CAG PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Night [On Indefinite Hold]

gg guys. Some really close rounds and some not so much. Heat Ray felt like king of the hill =D I'm going to try to do a new map for next week. I'm thinking we get like 6-7 people regularly now. Do people want to do a CTF and TDM night?

Sorry again about the hosting, thanks SB for picking up the slack.
What a great way to end such potentially shitty Mondays, that was a lot of fun.

I'd be down for some CTF, but if the teams aren't even it's going to be a little disappointing.
Always a good time...thanks to all for playing!

I loves me some CTF, especially some VCTF, so I'm definitely game. "Suspense" is my favorite UT3 map.
Oops. After I agreed to host I saw that we're having a warhawk clan game fri @ 9 so if I make it by 9:30 cool, if I don't then I'll start a server as soon as I get out!
Ah shite. Could someone else host tonight?

I have a bunch of crap to do tonight and have no clue if I'll be able to host UT3 after the warhawk game. Sorry guys.
I'm in the same boat as the guy above me so to speak. I don't know If I can play tonight around 10 or not. I know I could play from 8:30 till around 9:30 which it don't start that early. I could host from then to then,but no one would know about it. So yeah.... I think this week looks grim.
it sounds like Fri night isn't happening this week. So I'm officially canceling it (sorry for being so late about it). I'd host, but my connection is terrible at home. Hopefully SB can host on Monday until I get better Internet. See you guys then.
I was on for about 2 hours tonight...was hoping to see some Monday-night regulars pop up, too...but it looks like Warhawk won out.

Tested out that Snowreal fun, but VERY creative.

Ended up playing VCTF with the unwashed masses and got "Vehicular Manslaughter" about 15 times! There should be a taunt in the game where your character yells, "Get out of the goddamn road!" ;)
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Everone download Nowhere for the next game tomorrow night.

We up for some VCTF? Lets get a headcount ....[/quote]

I'm in. My Memorial Day festivities should have wound down by then.
You know how it goes, no one post, then a few more will turn up for the game.

I'll set it up for VCTF but if we donna get too many peeps I'll reset and make it TDM.
[quote name='hone']k, you do know that nowhere is only usable for dm/tdm/duel right?[/quote]

Yeah, which is why I didn't know whether to do VCTF this week or not. I guess we could do nowhere and TDM this week if that's OK.
I wish people didn't move around so god damned much so I could have done this. Gotta love those facepunch photoshops

bread's done