CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Cheapy & Wombat,

In CAGcast #169, Wombat said that he has a ridiculous stack of games he is still yet to play and you mentioned that you have quite a few yourself. In the past, you've said that sometimes you just can't be bothered to play a game, sometimes leaving it still unwrapped. I know you guys probably buy/receive more games than I do and have busier lives now that you have children, but I've noticed over the past couple of years I'm usually slightly hesitant to start a game when I bring it home. Back when I was a kid (I'm 25 now), I'd be so excited about getting a game that I'd bring it home and play it for hours, often times beating it. I think the issue is that nowadays it seems that so many games are high profile and intended to be some sort of grand, epic experience. It's almost overbearing and off putting. I know you've talked about the shear volume of games released, so what are your opinions on this trend of games either trying to be the most amazing, blow-you-away game ever created or games that are marketd in that way?
Not to be a douchebag, but in the last few episodes you have complained about having to get up and switch game disks. While I share the virtue of laziness but when you said that you would be willing to buy Fallout 3 on demand so that you wouldn't have to switch disks it seemed against the "CAG" way. Are your disks or xbox hard to get to or is it just laziness? Wombat, is this a problem with you too? Great show and it is allways good to hear about Wombat's taint. Keep up the good work.

Me and my friends have had an ongoing argument for the past month or two over whom would win in an ultimate deathmatch: Hulk or Thor. We have decided that none of us have enough insight to settle this and were hoping you could put this to rest for us.

Thanks in advance for the help and love the show.
Kinda soon but now that cheapy won that day with Howard on the radio show, maybe a CAG meet up in NYC like last year would be awesome (not that wombat isn't enough of a celeb just the more the merrier of course). I mean you'll be in the area anyways.

Also, is there a page or easy way to click through to amazon or other affiliate links on CAG? Just a pain to find something on amazon so I can get you guys some money when I want to buy a bookshelf or coffee pot. It's an easy way for me to help u guys by clicking affiliates so make it easy for me to do it please!
Gentlemen - a question concerning Screwattack for each of you...

CHEAPY D - now that Screwattack has opened up their own video game store, GameAttack, do you foresee a conflict of interest with your video game deals segment on Hard News? I don't think that the Screwattack guys would want you telling their auidence that better deals are to be found elsewhere.

WOMBAT - everytime Screwattack is mentioned on the show, you seem to take a veiled shot at them. There was the time you implied Hard News wasn't funny/interesting after Cheapy discussed his first segment on that show, and also the time you asked mocking questions and laughed when Cheapy was plugging the Screwattack Gaming Convention (Will they have a Live Top 10 everyday? *chuckle*). There was even one CAGcast where Cheapy had to tell you that they really do get a lot of traffic in order to get you to lay off them.

So, what's your beef with Screwattack?
Cheapy and Wombat. As always, love the show. I wanted your thoughts on this "What If" scenario (I'm sure Wombat can appreciate the "What If", right?). What if the internet and online gaming had been invented and become mainstream at an earlier time in our country's history. A time when people were friendly with one another and had manners. Do you guys think that they would still be gaping anuses on XBOX Live due to being able to be anonymous?
Cheapy have you notice an increase in games sells at Amazon since the ECA coupons were introduced? The coupon plus Amazon great pricing make this an awesome deal for any cag! Can't wait for Amazon Black Friday, I would seriously rape amazon.

Wombat what comic book character would you killed off if you can and never bring back again?

Great shows guys and Wombat rulez!!!
Re: Electric blue.

Cheapy and Wombat: Wanted to say thank you for bringing back a very fond childhood memory. When I heard that CAGcast open with Electric Blue, I was cracking up. As a kid, my cable set-top-box would play the first five minutes of all shows on the premium channels, including playboy, before scrambling the picture. I'm pretty sure it was an effort to entice people to subscribe to the channels. Anyway, I can't tell you the number of times I tuned in just to watch the opening credits (and hear the theme) of electric blue before the channel got scrambled. Hearing that music brought me back to a place I had long since forgotten. As always great show and thanks for the random song choice. Bgame2.
Cheapy and Wombat,
Are you in any way disappointed that the two most hyped games of the year, Halo 3: ODST and Modern Warfare 2, look almost identical to there predecessors? Are we looking at a situation where they're making us buy the same game twice?
You guys were wondering why xbox couldn't have kameo on games on demand for 10 bucks. Well if you could get a full 360 game for 800 points, then that's getting into xbla pricing territory, and then people would realize how ridiculously high priced xbla games are.

And Cheapy, are you going to be teaching Tai english, or is that manditory now for all japanese school children?
Hey guys,

I downloaded the Batman demo from Xbox live since wombat seemed to like it. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Batman, I was very impressed by the graphics and presentation of the game. However, I had to stop playing the game after a few minutes because of the nausea-inducing camera. Every time Batman punches of kicks a villain, the camera will quickly spin around to show the action. This looks pretty cool the first few times, but after a while it gave me a headache and I stopped playing. Did Wombat notice this at all? The game was pretty good otherwise.
Hey guys,

I downloaded the Batman demo from Xbox live since wombat seemed to like it. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Batman, I was very impressed by the graphics and presentation of the game. However, I had to stop playing the game after a few minutes because of the nausea-inducing camera. Every time Batman punches or kicks a villain, the camera will quickly whip around to show the action. This looks pretty cool the first few times, but after a while it gave me a headache and I stopped playing. Did Wombat notice this at all? The game was pretty good otherwise.
Hey CheapD & Wombat,
I've just spent an embarrassing amount of time these past few months playing catch up with the CAGcast (despite the tremendous amount of teasing from my girlfriend). I consider this quite an impressive and sad feat. I don't know if you realize but you're coming close to having 10 full days worth of CAGcast!

I've been a member of CAG for about 3 years now and although I've never been too active in the forums, I do visit the site quite frequently. I enjoyed your YouTube videos (specifically Lunch with CheapyD) so much that it finally inspired me to start listening to the CAGcast. There was a point during my freshmen year of college where my roommate and I used to watch your Pepsi Ice Cucumber video every day.

I was just wondering if you had any more Lunch with CheapyD segments planned? Are there more bizarre sodas or foods for you to eat in Japan or are you going to try to outdo Wombat with an 11 lb. lobster?

I love the CAGcast, and CheapyD you're my hero and internet space pimp.
Hi, Hello & Ola Cheap Ass Overlords!

Cheapy & Wombat, who's portrayal of the Batman villain, The Joker, is better? The late Heath Ledger's in The Dark Knight or Mark Hamill's from Batman: The Animated Series & the Arkham Asylum game?
Wombat and Cheapy, how about discussing District 9? I really enjoyed the movie, and I know that Wombat was meh about it.
Sony has announced "Digital Comics" for the psp. Considering you are the target demographic, are you interested in this format/distribution?

Cheapy and Wombat,
PS3 Slim is official now. What are the chances it has the same catapult effect as PS2 slim for the Sony brand? Is the price right?
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Cheapy, why are obsessed with the correct pronunciation of some Japanese words like karate and karaoke, but then in the beginning in every episode you say you're from "Toe Key Yo" Japan?

Also, do you guys every consider that game companies drop DLC like crazy to, not only make a little extra money, but to make some actual money on used game sales that otherwise they would have made no money at all?
Cheapy, As a Los Angeles resident and CAGcast listener, I know you had a successful Macy's shopping excursion, and also had a bag of full of weed to keep you company. But did you and Shipwreck have any good dining / nightlife excursions while at E3?
I recently came across an article about a sub-culture of Japanese "2-D lovers" who apparently develop relationships with fictional anime characters. I've never heard of anything like this. Have you seen any or know a 2-D lover, Cheapy? I'd like to hear both your takes on this ...interesting... sub-culture.
I heard you talk about your ‘lack luster’ impressions of the apps from Cydia. I wanted to share a few items that make your jailbreak WELL worth it:

Either phone:
Lock Calendar (if you use the calendar on your phone this shows calendar stuff on your lock screen which is huge!)
Notifier – notifications along the top
SBSettings – swipe your finger across the top for fast access to turning off and on stuff like wifi, Bluetooth, or rebooting
3g unrestrictor - $2 but it lets you download larger apps on the go or download podcasts from iTunes on the go
NES/SNES emulators – no brainer!

Backgrounder – nice ability to background apps but avoid this on the 3G as it doesn’t have enough memory

Wolfenstein 3d – free game from iD runs great on 3G but for some reason does not work on 3GS.

Worth mention:
FindMyi – a free tool to track your iphone if it’s stolen. It’s off until your phone is stolen at which point you can log into their site and remotely activate the tracker.
myWi – makes a spontaneous wifi hotspot. Costs $10 but worth it in my opinion.
do you think there could be a Euro Price Tracker for Germany, Austria, France and the rest of Europe outside the UK?

Hey cheapy, are still really a man of the people with all the money you spend? geez dude! ;)
Hi guys, I just have a few questions and comments about the last few shows.

For Wombat
A few shows ago (You stay classy Xbox Live), cheapy mentioned Amazone Germany to which Wombat responded with "What did it say? No Jews allowed?". Ive; noticed a few times over the last 3 years that I have been listening to the CAGcast that Wombat seems to make a lot of comments hinting towards Germans or anything having to do with Germans hating Jews or depicting Germans as being Jew hating N*zis. I have been quite offended by this over the past few shows but I am starting to get sick of these mentions. Being a German myself (along with Matching Citizenship) I am sick of being made sound like I am part of a country that hates jews which is not true. Germany is a modern day mutlicultiral society who is accepting of all religions and individuals and are not in fact Jew haters like Wombat makes them out to be. I would just like to know if Wombat has a problem with Germans or something and if not please explain your comments. At this point I assume Wombat hates Germans for no reason whatsoever. I don't dislike or hate you. I have been a fan of you and the cast since day one and I find your comments towards my country very offensive. On the other hand I find that you won't answer my question based on the fact I had already asked this question once in the show feedback notes, via twitter and also during our latest episode of cross border gaming which as per twitter I assumed u listened to. I'm not quite sure what else is needed to get a response from you so I would highly appreciate some feedback.

As for CheapyD, Unlocking/jailbreaking your iphone is not illegal. Unlocking/debranding or modding any phone is not illegal unless you used non-open sourced programs to do it. The only thing you by Jailbreaking your phone is voiding the warranty which is a crock of shit because you can always restore your iphone via iTunes and the traces of the jailbreak/unlock will be gone. So no worries. When I used to work for T-Mobile a few years back I helped ppl unlock/Jailbreak their iPhones on my last day there lol.
Although this comment is a few episodes old, i feel it deserves some light. You guys were talking about how Halo 2 had a 100 friends cap and made it difficult for people like you, who are internet space pimps, to have a lot of friends. I'm totally fine with that, but when you said they should kill the support for Halo 2, my heart sank a little bit. Halo 2 is an amazing game and if people still want to experience the awesome online, more power to them. I think if a last gen game is still holding up with next gen titles, then it deserves to run as long as it can. That being said, i think Xbox Live can limit or get rid of original Xbox support, that way, the friends limit can be increased, and it forces more people to get Xbox 360's.

Great job with the CAGCast, it's my favorite podcast out there!
You both have talked about games that you have bought but haven't played. Wombat specifically mentioned he has a stack that is almost to the top of his couch. So why do you keep getting new games? Games, especially in this market, only get cheaper with time. Waiting is almost always better than buying right away. You can get great deals, like I did, getting like Fallout 3 Collectors Edition for $40 bucks. It just seems like waiting would be better. Plus it would be the more "cheap ass" method. I would love to know what you think.
gamertag: xxVMAFIAxx.
I am giving away a free new copy of bionic commando. I would like you guys to make a contest for it. and wat xbox 360 game are you wishing to have right now Wombat? send me message at [email protected] with winner.
Great job guys, keep up the great work.:):):)
Hey Cheapy,

Will you be upset if the Stern crew interacts more with Wombat than you? He is much more charasmatic and charming...will you encourage him to step aside and "be your wingman"?
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Dear CheapyD and Wombat,
I'd like to ask you a question about the Economy. (Instead of asking something video game related, I'd like to ask something different)

With many countries growing again (E.g Japan) and thus leading them out of recession, do you think this will have a Domino effect or something similar on other countries? Or do you think other countries will grow at a later date?

Love the show and keep up the good work! :D
Hey Cheapy D and Wombat Im kennyrulez25 the guy about the autographs long time ago anyway I had an xbox 360 for a long time and then got a ps3 with a good bit of games infamous,dead space,LBP,afro samurai,etc. and I was wondering is there some good games you reccommend i get im already preordered the collecters edition of the beatles rockband prestige edition of CODMW2 and bioshock 2 all on xbox tell me also if i should get some changed to sony thanks for listening dudes luv ur show peace!!!
[quote name='Rocospi']Is it just me or does Wombat look a bit like Omar Doom, who recently was in Inglourious Basterds as Omar Ulmer?[/QUOTE]

Me and another CAG recently both posted blogs about the same thing.
Firt Question I think :S I was just wondering what your opinion is on certain Japanese retailers not accepting used Xbox 360s that went on sale before August 2007. We do you think this is? Could it be linked to the failure rate of 54% in any way.

Keep up the great work guys you get me through Welsh lessons (I live in Wales ;) )
Love the podcast you guys are the shit.

i have a couple of questions:

when you guys are really old and cant play games or run the website will you let Tai and Sabrina run the website.

Cheapy why dont you have any pics of Mrs.Cheapy on your facebook or twitpic , i mean she has to be hot from the way she was talking on the cagcast.

Will/Did Tai and sabrina play together when you went to new york and can we see some pics.
Hey guys

I heard that Mrs Cheapy and Mrs Wombat got into a fight and started rolling around in the mud. And then when you guys tried to break it up by hosing them down all they did was continue to fight but in slow motion. Is this true and if so who won the fight?
Cheapy and Wombat,
--- Have either of you ever broken a controller out of frustration during a video game?

--- Have you ever wanted to play a game so badly that you bought it in Japanese (assuming it was released first in Japan) instead of waiting and buying the English version from Play-Asia?


--- Since I am going back to college, I will be pretty much living on Ramen, and I was wondering, how does Japanese Ramen compare? Is it about the same, or does it put the United State's imitation to shame?
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My first question for Cheapy and Wombat. I've been listening to the CAGCast for over a year now and I love every episode.:D
I saw a rumor on another forum about a 250GB Xbox 360 Elite bundled with 2 wireless controllers and Forza 3. The listing for it is on (see link at bottom) If it turns out to be true, would you be interested in picking it up if your current 360's fry?
Hey Cheapy,

I've been reading a lot on CNN about the Japanese elections for parliament and how Japan is having a terrible economic downturn as well, and like the United States, is experiencing high unemployment, homelessness and a bad economy as well. And that the new Political Party just won 300 out of 430 seats and their will be a new prime minister.

And just wanted to get your perspective on this in that if you seen these things are for a person living there and how bad it is exactly there.
Hey Team Cheapy,

I'm considering upgrading my PS3 console to a PS3 Slim, but it appears that I will not be able to transfer *any* of the video content that I've ever purchased from my existing PS3. This means replacing my console would kill *all* of these bought (not rented) videos from PSN.

Is this true, and if so, considering how many people would be interested in upgrading to a Slim, do you think Sony should do anything about it? The iTunes and XBox Live DRM models have factored in hardware upgrades / migration, and I would think that PSN should too.

Thanks, love the show as always.
Cheapy and especially Wombat:

Your thoughts on Marvel Enterprises being acquired by Disney? Are you excited to see Iron Man and War Machine hosting Sportscenter? Or the scene in Spiderman 4 where Spidey saves Mickey and Minnie from a falling roller coaster in Disney World?
Heya Cheapy and Wombat!

I've been a listener for years, love the website and actually completed my first trade this last week. I'm very grateful and proud of what you've done here community-wise. Lots of super people here and I'm hooked now.

And for the question:
I heard you guys on the Stern show this morning! The envy is driving me nuts. Can you tell us what was it like seeing Howard in top form, megaphone and all after the week long break?

Thanks alot!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

My girlfriend and I just beat Resident Evil 5 and it was a ton of fun to play together. I was just wondering if you had any recommendations for other fun split screen co-op games we could play together.

Thanks guys!
bread's done