CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast


Cutie and the Boxer.  Available to stream on Netflix

It looks to be very similar to Jiro Dreams of Sushi, but without all of the boring repetitiveness and pointlessness.

I saw the preview for it before Lovelace (this is also available to stream on Netflix, but I chose to Redbox it instead as I don't want a movie about the pron industry to alter my family's Netflix viewing history)

so my internet has topped out and I've been catching up on podcasts and playing handheld pokemon,   what's something you just listen to(background noise) while you game...besides your children.

Hey whatever happened to that Hour of Victory tour? I don't remember if that ever had a resolution or not. Would you consider starting something like that up again for the new generation once some massive dud comes out? 

Can we all agree for the time being that the "micro" in "microtransactions" is short for "Microsoft"? They really gotta get off this kick and fast.

Hey guys,

    I don't have too much to say about Playstation Now personally but with the similarities between the platforms now (Steam included) offering mainly the same games don't you think it's where we are eventually headed? Gaming as a service like Netflix or Spotify? You sort of touched on it with your tone when talking about the PC,PS4, and XBOX One because it sounded largely like all you really want is the games (like we all do at the end of the day!). So the box doesn't really matter. I'm starting to think if anything we have too many boxes.

I believe with the Gaikai tech they would only be streaming the video of the game along with control input, and not actual game data so it may not be as bloated as you are thinking. I agree with Shipwreck that streaming can be a tedious experience but I kind of just see this as the first step. At CES they are talking about mobile chips more powerful than PS3\360 level graphics so the push is there to get these games out to as many people as possible baring infrastructure limitations. May not be for us but I think these companies are also finally seeing value in their legacy software and this seems like the easiest way to preserve some of this content without relying on in house hardware. I'm not sure it will grab the emulator crowd but I think it's more about accessibility than anything. If they can grab a small % of the mobile market with a service like this it would be a huge win since everyone has a phone or tablet these days.

On a side note, Cheapy you still rocking the macbook air as a desktop? Thinking of going that route for my next setup.

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On the subject of PlayStation Now:

Why are the hosts putting such emphasis on the age or visual fidelity of these games?

On another podcast I listen to, one of the hosts had said they had just bought a PlayStation 4. One of their listeners jokingly responds along the lines of, "So you bought a PlayStation 4 to play Don't Starve?" (Because Don't Starve is the newest Plus game on PS4.)

Why should it matter so much that a game look like an Assassin's Creed, a Battlefield, or an Elder Scrolls title? Does it really matter so much that a game, especially for a just-launched console, push the system to its limits? These old games and current, "smaller" digital titles can (but not always) offer an experience or depth in gameplay that isn't seen all that often.

I will tell you right now if I were to get a PlayStation 4 in the very near future, the one game I'd get over next-gen Diablo 3, Infamous: Second Son, or Drive Club is The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. To give you an idea of what Rebirth looks like:


It basically has the style of a visually detailed SNES game. I've sunk over 750 hours on the current version of Isaac and cannot wait for Rebirth. I've also recently put in around 75 hours of Spelunky across PS3, Vita, and PC and my interest in that game has not waned. Both of these have replayability, depth, and a challenge I don't find in other games but I don't stop playing other games for those reasons.

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This question is for Shipwreck and I'm sure it will be discussed but I'd love to hear about the Blockbuster racks in your house now. Seeing the pictures of the purchase and subsequent setup was awesome.
READ THIS BITCHES! - The Final Day at Westfield Arcade by Andy Hunt

This book is absolutely spectacular. If you ever spent any time at an arcade in the 80s or 90s you will truly appreciate this book. This intricate novel not only deals with the rise, fall, rebirth and ultimate demise of arcades but also love, loss of loved ones and how our decisions can affect others. There are tons of pop culture references from the 80s and 90s and all of the arcade gaming descriptions and timeline are spot on. Much of the story is told in flashbacks and the author's outstanding writing will keep you enthralled until the end. I truly felt like a part of the Westfield Arcade by the end and it made me misty for my own Halcyon days at the arcade which were remarkably similar to those described in the story.

If you aren't convinced read the first 10 pages on Amazon's preview. That should be enough to hook you in. I know it did me.

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Hey guys,

Love the show! I hope Cheapy's leg is feeling better.

Ever since I found this site, my gaming backlog has increased exponentially thanks to all the great deals posted here. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about deciding which games to play in your backlog? I was thinking of just playing them in alphabetical order because I know if I play the ones I'm most interested in first, I may never get to the others thanks to new game purchases in the meantime.

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Hey guys,

For the first time I actually have a "physical" backlog. Like shipwreck I love creating spreasheets and have a "virtual" backlog of games I want to play but don't own. In Canada, EB just released their Platinum Edge loyalty program. That plus great boxing week sales and Games for Gold I am becoming overwhelmed. I have 5 excellent games just waiting to be played and I cannot decide, since they are all excellent. I am also one of those people who needs to complete a game before starting a new one (it allows me to be more invested in the story). Anyway the games are:


Tomb Raider


Far Cry 3

Max Payne 3

Which game should I play first?

2. I haven't played Skyrim yet for a couple of reasons. The main reason is the mechanics are extremly complicated, so planning my playthrough is difficult (I have Asperger's, so yes I am a little neurotic). The other reason is because I am extremely dissapointed with the whole civil war aspect. I don't see the point since the imperials and stormcloaks are on the same side. Basically I wished the story had a more Bioware feel to it. This comes to my question.

In an ideal world could Bethesda and Bioware team up to make the ultimate RPG? The reason is Bioware and Bethesda both make excellent games, but have polar opposites. Bioware focuses on writing, while Bethesda focuses on gameplay (It took Bioware 3 games to get the combat right in ME). I know Dragon Age: Inquisition is taking an open world approach, but there will probably be some combat issue. Bethesda games suffer from "GTA syndrome" (Yahtzee, zero punctuation). You're given an open world, but the quests are linear. The only "consequence" for killing an NPC is a certain quest might be unavailable (not really affecting the overall plot). I wouldn't have an issue if the elder scroll games were like GTA where each game is independent with a very loose canon. The problem is they created this whole universe, but I don't feel my actions matter like in a Bioware game. Your the Dragonborn, but that title is meaningless. As the dragonborn I should have been able to orchestrate one of the following scenarios concerning the civil war.

1. If joining the stormcloaks have the option to kill Ulric, become leader of the stormcloaks and use your status as dragonborn to unite Tamriel against the dominion.

2. Be a neautral party and hold a "Landsmeet" like summit where diplomacy is used to join forces against the dominion (option: Ulric initially agrees, somehow breaks the treaty, and you kill him and become the leader)

There are numerous others and yes they are very Bioware like but that is what makes DAO and ME such great games. The player having control over the plot is just as vital as being able to go dungeon crawling. I immensely enjoyed Oblivion, and I would have been happy with another one  because I didn't feel conflicted about the outcome of the story.


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Robbed & Violated

I would just like to share my story on how I felt after my home was broken into and I was robbed of my prize possessions.

Hi guys, my name is Roger (FR33ZER BU12N) on all platforms. I'm a 36 year old Gamer/Nerd/Full Time Worker/Family Man. 

So, about 2 years ago around the middle of November 2011 my son came home from school to find our home broken into and burglarized. When I got home from work and seen the mess left behind, I was appalled! I felt so victimized. Our home had been ransacked and the only things that appeared missing were mostly my electronics. This happened in broad daylight and thank goodness there were witnesses that seen some strange activity in the neighborhood. Because, they actually scared off these robbers before they could get to our Master bedroom and pillage even more valuables from in there. (Mostly of my wife's stuff) 

Anyways, they made off with my Xbox Slim 360, my sons Xbox 360 Pro, Playstation 3, PSP, a Laptop, an iHome Dock, and about 50 games and controllers from all consoles. Stupid Dumbasses forgot to grab any of the power cables or AV cables for any of said consoles! 

As a gamer of all platforms and genres, I was really hit hard when I realized that a couple of weeks prior I had just finished my first play through of MASS EFFECT 1. Also I was at that moment playing through Fallout 3 and about half way through when all this took place. I felt very discourged about starting over from scratch.  And all my game saves and progress were on those consoles. So distraught I was to realize this. The next thing that sucked was soon enough that Microsoft announced their Cloud Gaming feature only two weeks later at the start of December. Man was I bummed. My Game Saves could have been saved but the timing sucked! On a good note though was that some games actually were saved onto certain game publishers Servers. Like my Gears Of War 3 and COD campaigns were still all unlocked and I could continue gaming as if nothing had happen. This I did not realize for a while as I initially thought all hope was lost soon after the incident and I did not play because I felt so down. As a full time family man and employed worker, my gaming times are very limited. So when I finally got my consoles replaced, my first game to play was Mass Effect. Having Mass Effect 2 on hand, I was ready to play MY Story I created and continue the adventure. 

Side note:(Mass Effect) 

1st play through: 40 hours

2nd play through: 20 hours

Of course Home Owners Insurance covered everything I lost but can not recover my hurt emotions of our home being vandalized and us victimized like that. Your home should be a safe sanctuary for you and your family to reside in.

Gaming is important to me and is my full time favorite hobby of mine but nothing compares to the importance of keeping my family and pets safe and sound in the one place that is truly there home. So as long as we're all safe and healthy, that is what is mostly important. Electronics can come and go and can truly be replaced.

The feeling after this incident still haunts me! I just don't feel safe leaving anything lying around anymore even in my own home. Every time I use my Laptop or iPad that when i'm done I still have to try to hide it somewhere in my home so that I feel safe about it. I feel so victimized & I don't know if I will ever shake this feeling. I know it's all in my head, but until it actually happens to you, you will never know this emotional experience and the toll it can take on a person. Only time can heal this wound. 

In the end with the help of neighbor witnesses, it was discovered that a group of teen boys were going around my neighborhood and casing all homes in the middle of the day. Only one was caught which happen to be the getaway driver because his license plate number was caught. This kid didn't give up any names and was solely held responsible for the crime. And to this day I'm still waiting for any restitution to be paid back to me.

Thanks for letting me tell my story and experience on this matter and sorry if I went on a little here and there. But it feels good to get it out and share this. It can happen to anyone and no one is safe from dumb stupidity that crooks choose to possess! 

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This question is for Wombat. I'm just curious why he would choose the XBox One when he could only afford one next gen console? I know he has previously said that he was "invested in the infrastructure and/or ecosystem" or some kind of nonsense but I'm not seeing the logic there. Besides your firiends list carrying over NOTHING else did. So how "invested" could he be? I've also heard him say several times, and recently on one of the the shows, that PS+ is a HUGE advantage over Games With Gold or anything that MS offers. He even mentioned how at that point they hadn't even offered any sales or discounts on any XBox One games (which I believe to date they've only discounted that Power Shots Golf by a whopping $5). It was funny how Shipwreck tried to interject that the console was still very new and discounting digital games for it at this point would be surprising, yet Wombat pointed out that PS+ has already offered several PS4 games for free and discounted many others. Wombat also mentioned that even though he's happy with his purchase he wouldn't recommend the XBone to anyone.

It seems that someone that is on a much stricter budget than the other two hosts, that could only afford one of the new consoles, that the PS4 would've been the no-brainer decision. I have both and honestly feel that I could've easily waited quite some time before purchasing either, but the gamer in me couldn't resist owning both of these newfangled consoles. But if I could only have one, PS+ would easily surpass anything the XBone had to offer so that would make my decision a simple one.

It just seems to me that the 360 was Wombat's primary console from last gen and really the only reason why he went with the XBone.

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Is anyone concerned about the lifespan of the Xbox One? Mine is on an awful lot, and as we've seen in previous consoles (all manufacturers), heavy usage does not bode well for a long and healthy life. In 3 years are we all going to have the sonic equivalent of jet engines under our tv's?
Cheapy, I looked at the video you made of your game collection for the Child's Play Charity and did not see Rock Band 3.  Was that one too good to part with?

Any word about No Man Sky for Xbox One? Friend of mine is uber concerned about Xbox not getting this title. He was looking at some game release lists on another site and No Man Sky was listed on the PS4 list but no the XB1. After the VGX Xbox was the first console to show interest in the title a midst all the hype that followed. I keep telling my friend XB1 will get it but he doesn't believe me cause it wasn't on "the list". Have you ever heard of a game developed for PC that got ported to Sony as a console exclusive? 

My expectations for this game have lowered. These devs have a good idea but I doubt the end product will be as ambitious as us gamers are hoping for. The dev giving that interview at the VGX could have been tripping balls for all I know. He kept looking at his hands and feet during questioning like he was "somewhere else." Just give us a next gen Frontier Elite and be done with it.

Here is a question I've been thinking about for a while:

Given the challenges Nintendo has been having in the home console market, could they and should they stay in the portable video game hardware market but go the same route as Sega when it comes to the home console market? Would Nintendo do well as a third party or second party game developer without a home console of their own? Should Microsoft, Sony, or even a company such as Disney or Amazon consider an attempt to acquire all or part of Nintendo?

I believe Nintendo is at a big disadvantage because they cannot afford the razor and razor blade business model that their competition uses. Offering something very unique served them well during the last console generation, but other than dabbling with virtual reality I can't see them being able to recapture the success through innovation the Wii gave them. 

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Hey Guys,

I am hoping you reply in someway to this question. I am conflicted about next gen consoles. I currently have an xbox 360. The xbox 360 is the first console I ever owned. I haven't gotten an xbox one because there are still so many games I haven't played on the 360. It's also disheartening that this is the first time new games are being supported for both generations at the same time. How long will the 360 be supported before it gets the cold shoulder? Graphics aren't a big concern, because my TV only supports 1080i/720p. I am also dissappointed that sony is the better company this generation. I am not one of those people who needs all consoles. While that does mean I miss out on some exclusives, the multi-platform games keep me content. That being said the upcoming exclusives with Microsoft look better anyway. I have avoided purchasing any games that are currently available for both generations out of fear that I am missing out on next gen bonuses. I am never one of those people you needs to have everything as soon as it comes out. I was planning on getting a next gen console, next Christmas, because Dragon Age: Inquisition is the next gen game I am waiting for. The problem is it's going to be 360 supported. I will admit I am a microsoft fan boy. I also fear that I have invested too much already to lose everything and go to Sony. Also the cable support of the xbox one I don't need since I don't have cable. I watch everything on my Computer. All this being said:

When will the opportune moment be to purchase a next gen console? and by getting a next gen console, will I be completely abandoning the 360 like the 3 of you have?

Semi game related

Lent a co-worker $20 because he needed gas money. This was in December and he has never brought it back up. Do I ask him about it, forget about it or say I left my wallet at home one day in attempt to get him to offer to even the score. I guess things are not too tight since he got a ps4 about two weeks ago.

I'm by no means hurting for money.

Leaning towards chalking it up to lesson learned in order to avoid any conflict since were co workers. What would you do?
Hey Wombat, Cheapy, and Shipwreck,

Ubisoft announced a new Assassin's Creed game for release in a couple of weeks to make this the second release in as many months. Even though this new game is a standalone version of the Freedom Cry DLC from ACIV Black Flag, does this not seem like they're flooding the market with AC games so quickly after Black Flag's release three or four months ago? I can understand wanting to release some cheaper games for those that are new to the franchise or those that buy the games on the cheap, but they could've easily released this stuff in the spring and/or summer to give them some breathing room and build towards the next game. I'm still working on ACIV and I'm sure plenty of others are also still playing, so it seems like they're walking a fine line of burning people out much like they did with Revelations while people were waiting on ACIII to be announced.

Does it seem like pretty much every game that has been released lately has been plagued by terrible reception from players for either being bad, broken, or featuring exploitative microtransactions? I know people on the internet love to obsess about the negative aspects of any game and that some of that stuff is deserved, but it seems like word-of-mouth about anything turns to poison in such a hyperbolic way that it's hard to really get meaningful critiques and recommendations for some of those games because people are too invested in new developments to look at the big picture. One of the few games that I've seen appreciation growing of late is Spelunky as the sales get the game into more hands and they dive deeper into what that game offers than what I recall hearing when it launched on XBLA a couple of years ago.

Do you feel like Nintendo's over-reliance on its core brands (ex: Mario games, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros and Zelda) is hurting them?

I know that these games sell a ton at retail but in my case, they keep me from purchasing any Nintendo systems. I grew up on Nintendo and eventually grew tired of those games.
Two questions. 

*edit*  Short version of the two questions.

With the free to play Mario Kart you mentioned last show.  What if Nintendo cancelled selling Mario Kart 8 for retail and sold free to play.  Four plays for $1 or 25(five extra) for $5.

What do you think if Nintendo released a portable and console similar to the Turbo Grafx 16 and Turbo Express Portable.  All games sold at retail could play on both the handheld and console version of Nintendo's next system.  Developers would only need to develop for one console and it'd work on both.  Graphics might be Wii U quality or weaker, but it's clear that Nintendo doesn't push graphics anyways. 


You guys brought up Nintendo doing free to play, and you brought up Mario Kart.  How do you think this would work.  Instead of buying vehicle parts, the more you play the more you unlock.  The way Nintendo could limit play time though is by making it require a coin to play.  You gain one coin each hour unless you have five or more coins.  However if people don't want to wait that time limit, they can pay one dollar to get four more coins, five dollars for 20 + a bonus five coins.  All the races could be eight players and the person who wins first place doesn't waste one of their coins.  Multiplayer only and includes every Mario Kart track, including those from Mario Kart 7 and 8.

Second question is about a new Nintendo console.  We won't see one until three years probably, but with the rumors about Fusion DS and Fusion Terminal, what do you guys think if the portable and console versions could play the same games.  Nintendo has shown that they're not going to attempt to keep up with Sony and Microsoft in power and I'm pretty sure next gen they can't make the next DS as powerful as the Wii U so something slightly more powerful than the Vita with the portable version running at the current 3DS resolution and the console version running in the higher resolution.  Even though the systems run in different resolutions, they could use the same cartridge/card.  So lets say you buy a Fusion DS game, you play it on the go, you come home, you take the game out of your DS and put it in your console then you can load the game up there.  You can play online or offline on the same servers and the console can also play locally with the portable for all games.

If how I'm making it sound sounds confusion, basically like the TurboGrafx-16 and Turbo Express Portable.  Both systems use the exact same format.  With how well Nintendo portables do, this could probably work right?  It'd benefit developers because they're only developing for one console but get people who are interested in both.  Benefit Nintendo fans because they can play all the current gen Nintendo games both on portable and home consoles.  If Nintendo released one of these would you guys purchase one? 

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Hey Guys,

I am a generation younger than the gamers I idolize, like yourselves. I idolize gen X's because unlike most "gamers" in my generation, they respect video games and the Industry. I will admit I have never finished a Nintendo Game. I have never had the opportunity to. The Xbox 360 was my first console, although I did have a genesis emulator. Having never really had the chance to enjoy a Nintendo game (aside from mario kart 64), I feel I shouldn't call myself a gamer until I have completed the Nintendo standards.

I have always wanted a Nintendo hand held, but I feared I wouldn't have the same experience as if playing on a console (resolution, controls, etc.). Hearing Wombat describe the 3DS experience equivalent to a console has changed my mind. I am asking Wombat, since he uses his regularly: If I purchase a 3DS and play Ocarina will it be as fun and enjoyable as playing it on a N64?

With the last few episodes about Titanfall, do you think EA is actually going to have this game ready and playable at launch? I am thinking that it is going to be another rush job just like Sim City and Battlefield 4. I still jump into servers with audio issues on Battlefiled 4 (PC) and remember what EA said. That they have the entire company working on fixing Battlefield 4. Titanfall = doomed because of quality issues at launch. Of course I will buy it once i see a deal similar to Battlefield 4 59.99 - 50% off black Friday sale 2013 - Dr. pepper 10 off promo code thanks to cag's forums. You guys make my commute much more enjoyable. 

PS Shipwreck. I was fist pumping the air when i heard how busy you are these days and you said the golden word "baby". I knew it would be said. I'm at the tail end of the baby stage so i feel for you. Wait until you have two kids around. It's like quadruple the work. 


For those of us who bought PS4s and Xbones last fall, did we get duped by marketing? I mean..all I have used mine for is playing NBA 2k14, and indie games. A next gen system isn't needed for this and I'm thinking it's not really worth the investment. Why didn't Sony and Microsoft wait until they had a steady stream of next gen titles in the pipeline before releasing these systems?

Is being the first to market really that important?

One reason why NextGen consoles are DOA.....

With the price of 4K tvs dropping to the $1000 mark this year, do these current NextGens have the longevity of the last? I mean 1080p was a major driving force on last gen. With todays PCs in the price range of $500-$1000 that can drive 4K displays, are current NextGen systems stuck in a 1080p world for the next 7-8 years while during that same time gaming PCs will improve in performance as well as drop in cost.


How is 1080p a driving force for last gen when people like Wombat just now upgraded (or still haven't) to 1080p, they rocking 720p/i still to this day. Not to mention not very many last gen console games were true 1080p in the first place.

4k is just a desperate grasp for the TV market to stay relevant and sell over priced stuff to the techies and  try to get people to 'upgrade' because full HD TVs are so cheap now.

If the Cagcast somehow boomed in popularity and had millions of downloads, would you guys be able to handle the fame, or would you retreat back into normal life?

I did a Shipwreck-style stock check at my Target and it has many Xbox Ones and almost as many PS4s. This isn't too surprising considering both are in a content lull, few new games to play since launch.

Xbox One will get a boost from Titanfall soon. PS4 has inFamous coming. But is inFamous a system seller?


Why is it people always declare stuff they don't have as not worth having? When 5MP camera owners said 8MP wasn't unnecessary nonsense. 720p TV owners said you couldn't see 1080p anyway. I remember when people told me HDTV wouldn't even catch on. Why is 4K such a desperate move? Is it that hard to believe that people will buy TVs will have more resolutions than a decent cell phone?

I did a Shipwreck-style stock check at my Target and it has many Xbox Ones and almost as many PS4s. This isn't too surprising considering both are in a content lull, few new games to play since launch.

Xbox One will get a boost from Titanfall soon. PS4 has inFamous coming. But is inFamous a system seller?


Why is it people always declare stuff they don't have as not worth having? When 5MP camera owners said 8MP wasn't unnecessary nonsense. 720p TV owners said you couldn't see 1080p anyway. I remember when people told me HDTV wouldn't even catch on. Why is 4K such a desperate move? Is it that hard to believe that people will buy TVs will have more resolutions than a decent cell phone?
I have 2 full HD 1080p TVs. I was making fun of Wombat as that was his excuse for buying the XB1 instead of a PS4. I also have friends and family who still have not upgraded, so it's a thing.

It's time to put new reviews on your home page.  As awesome as Saint's Row 4 was it's pretty much a disgrace at this point that you have a review for a 6 month old game as your feature review.  Somebody has to review something... PS: you guys are the best!

Will the MP campaign be good enough to truly justify the absence of Single player campaign in Titanfall.    Do you think that 15 MP maps is enough for Titanfall to be a good deal at 60 dollars? 

I vaguely remember Cheapy and Wombat watching Heroes while it was still on. With news that we are getting a Heroes Reborn miniseries next year, will either of you tune in? Despite all the hate it gets, I still loved the series, and have no problem watching a miniseries following up that finale, as long as they fix many of the problems fans had with the series (weak storylines, focusing too much on one or two characters, playing stories safe and not killing off main characters, lack of a budget for effects).

Maybe you guys can explain for me the logic behind the announcement of the Xbox One Titanfall Bundle that includes a "free" digital copy of Titanfall for $499.99.

Why would Microsoft spend the money to make Titanfall an exclusive to their platforms, advertise the heck out of it, then decide to give what many have said would be a "system seller" game away for free??

If it were me, I would have sold the game normally (getting as much money as I could from it), then offered this type of bundle some time down the road if sales did not significantly increase. Are Xbox One sales that bad that they feel the need to do anything to get numbers up?
Seen the new Robocop Cheapy? I got a free ticket for it when I purchased the original on blu-ray and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't just a pure, dumb cash grab, that they actually tried (and were mostly successful in) putting their own spin on the material.

I have 2 full HD 1080p TVs. I was making fun of Wombat as that was his excuse for buying the XB1 instead of a PS4. I also have friends and family who still have not upgraded, so it's a thing.
That's my point. You have 2 full HD 1080p TVs, and ridicule 4K, because you have 1080p and not 4K. Same as people before who had only 720p saying clearly 1080p wasn't useful.

It's classic sour grapes. Why do people do this? It's one thing to say you personally don't need 4K, but to say it's a desperate move by the industry is sour grapes. Some day 4K TVs will be as cheap as 1080p TVs and you'll buy one and it won't feel like you caved into a desperate move.

That's my point. You have 2 full HD 1080p TVs, and ridicule 4K, because you have 1080p and not 4K. Same as people before who had only 720p saying clearly 1080p wasn't useful.

It's classic sour grapes. Why do people do this? It's one thing to say you personally don't need 4K, but to say it's a desperate move by the industry is sour grapes. Some day 4K TVs will be as cheap as 1080p TVs and you'll buy one and it won't feel like you caved into a desperate move.
Ok I see your point.

I wasn't ragging on it as being bad, or not an upgrade. I was ragging on it as a desperate attempt to change the HD TV market (before it is ready). There just isn't that much out there that you can even watch in 4k, so what's the point to pay abnormally high prices?

When I buy a 4k TV in 7 years for $300, I won't feel the 4k move was desperate as long as TV, blurays, Netflix, etc supports it.

That banter about R.B.I. a few episodes got me wondering: any chance you guys could recommend a baseball game for a humble CAG who's been too terrified to venture beyond Major League Baseball on the NES?  Any era's fine.

I know you guys touched on this issue somewhat in your last podcast but do you feel like Microsoft putting Stephen Elop in charge of Microsoft’s Devices and Studios department is a bad sign for the Xbox brand?  This is based on his comments that he reportedly made about selling off the brand if he were to become the next Microsoft CEO.

My goodness, I have a lot of saved up credit at Gamestop just itching to be used to purchase an Xbox One but this constant bad news cycle (except for the recent Titanfall bundle) concerning Microsoft has me wondering whether the console has a future at all or if it's even worth my money to invest in it.     

Cheapy, Shipwreck and Wombat,

In your discussion of the Xbox One Titanfall bundle for $500 you made some great comments about the importance of price with consoles. But I think you truly underestimated how much value an owner of a PS4 could have received  compared to the Xbox. In my case, I pre-ordered the PS4 for launch day from Amazon. I bought:

A PS4 for $400.

An extra PS4 controller for $30.  (They had a trade in promo that made the controller half-price)

Two PS4 games for $60. (They had a buy-one-get-one free promotion.)

So for less than the price of a Xbox One I got a PS4 with two games and an extra controller. That's at launch! That's not to mention the $30 Playstation Plus deal on Black Friday. There's also the four free games to download. Resogun, Contrast, Don't Starve, and Outlast.

I think some of the features of the Xbox One are neat. Using Kinect with Skype is genius. And some features are missing on the PS4 like saving your streams to Twitch. But the PS4 isn't just competitive with the Xbox One on value, it obliterates it. 

PS : Also, now that Sony has finally updated its firmware, I can use my Sony PS3 7.1 surround sound headset with my PS4. That's one less thing I need to buy. I hate to sound like a fanboy, because I played my Xbox 360 four times more than my PS3. But the PS4 has a nice simple interface, does all the basic stuff I want a console to do, and the games play great. Now, if only the controller lasted longer than one of Cheapy's toilet stories.

I'll keep my CAGbag question short.

Why doesn't Amazon (or any other retailer) sell codes for Xbox One digital games, yet? Is Microsoft just slow on getting this going, or is it simply not a part of their plan?

I'm intent on staying all-digital, but I don't know how long I can keep it up if there isn't going to be any competition in digital games pricing.

bread's done