Call of Duty: World at War - Gen. Disc. & Info

[quote name='zewone']Yeah, you're probably not very good so you don't know what you're talking about. That's cool.[/quote]

What? Zew if you want to talk then talk but dont play that bullshit gamefaqs card.

I think they are useless because there is never a time where I think to myself "Damn wish I had iron lungs," or "If only I had 2x prime grenade."

Yeah I admit I am not as good at this one as I was in COD4 ( I was racking 45-55 kills a match this one I am just above 20-25....just cant adjust apparently ) but that "you dont like it some you must suck" is tired and played out.

Come on buddy. Keep it on the level. ;)
But, they are good and I don't want to go through the effort/time to explain to you why they are good because it won't change your opinion.

If you don't know when to use certain perks = not good.
I wish I had Iron Lungs all the time when I pick a sniper in hardcore. 2x prime grenades, satchel packs and bazookas are great when you're getting ass-____ed by tanks. Bomb squad is great in search and destroy or even CTF games when you're playing offensively, especially in hardcore. The amount of times I got Bettied yesterday when I was doing objective gametypes was absolutely absurd.
[quote name='zewone']But, they are good and I don't want to go through the effort/time to explain to you why they are good because it won't change your opinion.

If you don't know when to use certain perks = not good.[/quote]

Zew man, you are falling into a trap here. I actually would like for you to explain it actually might change my mind since I am not a dick about video games.

Stop assuming shit though...that is so god damn annoying. Have we ever played together? I dont think so......or you would have known how good I was at COD4. But you have already made the assumption that I am not good at the game or completely have no idea how to play.

Which so damn tired and played out. You want to discuss lets discuss but what you are doing now can be left at gamefaqs.

Because from your own accord apparently,

Not instantly loving everything about the game = not good at the game.

I think most of the perks are useless because I rarely ever seem to need them. I dont need RL because I rarely get killed by tanks. Why? Beacuse I simply just run from them (something I wish more people did) as most tank drives couldnt hit the broad side of a barn. That also eliminates charges because I wont be trying to blow it up either.

I have many reasons for thinking most perks are useless which unfortunately for you can not be just summed up with a blaket "You r teh suk!"
[quote name='Soodmeg']What? Zew if you want to talk then talk but dont play that bullshit gamefaqs card.

I think they are useless because there is never a time where I think to myself "Damn wish I had iron lungs," or "If only I had 2x prime grenade."

Yeah I admit I am not as good at this one as I was in COD4 ( I was racking 45-55 kills a match this one I am just above 20-25....just cant adjust apparently ) but that "you dont like it some you must suck" is tired and played out.

Come on buddy. Keep it on the level. ;)[/quote]

All of the above listed perks are useful. Just because you yourself cannot think of a time when you needed them doesn't mean other people don't use them.

Post your COD4/5 stats, too, if you don't mind. I'm curious now.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Zew man, you are falling into a trap here. I actually would like for you to explain it actually might change my mind since I am not a dick about video games.

Stop assuming shit though...that is so god damn annoying. Have we ever played together? I dont think so......or you would have known how good I was at COD4. But you have already made the assumption that I am not good at the game or completely have no idea how to play.

Which so damn tired and played out. You want to discuss lets discuss but what you are doing now can be left at gamefaqs.

Because from your own accord apparently,

Not instantly loving everything about the game = not good at the game.

I think most of the perks are useless because I rarely ever seem to need them. I dont need RL because I rarely get killed by tanks. Why? Beacuse I simply just run from them (something I wish more people did) as most tank drives couldnt hit the broad side of a barn. That also eliminates charges because I wont be trying to blow it up either.

I have many reasons for thinking most perks are useless which unfortunately for you can not be just summed up with a blaket "You r teh suk!"[/QUOTE]

You're thick headed and stubborn, I'm not going to waste my time. Jimbo already posted a brief description of how they are useful, and you'll be like "LOL, ran away frm tanks! lol"
[quote name='Mojimbo']I wish I had Iron Lungs all the time when I pick a sniper in hardcore.[/quote]

I rarely need that much time to get 1 shot off. The standard amount of time seems just fine for me. After taking the shot your scope flies in the air anyway and the breath resets (I am pretty sure or at least it seems that way) so I iron lung is just over kill.

You can easy not use it by simply getting more skilled with taking quicker shots. Not to say you suck but taking sniper shots is a skill that come be worked on to the point where the perk is pointless.

2x prime grenades, satchel packs and bazookas are great when you're getting ass-____ed by tanks.

I rarely fight tanks or get killed by them as I avoid them at all cost.

Bomb squad is great in search and destroy or even CTF games when you're playing offensively, especially in hardcore. The amount of times I got Bettied yesterday when I was doing objective gametypes was absolutely absurd

I will take your word for it but I disagree. I never needed or wanted that perk. Its not like I dont get bettied any less than you do....I just simply never think its enough to waste a slot with it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I rarely need that much time to get 1 shot off. The standard amount of time seems just fine for me. After taking the shot your scope flies in the air anyway and the breath resets (I am pretty sure or at least it seems that way) so I iron lung is just over kill.

You can easy not use it by simply getting more skilled with taking quicker shots. Not to say you suck but taking sniper shots is a skill that come be worked on to the point where the perk is pointless.

2x prime grenades, satchel packs and bazookas are great when you're getting ass-____ed by tanks.

I rarely fight tanks or get killed by them as I avoid them at all cost.

I will take your word for it but I disagree. I never needed or wanted that perk. Its not like I dont get bettied any less than you do....I just simply never think its enough to waste a slot with it.[/QUOTE]

This is why explaining myself would have been a waste of time.
[quote name='zewone']You're thick headed and stubborn, I'm not going to waste my time. Jimbo already posted a brief description of how they are useful, and you'll be like "LOL, ran away frm tanks! lol"[/quote]

Alright zew. Fine. Even though you are about as think headed in your assumptions of my skill at the game. We will call this a stalemate and discuss other things.

Uhhh Trakan.....tell me how and I will find them. I thought there was no way to look at the COD4 stats for 360. I dont have it anymore so I cant just pop it in.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Wow, the online stat tracking is surprisingly detailed. Pretty much a straight rip of Halo 3's.[/quote]

Now THAT has my attention. That was the thing I wished COD4 had more than anything.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Alright zew. Fine. Even though you are about as think headed in your assumptions of my skill at the game. We will call this a stalemate and discuss other things.

Uhhh Trakan.....tell me how and I will find them. I thought there was no way to look at the COD4 stats for 360. I dont have it anymore so I cant just pop it in.[/quote]

Yeah, that would have been the way to do it.
Well in that case.

Soodmeg stats.

398923498238989hjdjhfhsf892 Headshots
37423892bfsfshdhf289y9h3909 Wins
2388930239849 Win Streak

3949244848 089 g980803843489034 Total kills.

Told you I was a monster at the game. ;)
Second Chance is the best perk ever. Did we not explain this earlier? It's practically two perks in one (Last Stand and Revive). Second Chance is KEY in clan matches and games such as Search and Destroy. Any pistol on COD5 is seriously like a Pistol w/h Double Tap on COD4 -- they fire extremely fast. It usually takes me one second to unload my whole clip -- most of the time when I die in last stand, it's due because I unloaded my clip and I have to reload. If you hit someone dead on in the chest with pistol, they're practically down.

This is why Second Chance is ">" than any other second class perk.

Also, posting stats to see how good you really are isn't necessary. Different people play different things. I play almost all of them, but mainly Headquarters. A lot of people just play Search & Destroy. People's stats reflect these games. FFA is the easiest in terms of getting kills, S&D is where skill/stealth come involved, and Team Deathmatch is 50/50 because here you will find the sprayers, etc.. People's stats reflect the games they play.

My killrate is only like 1.81, but most of the time, my team wins. That's due to the fact like Dominaton/Headquarters where I run in and blaze the shit out of enemies and end up dying, and stalling until my team can get in. Plus, a small percentage of my games are pure C4 games, where I throw C4 halfway across the map and end up killing someone. Stats, as always, don't necessarily prove anything, nor does Prestige (which I'll elaborate with one sentence). Almost all the time, a person of a lower prestige is most always #1 on the list after the game than a person of higher prestige. Rarely do I see someone of 10th Prestige/55 being number one when the game is over.


The only thing I am worried about in this game, is one thing. No, it's not the bullshit grenades, etc.., but the Flamethrower in multiplayer. I assume when you get the perk for Flamethrower that you will obviously have it as a weapon (but will take up a perk). Anyhow, the thing I am worried about is ammo. I know the flamethrower overheats quickly, but at the same time, I don't want to see 24 people on the map using hardcore flamethrower all the time and not running out of ammo. It's total bullshit if you're carrying flamethrower the whole map not running out of ammo -- most likely you can prolong the overheating by not holding down on the trigger. Having 24 people on the map using flamethrower all the time is gay and will most likely kill the gameplay once people start achieving this perk, no? Seriously, flamethrower is fun, but when everyone on the map is using it, it's just fucking gay. I don't want to round the corner of a map and this orange flame shit fills my screen then I die.
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[quote name='GuilewasNK']Now THAT has my attention. That was the thing I wished COD4 had more than anything.[/quote]

Last night, I tried to link my accounts, and it didn't work. I got an error stating they couldn't find my Gamer ID, or something. :bomb:
[quote name='Chase']Last night, I tried to link my accounts, and it didn't work. I got an error stating they couldn't find my Gamer ID, or something. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the same thing happened to me.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']Second Chance is the best perk ever. Did we not explain this earlier? It's practically two perks in one (Last Stand and Revive). Second Chance is KEY in clan matches and games such as Search and Destroy. Any pistol on COD5 is seriously like a Pistol w/h Double Tap on COD4 -- they fire extremely fast. It usually takes me one second to unload my whole clip -- most of the time when I die in last stand, it's due because I unloaded my clip and I have to reload. If you hit someone dead on in the chest with pistol, they're practically down.

This is why Second Chance is ">" than any other second class perk.

Also, posting stats to see how good you really are isn't necessary. Different people play different things. I play almost all of them, but mainly Headquarters. A lot of people just play Search & Destroy. People's stats reflect these games. FFA is the easiest in terms of getting kills, S&D is where skill/stealth come involved, and Team Deathmatch is 50/50 because here you will find the sprayers, etc.. People's stats reflect the games they play.

My killrate is only like 1.81, but most of the time, my team wins. That's due to the fact like Dominaton/Headquarters where I run in and blaze the shit out of enemies and end up dying, and stalling until my team can get in. Plus, a small percentage of my games are pure C4 games, where I throw C4 halfway across the map and end up killing someone. Stats, as always, don't necessarily prove anything, nor does Prestige (which I'll elaborate with one sentence). Almost all the time, a person of a lower prestige is most always #1 on the list after the game than a person of higher prestige. Rarely do I see someone of 10th Prestige/55 being number one when the game is over.


The only thing I am worried about in this game, is one thing. No, it's not the bullshit grenades, etc.., but the Flamethrower in multiplayer. I assume when you get the perk for Flamethrower that you will obviously have it as a weapon (but will take up a perk). Anyhow, the thing I am worried about is ammo. I know the flamethrower overheats quickly, but at the same time, I don't want to see 24 people on the map using hardcore flamethrower all the time and not running out of ammo. It's total bullshit if you're carrying flamethrower the whole map not running out of ammo -- most likely you can prolong the overheating by not holding down on the trigger. Having 24 people on the map using flamethrower all the time is gay and will most likely kill the gameplay once people start achieving this perk, no? Seriously, flamethrower is fun, but when everyone on the map is using it, it's just fucking gay. I don't want to round the corner of a map and this orange flame shit fills my screen then I die.[/quote]

Any smart player will make sure to put enough bullets into the person to make sure they're dead. I very rarely get killed by someone in last stand, unless someone else downed him and I get shot while I'm not looking at them.

The flamethrower might have limited ammo in MP. I haven't seen anyone at a high enough level to use it yet.
[quote name='Chase']I enjoy Second Chance. I feel bad when someone dies because they were reviving me, though. I enjoy reviving people simply because most people don't expect it. Second Chance seems to have curbed Martyrdom use as I have only encountered a handful of players equipped with Martyrdom.[/quote]

Probably because its harder to tell when a grenade drops in WAW. At least for me, id end up killing teammates, or them killing me with martydom in hardcore games. I agree that reviving someone is fun, and it takes away that kill someone thinks they got, when they shoot someone into last stand mode, and then run off thinking he would die.
Overall, I think they did an acceptable job at having useful or fun perks. People have different styles and play different game styles, and perk uses differ with each. I think the most consistent players across game types change their setups based on the type and are able to adapt to the situation midgame. Of course if peple have similar styles they will choose similar setups, but that doesn't mean they aren't useful or used.
Good point Ender, but I am definitely at risk of doing like in COD4 where I make the same class over 5 times! I don't think I once tried claymores in 4!

The variety is great, I just need to utilize it. And from what Chronotrigga was saying above ... exactly! I live on the last stand feature! I was counting down on the level ups to get to last stand/bouncing betties!! Although, yes, some people are good at killing a person in LS, you can become very quick at shooting the pistol to kill off the person that just shot you down! And it's SO awesome to get revenge on the guy who just shot you (especially if your own team ends up reviving you)! On that note, I have seen a couple instances where a downed player is used as "bait" to bring others they then kill! (in S&D especially). It's a good strategy and a great perk that works on both sides!
Played about an hour of zombie mode.

I guess it would have been cool if I havent already played L4D....but since I have I was bored as hell with it.
Second Chance is great. I get a good amount of kills while down. It just sucks that most people I've played with don't use the perk, and therefore cannot revive me. Looks like that won't be an issue in CAG games!

Speaking of CAG games, hope you guys are still on around an hour from now. I'll be signing on at that time.

Oh yeah- I didn't try the zombie mode, but I did finish campaign and unlock it. I'd be down to try it out on co-op one of these days.
Second chance is one of the most useful perks available, but only if the team your on uses it (specifically in team deathmatch). The best way to get your kills high while keeping your deaths low is to use your past kills to get more. Not only with UAVs, air strikes and dogs, but also to control the location of the other team. if you get dogs then go out and die then respawn get two kills and release the dogs you'll almost always get another air strike. Plus when the other team is dieing so often they are often bunched together and will make mistakes. second chance helps more than just keep you alive, it lets you keep your dominance.
and if you always complain you never get kills with dogs or air strikes (shan), air strikes need to go at the teams new spawn point, you have to guess. look where the the new red dots come from. With dogs you need to make sure they arent on the defensive, they'll just shoot the dogs. you want them on the move. also when dogs are out its a good time to be a little more agressive because you can often find some guy fighting dogs you can pick off or distract.
a downed man can be bait but with communication and good reviving practices, it can be minimized.
I cant link my tag. :(

PS. i noticed i cant get into hardcore team deathmatch till like level 18! When you prestige, do you have to wait till level 18 again to play it, same with waiting till level 4 to get challenges?
ok i linked my tag! i did it while online so maybe thats the key. the stats it has are pretty detailed and are good
Apparently, the "Unable to find Gamer ID with this VIP Code" error is due to overloaded servers. The key is waiting, apparently. :whistle2:k


Treyarch needs to patch things to allow parties bigger than six. I swear we once connected with a group of nine in Call of Duty 4. But yes, I usually am not picky, but I needs it bigger than six.
[quote name='Trakan']Yes.[/QUOTE]

No. You have to wait to get challenges, but all the playlists are unlocked for prestige.
You can't unlock hardcore until lvl 18, however, you can play if the "host" or person who invites you is lvl 18 or higher (so you could be lvl 1 and still play hardcore). I'd heard that once you prestige it remains unlocked, but I guess that was wrong!

I liked the big games in COD4 (except domination ... bleh!). :D That is one thing I wish they had here so we could have our groups of 9 again!!

And I've noticed with second chance, that when there are randoms on the team who have it, even if they run right by you, they normally won't help! It's crazy but true!!
[quote name='Chase']Treyarch needs to patch things to allow parties bigger than six. I swear we once connected with a group of nine in Call of Duty 4. But yes, I usually am not picky, but I needs it bigger than six.[/quote]

I think six is fine most of the time, but they need a better option for bigger teams. although the cag on cag matches we've had a few times are a blast
[quote name='Ow3n']I think six is fine most of the time, but they need a better option for bigger teams. although the cag on cag matches we've had a few times are a blast[/quote]


"I want it bigger!"



[quote name='The 7th Number']Has anyone confirmed if the prestige medals are the same as COD4 or not?[/quote]

I dig the second and fifth icons. The tenth one looks like a Staryu.


I dig the second and fifth icons. The tenth one looks like a Staryu.

I actually really like the 7th and 10th, but heck if I'll ever get close to there! ;)
[quote name='cubs2321']I like the look of number 5.[/quote]
me too. i wish you could pick which one you had when you got to the top of the last prestige.
LOL! I think that 3, 5, and 6 tie for my least favorite and would have actually picked 10 as my favorite! ;)

But I do agree that it would be nice if they let you pick on your 10th prestige and maybe made it different somehow, like all people that reach 10th have their badges in Gold and others are in silver, or something like that! ;)
cool yeah, 4th, 5th, 6th looks cool. I think they look better than COD4 medals.

Another question. What does it mean when you are in the pre game lobby and someones name bar is highlighted?
[quote name='The 7th Number']
Another question. What does it mean when you are in the pre game lobby and someones name bar is highlighted?[/quote]

I'm assuming you mean after you've played a match there's a name in red highlighted? That's your "nemesis"! ;)
It's Gold. I wish it was a different color, like Red, because your own name is already Gold on your screen.
[quote name='Ziv']It's Gold. I wish it was a different color, like Red, because your own name is already Gold on your screen.[/quote]

LOL! I actually heard it referred to as "piss yellow" the other day ;)!
Anyone whether the M1A1 Code for the PS3 is shareable, considering most DLC is ? for some stupid reason I never got my email from gamestop just curious to see if others knew
This game seems a lot harder then it was in the beta. Maybe servers are heavier with more traffic or something? I swear its worse, and sometimes i shoot a guy to death only to end up being the one dead, while he lives.

I also hate when i go to throw a grenade but get shot right when i release the button so my guy doesnt throw it at all.
The single player is breaking my will slowly but surely, and I'm only playing on Normal. Apparently when you can see a grenade indicator then you're going to die unless you move, wheras in every other COD game you could move a small ways away and still live and hardly take any damage. In this game apparently if it is even slightly near you you're dead.

That and on the one Marine level when you're clearing out bunkers and trenches my stupid team mates would get into cover next to me and literally pin my in to where I had to keep knifing them like we were playing multiplayer with some no mic kid standing in a doorway. I've almost broken down and switched it to Casual on multiple occasions now.
The squad and enemy AI in single-player is bad. I am unsure if I will even complete it. Is Nazi Zombie mode worth the waste of time? :whistle2:k
bread's done