CAG Premium Insider Membership Program - APRIL FOOLS!

Lol Cheapy. You almost had me man. It took until the end of the post for me to realize it was an
april fools joke
even though I knew what day it was!! Well played sir. Well played.
It wasn't the immunity to banning that gave it away, but the autographed photo... Only Wombat would have signed up for PLatinum for that one. A bit early for Shaqfu ShaqFu but I guess you were right on time. But it wold have been funnier if you put it up yesterday (3/31/08) in the states, but ShaqFu 1st in Japan.

Although I am going to be in Japan this summer and a tour wouldn't be a bad idea...

You should have put in there... CAGcast only available for Silver members... SHAQ FU!!!!!
And a signed Wombat photo for gold members...sorry
[quote name='Quintessence']"CheapyD autographed photo"

Is this really a perk? ;)[/QUOTE]

I'd rather have two photos of Wombat autographed.

Pretty funny, but so far the only site that made me out to be a foolish fool was at Gmail.
You got me badly on this one Cheapy...bastard...I was ready to come in here and bitch and whine about being here since xyz and all these other dirty words I had saved up for you. You got me my good man, you got me bad.
Wow cheapy you really had me going. I was about to start complaining and starting as many last minute threads as I could. Good April Fools Joke.
If it wasn't April fools, I would've just said 'fuck this shit'.

Seriously, that's bad taste, Cheapy. Rule one of April fools. NEVER do something that can backlash on you. You get less users, you get less money. Which with less power in the dollar, means even less for you.
[quote name='kPod']If it wasn't April fools, I would've just said 'fuck this shit'.

Seriously, that's bad taste, Cheapy. Rule one of April fools. NEVER do something that can backlash on you. You get less users, you get less money. Which with less power in the dollar, means even less for you.[/quote]
that's it! i quit video games. damnit! that was my one post!!!! looks like i won't be back until 4/2.....on the other hand....that tour with CheapyD is tempting for just $100.....hmmmm
if it was serious i would of paid no lie i was willing to pay for extra stuff. i hope it serious tho i hope this ain't no 4/1 joke
Hell, i'd get the platinum membership, that $100 a year is only a fraction of what I save/make from this site. I know most people would just go to another site, but CheapyD really does go all out when he can, we should try to help him considering most of his income comes from affiliate links (i think).
Haha, my world turned upside down as I read it off the front page. The funny thing is that my homepage is Yahoo and the first thing I saw was some column about avoiding pranks before I visited CAG. That honestly had me fooled for a good minute reading through the membership levels but I figured it out before I went to the discussion thread.

Cheapy, you HAVE to list some of the messages people wrote when they reserved a Platinum spot. Should be good laughs.
Wow. I almost had a heart attack because this is one of my favorite and most visited sites. For me it was the autograph that gave it away. Well done, Cheapy.
  • Immunity from infractions/bannings (some limitations apply)
  • Be a Forum Guide in the forum of your choosing (optional)
I smell BS
For a minute there I was going to say cheapy is now a big sellout then I looked at the date. I wonder how many people actually pmed cheapy asking for a platinum membership lol.
[quote name='Foo228']
  • Be a Forum Guide in the forum of your choosing (optional)
I smell BS[/QUOTE]

Yeah, how dare Cheapy sully the position me and Foladar so proudly occupy by allowing any yahoo with $100 to join us ;).


And in case, you didn't get it - ;).
This is actually a good idea!!

But then it just occured to me AFTER i read all the decsriptions... that today is April 1st? :whistle2:(
How much to get into the champagne room?

Not very nice. I believed it for about 5.3 seconds. My head almost exploded. When I realized it was a joke, my other head exploded.
very nice. I promised myself not to fall for any april fools jokes, and what happens? I'm pathetic.
bread's done