Call of Duty: World at War - Gen. Disc. & Info

[quote name='KingBroly']I just got off playing one match. The problem with Call of Duty's matchmaking, in general, is that you are never matched up with players your rank. It's always you're a level 2, everyone else is a level 11 (the current maximum). Real fair, not. If they fixed that one aspect, everything would be fine.[/quote]

If this were Halo, I would agree, but most higher levels suck in CoD. It just means they've plugged in more time than you, not that they are more skilled. They should have a system like Halo, where if you lose, your level goes down, but not your rank. At least that would filter out some of the suckage
Well, I finally played the game for a full 2 hours (thanks to tigersfan49). It's not a bad game, but it's not worth the pre-order of $60. I don't have any problems with it at all, I ended up getting to level 11 halfway through my full CoD5 experience and the new features like Tear Gas and the Flash Grenade thing are awesome.

But overall, I don't think the game is as smooth as it is in CoD4. I'm not sure that makes sense, but yeah, it's just not as smooth. In some ways, it just seems crude. But sometimes this crudeness works with you. One prime example is knifing. Knifing doesn't take like 5000 seconds. It's a quick one second knife and you can knife again.

C4 (aka Satchel Charge) is also a lot better. The grinding noise it makes turns me on.

Overall, great game. Treyarch gets my approval. I just wish you could go prone in water (but not be fully submerged). I'd buy the game for $40. xD
[quote name='BL00DW0LF']wtf... i preordered it at gamestop literally 5 minutes after my brother did, but he got his code yesterday afternoon but i still havent got mine

i'm growing impatient:bomb::bomb::bomb:

i watched him a little though, the under the map glitch needs to be fixed that has the potential to ruin a whole match if somebody sits under there the whole time... some guy went 26/0 because he was under there the whole time[/quote]

I feel ya man. I submitted my info Monday night and still haven't gotten a code in my email yet. Two business days my ass...
God it's been a bad week. Got the code, tried to input it, and it said invalid. As I find out, it had already been used. Activision said I had to have used it even though I couldnt have, so they wont send me another one.

This on top of having to move in to my grandpa's due to money issues, bah.
I'm a level 6 now in the Beta. A few more broken things.

- Team Balancing is 100% busted (5 Lv.11's, 1 Lv. 9 vs. 1 Lv.11, a lv6, 2 4's a 3, and a 1) that's balancing?
- It seems like there are only 3 maps in the beta, and none of them seem entirely different from the others. It's all a bunch of walls and buildings in a field somewhere. It feels too closed.
- The dogs ARE A TERRIBLE IDEA!!! It's insanely hard to shoot them, it's incredibly easy for them to kill you, you can't differentiate them either.
- Random connection disconnects suck.
[quote name='KingBroly']- The dogs ARE A TERRIBLE IDEA!!! It's insanely hard to shoot them, it's incredibly easy for them to kill you, you can't differentiate them either.[/QUOTE]

Black dogs are the enemy's, lighter colored are yours - plus the game even says something when they are released, "Dogs coming our way!"
Overall, I hate the sound. It's really corny. I also can't really differentiate. When you're running around really fast and you see dogs, natural reaction is to shoot them. If you have sound turned on, they say like "Savages released those dogs!"

If you have the voices turned off like me, most of the time you can tell if a dog is attacking you. If they're headed straight for you, then shoot the shit out of them. If you think its coming at you, move sideways a little bit. If the dog moves towards you then shoot it.

Most of the time the friendly dogs will run past you or won't even get close to you unless you round a corner and its there.
Okay...this just happened, and it needs to be fixed.

I die, respawn 2 feet behind an enemy, then I kill him. WHAT IS THAT!? How can I respawn directly behind an enemy?
Just reached the 1k mark for kills. Have a 1.51 k/d ratio as well.

I'm glad that the CoD5 controls will be the same as CoD4's. That makes for an easy transition.
I played the demo for an hour or so earlier today and for the most part I enjoyed it. The only problems I had were with the respawns near enemies, the dogs being overpowered, and the horrible team balancing. Hopefully Treyarch is reading some of these messages board posts and will address these issues in the first patch.
[quote name='Chronotrigga'] I also can't really differentiate. When you're running around really fast and you see dogs, natural reaction is to shoot them. If you have sound turned on, they say like "Savages released those dogs!"

The Pure Black dogs are bad and the german shepherd looking ones are good.

Oh and the Japanese Guy says "Those savages have sent dogs to do their dirty work." Or something to that effect. I kind of laughed when I first heard it.
i have decided i am not getting this game until a huge price drop after playing the beta. first off it is basically a copy and paste job of call of duty 4 which i have grown bored of after playing it so long and there isn't enough new things in this that would make the game feel different. second, i was expecting it to be a little buggy, but when people are killing me from underneath the map, it makes the game unplayable and this should have been a known and fixed problem by now considering they had the same problem in call of duty 3 due to vehicles.

other than those two main problems for me, i actually enjoyed the game a little, even with it being WW2 weapons again. i do enjoy how it is at least a little like call of duty 4, but they made it too much like it which just makes it feel like i am playing the same game again.

also to kingbroly, if the level 11's aren't very good, they will get paired with good level 11's to balance out the teams even if the other team has level 2-5's on it since they could have done well in their games. other than that, the people had to be in a party together which is another reason why they were paired on the same team.
Treyarch didn't want to fuck up this time so they practically made a clone of CoD4. Yes, it's good. But, also the same. Then again, I'm not surprised since they wanted to go on the safe side. Like I said, I'll most likely buy it at $40 used. I would like to see how the Co-Op handles as well as how many new maps there will be. :)

I'm fine with the glitches and the bugs because I know they'll be fixed. But, having just a massive cosmetic makeover besides vehicles doesn't justify a $60 purchase to me. I do like how you can revive a last stand enemy in Multiplayer though, but nothing "major" really changed so far according to the beta.

For some reason, I really don't mind the dogs. When I have sound on, you can usually hear if a dog is coming after you because you will hear the barking. Thus, if there is a dog you can easily shoot it. If you have your Thompson out, don't go kamikaze on the dog. Yes, I noticed that to the untrained eye, it seems like it takes a full clip to kill a dog. If you unleash a full clip into a dog, it will die as soon as your clip runs out. A dog usually takes 1/3 the clip of a thompson (short burst will kill it). Or, change to pistol and it's usually like 4 quick shots. Nothing major. The reason I don't mind the dogs in general is because you get +3 EXP per kill. And, they keep respawning for the duration of the 60 seconds. If you're mucho paranoid sometimes, just back yourself into a corner and you can pick them off easy. :)

When I call in dogs, I only really get like 3 kills. The dogs are really just decoys in my opinion. Most of the time, when someone calls in a dog and the dogs are attacking people, it's just a MAJOR decoy because the enemy will try and kill the dogs but be completely oblivious to his/her surroundings. It's kind of funny when you pop out of cover and right in front of you is like 3-4 dogs and one guy blazing the fuck out of his gun lol.

Now, I have two quick questions to CAG Players:
I have yet to try it, but I really want to see what smoke, tear gas, or the flash shit do to dogs. If either one of those kill the dogs or whatever, I can predict some instant MAD EXP coming my way if I'm being gangbanged by dogs. Anyone try it yet?

Also, another question I have is if someone is in last stand, if their radar icon changes a different color so you know they are in last stand. It seems kind of pointless if you're in last stand and it doesn't show on radar (because someone with Second Chance or whatever the fuck you call it wouldn't be able to find the person). I hope the radar icon changes from green to yellow or something if someone is downed. Didn't check though, so if anyone knows the answer to it, that'd be great. :D
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Oz if you dont get yours to work I will give you mine, honestly have no interest in playing this game even though I was heavy into CoD4. Just PM me if you want it
[quote name='Chronotrigga']Also, another question I have is if someone is in last stand, if their radar icon changes a different color so you know they are in last stand. It seems kind of pointless if you're in last stand and it doesn't show on radar (because someone with Second Chance or whatever the fuck you call it wouldn't be able to find the person). I hope the radar icon changes from green to yellow or something if someone is downed. Didn't check though, so if anyone knows the answer to it, that'd be great. :D[/quote]

During the campaign they had an orange indicator pointing to them. I haven't tried out Second Chance perk yet though.
Yeah, there's a big red circle and a white cross when someone is down and needs to be revived. I don't think the nades you listed affect the dogs.

I tried a new technique with the tabun nade.. whatever its called, and I found these nades to be really ineffective since people easily walk out of it. I threw 2 at a chokepoint and two guys walked through it easily. I was using a bolt-action rifle though, but still.. thats kinda weak. Could be useful in rooms. Still trying to find a use for them..
I got in something like six games earlier today. Overall my first impression is it feels like some community made mod of the COD4 engine to try and make a WWII shooter. It still has the COD feel to it, just not the InfinityWard polish.

I'm definitely getting it day one, but I'm a sucker for the COD series and would have gotten it even if I thought the beta was complete ass.
[quote name='xcoax']I got in something like six games earlier today. Overall my first impression is it feels like some community made mod of the COD4 engine to try and make a WWII shooter. It still has the COD feel to it, just not the InfinityWard polish.

I'm definitely getting it day one, but I'm a sucker for the COD series and would have gotten it even if I thought the beta was complete ass.[/quote]

This. Especially the last part. The COD series is the polka dot to my liver spot.
My favorite stage is the Roundhouse but i hate the tank idea. I think it's pretty fucking cheating. Castle is alright, Makin i dislike that stage, too many campers in the buildings.

Dogs are cool, artillery takes forever. I haven't been in any matches with glitchers, I guess that's a good thing.
[quote name='Littlefields']What exactly are the purple hearts for at the end of every match? Are they the MVPs?[/quote]
Similar to the dogtags in COD4... it means you're dead. lol
The beta is fun, much like the CoD4 beta was. More of the same is not a bad thing. The "under the map" glitch was funny at first, but by the second game it got pretty tiresome.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']

Now, I have two quick questions to CAG Players:
I have yet to try it, but I really want to see what smoke, tear gas, or the flash shit do to dogs. If either one of those kill the dogs or whatever, I can predict some instant MAD EXP coming my way if I'm being gangbanged by dogs. Anyone try it yet? [/quote]

I don't think any of the nades to anything to the dogs, but I did clip one with my Thompson last night and it yipped and ran away limping.

I had never seen that before and I swear I wasn't dreaming it. Usually those mofos just come charging in at you hardcore. Maybe it was because I nailed it from a pretty fair distance away.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I don't think any of the nades to anything to the dogs, but I did clip one with my Thompson last night and it yipped and ran away limping.

I had never seen that before and I swear I wasn't dreaming it. Usually those mofos just come charging in at you hardcore. Maybe it was because I nailed it from a pretty fair distance away.[/quote]

That's pretty cool. I tried to help out a teammate by shooting a dog that was attacking him, and it just kept right on biting him.
I like the beta, it's old school CoD4 basically. The maps are all pretty big which is cool, but I have problems seeing the enemies. Maybe it's because I'm not on my HD Tv though.
I cant play a game in round house anymore without someone killing me from beneath the map. Pretty much sucks too because thats my favorite map. I still have yet to figure out how i get those guns that shoot 2x as fast as normal. Is it from adding another clip to your gun?

I wish this game allowed you to customize you characters look. Also i loved how i had a Halo 3 service record online to keep track of all my stats. Wish COD had something like that too.
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I think its fine but I really hate the entire vehicle thing. I dont know why but I just really dont like it.

The dogs are cool but really annoying, they really need to tone them down 2 hits and your dead? Half the time you dont even know a dog is on you until you are bit once.

My last concern is with the bolt action rifles. They seem grossly underpowered.....seems to take 3 hits or more to kill which defeats the purpose of having a bolt action. I use to rape with them back in COD3.
Yeah, the dog idea is really cool but flawed. I am actually pretty good at killing them, but it sucks that they can kill you within the time it takes to reload. For some reason though, I don't like this game as much as I liked CoD4 (the last time I played CoD4 was during the CoD4 its been a while).
[quote name='The 7th Number']I cant play a game in round house anymore without someone killing me from beneath the map. Pretty much sucks too because thats my favorite map. I still have yet to figure out how i get those guns that shoot 2x as fast as normal. Is it from adding another clip to your gun?

I wish this game allowed you to customize you characters look. Also i loved how i had a Halo 3 service record online to keep track of all my stats. Wish COD had something like that too.[/quote]
I'm assuming you mean the rifles. People shoot really fast with them because of.. modded controllers. With all the single-fire rifles, it's like heaven for those with modded controllers and kinda ruins the gameplay. =p
[quote name='shinryuu']I'm assuming you mean the rifles. People shoot really fast with them because of.. modded controllers. With all the single-fire rifles, it's like heaven for those with modded controllers and kinda ruins the gameplay. =p[/quote]
I can't believe how much people use modded controllers nowadays. Sometimes it is very difficult to differentiate. Just a few days ago, my friend confessed to me that he uses a modded controller. Took me off the top of the leaderboards. :shame:
[quote name='Littlefields']I can't believe how much people use modded controllers nowadays. Sometimes it is very difficult to differentiate. Just a few days ago, my friend confessed to me that he uses a modded controller. Took me off the top of the leaderboards. :shame:[/quote]

How does one mod a controller? And what type of advantage does it actually give the user?

Has this behavior ever been recorded or punished in any other FPS on the 360?
[quote name='Access_Denied']I like 4 better. This is basically a revamp of 4, with a different them, and I like the modern theme better.[/quote]

agreed.. while I will enjoy the single player aspect of CoD:WaW, for multiplayer the modern weapons just seem alot more fun.
[quote name='samtotal']can sume budy gyve my a DETA[/quote]

[quote name='RudyPants']This is the best first post I've ever seen.[/quote]

[quote name='shieryda']How does one mod a controller? And what type of advantage does it actually give the user?

Has this behavior ever been recorded or punished in any other FPS on the 360?[/quote]
Modded controllers are sold on eBay and there's probably some DIY tutorials out there somewhere. It's funny that people actually buy the controllers considering how much they cost (like around $80-100). There's probably kits too for DIY. The advantage is that you're firing a gun in an insane rate, and with single-shot rifles, you're using a gun that wasn't intended to be used like that. ie-

I'm sure it's used in other FPS. Halo 3, R6:V, Gears, you name it. I don't think anyone has been banned for using modded controllers.
[quote name='shieryda']How does one mod a controller? And what type of advantage does it actually give the user?

Has this behavior ever been recorded or punished in any other FPS on the 360?[/quote]

Basically for single shot weapons such as the G3 in CoD4, with a modded controller, the trigger makes the gun shoot a lot faster; in essence, with a modded controller, the G3 can turn into an MP5. The G3 is powerful, but it's only weakness is its single shot. With the modded controller, the weakness is taken away, and basically turns the G3 into a godly weapon of some sort.

I don't think any modded behavior has been punished on the 360. I think the actions aren't as serious, there are only a small percentage of people who use modded controllers.

People that use modded controllers are just annoying. They aren't impossible to kill since they aren't cheating health or anything. Most of the time, it's still really a 50/50 chance. Most of the time, the person who pulls the trigger first usually wins in any FPS. Plus, modded controllers don't help your skill level at all. Keep that in mind. :D

edit: By the way, someone I gave a CoD5 beta code to turns out that he/she cannot download the beta. He/she gets this error message: Can’t retrieve information from XBOX LIVE, please try again later. Status Code: 8015000a -- this is the same error message that happened when the CoD4 maps were released and no one could download them because the server was overloaded or something. Has anyone had this problem trying to download CoD5?

^- sorted; you need gold account to d/l beta.
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Hey guys!

Just wanted to give you a heads-up, tomorrow's a big day. We have an update coming to the BETA that will introduce the following:

- Raise the level cap to 24 (new weapons, perks, and challenges)
- Introduce some Hardcore playlists
- Add a Search & Destroy playlist

As I mentioned in an earlier sticky, we have collected your feedback and are aware of some anomalies with the BETA. That feedback has been invaluable, and keep it coming. You may not see all the bug fixes tomorrow, but let it be known we're working tirelessly to make sure all the problems are fixed for release.

Also, check out GameTrailers for our new Multiplayer trailer. That trailer will be up on the front page of COD HQ later today!

bread's done