Call of Duty: World at War - Gen. Disc. & Info

[quote name='BL00DW0LF']damn...neither gamestop or gamecrazy in my area got it today

got two extra M1A1 codes:

I used this one...


The other one i tried first and it didnt work.

Well, my Gamecrazy only got the regular edition in today and won't be getting the collector's edition until tomorrow.

[quote name='xcoax']Picked up the limited edition just now at Gamestop. For those on the fence my initial reaction is this is way overpriced at $80. The bonuses are mostly intangibles... FG 42 early, Colored Clan tag, Double XP week eventually.
Overall, unless you really want those multiplayer bonuses, I'd say it isn't worth the extra $20.[/quote]

Interesting got me thinking I may just want to save that extra $20 credit at GC for L4D or MKvsDC or SR2 or Lego Batman. I originally was told the game was only $70 and not $80 so I was willing to dish out the extra for the double XP that I could really use ;).
[quote name='Soodmeg']I just bought this game and brought it home. I was surprised gamestop was selling it....useally they are dicks about street dates.[/QUOTE]

It didn't have a street date so that might be why they weren't dicks about selling it.
Ok one thing I am really not liking about this game and its minor.

Your team mates are like brick fucking walls in the SP. Say I am hiding behind a jeep or something firing shots. I notice that a grenade as magically appeared right next to me like only Veteran difficultly can produce.

I try to run away but one of my MANY team mates is standing right next to me. This makes it so your guy doesnt even flinch...he just stops moving like your controller is shut off thus killing you. Now the fact that you have about 13 team mates at any given time that as we all know wont advance until you do it makes it frustrating to constantly get stuck on them.

Its minor...but has already killed me 4 or 5 times.
Some quick Singleplayer impressions:

1. This game is dripping with atmosphere. There's no training level or anything, you just get dumped into straight battles. Very slick presentations between gameplay levels.

2. I've only played for around an hour and a half and I've already had more holy crap that was so awesome moments than the previous three call of duty games combined. The way you start out the Russian portion of the campaign was nuts.

3. The game is hard. I'm just playing on Normal and I'm dying on average around three times a stage. I shudder to think what Veteran would be like.

Basically if you were thinking about not getting the game because it was made by Treyarch based on COD3 experience think again. It's not perfect, but I'm really enjoying it so far.
BASTARDS i'm going to be SOOOO far behind lol. I worked tonight so I missed the 5pm GS release and no store around here has it. Well Meijer has it but some jackass on the store info line (since noone works electronics) said it's street dated 5PM today and check the ad. I tried to argue but he hid behind his phone and fake "meijer" street date.....

Oh well i'll play a bit of Gears and then hit the bed early to be at Gamestop at 10am when they open. :roll:
God damn. Call of Duty continues its completely ass raping on vet mode. It gives you literally no chance to do fucking anything.

I have most likely died around 100 times already, 30 of which were instant spawn kills in which I would reload walk 1 step and be dead again. Another 10 -15 would be my own guys either pushing into fire or blocking my path as I try to run from the infinite ambush of grenades.

God COD as a whole would be so much better if the enemies didnt have nades that simply spawned next you.

Still a good game but I shake my head at how Vet mode is. There is hard and then there is just plain fucking ridiculous and this not only crossed that line but sprinted past it in its underwear.
So is that the verdict? Treyarch did a good job? Metacritic isn't listing any reviews yet, which is kinda odd for such a high profile franchise.
Vet is insanely hard... not sure how I'd compare it to 4 in that respect as I'm only on the second level. HATE how enemy's respawn. It's been cheap since the original CoD.
[quote name='xcoax']Some quick Singleplayer impressions:

1. This game is dripping with atmosphere. There's no training level or anything, you just get dumped into straight battles. Very slick presentations between gameplay levels.

2. I've only played for around an hour and a half and I've already had more holy crap that was so awesome moments than the previous three call of duty games combined. The way you start out the Russian portion of the campaign was nuts.

3. The game is hard. I'm just playing on Normal and I'm dying on average around three times a stage. I shudder to think what Veteran would be like.

Basically if you were thinking about not getting the game because it was made by Treyarch based on COD3 experience think again. It's not perfect, but I'm really enjoying it so far.[/quote]

If you're enjoying it, it must be worth the time. I look forward to enjoying the madness. :wave:
[quote name='crunchb3rry']So is that the verdict? Treyarch did a good job? Metacritic isn't listing any reviews yet, which is kinda odd for such a high profile franchise.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm loving it thus far. I put in around two hours of SP and MP each and both were quite pleasing. I went in with rather low expectations but I've been blown away with how good it really is.

The multiplayer maps were all really good. They didn't have the open vacant feeling that many of the COD4 maps had, but at the same time they weren't just giant clusterfucks of buildings either. After one or two laps around I pretty well had the layouts down and after two or three rounds to transition from Gears 2 to this I was on top of my team scoreboards fairly consistently.

And to continue my collector's edition hate, the FG 42 isn't really that hot... It's got a rediculous firing rate but like a 20 round clip, so you spend more time reloading than killing. That, and it's relegated to one of the preset class slots, along with the gamestop M1A1. If you didn't get the M1A1 code, fear not because the ground was quite literally covered in dropped ones in most of the matches I played.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']So is that the verdict? Treyarch did a good job? Metacritic isn't listing any reviews yet, which is kinda odd for such a high profile franchise.[/quote]

[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Vet is insanely hard... not sure how I'd compare it to 4 in that respect as I'm only on the second level. HATE how enemy's respawn. It's been cheap since the original CoD.[/quote]

My verdict so far for the SP
Yes, I am one of those old school guys who remembers a time before online when people played games for their personal enjoyment and not to jerk off about how they beat a 10 year old
is very....blah.

I have already stopped caring about the story line which is kinda heart breaking as I thought COD4 story line was fantastic. I know the saying if its not broke dont fix it but god damn Treyarch did you have steal everything from COD4? You switch in and out of different people as in COD4 there is even a sniper level it and even though its completely different from 1 shot 1 kill from COD4 it still reeks of it to much.

Again I know the phrase....but I wish Treyarch would have gone beyound just compeltely cloning COD4.

But the game is done well, voiced well, plays well there is really nothing wrong with it.

Although they could have fix the damn grenade indicators so that you know if you have thrown your own grenade or the one about to blow your legs off.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
I have already stopped caring about the story line which is kinda heart breaking as I thought COD4 story line was fantastic. I know the saying if its not broke dont fix it but god damn Treyarch did you have steal everything from COD4? You switch in and out of different people as in COD4 there is even a sniper level it and even though its completely different from 1 shot 1 kill from COD4 it still reeks of it to much.

Really? Granted I haven't really gotten into much of a "story" yet, but the settings and the ways in which they use them were really interesting. I know that sounds really vague but I don't want to spoil anything. Just the overall grittiness of the tactics used by your enemies and the general cinematic feeling while playing sold me.

I quit playing the SP in the middle of the aforementioned sniper level and I was having a blast. I loved how the mission was introduced and the character of the sniper really put me in the right mood for it, whereas One Shot One Kill was just two Brittish dudes in ghillie suits as your mentor just told you what to do the whole level. This one had me emotionally attached to the sniper kill I was preparing for the entire level.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']So is that the verdict? Treyarch did a good job? Metacritic isn't listing any reviews yet, which is kinda odd for such a high profile franchise.[/quote]

Absolutely, hands down, no comparison to 4. Though they do have 4's engine, so it's not all bad.
[quote name='xcoax']Really? Granted I haven't really gotten into much of a "story" yet, but the settings and the ways in which they use them were really interesting. I know that sounds really vague but I don't want to spoil anything. Just the overall grittiness of the tactics used by your enemies and the general cinematic feeling while playing sold me.

I quit playing the SP in the middle of the aforementioned sniper level and I was having a blast. I loved how the mission was introduced and the character of the sniper really put me in the right mood for it, whereas One Shot One Kill was just two Brittish dudes in ghillie suits as your mentor just told you what to do the whole level. This one had me emotionally attached to the sniper kill I was preparing for the entire level.[/quote]
By the way...did you get to the sniper duel from that level? That was pretty cool but I swear to god its impossible to beat on VET legit. I died, no lie, around 30 times at the one part.

Nope. Just not feeling it.

But as I said, there is nothing wrong with the game. It plays great, controls great, moves great, there is nothing I can bash about it. Just cant shake the feeling that I am simply playing a mod to COD4 instead of a brand new game taken from COD4's engine.

It deserves a good solid 8.5 or 9.

When COD3 game out, even though it was still WWII it felt like Treyarch went there own way. It felt like a brand new game with elements of the last one but new none the less.

This one fells like they had to force to much COD4 (and no one can blame them) into their game.

I am playing on Vet by the way that actually might be my problem. Most of the atmosphere it gone when you are dying every 6 min.

But just to repeat my self because it kinda hard to explain. I like the game, its very enjoyable to play...even though I think the SP is rather on the bland side via story its still is a great game that many people will enjoy.

Just wish I could shake the feeling that after each level my guy was going to wake up out of his WWII dream and be back in modern war.
[quote name='Trakan']Absolutely, hands down, no comparison to 4. Though they do have 4's engine, so it's not all bad.[/quote]

Care you explain yourself?

dude even the box art is
Im going out to pick it up now :)
So does anyone have any feedback on the new maps aslo?
And, if anyone has an extra M1A1 code, PM me, i never got mine and am willing to pay a couple of bucks.
[quote name='Trakan']Absolutely, hands down, no comparison to 4. Though they do have 4's engine, so it's not all bad.[/QUOTE]

Outside of the wandering tanks and annoying dogs replacing the annoying helicopters and the setting taking place in WWII again I didn't see much of a difference. Hopefully the reviews can cue me in as to why COD4 is so superior outside of taking place in modern warfare.

Either way after playing the beta, I am going to either wait for a GOTY edition of this or it being flat out $40 without any sort of promotion.
The follow rant as nothing to do with how good the game is. I still fully endorse this game and am enjoying it a lot. BUT If you are planning on playing on Vet take note.. Also this spoiler tag contains no spoilers just trying to keep the thread looking nice.

Alright everyone knows Vet mode is cheap in all CODs but this one not only takes the cake it woofs in down in front of you then kicks your dog on the way out.

Its not even fucking funny.

So many grenades. So many damn grenades. Its not uncommon for me to toss back 4 nades in a ROW stand up run to a different spot and as soon as I stop have more spawn next to me.

I am seriously not kidding. I am willing to say that at least a full 80% of all my actions in this game are directly the result of grenades. They dictate where I move, when I move, why I moved, how long I stay there. There are times where I dont even get to look to see who is shooting at me all I can do is run back and forth throwing nades back like I was trying out for the Red Sox.

At least COD4 attempted to make it seem like the enemy was throwing them. Some of those terriost had arms like Tom Brady and accuray like Peyton but at least they were throwing them.

In this game they simply appear next to you and not just 1 I am talking about 2 or 3 nades simply spawning at your feet. Of course you run away but as you are running you notice that more nades are appearing....and as soon as you stop 2 or 3 more will be there.

Out of lets say 100 deaths....I would say 70 of them will be from grenades.

There is, "Lets make the game hard" then there is "Lets make the game hard by making it as cheap as possible," and thats the way Treyarch went with this one.
I'm by no means the best COD player--I couldn't finish COD4 on Veteran, but I could at least get pretty far into the game.

I can't get to the first check point in this game on Veteran.
I think the best way to play ANY game, really, in general, is to play on the level above normal. To take the Call of Duty series as an example, in the Call of Duty levels, it's always under Veteran. I rarely play a game first time Veteran -- the reason isn't because I can't beat Veteran (Veteran level is like 1000x easier than real people playing Multiplayer), but it's because you don't get the real experience when you play Veteran.

The Veteran level is for people that pretty much already beat the game and want a re-run. Thus, in the Veteran level, there's mass grenade throwing, etc.. etc.. where you're literally forced into a corner almost every level -- this isn't the way to play the game when it's your first run through, please keep this in mind. Whatever the level is below Veteran (maybe Hardness?) is the best level to go. Normal is too shitty because the AI is horrible on Casual/Normal, but on Hardness or Hardcore or whatever the fuck it is is really where the best game experience is on ANY game in general.

In Gears of War, this is probably why you cannot just jump into 'Insane' on Gears of War, because it's not the best game experience. You can't blame the game because you picked Veteran first off the bat. You'll be fucked over every 5 minutes that you won't even know what the fuck is going on. You'll just be concentrated on being prone and getting randomly killed out of nowhere, which sucks ass, lol.
I'll agree with Chronotrigga; if you beat the game once before you play Veteran, you'll know where to go, where to find cover, etc., and don't have to waste your time/deaths on trial and error.
[quote name='kevlar51']I'll agree with Chronotrigga; if you beat the game once before you play Veteran, you'll know where to go, where to find cover, etc., and don't have to waste your time/deaths on trial and error.[/quote]

That doesn't apply here, as Treyarch just added randomly spawning grenades.

You'll get grenade deaths where the indicator never even shows up.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']I think the best way to play ANY game, really, in general, is to play on the level above normal. To take the Call of Duty series as an example, in the Call of Duty levels, it's always under Veteran. I rarely play a game first time Veteran -- the reason isn't because I can't beat Veteran (Veteran level is like 1000x easier than real people playing Multiplayer), but it's because you don't get the real experience when you play Veteran.

The Veteran level is for people that pretty much already beat the game and want a re-run. Thus, in the Veteran level, there's mass grenade throwing, etc.. etc.. where you're literally forced into a corner almost every level -- this isn't the way to play the game when it's your first run through, please let keep this in mind. Whatever the level is below Veteran (maybe Hardness?) is the best level to go. Normal is too shitty because the AI is horrible on Casual/Normal, but on Hardness or Hardcore or whatever the fuck it is is really where the best game experience is on ANY game in general.[/quote]

I disagree fully and 100%. I play every single game on the hardest difficultly on the first run. Why? Because I rarely have time to go through a game play through is about all the time I can spare so I put it on the hardest to get the most out of it. I have beaten hundreds of games first run through on the hardest setting and have still been extremely happy with the story.

The ones that dont (like this one) are usually beacuse of developer laziness. As with this one instead of making the game actually harder they cop out by making it really cheap.

I always use this for an example. In a fighting game the last boss usually isnt hard, most of the time they are just very cheap. 1 hit kills, 99% damage spells, invincible, etc etc. Once you learn the pattern its cake to beat them. Instead of thinking of a way to actually make it harder they just throw 1 hit kill move on him and call it a day because regardless of skill a 1 hit kill move is a 1 hit kill move.

COD4, a game I also played on Vet first play through was cheap as hell on Vet but the story was fantastic. I didnt get any less of the experience than you did when you played through.

The story in this game just isnt there. Its WWII your fighting random battles to defeat the Nazis. There is no story line here...just a bunch of random battles that are cool to play but are loosely tied together. One of the biggest problems is that you jump from guy to guy like COD4 did. The only difference is that in COD4, even though you were a different person than soap the overall goal was still to find the nuke and eventually meet up with Soap and the Americans.

COD5 on the other hand I am about 90% through the the game on VET and even now I know about as much as I did on the first map. Find Nazis, kill Nazis......rinse wash and repeat. Fight a battle here in Berlin, now go fight one in Moscow, then another in Japan, how about one in the jungle. Other than them all simply being a part of WWII it hard to even see how they relate like they just grabbed a hand full of battles out of a hat labeled WWII.
[quote name='kevlar51']I'll agree with Chronotrigga; if you beat the game once before you play Veteran, you'll know where to go, where to find cover, etc., and don't have to waste your time/deaths on trial and error.[/quote]

First and foremost. Unless you have played this game on vet please do not come to any type of conclusion about how it is. And thats not to bash you in anyway.

The game is not trail and error. Its simply cheap. There is no trial and error when 4 grenades just appear next to you.....then when you move 4 more appear where you are going.

Manthing is 100% right in this. Most of the time I wont even be moving and a nade will spawn behind me with only 1 second left on the timer.

You are implying that there is some type of strategy or tactic that needs to be learned or used, I have gotten through 90% of the game and my only tactic is run away from all grenades.

There has been MANY times I have died in the same spot roughly 20-40 times. Tried about a million different ways to get to the next check point all for not. Most of it boiled down to that I managed to dodge 1 or 2 more nades than last time. Compounded by the fact that 90% of the time I am 1 bullet away from death because dodging nades will rape all my health. Dont forget about the super aim by the CPU on vet. Most of the time I dodge 3 nades loose all my health a 4 will appear next to me and while running away I will get shot by one of the many enemies that are around.

Hell when I am done with the SP and start in on the MP you guys better watch out because the only skill I have picked up from the SP is throwing nades back.

I have become fantastic at finding and tossing back nades the only problem is.......when 5 of them spawn next to you then another one right where your running to its a insta death no matter what.
I'd like someone's take on this that is playing it on Hardness that has this same problem. Anyhow, I'm mainly getting it for co-op campaign anyway. I remember in COD4 had random bullshit in Veteran too. Here's a video:

I also normally don't play a game more than twice on campaign, because once I play it through, there's no point playing it again because I already know the story (unless I go for achievements, and Veteran usually has all the achievements). But it is not the developer's problem if you don't have enough time to play the game and start out at Veteran. It might be cheap randomly spawning nades, but it's 'supposed' to be hard. Have you tried going prone and stuff? I forgot how I beat COD4, it's been awhile.

I haven't played the game yet, but I will make a logical guess that in the Hardness difficulty, although there will be random nades, there won't be so many as you get you go "WTF WAS THAT" every 5 seconds. It's just hard enough that you can play the game and be challenged.

You're busting the game on Veteran level which 'should' be played after you beat the game. I'm going to cut Treyarch a break if they did do developer laziness and just added a whole bunch of random bullshit since Veteran is supposed to be hard -- with what they back up in developer laziness, they added Zombie Mode/Co-Op Campaign. It's annoying as fuck on Veteran because of random nades and shit, which I won't deny, COD4 veteran was pretty stupid -- I only played both campaigns to get achievements. But, your argument against the story is legit no matter what difficulty and I won't argue against that since that's a legitimate argument.

edit: Also, I'm really waiting for reviews. It's kind of weird that reviews on Gamespot/IGN haven't been released -- most likely Treyarch didn't want bad feedback before the game. We'll see. Not sure if I said this earlier, but being an avid COD4 "C4" player, I'm mainly only getting the game for two reasons:

A. Co-Op campaign because I can play with a good friend of mine
B. fucking C4/Bayonet Multiplayer owns all shit in this game. The grinding noise in C4 is so badass. Bayonet is so cheap, lolol.

Can't wait until more user-based reviews/site reviews get released!
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[quote name='Soodmeg']
First and foremost. Unless you have played this game on vet please do not come to any type of conclusion about how it is. And thats not to bash you in anyway.


I am playing on Vet and I'm not having the slightest bit of success. I'll be switching down the next time I start.
For those interested in multiplayer, silver tag CAG Cod WatW has been created. Send friend invites. I tried to get all the original CoD 4 members first so if I forgot someone I apologize. There's about 70 spots left.
Chrono you are kinda getting what I am saying but not all the way.

Yes I am busting on the game for being really cheap because with all the games I have played there is a line that is challenging and hard or cheap ass hell.

Its not the developer fault I dont have time that is true but it has nothing to do with anything. I could have all the time in the world, that wouldnt change the fact that Vet is poorly constructed in this game.

I keep referring to COD4 because COD4 did this right. The game was cheap at times yes but MOST of the time you were left with a feeling of "oh damn I needed to be over there instead of here" and that is great developing.

I dont know if I can get my point across any more than this next statement so I will let it rest after this so we dont clog up the thread.

The hardest setting on all games are cheap some times but a good developer can make a game challenging without over stepping their bounds. A lazy developer will substitute creativity and effort by making the their game seem hard by very cheap ways.

Lets face it....any knuckle head can make a song on GH and set down 272 notes of pure randomness and call that hard.
But with some effort you can lay down those 272 notes in a way that is challenging and fun at the same time and more importantly teaches you how be better at whatever you doing.

I am not any better at this game today then I was yesterday when I started (90% down with the SP on vet) as the game isnt hard its just cheap as hell. I dont learn anything from having 4 nades just spawn right next to me.

I dont mind dying 100 times....just like in Rock Band where I dont mind losing a song a hundred times as long as its fun to play.Its when you run into things that are hard just for the sake of strutting their stuff and saying look how hard I am is when I dislike it.All I am saying is I feel Treyarch went a little to far this time in the Hard/cheap ratio and hopefully they bring it back some in the next one.

Still a good game none the less (other than not having a story thats is engaging).
The hardest setting on all games are cheap some times but a good developer can make a game challenging without over stepping their bounds. A lazy developer will substitute creativity and effort by making the their game seem hard by very cheap ways.
This is a very good quote. Very well said.

I think some of the reviews are starting to pour in. 8.7 from Gametrailers.9.2 from IGN. In addition, 4/5 on GiantBomb. Anyhow, it seems like the reviews like I thought were going to be solid. Nothing major since I was just expecting COD4 with a "WWII" type skin on it. The Co-Op Campaign and the Zombie Mode I'll be playing so much :d. Now, if only I could get my 360 back so I could play. Can't wait to play Co-Op with some of you. Does anyone know how long the co-op campaigns are? Are they like the same campaign with just more people, or do they have exclusive campaigns just for Co-Op?
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[quote name='Chronotrigga']This is a very good quote. Very well said.

I think some of the reviews are starting to pour in. 8.7 from Gametrailers.9.2 from IGN. In addition, 4/5 on GiantBomb. Anyhow, it seems like the reviews like I thought were going to be solid. Nothing major since I was just expecting COD4 with a "WWII" type skin on it. The Co-Op Campaign and the Zombie Mode I'll be playing so much :d. Now, if only I could get my 360 back so I could play. Can't wait to play Co-Op with some of you. Does anyone know how long the co-op campaigns are? Are they like the same campaign with just more people, or do they have exclusive campaigns just for Co-Op?​

FRom IGN's review, some levels are taken out in campaign.. the sniping ones it seems.
In my newfound infatuation with the multiplayer I completely forgot about the Zombie mode. I'll definitely have to start ignoring the multiplayer game invites and finish the single player so I can try that out.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Just put your online status to appear offline so you don't get all the invites.[/QUOTE]

Nah... I prefer playing hard to get. ;)

Also, Can we really not have a party larger than six? If that's the case then boo World at War.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Just put your online status to appear offline so you don't get all the invites.[/quote]

How do you do that?
[quote name='Soodmeg']How do you do that?[/QUOTE]

Open the guide and go to personal settings. "Online Options" is the first one. I do it all the time when playing single player games, or when I'm with CAGs in a party since other people seem to send me a ton of invites then.
[quote name='xcoax']Nah... I prefer playing hard to get. ;)

Also, Can we really not have a party larger than six? If that's the case then boo World at War.[/quote]

It seems like that's the case, unless one of the hardcore modes or Veteran mode allows it. Matt and Chase, you need to clear some room and sent an invite to CAG CoD WatW as your friends lists are full.

PLEASE post if you use it so others don't keep trying. :)

I REALLLLLLLY wish you could make a class with these guns. As soon as I unlocked that ability I stopped using them and would just pick one up here and there to replace my pistol.
Anyone have advice for Blowtorch & Corkscrew on Veteran?

I've tried everything.. smoke grenades, ect. This mission is harder then Mile High Club so far.. fucking bullshit.
as stated in various posts above, this game can be pretty cheap.
We did some Veteran Campaign Co-Op and the majority of the levels went like this.

1. Spawn
2. take three Steps
3. get Shot and fall
4. Get Revived
5. Watch teammate get shot
6. try to Revive fallen teammate
7. Get shot in the process and die.
8. repeat

As I said while we where playing. If the Japanese Soldiers had actually been this good the U.S. would
never have won the war. :roll:
[quote name='Khondor']as stated in various posts above, this game can be pretty cheap.
We did some Veteran Campaign Co-Op and the majority of the levels went like this.

1. Spawn
2. take three Steps
3. get Shot and fall
4. Get Revived
5. Watch teammate get shot
6. try to Revive fallen teammate
7. Get shot in the process and die.
8. repeat

As I said while we where playing. If the Japanese Soldiers had actually been this good the U.S. would
never have won the war. :roll:[/QUOTE]

CoD4 was never this cheap.. a few missions were very tough (war room in particular), but I always got past the stuff pretty quickly. This spot I'm stuck on is really, really lame. I can cover my tracks with smoke, but it only works for so long and they just lob a million frags at me.

edit: Found a pretty good strategy after dieing over 50 times.
Move up, kill the guys that pop up in the spider hole. Move to the rock by the right, switch to machine gun and kill everyone you see. Throw a smoke to the right, hug the wall and keep moving up slowly. Keep throwing smokes when needed. A checkpoint is up the hill.
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[quote name='MSUHitman']It seems like that's the case, unless one of the hardcore modes or Veteran mode allows it. Matt and Chase, you need to clear some room and sent an invite to CAG CoD WatW as your friends lists are full.[/quote]

I deleted a few peoples, Hitman. :bouncy: (Sorry Joe! ;) hehehe)
[quote name='Khondor']as stated in various posts above, this game can be pretty cheap.
We did some Veteran Campaign Co-Op and the majority of the levels went like this.

1. Spawn
2. take three Steps
3. get Shot and fall
4. Get Revived
5. Watch teammate get shot
6. try to Revive fallen teammate
7. Get shot in the process and die.
8. repeat

As I said while we where playing. If the Japanese Soldiers had actually been this good the U.S. would
never have won the war. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that sucked ass. It was impossible to do anything.

Hitman, I'm not sure I have anyone I can delete. I have deleted 6 people this week and the spots were immediately filled. Between people I know personally, longtime Xbox Live friends, CAGs, and members of the other board I post at, it's hard to find a name to take off. I'll see what I can do.
bread's done