Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='xcoax']One of my friends was telling me in class today that he saw someone using the "a bad year" cheat online. He said basically he turned the corner to see one of his teammates get shot and then explode into tires.

I personally don't believe it. Has anyone else seen it happen?[/quote]wut
You know, the cheat that you can unlock in the single player that makes everything you shoot turn into tires. My friend said he saw it happen online.
Is it called "bad year" as a play on "Good Year" tires?
And no, I hadn't heard of that mod.
I can see it happening on the PC version but not the consoles.
[quote name='rly723']unemployed to 60+ hr's a week, what do you do?[/QUOTE]

I didn't say I'm working 60 hours a week. (I would never do that, unless it's 6 figures) My time especially for someone who's 21 is more important to me then money.

But to answer your question, I sell cars. Adds up to about 44 hours a week, the maximum I'd ever do.

[quote name='TahoeMax']Sounds like the gaming gods on high are trying to send you a sign :hot:[/QUOTE]

Not wanting me to play Condemned 2?
The new patch is pretty cool. I like the Air strike Kill Cam more than anything on it.

Now I want A destructible environment, haha.
I swear I have the worst luck. After 27 1/2 hours of playing, I finally got 7 kills and could call in a heli to get that challenge done. But it came with 20 seconds left in the match, and somone on my team had called in a heli right before that so I never got a chance to use it. :(

I do seem to finally be getting slightly better...still suck but I tend to over around a 1:1 ratio most matches and occasionally get a good game where I go 16-11 or something.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I swear I have the worst luck. After 27 1/2 hours of playing, I finally got 7 kills and could call in a heli to get that challenge done. But it came with 20 seconds left in the match, and somone on my team had called in a heli right before that so I never got a chance to use it. :(

I do seem to finally be getting slightly better...still suck but I tend to over around a 1:1 ratio most matches and occasionally get a good game where I go 16-11 or something.[/quote]

What gun are you using? That may be the problem why. Maybe not luck at all.
I just had the greatest game I would ever have.

28 Kill streak

After the match the opposing team was like ?_? how did you get 28 straight kills, I calmly told them I hid in my chopper :D.
[quote name='zerowing']I just had the greatest game I would ever have.

28 Kill streak

After the match the opposing team was like ?_? how did you get 28 straight kills, I calmly told them I hid in my chopper :D.[/QUOTE]

Haha, Shipment was also the home to my greatest match ever as well. I only went like 76-30 and got a 21 kill streak. I ended up with like 2,400 total XP from that one game. Basically everyone was running at me single file the entire match, so all I had to do was hold the trigger down and get an easy 2-3 kills in a row.

Also, dmaul1114 I don't think you suck at all. I haven't played with a CAG yet that I've just thought "what the hell is this person even doing playing this game?" It just takes time to figure out what kind of weapon/perk/playstyle best fits you. Me personally, I tend to go in and rush the other teams more than I sit back and wait for them, so my K/D ratio isn't much over 1.
[quote name='xcoax']Haha, Shipment was also the home to my greatest match ever as well. I only went like 76-30 and got a 21 kill streak. I ended up with like 2,400 total XP from that one game. Basically everyone was running at me single file the entire match, so all I had to do was hold the trigger down and get an easy 2-3 kills in a row.

Also, dmaul1114 I don't think you suck at all. I haven't played with a CAG yet that I've just thought "what the hell is this person even doing playing this game?" It just takes time to figure out what kind of weapon/perk/playstyle best fits you. Me personally, I tend to go in and rush the other teams more than I sit back and wait for them, so my K/D ratio isn't much over 1.[/QUOTE]

it really depends on how the other team plays how you should play it. it also really depends on how well you are at running and gunning. i can use any weapon at this point and get 15+ kills with under 10 deaths no matter how i play. even when i have been stuck with bad players (mercenary team deathmatch, i had 45+ kills and we barely won... that is 450+ points out of 750 needed). by myself i had more kills than the rest of my team, so it does happen. you just got to try out all the weapons and see what fits you. i became good with all weapons because as i went through the prestige modes, i maxed out at least the marksman challenge on every weapon, most of the time 5-6 times, i didn't always max out shotguns or lmgs, but you get the point.

if you see the other team is heavy rushers and you aren't the greatest at running and gunning, sit back with claymores set. if you are good at rushing and you have enough players on your team rushing with you, take them head on. never ever go into battle alone unless you know you can take 2-3 players at a time on average.

i know this is getting long and all, but my last bit of advice is to find a good group of players that you get along with well and can communicate with, as you can see in my sig, my stats dont lie. i haven't quite updated my sig yet, but i am now at a 2.38 k/d, 25.16% accuracy, and a 3.41 win/loss ratio. i am in a very good clan with better players coming along all the time and it helps a lot. i used to play with only 2 other players that could hold their own and keep up with me, now i have 6-7 that can keep up with me no problem and i am pulling win streaks of 10-15 on average.
[quote name='Littlefields']What gun are you using? That may be the problem why. Maybe not luck at all.[/QUOTE]

M16A4. With Red Dot before, been using ACOG and having better success since the update as I get a few more distant kills a match with it. Perks I'm using Bandolier which I just got recently, Stopping Power and Martydom (cheap but gets me at least a couple extra kills a match).

My main problem is I have a hard time learning the maps in this game, since so many of them look similar to each other. And within maps so many buildings look the same I have a hard time figuring out where the sniper that shot me was etc. That's coming with time, and probably the main reason I'm getting a bit better.

My other problem is that my aiming just sucks compared to other players. I'm always amazed at how quickly and efficiently people aim from across the map and get a head shot on me. :lol: While I'm struggling to aim that quickly at 10 feet! So I tend to lose most one on one shootouts. Especially since so many people are running around with LMGs which do more damage.
[quote name='dmaul1114']M16A4. With Red Dot before, been using ACOG and having better success since the update as I get a few more distant kills a match with it. Perks I'm using Bandolier which I just got recently, Stopping Power and Martydom (cheap but gets me at least a couple extra kills a match).

My main problem is I have a hard time learning the maps in this game, since so many of them look similar to each other. And within maps so many buildings look the same I have a hard time figuring out where the sniper that shot me was etc. That's coming with time, and probably the main reason I'm getting a bit better.

My other problem is that my aiming just sucks compared to other players. I'm always amazed at how quickly and efficiently people aim from across the map and get a head shot on me. :lol: While I'm struggling to aim that quickly at 10 feet! So I tend to lose most one on one shootouts. Especially since so many people are running around with LMGs which do more damage.[/quote]

You should definitely try out another gun setup. If you're having trouble aiming at close range, I'd suggest the Skorpion or MP5 considering those you can run and gun without actually having to aim with your sight. The M16 is great, but it's a burst mode. It isn't that great in close combat, however, in medium-long range it's a beast. If your level is high enough, I'd suggest the G36C. It's good in close combat and also in long range.

To respond to earlier posts, I hate Shipment. The map is so small that there are 2 kinds of people:

1.) Run and Gunners
2.) Spam Naders

Almost 80% of the time you will die by a nade. The only time you could remotely survive is if you camped in the boxes or in the corners, but after a few kills people will nade inside or at the corner anyway. However, the Shipment map is great for challenges. These include Martydom, C4 Multiple kill, RPG Multiple kill, Carpet Bomb, and more. I completed like 8 challenges in one game.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']You should definitely try out another gun setup. If you're having trouble aiming at close range, I'd suggest the Skorpion or MP5 considering those you can run and gun without actually having to aim with your sight. The M16 is great, but it's a burst mode. It isn't that great in close combat, however, in medium-long range it's a beast. If your level is high enough, I'd suggest the G36C. It's good in close combat and also in long range.

Yeah, I liked the G36C a lot in single player, so I've been looking forward to getting it. Only at level 32, so a few more levels to go. Will give the other guns a try.

I like the M16 as I try to get most of my kills at medium to long range, trying to learn where to run around, stay covered and get good shots on areas where the other team moves through a lot. That and trying to sneak into the buildings their sniping.

But I inevitably run into some people doing the same and then the up close battles are a crap shoot for me.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I liked the G36C a lot in single player, so I've been looking forward to getting it. Only at level 32, so a few more levels to go. Will give the other guns a try.

I like the M16 as I try to get most of my kills at medium to long range, trying to learn where to run around, stay covered and get good shots on areas where the other team moves through a lot. That and trying to sneak into the buildings their sniping.

But I inevitably run into some people doing the same and then the up close battles are a crap shoot for me.[/QUOTE]

try out the m4 carbine actually. it pretty much has the same power as the m16 with the option of being fully auto. while at a distance it can be a little hard to hit someone, it is great if you are in close quarters. like the other person said as well though, try out the smg's, the mp5 is by far my favorite of all the smg's and instead of using martyrdom, try out something like steady aim if you are having trouble with your aiming. this way your hip fire is even more accurate (dont have to touch the left trigger really).

another suggestion is since you are having trouble learning the maps, go into a private match from your own party and just run around the map a few times to get a feel for it. you dont get any points even if someone is in the room with you, none of the stats actually count, so you can try out different things to practice with. i honestly feel like the g36c isn't that great of a weapon, it was a lot better in single player than it is in multiplayer if you ask me, but it is all preference. if you have players that are experienced at the game on your friends list, ask them to show you places where snipers like to hide, i personally know where almost every sniper point is that gives them an advantage and keeps them pretty well hidden.

you will learn that there is a lot of "glitches" in the game, if you ever played rainbow six vegas and knew what shoulder glitching was, you will understand what i am saying here. there is a lot of spots by walls, cars, etc. where you can only see like the very top of the enemies head, yet they can see your entire body. deep impact is a great perk to have for the people that like to do this, that way you dont have to have a headshot for the kill. anyways, just give different things a try and things will become a lot easier once you get the right setups.
Thanks for the tips! Will try out the MP5 and some others suggested and Steady Aim perk.

Wandering around in Private Match is too much like work. I don't care enough about getting better to put in that kind of effort. I'll just keep playing and having fun and hope I keep improving some!
Just curious for those of you who used ACOG before the patch, what did they improve?

I'm still pretty opposed to them as the scope takes away my peripheral vision and doesn't really zoom in all that much.
[quote name='xcoax']Just curious for those of you who used ACOG before the patch, what did they improve?

I'm still pretty opposed to them as the scope takes away my peripheral vision and doesn't really zoom in all that much.[/QUOTE]

the arcuacy is improved alot.and i mean alot before it would basically cut your arcuacy in half now it hardly takes any. i use a m4 with the acog on hardcore search and destroy.
[quote name='anomynous']I'm starting to get bored with the game.[/quote]
It's becoming the same thing for me. Now a level 49 in the 5th prestige, it is the same stuff over and over in my opinion. I mean the only thing that keeps me playing is going for the challenges.

I do plan to take a break from this game once I pick Army of Two and MLB 2k8 tomorrow though.

I don't intend to stop playing for good, I just need to take a break for a little bit. That's all.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']
To respond to earlier posts, I hate Shipment. The map is so small that there are 2 kinds of people:

1.) Run and Gunners
2.) Spam Naders

Almost 80% of the time you will die by a nade. The only time you could remotely survive is if you camped in the boxes or in the corners, but after a few kills people will nade inside or at the corner anyway. However, the Shipment map is great for challenges. These include Martydom, C4 Multiple kill, RPG Multiple kill, Carpet Bomb, and more. I completed like 8 challenges in one game.[/quote]You can always snipe and get very few deaths. It's kind of hard to get in on the action though. One match I went 32-1 only because I ran out of bullets and someone came upon me at the end of the match when I left my perch with pistol in hand looking to scavenge a real gun. Invisible is another challenge that's easy on this map.

I'm always amazed at how quickly and efficiently people aim from across the map and get a head shot on me. :lol: While I'm struggling to aim that quickly at 10 feet! So I tend to lose most one on one shootouts. Especially since so many people are running around with LMGs which do more damage.
Just out of curiosity, what's your internet speed? I have DSL and in comparing what I saw before I died with killcams from their perspectives I started seeing a difference in timing (I'm behind a half second) and now that I account for that I'm doing much better. When I see an opponent sighting me up I don't try and beat them to it now because of this. I hit cover and get find an angle to pop out and nail em.

Just curious for those of you who used ACOG before the patch, what did they improve?

I'm still pretty opposed to them as the scope takes away my peripheral vision and doesn't really zoom in all that much.
I liked ACOG at first, but I didn't like the loss of peripheral and no ability to steady aim then I saw the poor hit detection. After the patch, I tried it for a few rounds and the hit detection is much better. I still don't use it though as if I want a scope I'll snipe. Speaking of which the patch makes me a happy camper with my .50 cal.'s much improved scope! :lol:
[quote name='jdawgg76']I liked ACOG at first, but I didn't like the loss of peripheral and no ability to steady aim then I saw the poor hit detection. After the patch, I tried it for a few rounds and the hit detection is much better. I still don't use it though as if I want a scope I'll snipe. Speaking of which the patch makes me a happy camper with my .50 cal.'s much improved scope! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with all of this. If you could hold your breath while using the ACOG, then it would be a no brainer to use it, but as it is it moves around too much for me to feel confident in taking a shot. I'd rather line up a headshot with the red dot and keep firing until I get it.
[quote name='jdawgg76']
Just out of curiosity, what's your internet speed? I have DSL and in comparing what I saw before I died with killcams from their perspectives I started seeing a difference in timing (I'm behind a half second) and now that I account for that I'm doing much better. When I see an opponent sighting me up I don't try and beat them to it now because of this. I hit cover and get find an angle to pop out and nail em.

I have cable internet, max 8 Mbps.

It's not lag. I just suck at aiming. :D I'm fumbling to line up a shot and by the time it's lined up they've shot me in the head. Not lag, just sucky aim!
[quote name='dmaul1114']M16A4. With Red Dot before, been using ACOG and having better success since the update as I get a few more distant kills a match with it. Perks I'm using Bandolier which I just got recently, Stopping Power and Martydom (cheap but gets me at least a couple extra kills a match).

My main problem is I have a hard time learning the maps in this game, since so many of them look similar to each other. And within maps so many buildings look the same I have a hard time figuring out where the sniper that shot me was etc. That's coming with time, and probably the main reason I'm getting a bit better.

My other problem is that my aiming just sucks compared to other players. I'm always amazed at how quickly and efficiently people aim from across the map and get a head shot on me. :lol: While I'm struggling to aim that quickly at 10 feet! So I tend to lose most one on one shootouts. Especially since so many people are running around with LMGs which do more damage.[/quote]

You were just like me when I was first introduced to FPS games. :) You just need to play more to recognize the maps. Once you do, you'll basically know where all the sniping spots are. There's mainly 1-2 commonly used sniping spots on a single map. Maybe more on certain maps. Response time was my weakness as well. You just need to learn to shoot as soon as you have your crosshair on the enemy. Don't be afraid to miss. That is my most important advice to you. The M16 is generally a fast gun even though it fires burst shots, not the fastest, but fast. So missing is not a problem when your learning, especially when it comes to the M16. When you stay at a certain spot for a decent amount of time, always make sure you have cover near by. I know this is common sense but it took me a great deal of time to realize this even when I started playing COD4. And don't be worried about LMGs, The M16 tends to outgun a LMG due to the recoil and accuracy. It all comes down to the perks really. With your set perks, i'd say your set. Just play more, and you'll get better in no time.
[quote name='jdawgg76']You can always snipe and get very few deaths. It's kind of hard to get in on the action though. One match I went 32-1 only because I ran out of bullets and someone came upon me at the end of the match when I left my perch with pistol in hand looking to scavenge a real gun. Invisible is another challenge that's easy on this map.
Your confusing Wetworks and Shipment I do believe, I camp shipment in HQ and help get the headquarters as long as there is a steady Helicopter up to annoy the enemy. Really a stupid map, I do it for the big kills. But im getting to the point that my average on Bog is 80-90 kills in games that dont max out on time, if it goes the distance I get near 120. So I am starting to avoid shipment now
[quote name='-BigC-']Your confusing Wetworks and Shipment I do believe, I camp shipment in HQ and help get the headquarters as long as there is a steady Helicopter up to annoy the enemy. Really a stupid map, I do it for the big kills. But im getting to the point that my average on Bog is 80-90 kills in games that dont max out on time, if it goes the distance I get near 120. So I am starting to avoid shipment now[/quote]
My bad, you're right!!!
[quote name='-BigC-']Your confusing Wetworks and Shipment I do believe, I camp shipment in HQ and help get the headquarters as long as there is a steady Helicopter up to annoy the enemy. Really a stupid map, I do it for the big kills. But im getting to the point that my average on Bog is 80-90 kills in games that dont max out on time, if it goes the distance I get near 120. So I am starting to avoid shipment now[/quote]

120 on bog? I tip my hat to you.
[quote name='-BigC-']But im getting to the point that my average on Bog is 80-90 kills in games that dont max out on time, if it goes the distance I get near 120. So I am starting to avoid shipment now[/QUOTE]

Sweet baby Jesus, how are you managing that?
[quote name='-BigC-']Your confusing Wetworks and Shipment I do believe, I camp shipment in HQ and help get the headquarters as long as there is a steady Helicopter up to annoy the enemy. Really a stupid map, I do it for the big kills. But im getting to the point that my average on Bog is 80-90 kills in games that dont max out on time, if it goes the distance I get near 120. So I am starting to avoid shipment now[/quote]
Wow, that is awesome. M16 Red Dot?
Call of Duty The MMOG

With the massive Activision Blizzard merger looming, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick held court today at the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference in Dana Point, California. Whereas many presentations by executives to analysts prove snooze-inducing, Kotick brought up several subjects that perked up the ears of the game industry.
First was the prospect of one of Activision's biggest franchises going the massively multiplayer route. After repeating his claim that it would take at least a half-billion dollars to take on Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft, Kotick outlined how Activision will use soon-to-be corporate sibling Blizzard's "institutional expertise" to bring PC editions of Guitar Hero to the "roughly 300,000 game rooms between China and Korea."
Then, Kotick raised the possibility that, one day, there could be an MMOG game based on the award-winning Call of Duty series. Referencing the Blizzard-backed Guitar Hero expansion plans, he said: "When you think about other properties that we own and control like Call of Duty, and what would be the natural evolution of a property like Call of Duty into a massively multiplayer environment... How do you monetize that?"

Either M16 or G3 with red dot on Headquarters. No real strategy its just all about getting 5 kill streaks. I do capture the headquarter that is outside, the others I leave for my team to do since they are a bit easier and its more effective for me to not allow the other team to get within grenade distance. Helicopters own that map more so then any other. Almost no real cover and the other team is pretty much always exposed if you know there spawn direction. The other game I think I had about 8 helicopters, they killed my first 3 and stopped after that, I make it a point to keep one in the air.
Buyer beware: A new entry for "Call of Duty 4 - GOTY Edition" was added to the computers at GC. Looks like it'll be repackaged with maps and updates and whatnot.
[quote name='-BigC-']Either M16 or G3 with red dot on Headquarters. No real strategy its just all about getting 5 kill streaks. I do capture the headquarter that is outside, the others I leave for my team to do since they are a bit easier and its more effective for me to not allow the other team to get within grenade distance. Helicopters own that map more so then any other. Almost no real cover and the other team is pretty much always exposed if you know there spawn direction. The other game I think I had about 8 helicopters, they killed my first 3 and stopped after that, I make it a point to keep one in the air.[/QUOTE]

Ohhhh, headquarters. Say no more.
[quote name='KSHLove']can you move the kill cam now? I was playing last night and the camera rotated by itself.[/quote]
You can also click Y to change it to first person. I like that addition a lot.
Just got this game...its really good. I played CoD2 multi a lot, CoD3 I found awful (it just didn't have the right feel or something...felt like I was playing some cheap game that was scraped together or something)...but CoD4 is again awesome. I managed to get to lvl 13 in one evening and I got to call 2 choppers which was pretty sweet. They sure rack up the kills...

Usually I use assault rifles...what exactly is the "best" gun that most people use? I hear a lot of the "M16" and by that you wouldn't mean the first starting gun "M16A" or whatever its called, would you?
[quote name='Spades22']
Usually I use assault rifles...what exactly is the "best" gun that most people use? I hear a lot of the "M16" and by that you wouldn't mean the first starting gun "M16A" or whatever its called, would you?[/QUOTE]

They do mean that one. It is one of the best guns in the game.

I'd been using it. I tried the MP5 on other poster's recommendations last night (it's the first SMG) and liked it a lot as well.
[quote name='Spades22']Usually I use assault rifles...what exactly is the "best" gun that most people use? I hear a lot of the "M16" and by that you wouldn't mean the first starting gun "M16A" or whatever its called, would you?[/QUOTE]

There are quite a few "best" weapons in the game. It all depends on your gaming style. And, the the "M16" that you are hearing a lot of people say, IS the lvl 1 gun, the M16A. Personally, I like the G3 and the M14, but I usually avoid the run and gun play-style. When I do run and gun, I usually go with the either the MP5 or P90.

In short, find what works for you. The weapons balancing is one of the best aspects of COD4 multiplayer.
I think it's kind of rigged now. For example, in Hardcore Team Deathmatch mode, when I die, I can view a friend and go into Third-Person mode. From there, I can just be like "there's a guy coming up behind you", and he'll turn around and kill the person. This method is good if you have friends or teammates that are sniping, and they can't see. Jump into first and then third person mode.
[quote name='Spades22']Just got this game...its really good. I played CoD2 multi a lot, CoD3 I found awful (it just didn't have the right feel or something...felt like I was playing some cheap game that was scraped together or something)...but CoD4 is again awesome. I managed to get to lvl 13 in one evening and I got to call 2 choppers which was pretty sweet. They sure rack up the kills...

Usually I use assault rifles...what exactly is the "best" gun that most people use? I hear a lot of the "M16" and by that you wouldn't mean the first starting gun "M16A" or whatever its called, would you?[/QUOTE]

Just for the record CoD2 & CoD4 were made by Infinity Ward and CoD3 was made by the craptacular Treyarch. That's why you like 2 & 4, because they were made by the same developer. ;)

M16 is a very good burst weapon. If you equip it with Stopping Power as yer Perk it can take down a guy with a headshot. But they can counter that with Juggernaut. It's a very good weapon to start out with. If you find yourself needing a full auto gun at that level you have the M4 available as well. It's not nearly as strong but it will get the job done. Hold off on trying the Snipers for awhile. You might wanna make a class with either an MP5 or a Shotgun for close quarter stuff. Be aware that the MP5 isn't very long range but hella deadly up close. Good Luck.
Juggernaut does not counter headshots....

M16 with stopping power will kill people in 1 shot to the body most of the time, sometimes it will even 1 hit people in the legs. With juggernaut on the other person it takes 1 sometimes but 2 more often.
[quote name='DCriminal']There are quite a few "best" weapons in the game. It all depends on your gaming style. And, the the "M16" that you are hearing a lot of people say, IS the lvl 1 gun, the M16A. Personally, I like the G3 and the M14, but I usually avoid the run and gun play-style. When I do run and gun, I usually go with the either the MP5 or P90.

In short, find what works for you. The weapons balancing is one of the best aspects of COD4 multiplayer.[/quote]

I'm having a lot of fun with the AK 47 and shotguns atm.
[quote name='-BigC-']Juggernaut does not counter headshots....

M16 with stopping power will kill people in 1 shot to the body most of the time, sometimes it will even 1 hit people in the legs. With juggernaut on the other person it takes 1 sometimes but 2 more often.[/quote]

The M16 with the Red Dot is sooo handy which is the only gun I've tried really. I've been doing really well in this game...already have the highest K/D ratio and Win/loss ratio from all the people on my friends list which is kind of surprising. The thing I REALLY like about this game is that matches are short, sweet, and it takes practically seconds to find and enter a match. I also really like Halo 3, but the problem there is that if you want to play a quick game, gametypes such as ranked BTB sometimes take like 5-10 minutes to actually start, then that one game itself can take around 30 minutes yet.
[quote name='-BigC-']Juggernaut does not counter headshots....

M16 with stopping power will kill people in 1 shot to the body most of the time, sometimes it will even 1 hit people in the legs. With juggernaut on the other person it takes 1 sometimes but 2 more often.[/QUOTE]

there is no most of the time, or atleast there shouldnt be. within the weapons effective range it should be consistant, it isnt. ive noticed the most inconsistancy in the g3. theres no reason the g3 w/stoping pwr should take more than 3 body shots let alone the 5-6 ive put in people and not have them drop.

theres something going on with either the hit detection or the accuracy of infinity wards listed effective ranges for the guns. i originally thought it was the range however the more i play the more i notice it in games that dont have the strongest connection.
Well considering you can shoot a g3 as fast as any gun in the game if you can twitch your fingers fast enough, I have never shot someone 5 times with a g3. You can tell the difference when you hit and miss right? Its one thing for lag but there is a way to tell a hit from a miss even if your aim was correct.

The game is consistent as it should be, shouldn't always be a exact number of a certain gun kills, but a number that is close is good enough for me
[quote name='mike.m']I'm having a lot of fun with the AK 47...[/QUOTE]

I said it once and I'll say it again, Damn you and your communist weapons! M16 and M4 all the way! LOL.

In a serious note, I haven't been playing as much with school, work, and being sick. This week is spring break and I'm back on but can't find anyone else to play with. I played a few games and would do well but my team would lose because I'm paired up with people who I think are legally blind. Really helps to have competent team members.
bread's done