CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Wombat, I remember last year you said that Dragon Age could be your 2010 Fallout 3. What happened to that? Dragon Age has come out with tons of DLC, and a full expansion. Did you ever even finish it? If not, I really think you should, I went back to it a few weeks ago and it was great.
Hey guys, this past show you were talking with Esteban about how Christina Norman reached out to a few communities for direct feedback on the the next Mass Effect game.

I was wondering what you thought about the situation with Infamous 2's main character, Cole. After Sucker Punch showed off the game at E3 there were lots of people who were upset at how he looked and sounded since it was a big departure from what he was like in the first game. Since then Sucker Punch has officially gone back and altered Cole to make him more similar to what he was like in the first game.

What do you guys think? Has Sucker Punch possibly fallen into a trap? Where they've set a precedent that every time their fanbase expresses dislike towards a design choice, they're expected to go back and change it? And how much is too much for this kind of direct feedback from the gaming community?
[quote name='Jackhole85']Hey Wombat, I remember last year you said that Dragon Age could be your 2010 Fallout 3. What happened to that? Dragon Age has come out with tons of DLC, and a full expansion. Did you ever even finish it? If not, I really think you should, I went back to it a few weeks ago and it was great.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was going to ask this as well. Dragon Age is a great 60-80 hour experience for Origins, then another 15-20 hours for Awakening. Now is the perfect time to get into it with the time before the fall releases hit and the DLC is on sale. Check out my post in the XBL Gold sale thread in the deals forum if you want a DLC review.

In terms of trying out some actual good JRPG's from this gen (screw Final Fantasy,) then I would suggest the following for consoles:

Tales of Vesperia on 360
Valkyria Chronicles on PS3
Eternal Sonata on 360/PS3

None of these have random battles, which seems to be your biggest thing against JRPG's and these are the best of the best in that regard IMO. All 3 have demos available so you can try them out first before you try to get them. They should be about $18-$30 new or used but may be a little hard to find (you may have to lookup stock via as none of the large B&M stores will have them or you can try Amazon as all 3 are out of print.)

Now if you like Valkyria Chronicles, that leads me into 2 games you might like for your commute if you still have your PSP:

Persona 3 Portable
Valkyria Chronicles 2

I don't know if the PS2 versions of Persona 3 had random battles, but I know the PSP version DOES NOT. And VC 2 from the demo seems like more VC 1 but in a more compact form given the limitations of the PSP vs. the PS3.
Question for the panel-
What do you think of Kotaku's decision to not do a post on the NPD numbers each month? They haven't done one since the April numbers came out.

Now the May numbers were a bit delayed because of E3 and logistics issues for NPD (I think it was reported they took the extra time to do maintenance on their servers) but the June and July numbers came out at the normal times but still no posts by Kotaku.

Yet if you search NPD on Kotaku, everytime some analyst or gaming quotable person has said something negative about NPD in the last 3 months, Kotaku has run that. Did they have some kind of falling out?

I think it's kinda sad that one of the top video game news sites (at least in traffic) on the internet has arbitrarily decided not to cover one of the biggest news stories that happens each month and is a vital one to know what is selling in the US, the largest gaming market. Hell, you have individual users here on CAG that post the Japan and UK sales numbers. Every other news site/blog/podcast does an NPD post so what is the justification for Kotaku to not do it?

I have tweeted at Stephen Totilo and posted a couple of times in their open discussion threads but gotten no response.
I wanted to ask if Shipwreck feels comfortable with some of the games he plays or some of the conversation you guys use? I know he's a heavy christian and CheapyD has insulted him about it before by saying he thinks its all BS (I agree btw).

He just seems to awkwardly push out a laugh or chuckle whenever cheapy makes a joke about his wife or that Shipwreck has only gone out with one girl.

Long time user of CAG, and I recently got onto the CAGcast when my 2nd kiddo was born so that I'd have something to listen to (quietly) while I got her to sleep. Thanks for countless hours of entertainment!

So, question 1: Cheapy...Like you, I have a 2-year-old kiddo that goes to daycare when I stay home (during the summer, as I am a teacher). This eventually made me so guilty that I gave up my gaming/free time to spend the time with her. Do you or Wombat ever game guiltily because you know you're not spending time with the the little ones?

Also, yours and Joystiq's are the only podcasts I listen to on a regular basis, and I was curious as to whether or not you guys were having a feud of sorts. I ask due to the Limbo "price vs. length" dispute and the issue with the XBLA glitch. I won't base my listening decision on it or anything; just wanted the gossip.
I would like to have you guys discuss an issue I am having.

December 26 of last year, my brother suddenly and unexpectedly died from valley fever (literally a here one day and fine, gone the next kind of thing). I received his PS3 (I would have already had one but due to economic constraints it was impossible). Now, my brother had alot of medical problems and was in a lot of pain (he had a prescription for morphine). I know that he is in a better place. I am also glad that I now have a PS3 and I enjoy it immensely. This also leads to immense amount of guilt. What do you guys think? Should I feel guilty that I enjoy the PS3? I feel pretty sick to my stomach about it alot.
how can i listen to Howard stern?

i heard you mention him a few times and i listened to the pod cast where you went on his show...
he sounds like a funny guy :)
Hey Cheapy,

After hearing Wombat mention something about video game analysts and stats on APB, any chance getting Michael Pachter back on for a segment?

I was checking out your CafePress page and was curious if you were going to update the shirts and other items with the new and improved avatars.
This is not a question, but rather a request for an announcement on the next CAGcast. The Chicago CAG group will be having it's next meet-up on Saturday, Sept. 11 at The Galloping Ghost Arcade.

We will meet at noon, and the cost is $15 to play as many arcade games as you can withstand (the arcade will probably be open until 2AM).

Hey Cheapy, Shipwreck, and Wombat,

With the 3DS having an SD card slot from the start, would you like to see the option to export saves to an SD card for personal back-ups to a PC? The inability to take saves off of a cartridge has been one of the main things that has kept me from renting or borrowing games to see what I want to buy since those saves belong to the cartridge, not the player. They could still continue with way they currently handle saves to the cartridge for those that don't want to manage save, so the choice would be up to the player. The bigger question would then be how likely Nintendo would be to allow this.

What do you guys think the Kinect and Move console bundles from Microsoft and Sony have to say about the customers they're aiming for? Microsoft is bundling Kinect with the 4GB Xbox 360 for $299.99 and Sony is bundling the Move bundle with the 320 GB PS3 for $399.99.

What do you think of the $130 250 GB hard drive Microsoft is putting out for the newer Xbox 360s? With the old systems, there was at least the excuse that you didn't have the option for a 120 GB or 250 GB hard drive when 20 GB or 60 GB were the only options, but now the only options are the 4GB and 250 GB systems with an expensive way to turn the former into the latter. Should they have just offered a 60 GB or 120 GB option that was a middle ground so it's not blatantly clear that they want you to get the 250 GB system?
Hi Cheapy, I just had a couple quick questions:

1) Is it annoying when Lucy pulls the football away right when you're about to kick it?
2) Can I have my own podcast, called "Someone's on the CAG"?
3) No? Okay then, can I be a mod?
4) How much do you make, after taxes?
Hey guys,

I posted my question last week a little too late, I think. My bad. I realized after I posted it that you guys were probably in the process of already recording. Anyhoo, if you guys could answer my q from last week, that'd be great. Thanks guys!
Dear Cagcast,

What's everyone's opinion on Laurance Fishbourne's Daughter's porn name being Chippy D? Should Cheapy sue for copywrite infringement?
Are you putting together a team for Extra Life 2010. I know that many CAGs took part last year and there was a CAG team. Just wondering if you were planning that again. Also if you are playing for 24 hours straight what are you planning on playing?
Hey guys!

Exclusives used to mean something back in the older days of gaming, especially during the N64/PS1 days. These days, it seems like any game outside of first party games is guarenteed to become a multiplatform game at some point. Mass Effect is only the latest game to fall in line now that it is heading to the PS3. Do you think that this is good for the gaming industry and does this hurt companies trying to push their console as a must have?
Cheapy - Do you remember the moment you decided to stop saying, "Remember to Dig the CAGcast", as part of your housekeeping? I just thought about how fast Internet things fade away in today's world.
Do you feel like since E3 that there has been a shift in third party support for Microsoft and Sony from Activision and EA?

Is EA setting into motion a plan for the platform they think has more legs ala Dreamcast? Is activision doing the same? Or are we still seeing more platform subsidized support from the platform holders.

I'm looking at articles like this from June and thinking about what the holiday will bring:
Would you guys support remakes of Commander Keen for xbl/psn and R.C. Pro-Am for wiiware? What older games would you like to see re-made for xbl/psn/wii?

Also, Cheapy, you should finish Shadow of Colossus, because its awesome. (especially when you're high)
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Hey Cheapy,

I'm sure you've been asked this before, but do you enjoy sushi? If so, what's your favorite kind of piece? Personally, I'm a total fanatic for the stuff, and I can only imagine how good genuine Japanese sushi must be.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, what do you think about EA actually standing up and defending "Medal of Honor" amidst the media controversy? Generally, these companies just stay quiet and wait for it all to blow over, but EA seems to be active in saying they're going to stand by their development team and their creative vision.

Do you think this could possibly pave the way for video game companies to start taking a stance against censorship in the way TV and film eventually did in their evolution?
Hey guys I just wanted to say thanks for the domain registration coupon. I used it to register "". I've used it for my previous 2 domains also. The site will be used for a documentary film I hope to shoot. Since CheapyD like documentary films I was wondering if he'd say what he likes and dislikes about docs.
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Do you guys think that all this PSMove love is hypocritcal? I know IGN Playstation team absolutely hated the idea of motion controls and always bagged on the Wii for it's motion controls (mostly the poorly implemented schemes), but it seems to me that PSMove involves just as much "waggle" yet they constantly felate it. What do you guys think of this?
Hey guys, I'm a long time CAGcast listener, love the show.

My question is: In regards to Playstation Move and Kinect and how successful they may or not turn out to be, have you considered the fact that the PS3 has a solid Japanese audience whereas the Xbox360 does not? Do you think that this might end up giving the Move an edge up over Kinect?
Hey Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck:
This is my 1st time writing a CagBag question. I've been a Listener since Episode 1. Thanks for doing such an awesome show!

Ok I guess I'll be the one to ask this: What are your thoughts on Microsoft's Decision to raise Xbox Live Gold Subscriptions to $60 a year?

Thanks alot.
This will likely be a hot topic by the next show but just in case I wanted to get your thoughts on the recent XBox Live subscription price increases in the Americas (US, Canada, Mexico) and UK. Personally I see this as a dick move given the current world economy and if anything would have expected prices to decrease from pressure from PSN.

I think it's clear the reasons why they did it (Reach, Black Ops, ESPN) but I think this strategy will backfire for them especially when more games start charging used buyers for access codes. Do you agree and if so are you storm the castle with pitchforks mad, storm the castle with harsh language mad, or just mildly agitated? Thank you.
Regarding the XBL Price hike

I'm sure you guys are going to bring up the 'don't pay full price get it discounted anyway' argument and while it's not a justification i can co-sign on What about taking it from a different angle? How do you think this situation would play out if Silver members got a gimped version of online play. They pay higher prices for stuff (aka raise prices and give Gold Members say 10% off), they don't get voice chat, none of the extra features, but they can text and they can play online. If they gave Silver's this gimp online play do you think anyone would care if Gold was priced even at say $70.

and how likely is it that they do another price hike in a few years and they actually do this.
Heya Cagcrew

Do any of you happen to know if un-used 12month live cards will still work after the price hike? Or will it be kind of like how the us post office operates, in where the "First Class" stamp will no longer pay for first class postage after a price increase?

I know this may be a little pre-mature, but what games are the three of you most looking forward to this holiday season, and what are your opinions on the games I mentioned below? (Jan-Feb count in my book, as it just extends the great gaming season)

Myself, I can't seem to get excited about Halo Reach or the next Call of Duty, but I am looking forward to, (not necessarily in this order):
1. Donkey Kong Country Returns
2. Castlevania - Lord of Shadows
3. Deadspace 2
4. Fallout 3, (maybe?)
5. Force Unleashed 2

Thanks a bunch
[quote name='Coupled']Do any of you happen to know if un-used 12month live cards will still work after the price hike? Or will it be kind of like how the us post office operates, in where the "First Class" stamp will no longer pay for first class postage after a price increase?[/QUOTE]
They sell them by duration not price. you dont buy $50 worth of XBL you buy a year's worth. The code doesn't add $50 to your account. it adds 12 months. no matter how much you paid. A better analogy than stamps are those prepaid envelopes*. You buy those at say $1 and you can drop them off postage already paid for. If the post office raises postage by 10cents next week those old envelopes still work. Plus as everyone points out they're stackable. Unless you plan on leaving gaming for 2 years and then coming back there's no reason why you shouldn't just apply them right now.

*In this case I'm talking about single postage paid envelopes. they stamp them with a date and all that jazz. The pre-paid envelopes you get from junk mail those are different. It's my understanding they just add up the postage and send you a bill. Which is why it's fun to stuff them with their own junk mail and send them back.
Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck,

I've enjoyed the show for a number of years and appreciate your efforts in getting one out each week. I'm not sure what the analysts are thinking when they speculate on the sales of project sh*tbox. Around 6 weeks ago I was at Mall of America (the largest mall in the country) and they had a demo set up for Kinect. The set up looked like something from Disney with ropes set up to feed the crowd through. There was even a sign that stated your wait from that point was 15 minutes. There was no line and we could have walked right up to try it. I asked my family if they wanted to check it out and both my bride and kids declined. I can't imagine that this is going to sell at all.

A few episodes back Wombat was recommending that you donate your iMac to charity as a business tax write off. I was wondering if you ever thought about writing off your giant bags of weed as an expense when you make the trips to E3 or PAX?

How does a guy who runs a website called cheapassgamer know a chick who writes for the new york times (Hiroko Tabuchi) and is she cool?

When you shop on Amazon Japan, do you use a referral link which you end up getting paid for?

Most sincere,

What do you guys think about Microsoft announcing a new controller a day after they announced a price hike for Xbox Live? Do you think the Xbox Live price hike will have a chilling effect on other purchases?
I've heard the story on how CheapyD and Wombat teamed up many times, but can you tell us the story on how Shipwreck joined the group and how he started CAG Foreplay?
Hey Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck:
This is my 1st time writing a CagBag question. I've been listening since episode 130. Thanks for doing this great show!

Recently, I'm concerned that in the Gamestop weekly ad for several weeks there have been no "used deals of the week" or coupons. These two offers made me purchase many titles from Gamestop on several occasions. What do you guys think of recent change and do you think we have seen the last of these two offers?
Since Microsoft is raising the price of XBOX live service and some game companies also charging to play their games online, do you think gaming companies should add more features to online play? or maybe free DLC packs every now and then? It just seems that alot of companies now are trying to squeeze as money out of gamers now, haven't we been loyal gamers?
Hi guys, I have listened to all your podcasts over the last several months while I worked (yours is one of many I listen to).

My question is in regards to remakes of older games.

I understand the Square-Enix owns the rights to Xenogears, and that Xenosaga has the official stance of being a game that kind of pays homage to it, but is not related to it for canon in any way shape or form.

Do you think that with those rumours of an updated FFVII (which i have never played), that Square is holding this title on the shelf until they run dry on ideas for the next FF for say 6 months?

I ask because i am currently replaying it, and wish that the graphics could be updated and a full voice cast.

Do you think there would be any real risk (in regards to net loss/net profit) to releasing this particular title on the consoles. They would not have to pay for the story rights and the character designs are completed. They would not even have to create storyboards.

The cost would be significantly less then creating a new game from scratch and can be marketed because of the previous games cult following.

A second reason why I ask this is because of the parallel that could be made with this and the remake of goldeneye(despite it being a FPS).

Do you think that remaking classic games into High calibre titles could be, and should be implemented.

Or do you think Square could outsource this project and just reap and potential rewards?

your thoughts?
Wombat, my XBox Live question didn't make you nearly as upset as I'm sure my next question will. What are your thoughts about Lucas Arts recent round of layoffs just before the release of The Force Unleashed 2, the same thing they did before they released the first one?! This is the dick move of dick moves. I think anyone who applies for work a Lucas Arts better think twice before sending their resume.
I think you guys missed the publishers' beef in the used game controversy. If you sell 50 new games and then 50 people buy those games used there were 100 sales but the publishers only get a cut on the original 50.
cheapy there has been a space video game that you that you might just like. it has been out for a while now it is called spore and it has a 15 hour space mode were you can allied your self with other galactic civilizations. upgrade your ship build up your empire terraform other worlds and trade goods across the galaxy. it is very deep for being just a part of the game it is for mac and pc

here is a link it's is bill packers show on gt he tells you were your monny goes when you buy your games

start at 3:00 MINS THANKS
Hey guys,

Enjoy the show and wanted to put in my 2 cents about the anouncement of the DS price drop. I believe that it may be to try to compete to the itouch somehow as during Apple's recent event much was made of how the itouch is now the best selling portable gaming system. Kind of a long shot, but I thought I would throw it out.

On another note, being the fan that I am, I was listening to an old episode (#162) that I had not previously listened to and at 10 min and 22 sec Cheapy mentions going to E3 and almost calls Shipwreck a friend, but then says "someone" instead. Wombat immediately calls him on it and then Cheapy notes that he has met Ship twice and admits he is a friend. I just thought that I would mention this given the recent E3 podcast fiasco as I thought you guys would find this interesting or kind of funny.

Keep up the good work.
Quick couple things for Wombat. First of all, wanted to pat you on your back for your strong stance on the Kinect pricing. While I am finishing my last year of college, I took a low stress job as a Toys R Us phone rep. A few weeks ago, we had a promotion that gave 40% off all video game accessories. Well, the Kinect was falling under the sale, and it was selling for $89.99 after the discount. TRU realized the error, and the following day, canceled all orders and gave them a small discount on a future order. You would have thought we took their first born child after they got the bad news. So Wombat, you are correct, the market is there for the Kinect at the under $100 level, and nobody replaced their order at the retail price.

Also another quick question for Wombat. I saw your twitter that you got a new laptop backpack. Is it more appropriate for a guy in his thirties to have that or a shoulder laptop bag?
bread's done