fortunate to have, he may have been top 3.

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That was actually a good Super Bowl. Was very boring at the beginning but it got very good. Did anybody else saw Jeremy Lane injury after he intercepted the football? I didn't notice that live but that was pretty gruesome.

Classic football. Terrible final play call. If you examine the plays closely, you see why the salary cap will kill the Seahawks like it does any team that needs to start paying out big contracts. Simon got totally worked by Brady all night.
Yeah, like Michaels and Collinsworth's pretty crazy that getting an interception led to most of Seattle's problems in that game. But to be fair, they have no one to blame but themselves for being one yard away from the go ahead score with 3 tries to punch it in and blowing it.

Honestly, even without Lynch...3 QB sneaks there...even if the Pats know it's coming...has a reasonable chance of getting over the goalline. Passing on 2nd down because you think you can "catch them off guard" is overthinking it. It doesn't matter if they know what's coming if they still can't stop it. Seattle got too cute and the worst case scenario happened.

Carroll's explanation for that final call was bizarre. He said they had a run called, but the Pats' put in their goal line personnel (because, duh, the ball is on the 1 yard line), so they switched to a pass.

Carroll's explanation for that final call was bizarre. He said they had a run called, but the Pats' put in their goal line personnel (because, duh, the ball is on the 1 yard line), so they switched to a pass.
The pass call was just them being too cute with the down and distance situation since the Pats were playing for the run. One of the influencing factors the OC admitted to was that they wanted to waste the down to eat up the clock further to avoid any sort of field goal comeback situation. According to him, if they failed on 2nd down, they would have called a run play on 3rd down and possibly on 4th.
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At that point in the game, Lynch had already racked up 100+ on the NE defense and Brady had already thrown the ball 50 times. You have the self proclaimed best defense in the league. Trust your defense to put the game away. Why "waste the down"? I get they don't want a FG situation... But don't put the ball (and game) in a situation where you may lose it.

Effing Pete Carroll taking the bullet for the OC .. someone who clearly needs to get the fuck out of football. That's a play your little 10 year old brother calls on Madden in that situation.

Oh well. Now to hope Tampa doesn't fuck up the #1 overall pick in the draft.
It was completely Pete Carrolls play call, to do something like that something like that with the game on the line, would had to be a HC call. But no body unsettle will do that because Carroll has been a god and couldn't have made that dumb of a call.
The pass call was just them being too cute with the down and distance situation since the Pats were playing for the run. One of the influenting factors he admitted to was that they wanted to waste the down to eat up the clock further to avoid any sort of field goal comeback situation. According to him, if they failed on 2nd down, they would have called a run play on 3rd down and possibly on 4th.
But it's not like New England wouldn't have the goal line unit in on 3rd and 4th downs. Running it 3 times for 1 yard for about as sure of a TD as you can get vs the Patriots having to make a highly unlikely drive down just to tie the game. Much like the call itself, his explanations make no sense.

Much like the call itself, his explanations make no sense.
I think that's why in the back of my head somewhere I wonder if he got offered some ridiculous amount of money to blow it. I know there's probably no way in hell that happened, but I want to believe that no OC would be that stupid without a really good reason.

Obvious 4 down territory, so they had 3 more plays to get 1 yard. If you do pass, you better put it in a spot only your guy can get it and if it's incomplete, you still get 2 more plays. Terrible.
100 percent correct. The only throws you make in that situation are back shoulder fades to the back corners of the end zone.

Its not like if nothing is there Russell couldn't sneak in for a score either. They are going to have to play contain on him so you likely get good match ups in the corners or they send secondary help to those areas and you get a decent chance to scramble in for a score.
I think that's why in the back of my head somewhere I wonder if he got offered some ridiculous amount of money to blow it. I know there's probably no way in hell that happened, but I want to believe that no OC would be that stupid without a really good reason.
Haha, it's easy to slip off into the land of conspiracy theories. But terrible calls aside, Malcolm Butler still made a great play on that football. Seattle's OC has even been throwing Ricardo Lockette under the bus, saying he could have went to the ball stronger and he didn't really fight for it. Yeah, ok. He ran his route...and expected to be open. Maybe that's why you put the game in the hands of your superstar RB instead of your 2nd string receiver.

Wasting a down is idiot logic. Unless you have a situation where you can kneel on the ball and just kick a field goal to win, you take the points when you can get the points. You never assume that touchdowns can be scored because who knows when a bad snap or a botched handoff is going to happen. Score the points and put NE in desperation mode.

In fairness, New England's defense could have stuffed Lynch all three times and won the game anyway. But in terms of odds and probability, that situation favors Seattle a lot more than trying to throw the damn ball does. Honestly, if they think the Pats are loading up on the run, why throw to the middle anyway? That's where everybody is going to be...with only 10 yards of space between them (back of end zone). Throw to the edges like they did at the end of the first half or like Brady did with Edelman. Just nothing about that play makes any sense.

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The Rams tried that same play against the Chargers at the end of a game... It also ended in an interception and a loss.

If the Rams do something stupid, don't make the same mistake.
Obvious 4 down territory, so they had 3 more plays to get 1 yard. If you do pass, you better put it in a spot only your guy can get it and if it's incomplete, you still get 2 more plays. Terrible.
Yep, this exactly. As a Pats fan it is really amazing how Seattle literally gift-wrapped the end of this game. Calling the pass play itself was pretty stupid and Carroll and the OC deserve a lot of blame, but Wilson deserves some blame for forcing a throw to the middle of the field where everyone is. In a situation like that with it only being 2nd down...unless you have someone wide open (like Baldwin got on his TD) just throw it out of the endzone and let Lynch pound it in on 3rd down. Inexcusable decision-making on Seattle's part all around.

Word from local media types who were in the locker rooms, Seattle locker room was toxic!  Like major blaming and yelling at coaches and players all around.  it was bad and you have to wonder what a loss like that will do going forward.  Not to mention the pending Tommy Johns surgery for Sherman and then both Wilson and Lynch's contract situations...

As for Avenged's comments, I agree Wilson should be somewhat to blame, but the whole play was to throw to lockette, if you pull up a photo of it it worked fine and he was open, but the throw was bad.  Should have been back shoulder to lockette, either he catches it or drops it but they live to see another day.  Where he put it was the only place the CB could have made a play, and make a play he did!

Word from local media types who were in the locker rooms, Seattle locker room was toxic! Like major blaming and yelling at coaches and players all around. it was bad and you have to wonder what a loss like that will do going forward. Not to mention the pending Tommy Johns surgery for Sherman and then both Wilson and Lynch's contract situations...
Reminds me of the "locker room division" that they had earlier in the season.

Reminds me of the "locker room division" that they had earlier in the season.
The one bad thing about having a coach like Carroll that allow his players to have personality is some times they can go over board. no true leaders in the locker room, but plenty of voices gets you in trouble.

bread's done