CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey Wombat, I just got out of seeing Kick-Ass and I was very surprised by how many changes they made to the story. Have you read any more of the comic after seeing the movie? If so, were you okay with all of the big changes they made?

Spoilers for changes just in case you didn't really notice:
I am talking about how Hit Girl's mom died when she was alive in the comic and how the drug dealer/thug Eddie Lomas was changed to Razul which meant completely bypassing the sidestory about Kick-Ass' dad getting a girlfriend. Also, the biggest change being that Big Daddy didn't sell amazingly mint comics on Ebay to fund his operation, but instead stole money from the people he killed and sold Coke, that change annoyed the hell out of me, personally. The jetpack sucked, too.
[quote name='Ultramontane']Yo Cheapy, according to your youtube page your last video was over 5 months ago. Have anything new for us CAG's? Thanks.[/QUOTE]
I am also wanting to see what's been going on in your new apartment. I just hope you don't put a video of your clogged up toilet.
This question is mostly for Shipwreck... What do you do for storage for all your games? I have a semi-large number of DVD's/games/cd's, and I'm just running out of room for all the stuff. I've been using shelves that are like bookcases, but they take up so much wallspace and don't hold enough. Specifics would be greatly appreciated as I have been looking for a solution for years.
Hey Cheapy, Shipwreck, and Wombat,

With the 3DS' announcement recently, it's gotten me to wonder how they will handle the pricing for it and the DS models that are still currently selling very well right now. While the DS Lite, DSi, and DSi XL currently hold the $130 to $190 range of pricing, do you see Nintendo dropping their prices so that the 3DS can also fit under $200 or will they be cocky enough to test if their audience will pay up $200 or more for the new hotness? And how close do you think they will allow the DSi XL and 3DS' pricing to be?

Since Bizarre Creations confirmed that they're not working on Geometry Wars 3 until they have some good ideas for what it should be, should they work on remastering Geometry Wars: Galaxies for XBLA and PSN? I'm guessing Shipwreck may be the only one of you that may have played it, but the ~50 levels that aren't just shaped like rectangles, the AI buddies that you level up the more you use them, and the extreme amount of slowdown on the DS version makes me wish there were HD versions of this game so that others could see what they missed out on.
Long time listener, first time posting in the CAGbag section.

Why does Shipwreck stray from making an fun/dollar comparison when he talks about DLC? I feel like I take a lot more consideration in buying a 10 hour game for $60 than, say, a game like Bad Company 2 where I know I'll get many hours of gameplay from the multiplayer aspect. I personally feel the same about DLC; the whole thing feels like a way to get some quick cash. It cannot possibly cost that much money to produce more content seeing as how they already have the engine that produced the game. (I also fear that these companies may already have made the content, then just sell it later; in fact it's very likely).

Additionally, I find it very suspect that companies try and price DLC as high as even $5. Is it because these companies feel that their games are worth MORE than $60? It's possible, but I know one thing for sure. As an expanding industry, one day, $60 a game may not cut it with an ever expanding demand for high tech games that requires millions of man hours to produce. It's not that you can make an argument that they should just 'sell more', as their consumer base is only as big as the number of people that buy the consoles. And unless consoles become cheaper, it's not likely that the consumer base can expand enough to make a good profit on what is quickly becoming a costly risk. Also I should mention, it's not clear how much of a profit these companies make per game, but something tells me the retail stores benefit from a sizeable markup from each game sold.

In short, I feel that the DLC may be a hint of things to come in terms of game pricing; either that or a death to many, many small start-ups that can't afford to produce a bad game.
Hey Guys. I've been listening to your show since Episode 91 (back in the good old days of Cheapyd and Wombat).

I live in this little town in India with worthless "Broadband" connection which gives me a max of 56 kbps, so it makes me jealous when I hear about the broadband speeds you guys enjoy (especially Cheapyd who's thinking of getting 1 gbps)!

Shows awesome! I listen every week.
Recently there was some controversy with Wombat's stance on Ubisoft's must-be-online DRM. I believe his opinion was that it didn't matter since everyone was online anyway and that it was all the fault of pirates. It is true that DRM exists because of piracy, but I believe the methods used were too harsh and ultimately hurt paying customers most. This is especially true since the DRM has been completely cracked.

Now, Capcom has put a similar system in place for the PSN release of Final Fight Double Impact. They've come out and stated that it's to curb game sharing on the console. Game sharing between friends to get around buying multiple copies has basically been given the okay by Sony, but it still hurts the businesses trying to make money with their games on the PSN. Now, I know that Wombat game shares and unlike the PC, he plays games on the PS3, so I was wondering what his take is on this.
You know why we want the iPhone app? Although I love CAG 2.0, it's a terrible website to bring up on my iPhone! It's slower than shit. I think it's because of the black background and that funky preview screen that pops up when you typing in the search bar. It's drives me fucking crazy but I have to get my CAG fix so I deal with it.

Have Super Programmer John got on that app...stat!
Cheapy, You've been talking about 3d tvs for awhile now and seem to be completely uninterested. But you always forget one thing, porn. You claimed your distaste for the idea of HD porn. But what about the idea of that woman's vagina just inches away from your face.

Just want to hear your thoughts on this.
We have a lot of online gamers on CAG and my brother & I came up with a new site suggestion/addition to the CAG "Video Game Discussions forum" called: Local Area Gaming or L.A.G.

The idea is to have a section in the forums for each platform specified by country, state, &/or gaming region so that members of the site can find players closer to their local area. This would help cut down on lag, form groups, clans, squads, and adding players to your friends list with CAGs who are in your general area.:applause:
Hey guys, just picked up an ipod touch over the weekend. i've been a longtime listener and fan, so sorry, since I think this question's been asked before, but - does cag have an app? or is it in the works? - and can you give me your top 5 apps (not games) recommendations? thanks.
Wanted to chime in on last episode games as art debate, specifically Wombat's recommendation of "F for Fake" by Orsen Wells. I agree with his sentiments on the movie; it is a fascinating sort of documentary/essay done in a very unique style for the time. What I like most about the film is that it doesn't give answers to the questions many of us are looking for. Instead, it provides great questions to stimulate a more thoughtful discussion on the topic. If you enjoy documentary films in any form, or want to dive deeper into the art debate take an hour and a half to watch this gem on netflix instant while it's still up.

Keep up the great work on the site and show!
Dear Cheapy & Wombat,

It's been a long time since your interview with Michael Pachter many CAGcasts ago. I would love to see him make another appearance on the show and he's long overdue for a return. Is there any chance that you can invite him back to the show for another interview?
Hey Cagcast crew.

I have a question for Cheapy.
Since I added you to my twitter feed there have been a couple of people I don't know that have started following me and it has come to my attention that they are offering deal alerts similar to the ones I get from Cag.

Of course the deal alerts from these people usually come after the Cag alerts come through.

It's pretty apparent that they are leeching off of your followers just wanted to know what you thought about it and does it affect you.
Hey Cheapy,

Since you're living in Japan, do you experience a lot of lag when playing online with people in America? One of my friends is stationed in Japan. We tried playing Modern Warfare 2 (on the PS3) together but the lag was pretty bad, and our headset communication kept constantly breaking up.

I don't recall you mentioning this ever on the show, but has this happened to you before? If so, how do you deal with it? Any fix, or does it only happen with certain games?
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Dear Wombat (and Cheapy/Shipwreck if interested,)

Do you think Disney is going to try to completely turn Marvel into another kiddie's paradise just like their other properties as they have canceled the Wolverine and the XMen and Spectacular Spider Man cartoons. In their place will be a new Ultimate Spider Man cartoon that is supposed to be a super-kiddie campy show similar to Batman: Brave and the Bold.
E3 being roughly a month away I was just wondering if you think it is time for E3 predictions... Thinner, cheaper xbox... Portal 2 predictions... Wii HD?
hi cag casters.

seeing as online gaming has become a feature in just about every game (and the bane of my gaming life). besides 3d gaming what do you think will be the next big thing in gaming.

wombat what did you think of blackest night and siege? personally i like them but as seeing that both marvel and dc are going in the same directions. i think they are gonna lose momentem
Do you guys agree with this analysis?

Activision has a history of doing a great job of rolling out games, but their weakness is that they seem only look to the next quarter's profits. They have turned games like Guitar Hero and Call of Duty (at least every other one) into cash cows, rather than good games which protect their IP's value over the long term.

Bungie does a very good job with their IP. By retaining control of it, they seem set to leverage Activision's strengths while avoiding their weaknesses.

By the way, I guess Bungie is going to have to hire a shit-ton of PS3 programmers now, right?
Cheapy - If a poisonous snake bit me and it's venom was coursing through my system what would you recommend I do?

What do you do for your mom's birthday and mother's day? Do you send gifts from Japan?
Cheapy, you said you are not gonna get the iPad. With 1 million having been reportedly sold in the U.S. as of Tuesday, who's going to review/find the best deals on iPad specific game apps? You have a section dedicated to the iPhone/iPod touch, why no iPad? Will you let Wombat or Shipwreck review them at least or get them an iPad to review games coming out on it?
to me it seems like new members get screwed over on this site
did you mean for that to happen or did it just work like that
Cheapy....What do you think of Headhunter mode in Halo:Reach? Everyone seems to like it and talk about it, but nobody is mentioning that it is just a BIG ASS CHAINS (Saints Row) for Halo...Thoughts???

I recently began working for a collector of sorts going through his stuff. I came across his comic collection from the 50's and 60's. As a sort of payment he's offered me 10% of whatever he sells (which he wants to sell everything). While sorting I found a "Tales of Suspense #39" which I'm sure you know better as the introduction to Iron Man. Looking up the going rate online I've noticed that this comic is worth a pretty penny, besides giving it to you, what should I do with it? Should I get it graded using my own money? Should I try to sell it on a comic website or auction?

Love the show and hope to hear your insight.
Hey guys,

What are your thoughts on "The Humble Indie Bundle" and their stats on the supposed pirating of their product? They are allowing customers to pay what they want in order to download their game bundle. They are noticing that users are posting direct links to download this bundle which bypasses any need to contribute.

I find it interesting that they could work the word piracy into this, so I was looking for your feedback. Does downloading a "pay what you want" game or bundle without paying anything considered piracy? Their stats can be found below. Thanks guys and keep it up.
One of the reasons people bought Halo 3: ODST was for the beta invite, and it seemed to be one of the reasons it was almost a full price game release. Does the short length of the beta and that those who bought the game got into it last reflect badly on Bungie?
This question is for shipwreck, I won the shred nebula contest on foreplay about 2 years ago.....I was just wondering if I can get a tracking number for the shirt, after 2 years of checking my mailbox daily I'm starting to think it got lost
Hey guys,

What do you think about Gamestop's sudden run at being a discounter? Do you think they are feeling the pinch from Amazon and Walmart?

Could EA's project $10 and Activision's VIP program be cutting deeply into Gamestop's highly profitable used game market?

As I am sure you will discuss on this week's show, EA has now made it effectively impossible to buy a used sports title moving forward.
Do you guys know any details about EA's Online Pass? (Is it on the new Skate game?) Will the single pass work for everyone on the same console or will a family of gamers need to purchase passes for individual gamertags? And will this force EA to give more support to their games, since gamers are now paying money expressly to access a server, or will they persist on discontinuing support of a game after just a couple years? (Whatever happened to the shelf life of games?)
Hey everyone! Love the show. I was wondering if y'all tried Steam yet? Was it the version for Windows or the recent release for Intel based Macs? If so what are your thoughts or opinions on Steam? Also have their been plans to include Steam tags on our profiles?
Hey is there going to be a live CAGcast anytime soon and will you have call ins?

Also how are you guys liking Steam? When the multiplayer games come out will you finally join in on a CAG game night? Quake Live is also available for Mac too.
Hey ship, upon listening to the last podcast, I realized that I too, won the Shred Nebula contest 2 years ago. And I too, am still awaiting my shirt. Where's my shirt dawg?
Hey guys, love the show!

What do you think about video game sales being down significantly in April. Almost 30% - what's up? Is it competition from iPhone Apps? Gamers tired with shovelware? A lack of excitement due to extended console lifespans? The economy? Looking forward to your thoughts, thanks.
Hi guys,

The NPD's are kinda fun to see each month, but wouldn't it be cool if we could get a monthly (or even weekly) snapshot of online activity on Playstation Network and Xbox Live? A top 100 of their most active online games and how many people playing at any given time. Seeing the bump as people pour online with the latest Madden game, for example.

It would be a real, of the moment snapshot of what's hot with gamers, and I think it would be interesting to see a games online "hotness" fortunes rise and fall. What do you think?

Anyway, love the show.
Hey guys! Like everyone else I love Modern Warfare 2 but I am not interested in the map pack DLC. Me and my friend Jim loved the Spec Ops missions and wasted many fun hours trying to get all 69 stars. I was wondering if you guys enjoyed the spec ops and like me would like them to focus on DLC for that. Do you think this is likely that they announce Spec Ops DLC considering Black Ops is out later this year? Also could you recommend any games that have that sort of style of Co-Op missions where you are graded at the end?

Thanks guys

Ol :)
Whats up guys! Once my big exams are over in a couple of weeks I will be having one of the longest summers in my life. Besides a lot of drinking and partying I think I might treat myself to a couple of games for the Xbox. I was wondering if you could each recommend a good Xbox 360 game with a fun solid campaign that will bring me back to it? It doesn't have to be recent, in fact the older the better as it saves my wallet. Before you say, I was not a fan of Mass effect and already purchased Red Faction ;)

Thanks again.
CAGCast crew,

Interested in your response in the patch Bioware just released today that fixed a lot of technical issues with the game, including the speed of mineral scanning specifically. Isn't this a slap in the face to anyone who bought the game at launch? Who is really still playing it unless it's for a second character? If a major shooter/sports game took 4 months to release a patch there would be no ending to the complaining, but because it's Bioware they seem to get a pass.
[quote name='venturin']Hi guys,

The NPD's are kinda fun to see each month, but wouldn't it be cool if we could get a monthly (or even weekly) snapshot of online activity on Playstation Network and Xbox Live? A top 100 of their most active online games and how many people playing at any given time. Seeing the bump as people pour online with the latest Madden game, for example.

It would be a real, of the moment snapshot of what's hot with gamers, and I think it would be interesting to see a games online "hotness" fortunes rise and fall. What do you think?

Anyway, love the show.[/QUOTE]

Major Nelson posts the top 20 played games on Live for 360, XBLA, Indie, and Games for Windows each week on his blog. On the PSN, you can see the top 19 downloads (add-ons/full games) purchased in the store on the lower right-hand side as soon as you open up the store.
[quote name='MSUHitman']CAGCast crew,

Interested in your response in the patch Bioware just released today that fixed a lot of technical issues with the game, including the speed of mineral scanning specifically. Isn't this a slap in the face to anyone who bought the game at launch? Who is really still playing it unless it's for a second character? If a major shooter/sports game took 4 months to release a patch there would be no ending to the complaining, but because it's Bioware they seem to get a pass.[/QUOTE]

I'm just interested in this question I though I would give input. Microsoft as a whole is not too fond of game patches and they also take a while to go through the approval process. So rather than Bioware fixing the scanning speed and releasing that as a patch by itself, it's better for them to find all the problems in the game and patch it all at once. I would also add that the slow scanning speed isn't that detrimental to the actual gameplay as a whole as not was not a huge priority.

Think of a game like toy soldier for example, it's much worse. That game released with inverted sniper tower controls and unplayable online multiplayer and only now has the patch has been sent to Microsoft for approval. Thats a whole 3 months for something that is detrimental to a whole gameplay mode of a game.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Major Nelson posts the top 20 played games on Live for 360, XBLA, Indie, and Games for Windows each week on his blog. On the PSN, you can see the top 19 downloads (add-ons/full games) purchased in the store on the lower right-hand side as soon as you open up the store.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for replying. Yes I went and looked at Major Nelson's lists, and they are nice. But I would like a snapshot of exactly how many people are playing at a given moment. Just an 'anytime' look at the online activity over Xbox Live or the PSN.

Go even deeper. See how many people are on PSN in Japan, or Germany. And what they are playing, right now. See how your favorite new IP fares when it's brand new, 2 months down the road, at the third DLC pack... etc. Just a geeky wish I suppose.
bread's done