[quote name='bmulligan']I've got to say Cheapy, that your outright dismissals of the new motion controllers is getting tiresome. We know, you don't like them, so why not just skip the subject altogether. And chastising another forum member for bringing this up just makes you look like a big sweaty dick.
I guess since you've already alienated a segment of your potential listening audience with weekly Wii bashing, shitting on adoption of motion controls by Sony and MS won't lose you any more audience members. Pissing on them isn't going to make motion controls go away, so, maybe you could actually put some thought into the concepts and come to some rational conclusions after the games are released? Or is campaigning for their failure the best chance to get in a prophetic "I told you so" a year from now?
Many users on your own forums declare their distaste for the Wii stems from last-gen graphics and Wiimote inaccuracies. Think of how much better many of these games can be with more accurate controls and mind blowing visuals. Sony may have an opportunity to beat Nintendo at their own game and bring an HD Wii to life years before Nintendo decides to do the same. Maybe you could take the time to really look at these systems' potential instead of taking the lazy way out and dismissing them out of hand.
The prejudice is really taking it's toll on me as a listener. I thought I might like to hear your opinion on the motion games when they are released, but it may now be impossible for you or any of the other listeners you've swayed to have an open mind on the subject.
At least we have Shipwreck, who will probably be willing to give these new toys half a chance.[/QUOTE]
I largely agree with this. There's a certain myopia that Cheapy brings to the table, in that he's oblivious to a whole helluva lot in the games industry, and Wombat brings little more than one-liners so bad Henny Youngman would be embarrassed. Shipwreck carries the yoke of knowledge for all three hosts, bringing the bulk of the important content to the program. I've never played a Pokemon game, and I'm probably not going to start anytime soon; but I respect that Shipwreck knows enough to discuss them and their release - not to mention that other weekly releases that only Shipwreck knew of.
short version: it's rather telling that the bulk of the compliments this week offer little more than praise for your new nickname for Shipwreck.