CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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I have a 1 in 279,391 chance in winning, better than the lotto but not by much. ;)

So I'll see if this is my year or if johnny89776 who has negative one post and signed up 2 days ago wins yet again. :lol:
In the End, were all winners.... Except for those who lost. :)

Good Luck Everyone. I have never won a raffle or random drawing anyways...
I am, just, in complete awe. How can you afford to give all this away?? not complaing though, send this-a-way haha, thanx again cheapy. ^.^
Seriously Cheapy, are you giving all of that stuff to one person because it's easier than picking multiple winners? Here's to me winning it all!
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