CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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this congtest would be absolutely insane to win. However i prefer when they give out multiple prizes to many people, rather than a whole bunch to one.
When I win, I will happily share duplicate systems with some randomly selected fellow CAGs. I just really want a PS3/Move bundle (since it's the system I wasn't able to replace after my house was robbed) and gift card. I guess a DS and iWhatever would be nice too. But ya'll can have the Wii, XBox, Kinect, and PSP. I would feel guilty having doubles of expensive things when there are CAGs out there who had none!
Nothing could make this contest better. Actually, if we could win Shigeru Miyamoto, that might make it better.
Crossing my fingers, if I won this, I would probably use the gift card to get a tv or help get a projector. Not much spending money, so I could never get this by myself... Good luck to all of you!
It's amazing to see that we've become large enough as a community to be able to do this, hats off to you fine folks for getting us there.
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