CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Question for Cheapy and Shipwreck,
I'm interested in playing Plague Inc Evolve being sold as early access at Stream for $15. Here is the deal, there is no review of the game and its the successor of a similar iOS game, Plague Inc, would you pay $15 for a bigger production of the same game? And, if the game is poor quality then I'm reinforcing the practice of paying for unfinished games? Do you know of game that was outstanding as an early release? ?
Two unrelated questions this week: What do you think of the rumors that BioWare might bring the Mass Effect Trilogy to Xbox One and PS4? Would you want to see this happen, or just leave it for 360/PS3/PC?

Second, with Batman: Arkham Knight coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC, do you think Rocksteady would consider bringing a next-gen port of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City and all their DLC packs?

Is it just me, or is there an abnormally high amount of cross-generational releases with the PS4 and Xbox One?  This always happens early in a console cycle, but I think we're seeing a lot more of it this time due to the lack of any backward compatibility.  

It's kind of annoying when it happens with a title that has lots of DLC, like Pinball FX 2.  Now I have to decide whether to continue my collection of tables on the 360, or start over on a new platform.

After the talk of titanfall and other games being called "system sellers", it made me wonder what games could you put that label on. Iwata has been talking about the one game that will sell consoles, that game should have been super mario 3D world or Donkey Kong country tropical freeze since both are great games. I know DKC isn't a huge franchise but 3D mario games are and yet that didn't sell systems. What system exclusive franchises would you consider to be system sellers (not just nintendo franchises)?

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With Rocksteady making the last game in the Batman vgame they are making which superhero charater would you like to see next get its own video like the batman game that rocksteady have done?

So if xbox ends up being sold off to Amazon or whoever, does Major Nelson go with? It's like a bundle, buy Xbox and get Major Nelson.
You guys make the podcast using Skype, right? As an experiment have you guys tried doing the show from your Xbox One Skype app?
CheapyD now that you have had time with both games which do you prefer : need for speed rivals or need for speed most wanted? What are the strong and weak points of each?
So I waited all morning impatiently for the UPS man to bring my copy of Titanfall. Finally gets here at 2PM CST. Perfect! Just in time for the kids afternoon nap. Pop in the disk, it starts the installation and i then shuffle to kids up to bed....a free 2 hours to play my new game! I come back downstairs and try to start the game....nothing. Goes to the title screen and then force quits back to the home screen. Try it another dozen times, same result. I think, hmmm, maybe its bc i still have the titanfall beta installed, i go and delete that....same result. I then do a hard reboot and when the xbox boots back up it of course does not recognize biggie, it does this about 25% of the time. I try to login manually and i get a msg that says "There was problem. We couldnt sign you in. Try again in a few minutes". Quick google search reveals its not just me, its everyone and this prevents playing any multiplayer or even starting up apps like netflix. 2 hours later (and with 2 children that are now wide awake) I'm still getting the same msg.

This long, drawn out story is more of a question to the 3 of yall. Im in a similar situation as you 3: mid 30's, kids, job, limited gaming time. I chose the xbox one over the PS4 at launch bc of the media integration, possibility of an upgraded Kinect and with this possibly games to play as a family, and the majority of my friends and multiplayer experiences last gen were on the 360. Now after owning it for almost 4 months i have to say i think i may have made the wrong choice. My wife hates that she cant just turn on the tv and watch what she wants, especially shows that are on the dvr bc she needs 2 separate remotes to do this. I had to also connect the directv to another input so she can bypass the xbox altogether (which defeats one of the primary purposes of owning the system). The kinect, as expected, is marginally better than version 1 has no apparent software support on the horizon. The story of the summer that the ps4 has more power is proving true a little more each day. And now this issue with Titanfall on the biggest day of the system's short life crops up.

What the hell is Microsoft up to??? Did they have to force this system out just to prevent the PS4 from getting the headstart that the 360 got the previous gen? Should, if i decide to only own 1 system this gen, consider ditching the xbox one and go for the PS4? Do the NPDs scare MS enough to get them to make a significant change? I would love to hear your opinions. Thanks guys!

Malaysia Air 370 PR people. One second they say the plane turned around, next they deny they said that. Now they're looking on this side of the country, now it's the other. The only constant is that "they'll get right on this at sunup".

Did these guys hire MS' Xbox One PR coordination team or what?

I feel you guys have had a lot of valid arguments about the XBOX One.  I have the same ones and feel like Microsoft is dropping the ball with lots of missed opportunities too.  Although I feel that the XBOX One has had since launch a much better lineup with more exclusives than PS4.  I own both consoles but prefer XBOX.  What has the PS4 done to not get any criticism?  The two major pluses are price and apparently better resolution on most of the multiplatform games for PS4.  I can see the PS+ service to have an edge with the free games. So other than that, what games or services are they offering better than Xbox?  

Games worth mentioning...

Xbox - ryse, forza, dead rising 3, killer instinct, peggle 2

ps4 - killzone, resogun

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The devs of the upcoming RBI Baseball game just announced the game's control scheme: 2 Button NES Style! Is this brilliant or dumb? I personally think it's rad.
Hey Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck,

What do you think about Amazon raising the price of Amazon Prime to $99 from its original $79 yearly subscription fee? Their justification seems to be that they offer more items that qualify for free two-day shipping, more videos to stream, and more books for Kindle owners than they had when it started years ago since it's apparently no longer a profitable service. From what I've read, CAGs aren't too happy to have a price increase coming soon without any word on improvements or new services, so what would Amazon have to do to keep their current customers happy and increase their subscriber numbers without making the basic service even worse than it already is?

Not much of a question, but here goes:

Not to sound like Wombat when he complained about Ducktales and their non-moving bills/mouths on a CAGcast, but god damn it was fucking annoying when that old hag in the Dark Souls II intro cutscene had her mouth randomly flapping around while she was speaking. I mean seriously, this is 2014 and you're working with CG... and that's the result? Jesus Christ on high. At least Ducktales was obviously not a full retail blockbuster release.

Cheer up, Wombat. You're not the only cranky old man annoyed by superfluous stuff anymore.

Every time the question comes up "Is Nintendo in trouble?" due to poor sales or some other issue, Cheapy always talks about how they have a ton of money and they can pretty much do anything they want.  And he's totally right.  Check out this article:


"Buried in reams of financial data is the revelation that Nintendo have $10.5 billion in the bank - enough for it to take a $257 million loss every year until 2052. "

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Have the execs at Sony lost their are they going to get their Morpheus VR headset to appeal to a mainstream audience when it requires the PS4, headset, playstation camera and move controllers? This thing will cost a fortune!!
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Hey guys, do you think microsoft shot themselves in the foot by focusing too much on the american market with the xbox one (with EU/Asia being the biggest video game markets)? I mean, the voice controls and the TV stuff propably wont be supported in my country or atleast in my native language or if they're going to, they propably wont work as well as in the US or in English. So how does microsoft justify the higher price (which is even higher than the US price here) for the new xbox for people outside the US? 

I'm still undecided between the new consoles. PS4 has been out since november, but it's soldout all the time. Xbox one isnt out here yet.

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Seems like there are a lot of Japanese long-time gaming icons leaving their studios. Surely many will give a try at "indie" (meaning small expenditure) games in the same genres they pulled off so well before.

Is anyone else looking forward to a slew of new bite-sized Metroidvania games and JRPGs? I know I am.


What ever happened with the picture you and Tai were going to take dressed in Street Fighter clothes?

If you to the area below "What's New" on your PS4 right now, you will see a Taco Bell ad for an XXL Steak Crispy Taco next to the release of inFamous Second Son.

As far as I know, this is the first external ad (not for Sony stuff) on the Sony console home menu. No longer is PSN the refuge from the all-out marketing we've seen on Xbox since shortly into the 360's lifespan. What do the CAG crew think of this?

Also, the Taco Bell ad has more likes (2900) than any other item in that list except for inFamous:Second Son. That means more than the announcement of MGS V: Ground Zeroes (2700) or the list of free games coming to PSN for PSN+ members (773). What does this say about us as gamers?

Hey guys.  Just recently I proposed to my girlfriend and I now have a fiancee! O:) I did it at central park on her birthday and caught her off-guard, sister was hiding doing pictures and caught the moment. My question to you guys, how did you propose to your wifes? Also,how long before you started planning for the wedding? We just started this past week. Any advice for the future wise-men of cag?

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Hey guys,

I've noticed a tonal shift toward being more negative and dismissive lately, which I feel inhibits good show content. As a longtime listener, it's worrisome.

For example, Cheapy trying out Hearthstone (and loving it) was great! Cheapy refusing to play anything on a handheld or Nintendo console - not so fun to listen to.

I understand that you each have your own specific gaming preferences, but the show's overall balance seems to lean more toward disdain lately.

Thanks for reading my constructive criticism. I've been a listener for almost 6 years and just want the best show possible. Please understand.

Why is it so difficult for developers to implement a skill-based matchmaking system in multiplayer first person shooters?

I don't have a lot of time to devote to playing games. So, when I do hop online, I'm just looking to get matched up with similar skilled players who are looking to have fun. Right now, I notice two scenarios...(1) I join the game as soon as it is released, have a blast for a week or two, then start getting matched up with players who play the game much more than I do or (2) I join a game well after it has been released, at which point I am dominated from the get-go. In both cases I lose interest and end up never returning to the game.

This is starting to happen to me in Titanfall. The more time passes, the more I get matched against teams with several multiple gen level players. This doesn't usually end well unless I get lucky and up on having really, really good teammates.
Seems like .coms will pay huge amounts of money for just about anything nowadays. Do you think you have anything lying around that Zuckerberg or Brin would pay a billion or two for?

I think I have a gold Zelda cart around here somewhere, that'll probably do.

Seems like .coms will pay huge amounts of money for just about anything nowadays. Do you think you have anything lying around that Zuckerberg or Brin would pay a billion or two for?

I think I have a gold Zelda cart around here somewhere, that'll probably do.
Does the Zebra Kart have a face? If so contact Zuck's reps.

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Hey Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck,

Game Informer has an interesting report on their site about at least one web retailer that is reselling Steam codes that they obtained from Humble Bundle deals. Considering that part of that money can go to charities and reselling those codes is against their terms of service, how sleazy is this?

Good day gents,

My question for you all, what was the first cartoon that you guys remember being fond of and what was the last cartoon you enjoyed before you started thinking "these cartoons are not as good as my cartoons"?

Not your favorite cartoon mind you, but the first one that you can remember. For me it was inspector gadget. My mother always tells me stories of how I would run around the house when the show came on screaming "OOH, OOH". The last cartoon I enjoyed was Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends.

I just read an article about how the extra marital affair site has become very popular in Japan.  It actually took less time for them to get 1 million subscribers there than in any of the 37 countries they are in.  This is interesting because the divorce rate in Japan is much lower than in much of the world.  The theory is that more women who are locked into marriages are signing up for this site since they promise discrete affairs.  Have you noticed any of this underground cheating culture during your time in Japan?  


I just read an article about how the extra marital affair site has become very popular in Japan. It actually took less time for them to get 1 million subscribers there than in any of the 37 countries they are in. This is interesting because the divorce rate in Japan is much lower than in much of the world. The theory is that more women who are locked into marriages are signing up for this site since they promise discrete affairs. Have you noticed any of this underground cheating culture during your time in Japan?
VR to the rescue! They need to get SpaceF*ck going ASAP before all those Japanese wives do something they'll regret...

For a show about CAGs, none of you really seems cheap anymore, always buying the latest, newest stuff at full price. So for those of us who are still cheap, how about you each rattle of 1 or 2 of your (now cheap!) last-gen favorites? What games did you keep going back to, which ones offered the best value, etc.?

And no, Cheapy, Rock Band 3 isn't cheap anymore; used prices on that one, especially with the instruments, are pretty pricey.

So how is the liability ruling going to go when the first person dies in an apartment fire wearing Oculus Rift?  It is inevitable that someone will claim they didn't hear the alarm because of their VR experience.  

Do you guys foresee anything good coming out for PS4?  Like worth spending hard earned money on good?  I've had one for months, and think the hardware is neat.  It's tough to use it when I currently own 0 games.  Beat Assassin's Creed and traded it in.  Please tell me of something to look forward to, even if its a Middle Aged Lesbian Taiko Drumming game.

So now that most of you guys have finished inFamous Second Son, would you say it's fair to compare it to Ryse in that both games are graphical showpieces for their respective consoles and have fairly short campaigns? The main differences I see are that inFamouse has a bit more variety in its combat by virtue of having the different types of powers, Ryse has a better story, and Ryse has the co-op Gladiator mode. If you think it's a fair comparison, which one do you think you had more fun with or do you feel was just a better game overall?

Also, I know it's from a few episodes back but I had a vasectomy about 9 months ago and really, if you're sure you're done having kids then you're stupid not to do it. The procedure itself is really minor, although I will admit that I was pretty sore and immobile for a few days afterwards. Still, totally worth it when you consider the costs (mentally and financially) of having an additional kid you weren't planning for!

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I've been a part of this site for a long time but have you noticed the large amount of assholes and trolls that now flood these forums. It's a bunch of smart ass comments and remarks to anything you post these days. Does this bother you at all?
Cheapy you talked about watching True Detective a couple of shows ago. Did you ever finish the season? If so what did you think about it?

Why don't any of you actually enjoy MMORPGs?  When was the last one that you played, and what turned you off about it?

And please try to come up with a reason better than "I don't wanna pay $15/mo" because you can all three afford it.  I get you might not like it, but if the game is good enough surely you'll get $15/mo of value out of it.

I have a question for all of you. When the Playstation Vita first came out, I was underwhelmed by the console and it's selection of games. So for the longest time, I did not pay any attention to it.

Just recently, I noticed a bundle coming out in May:

It's the Borderlands 2 Vita bundle for $200 and it comes with all the DLC. Borderlands is one of those games that I always wanted to try out but I never got around to doing so.

So I wanted to know what is your opinion of this bundle. Do you think it is a good buy? 

A recommendation for Watch This, Bitches: Senna. It's a documentary on Brazilian Formula One racing driver Ayrton Senna, who won the F1 world championship three times. You don't need to know anything about F1 - there is some first person footage shown in the beginning that clearly illustrates just how intense and demanding it is. Cheapy, since you love rotten tomatoes scores, it has a 92%. Also, it's depressingly, so you'll love it. It's available on netflix. Give it a chance for 15 min, you'll be hooked.
I cannot stop playing Hearthstone - I never would have tried it if it wasn't for you guys so thanks for that.  Got any tips for collecting gold without paying?  I'm hesitant to try the arena when I could just buy a pack of 5 cards for my hard-earned 100G.  I do the daily challenges but it is slow... which I guess is the point.  I'm also curious whether you guys have spent any real dollars on it - one guy I know spent the $50 and he swears he wins a ton more with all the cards he's collected.

bread's done