CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hello gentleman... and Wombat j/k

Do you think we will see price drops on PS4/XBOXONE software like we have seen the last couple years. Or will games these launch games hold their price at $60.00 into the mid part of 2014?



I'm wondering how the Retron 5 is doing in terms of preorders from cags. It's basically sold out at this point, so there is probably a good idea of how many cags will be launch day buyers.
Last CAGCast, Wombat briefly mentioned his terror at the thought of accidentally deleting save data. What the worst save data mishap you guys have had?

My 6 year old was messing around in the Mario Kart Wii options and accidentally deleted our 200+ hour save. I know that's an obscene amount to play a Kart game, but my son loved it and we played it most nights for over a year. I then had to explain to him why everything was locked up again and then informed him that there was no way I was going to unlock it all again.
With EA announcing plans for Star Wars games coming over the next 10 years, and none of them will be based on any of the movies, what are you guys hoping to see in the next generation for Star Wars games? Personally I'm hoping for another Knights of the Old Republic, and a Jedi-centric RPG. Could this plan include the revivial of 1313?

I have to wait till about March to afford an Xbox One! :( do you think by then the game prices will have gone down or having stayed at the same price?

played Dead Rising 3?  I've been hearing it's pretty much a current gen gam that was pushed off for a next gen release.  thoughts?

This question is for Cheapy. Is there any buzz in Japan about the launch of PS4 in North America, or is it a wait and see approach or one of resentment as they are not getting the console for some time yet? 

Will I be able to get pre-order bonuses and special edition versions on digitally downloaded games?
WHITTEN: Yes! You’ll see more details here in the future.

This is not the case at all. Not only do you have to pay full price for digital versions of Ryse, Dead Rising 3 and Forza, you get less content. The M$ store doesn't sell the digital version of games, so it turns out my preorders that were going to get me $10 digital codes were not available. Good thing I had them put what I wanted in writing. I got a $25 gift card for my troubles. So are there any deals for digital games on Xbox One? I can buy PS4 titles on Amazon Digitally with Amazon discounts. Would love to hear the CAG crew's thoughts on this.

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Question for Cheapy:

What versions of Forza 3/4 did you buy? Did you buy the $60 version or did you buy special or VIP editions? If you bought the VIP editions (I believe I remember hearing you did), do you feel like this sent a message to MS that they could "go for brass ring" on extracting more payment from customers?

I noticed that Xbox One gaming doesn't show up on my friend's history when I look them up on my Xbox 360. This is weird because it's always shown Xbox Live enabled games from PC and Windows Phone. Whydo you think this is?
It seems that something is up with iTunes not downloading the new podcasts (including CAG) when I sync my iPod. I see other people are having this issue since the new ios 7 updates.

 I had to find the CAG cast and manually download it in order to get it on my iPod.

 Today I sync'd my iPod, iTunes fired up and downloaded 4 new Podcasts, but not others that I know should be there, like the Besties. Is anyone else not getting CagCast when they load iTunes? It's quite the pisser.

Can you share any CAG Black Friday website traffic stats?

Also, a megaton shout out to Wario64. The @videogamedeals coverage has been unbelievable! It's a great time to be a CAG.
Refining an earlier question I guess.

Six months ago we had two CAGcast hosts explaining how they parked their Kinect 1.0s in the closet. Now we have 3 CAGcast hosts, all with their Kinect 2.0s hooked up front and center. Even though the new one is bigger than the last and comes with no TV stand.

My question would be do any of the CAG hosts have any inkling as to whether they will still have their Kinects hooked up six months from now?

Just gotta ask.  Why doesn't Cheapie have a Wii U?  

  It seems like,  since you're in Japan, make a great income, own a videogame website, have a young kid and because the PS4, xbox1 and pc overlap quite a bit, that you'd be up for getting a platform more complimentary instead of 3 that are going to all have very similar games except for a few exclusives.  

I mean are you waiting for the Wii U to have the same games and the same online system as the other platforms so you can have 4 of the same systems?

Just curious.  I know you're just going to give a standard line or two.  But try to dig deep.  I mean I know some just really have a dislike for Nintendo.  For example, I know a few guys that never forgave them for censoring Mortal Kombat long ago (at least I think it was that game.)  

And then please let Shipwreck and Wombat psycho-analyze why you don't own a Wii U and never play a 3ds game.  

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What has been your favourite feature or service on each new console that you weren't necessarily expecting?

Personally I was surprised at how great the ability to follow people on Xbox One has been. I now follow CheapyD, Wombat5277, Cobra Commander (who I assume is Shipwreck), and many others in the games industry; it's been awesome to see their profiles show up in my games, giving me the ability to compete against their high scores (in games like Forza 5, or NFS Rivals) and/or see their progress. 

Doing the same on PS4 would require each gaming personality to accept your friend request individually, which would clog up their friends list, and sounds like it would be a shitty process for all parties involved. 

I'm also surprised at how much I'm using the SmartGlass app for Xbox One. The PS4 equivalent seems like it needs a lot of work, comparatively. 

Regarding the low review scores on Ryse and how Cheapy and Shipwreck both seemed to like it.

Do you think the low review scores are a result of the reviewers basically playing the game non-stop in order to meet a deadline? Do you think playing in shorter sessions similar to a "normal" gamer would lead to a more accurate review of the game?

I find that I value the opinions of people on podcasts and normal gamers a lot more than reviewers rushing to get their review out first.

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Watch this Bitches Question: What are your thoughts on the lastest episode of Arrow with Barry Allen/Flash? What do think of the actor?

Hey Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck,

What do you guys think of Amazon's change in customer service of late where if you don't have an Amazon Prime subscription or pay for shipping on your orders, you basically get second-rate service from them now? I've been a big fan of their service for the past five years that I've been using them, especially how quickly I got my Black Friday orders in the past few years despite getting free shipping, but this year has changed quite a bit. I made most of my orders on Thursday and only one shipped before today, almost a week later. I've seen responses from Prime members about their stuff shipping right away and sometimes even getting their stuff by Saturday, which is a big difference compared to how it used to be. To add to this, they increased the minimum amount needed to even qualify for Free Saver Shipping to $35 instead of $25, so my desire to add a cheap filler Blu-ray, DVD, or game is shrinking. It seems like Amazon's so hell bent on getting every customer to join Amazon Prime that they're now downgrading what was great service for us cheapskates to the level that I'm looking to other retailers like Best Buy, GameStop, Target, Walmart, etc. for better basic service. Doesn't this seem like the sort of tactics that you'd expect from your cable/internet/phone provider and not Amazon? Why would they do this to encourage people to join Prime instead of making Prime a better experience than what was already great service?

If you just want a shorter version to read on the podcast: It seems that Amazon's basic service is being downgraded for those without an Amazon Prime sub with an increase to the minimum amount needed for Free Super Saver Shipping and delayed shipping for non-Prime customers. Doesn't this seem like the sort of tactics that you'd expect from your cable/internet/phone provider and not Amazon? Shouldn't they be making sure that Prime is that much better than the already great basic service that you'd feel dumb not to sign up instead of downgrading the basic service to frustrate their cheaper customers that could easily go elsewhere for deals?

Is it my imagination or are avatars and gamertags taking a backseat on Xbox One?  

When the Xbox One recognizes you it does so by the actual name tied to your account, not the virtual persona that Microsoft spent years building on the Xbox 360.  Avatars are hidden away deep in the UI that makes it seem like their placement is an afterthought.  Nondescript, often abstract, gamerpics are back in the forefront.  Even a simple online friend's list is not highlighted, and I haven't been able to find an option to notify you when your friend's log on.  The activity feed is okay, but it really doesn't offer anything that I can't get from a site like  

All of this makes the Xbox One gaming experience feel a little empty.  It feels less like an escape of reality and more like Facebook.  Microsoft prided itself on the Xbox Live virtual community that it built, and now it seems intent on railroading this community to just another social network experience. What's your take? 

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fuck. Marry. Kill.  Your three wives.

Yeah, that'll get you all laid.

My real question is...

What is your current gen controller preference?  When I look back in history it seems as if the better, more comfortable controller has dictated which system was the best seller (SNES > Genesis; PSOne > N64; PS2 > Xbox > Gamecube; 360 > PS3).  I've heard they're both good, now, but what is your preference?  Do you think the controller is a solid indicator of sales?

Link to sales

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Thanks to you guys, the wife and I can't stop watching Arrow.  Ain't nobody got time for that!

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Do you think Telltale is overdoing it with their brand of adventure games? As much as I'm looking forward to some of them, having four announced adventure games currently in production seems like a lot to me.

What up nerds!  so did you fellas follow any of the fallout 4 shenanigans?  I did, and am very disappointed.  There was so much conjecture and theorizing on reddit! 

Since i do not have enough money to buy either a xbox one or PS4 at the moment Would you still be happy playing the 360/PS3 for another year?

Who is going to milk properties to death more, Disney with Star Wars and Indiana Jones or Telltale with Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, etc.

How long before we wish long-form story games would just crawl back under a rock and we all go back to shooting stuff?

Not much a question but a comment:

From MS' description of the Xbox One update process Polygon produced this summary:

Those using the next-gen console's "instant on" feature will find that their console checks for updates like this in the background. Those consoles will automatically download the update in the background, install it and power down completely. Users will need to manually power the console on, as spoken commands aren't available when the Xbox One is fully off. The Xbox One will apply the update the next time it's powered on, then reboot. The installation process should take between two and five minutes.

Why does the Xbox One download the update and then not install it? Instead I have to come back, press a button to turn it on ('Xbox On' won't work) and then wait while it patches? Why can't it patch on its own and be ready for me?


Polygon article:

so what's you take on the VGA award winners?  Is it weird the best XBOX game was an arcade title?

2/3 of you guys own both next gen consoles. Now that you have had time with both them which do you use the most now? I am like Wombat and only have the Xbone, I don't see a reason for a ps4 yet. I personally love walking into the living room saying "Xbox on" and everything is ready for me. 

Titanfall or Destiny which are you most excited for? I see myself sinking too much time in Destiny, it's the main reason I went next gen honestly.

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In reference to my firmware update mention about Xbox One, there was a firmware update for PS4 last night. And it works almost the same way. It didn't turn itself off like the Xbox One process mentions, but otherwise it is identical. It downloaded the update and then when I turned on my PS4 the PS4 says I have to update it. So I sit here and watch it update when it could have done it without me.

Boy this is really stupid.

Do you guys think that Microsoft would be better off having Titanfall for only the Xbox One instead of PC and 360?  Do you think that EA wanted it on systems with a much larger install base and would not let this happen?  I know this is all conjecture, but am interested in your opinions.

Hey gang!

Here's my question...

Now that you've had a couple of weeks with your Xbox One's are you finding that the kinect / voice command aspect of the device is actually kind of a non-essential pain in the ass?

I'm a lifelong gamer since the Atari 2600, and I personally have zero interest in shouting out voice commands - probably the #1 reason I've chosen not to be an early adapter this generation (yes, I have a Wii U, and I think it's interface is fine).

On a gamer note, I probably plan on getting a PS4 after A) I clear out some of my backlog and B) the software becomes more compelling in a year or so.  Love my Xbox original and my 360, but really think the voice command / kinect stuff is something that I just won't have interest in using.  I still believe that the best difference between a console and a PC is that the perfect console allows one to slap in the cartridge or disc and simply play the game - not get bogged down in perpetual updates or patch downloads.  After hearing you guys talk about hassling with the bells and whistles of the Xbox One's "Set top box" capabilities I feel like I'm less interested in than ever in having one.

Thanks for the weekly podcast, I do enjoy hearing your point's of view even when it differs from my own.

CAGBag question:

Hey guys, 

Do you think we will see Amazon start selling digital download codes for Xbox One games any time soon? They recently started selling Playstation codes, but Xbox codes are nowhere to be found. What is it going to take to get Microsoft to open up digital games sales to other outlets in the way that Steam has?

Also, why do you think Microsoft doesn't seem to be pushing digital? It seems to me that they could be selling digital games at discount and still to take a larger margin than they do selling physical copies through retailers. Is their relationship with Gamestop really that important to them? 

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Hey Guys,

I am a Cag in turmoil. I am a 22 (soon to be 23) living with Asperger's and need to grow up. I look to you 3, because you guys make my dream a reality. You are all highly successful with jobs and loving family's (with wives who I assume are way hotter than you guys deserve) and still have time to reminisce about 80's childhood (which I wish I could have experienced), have an excellent weekly podcast, and most importantly game. I know CheapyD jokes about being stoned through out college, but something must have stayed considering the website he created and maintains is awesome. Shipwreck I most idolize, because he is genuinely modest, has an insane amount of collectibles, and is an engineer (which is what I am working towards). And then there is Wombat. My personality most resembles Wombat's, because he is the perpetual kid. Which leads to one of my questions:

1. Wombat, the childishness that you exhibit on the show; Is that your actual personality or is it your personality hyperbolized? I assume it does contribute somewhat to your personality, since the majority of Uninformed Opinions episodes (I have listened to everyone) you talk the most. I do see why some constantly insist you are removed from the show (I feel that is a little extreme, but at times you do detract from the show), because you can be annoying.

and the second question:

2. Do you have any tips on the maturing process (you're probably going to say something like "mature, we're not mature"), because like I said I am going to be 23; about to be kicked out of my parents house; don't have any friends (probably because I am immature) (Tai and Sabrina are probably more mature), alienated myself from my extended family; can barely support myself as is; and before you say anything yes I am taking medication and yes I am seeing a shrink. 

Questions for CheapyD and Shipwreck:

1. I know the show has deviated from PC with the next gen consoles being out, but what are your guys' general thoughts on Steam Box? The Steam Box was recently shipped to 300 beta testers this past week.

2. Also, knowing that you guys have Nvidia GTX cards, GeForce Experience now allows you to capture, and stream to Twitch (new as of the update today) with virtually no performance drops (all done on h.264 chip). Can we see even more streaming/video content from CheapyD and possibly even Shipwreck?


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Are there enough must-play games for Vita (Tearaway?) to warrant spending $200+ on the system.  Even if you get a $170 bundle it sounds like you've got to spend more on expensive memory.  I am not sure it's worth the expense yet.  What do you think since you've got Vitas yourselves.  How much do you actually play it?


You've mentioned you like documentaries a lot. Have you seen Apollo 18? It's a documentary about the decline of NASA and it's pretty interesting.

It's on Netflix. I recommend it.

Hey Cheapy, Shipwreck, and Wombat,

How bad is it for Nintendo that as of today, the 26th of December, the 3DS and Wii U eShops were down for Christmas day and the 3DS eShop is still down this afternoon? It's especially bad for Wii U because they need the experience to be as good as possible for all of those new owners to hop on, grab some of the games on sale, and start playing those games, but now that was completely ruined. 3DS is at least a little more established, but the list of games that were on sale on its eShop is the biggest I've ever seen and none of those publishers and developers are getting any of the benefits that they envisioned when they first decided to put their games on sale for the holiday.

One for Cheapy and Ship, now you've gotten "next", well now current gen consoles are you finding yourselves going back to consoles more apposed to your PCs?

Cheapy (and anyone else if they have one)

How is the Kinect mount for Xbox One? I am considering buying one but the fact it's $20 I want to make sure it is good before I buy it.

Is it sexist for a top 10 GOTY list to not include Tomb Raider (2013)? There's a minor controversy over this, oddly.

Also CheapyD, did you check out the movie Cleanflix? Give it a look, it's a documentary, you seem to watch some of those. This one is right up your alley.

Cheapy shouldn't have any problems buying cars in Forza because his drivatar is kicking my ass. All cheapy has to do is log in and collect the credits. (BMW Fujitsu 2011 car.)
bread's done