Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']That is a pretty disturbing shirt. I'm impressed that you were able to distinguish it that easily. You must have either recently seen it or own one yourself :razz:[/QUOTE]

I wish, I found the picture at another forum.
[quote name='Scorch']Look at the eyes on Benoit.. he looks absent. He doesn't look normal.

..or maybe it's because I've never really seen him smile or smirk. But he doesn't look right.[/quote]

I just wish there was a way to have talked some sense into him... Time Cop where are you?
The Nancy Grace show is getting crazy. they are looking in to everything from Fragile X to Roids...even trying to figure out the chronlogy of the events. CAgs may want to watch...its interesting what Jericho has to say and feel about the situation.
its kinda crazy...i didnt even know there was such a disease known as Fragile X and..they raided his doctors office...i dont know if that helped anything since he passed his drug test 4 wks before......
Man... it is going to be so strange if it turns out Benoit was innocent and this was all done by "foul play" Not getting my hopes up though just saying as more and more srtange things continue to happen...
[quote name='-Never4ever-'] All I'm saying was that he seemed to be a decent person
That doesn't look like a maniacal killer to me, just the same ole Benoit I've known since 1999. I guess that's the saddest part; this isn't someone who looks / acts the part of some cold, calm killer, it would way easier dealing with this if he did.[/QUOTE]

You realize he killed three people?

btw looks are deceiving. Lots of people in mental homes look normal. That doesn't meant shit. Some of the most vile serial murders. Were friendly, compassionate, and helpful to their neighbors, and family.


Normal happy looking guy right? Yea thats
John Wayne Gacy.

So if your best friend kills every single family member you have. Is he going to be your best friend, or the person that murdered your family.

[quote name='Scorch']Look at the eyes on Benoit.. he looks absent. He doesn't look normal.

..or maybe it's because I've never really seen him smile or smirk. But he doesn't look right.[/QUOTE]

He looks like he's in a rush, or some where else.
[quote name='Don Wuebos']no offense to any of the Beniot fans on this forum.
but he's pretty much a piece of shit for killing his family, whether he was a good wrestler or not.

say what you will.
but seriously, whether he was fucking famous or not, i feel like some people are blinded by his popularity and not seeing what this man actually did. If this would have been anyone else all i would see would be post about how horrible that person is.

well guess im calling everyone out.
Chris Benoit is a bitch.[/QUOTE]I don't find Benoit to be very famous, not compared to Undertaker or Cena these days.

I like Benoit, he wasn't a horrible person, the only reason everybody would act differently is because we KNEW Benoit. We've seen DVD's about him, and came to respect him. Who the fuck was Scott Peterson? Did I spell his name right, make him up? Of course I think that guy was a cock bag, because I don't know him, or respect him for who he was. Everybody was teary eyed on RAW, or crying because he was a great person.

You call him a bitch, but just like you say if he wasn't famous, if we weren't blinded by the fact he killed his family, we'd all love him.
[quote name='Graystone']You realize he killed three people?

btw looks are deceiving. Lots of people in mental homes look normal. That doesn't meant shit. Some of the most vile serial murders. Were friendly, compassionate, and helpful to their neighbors, and family.

Normal happy looking guy right? Yea thats
John Wayne Gacy.

So if your best friend kills every single family member you have. Is he going to be your best friend, or the person that murdered your family.

He looks like he's in a rush, or some where else.[/QUOTE]

Did you have a point? I said he seemed normal, at one point. Obviously that's no longer the case. You (along with other board) members are trying damn hard to enforce how they feel about this on other people. I get it, you think he's a monster and that he should rot in hell. That's alright, but don't try and make me feel the same way. I said it before and I'll say again (no matter what any other person may and try to convince me otherwise); I can't hate Benoit for what he did, I only feel bad that he was was so forgone that he did it.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I can't hate Benoit for what he did, I only feel bad that he was was so forgone that he did it.[/QUOTE]

So you condone murder?

Your basically saying that you know why he killed. You have no idea, your assuming that he was not in his right state of mind. Your trying to make an excuse for what he did. Thats sicking.
[quote name='Graystone']So you condone murder?

Your basically saying that you know why he killed. You have no idea, your assuming that he was not in his right state of mind.[/quote]

Have you ever watched wrestling?

Not a one-off experience, but was there ever a period where you watched every week and were a real fan?
[quote name='Rocko']Have you ever watched wrestling?

Not a one-off experience, but was there ever a period where you watched every week and were a real fan?[/QUOTE]

What does that have to do with anything I've posted.

I've been a fan since I was little. I've been a fan longer then you've been alive. My family is in wrestling. I used to post all the time in the wrestling threads.

I think some of you need to notice that the first three letters of assumptions are ass. You assume you look like an ass.

Read some of the first pages in this thread, and you will see that I said Benoit was my favorite wrestler of all time.
[quote name='Sporadic']Who knows what was said between him and Nancy.

Interesting shirt though.[/QUOTE]

I'm rather intoxicated, so I can't tell, frankly: is that Bruiser Brody on that shirt, or someone else?
[quote name='Rocko']Have you ever watched wrestling?

Not a one-off experience, but was there ever a period where you watched every week and were a real fan?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Graystone']

I do to Benoit is my favorite wrestler off all time.

RIP if true :cry:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Graystone']Man this fucking sucks more then any other wrestler death.[/QUOTE]

Posted when the news first broke.
[quote name='Graystone']GTFO I've been a fan since I was little. My family is in wrestling. I used to post all the time in the wrestling threads.[/quote]
Don't get all 'zomgwtf gtfo noob' on me. I was asking a question, not attacking you. I wasn't sure. No need to get all defensive off the bat and prove you're a 'vet'.

I think we all understand your viewpoint- Benoit is a murderer and whatever he did in his career cannot excuse the fact that he killed a woman and a child, his wife and son no less, and this it the only thing that could matter.

I see where you're coming from and respect that, but not everyone can see it that way. I loved Benoit when I watched wrestling. I looked up to him. When I heard he died all I could think about was what a great man he was and how terrible it is that a man that worked so hard and had so much talent is gone.

Now that the turth is out, I can't help but think the same thing. As has been said, I felt like I knew the man, and even though I know full well that what he did was terrible, I can't hate him. I can't think "He should rot in hell". All I can think is that he was a great man that commited a terrible act... but I still can't help but respect him because of the fan I was when he wrestled.

Maybe it's because I'm still shocked that he's gone, and maybe in 3 months I'll think "Oh, yeah, what a worthless human being." But right now I'd just rather believe that what he did, he did for what he thought, in his state of mind, to be a justifiable reason and that, because of that, he is not excused of the crimes, but it makes it slightly easier for those that respected him to accept it.

I don't know if that made sense, but it made sense to me. His fans are affected by this as well, and you popping in and saying "Oh, so then... you support murder?!" isn't going to change anyone's mind. It's just trolling, IMO. I respect your opinion on the subject, and I'd hope you could respect mine enough that you wouldn't attack it at every chance by throwing morals around.

Of course it seems terrible to try and justify murder one's wife and child, but right now it's easier to think of what could have happened to make him do this than thinking that he came home said "Well, netter now than never" and slaughtered his family. It all stems form what an above poster said- I sort of identified with Benoit and can't help but respect him. I can't hate him.

And now that I've read your edited post, note that I was not assuming, though this post should've made that clear.
[quote name='Graystone']So you condone murder?

Your basically saying that you know why he killed. You have no idea, your assuming that he was not in his right state of mind. Your trying to make an excuse for what he did. Thats sicking.[/QUOTE]

Take a quick look at what I posted elsewhere in this thread:

[quote name='-Never4ever-']No one should die by the hands of others, no matter what.


Guess you didn't see that, or maybe you just ignored it.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']
Let's get one thing clear; I'm not saying what Benoit did was right[/QUOTE]

What Benoit did was in fact the opposite: it was wrong, a horrible action on his part. I apologize, I should have been much clearer here.

You do bring up a good point: no one knows the state of his mind, this includes yourself. The only thing we do know that he wasn't in a right state of mind, otherwise he wouldn't have gone through with it.

I'm not making excuses for what Benoit did, just explaining why I can't bring myself to hate him, despite what he did. For me, it's just sad that it came to this, that Benoit thought his course of actions would be best, when any problems he / Nancy / Daniel had could have been worked through.
[quote name='Graystone']Posted when the news first broke.[/quote]

You've already answered him once, you don't have to further prove your point.
[quote name='Rocko']Don't get all 'zomgwtf gtfo noob' on me. I was asking a question, not attacking you. I wasn't sure. No need to get all defensive off the bat and prove you're a 'vet'.

I think we all understand your viewpoint- Benoit is a murderer and whatever he did in his career cannot excuse the fact that he killed a woman and a child, his wife and son no less, and this it the only thing that could matter.

I see where you're coming from and respect that, but not everyone can see it that way. I loved Benoit when I watched wrestling. I looked up to him. When I heard he died all I could think about was what a great man he was and how terrible it is that a man that worked so hard and had so much talent is gone.

Now that the turth is out, I can't help but think the same thing. As has been said, I felt like I knew the man, and even though I know full well that what he did was terrible, I can't hate him. I can't think "He should rot in hell". All I can think is that he was a great man that commited a terrible act... but I still can't help but respect him because of the fan I was when he wrestled.

Maybe it's because I'm still shocked that he's gone, and maybe in 3 months I'll think "Oh, yeah, what a worthless human being." But right now I'd just rather believe that what he did, he did for what he thought, in his state of mind, to be a justifiable reason and that, because of that, he is not excused of the crimes, but it makes it slightly easier for those that respected him to accept it.

I don't know if that made sense, but it made sense to me. His fans are affected by this as well, and you popping in and saying "Oh, so then... you support murder?!" isn't going to change anyone's mind. It's just trolling, IMO. I respect your opinion on the subject, and I'd hope you could respect mine enough that you wouldn't attack it at every chance by throwing morals around.

And now that I've read your edited post, note that I was not assuming, though this post should've made that clear.[/QUOTE]

I see now my apologies on thinking you were assuming.

My problem with benoit is much like yours. I liked that man, He was my favorite wrestler. He was badass, the technical matches he had with Malenko in 95 ending at Road Wild were fucking awesome. Those matches are why I started going over to my cousins house to join the "family business." Nothing ever came of it so I stopped wrestling. But my point is that my favorite wrestler, my "hero" disappointed me, abandoned me if you will. Thats my problem.

But I don't like Benoit the wrestler. I hate Benoit the murderer. A 7 year old child is dead...
[quote name='-Never4ever-']
You do bring up a good point: no one knows the state of his mind, this includes yourself. The only thing we do know that he wasn't in a right state of mind, otherwise he would have gone through with it.[/QUOTE]

Thats contradictory.

No one knows his state of mind

The only thing we do know that he wasn't in a right state of mind,

No we don't like you said yourself. We have no idea his state of mind.
[quote name='Graystone']Thats contradictory.

No we don't like you said yourself. We have no idea his state of mind.[/QUOTE]

So . . . you rather believe he was perfectly calm, collected and went about killing his family and himself like it was a simple task, akin to mowing the lawn or taking out the trash?

All I'm saying that, no matter his state of mind, he wasn't thinking like a sane person. Sane people don't kill, at all.
I've talked to Rocko via PM.

I think its best that this gets locked by a mod. Just want everyone to know no hard feelings. We're trying to make sense of a tragedy, and sometimes we jump on each other for about 60 pages...

Say it gets locked tell the tox reports come back. Then someone can PM a mod to unlock or start a new thread.
[quote name='-Never4ever-'] Sane people don't kill, at all.[/QUOTE]

Yes they do.


What you've said is highly debatable, and could be misconstrued. But I'm going to step away for a while. I get what your saying, and respect it. But we are running in circles discussing this.

take it easy.
[quote name='Graystone']I think its best that this gets locked by a mod. Just want everyone to know no hard feelings. We're trying to make sense of a tragedy, and sometimes we jump on each other for about 60 pages... [/quote]
The only ones jumping on anyone are you and naes (though he's stopped now). There's no reason to lock this. Everyone's capable of having a mature discussion. Things of this nature usually have heated discussions, which is good. It's what the board needs: mature, thought-out discussions. I like reading everyone's viewpoints on the matter. So please, mods, don't lock this thread. A lot of us have a lot of different emotions that we're trying to get out in this thread.. it can get heated, yes, but in the end, cooler heads will prevail.

//edit: And just as I type that, Graystone goes controversial and calls our military a bunch of murderers. I agree, Graystone, I think it'd be best if you stopped posting in this thread.
[quote name='Scorch']
//edit: And just as I type that, Graystone goes controversial and calls our military a bunch of murderers. I agree, Graystone, I think it'd be best if you stopped posting in this thread.[/QUOTE]

I've made two posts trying to make peace, and yet your still trying to fight.

Show me where I typed "the military is a bunch of murderers." show me. You can't cause you said it.

I never said The Army is full of murderers, murder, and killing are two different things. I figured a smart young man like yourself would know that. I've also mentioned tons of times my cousin was in the Army 1st div cav bravo. Kicking doors in Iraq, and a mortar man.

N4E said sane people don't kill. Killing, and murdering are two different things. I posted a picture of the Army logo. Wether you know it or not our Army, and every other Army in this world is full of sane people that kill, and do it for the better of our/their country/world.

Don't ever assume I hate the troops. I had to live with a family member in Iraq for two years. Wondering every single day if I would get that call.

I did one day get a call, but it wasn't "the" call. He took shrapnel in the leg. He's fine but its not something you would ever want to live through. Having a family member over seas.

[quote name='dragonhunter']is it not sane for military personnel in a combat situation to kill? kill or be killed. i mean, we are all aware of what happens when one person fires an assault rifle at a target (which may be an "insurgent") and the fired explosive projectile hits said target (which may hit the head)? maybe i'm wrong, though, maybe war is all about handing out foodstuffs and hugs.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, your saying what I'm trying to say. N4E typed sane people don't kill. Scorch read it as murder. two different words buddy.

btw Scorch the definition for
aMurder is the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethough.

Nothing our troops do is unlawful, or a crime.

The def of

Killing is a : an act or instance of killing b : a decisive act that conclusively secures something (as a deal or win)
2 : something killed: an enemy unit destroyed by military action
is it not sane for military personnel in a combat situation to kill? kill or be killed. i mean, we are all aware of what happens when one person fires an assault rifle at a target (which may be an "insurgent") and the fired explosive projectile hits said target (which may hit the head)? maybe i'm wrong, though, maybe war is all about handing out foodstuffs and hugs.
[quote name='dragonhunter']is it not sane for military personnel in a combat situation to kill? kill or be killed. i mean, we are all aware of what happens when one person fires an assault rifle at a target (which may be an "insurgent") and the fired explosive projectile hits said target (which may hit the head)? maybe i'm wrong, though, maybe war is all about handing out foodstuffs and hugs.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, your saying what I'm trying to say. N4E typed sane people don't kill. Scorch read it as murder. two different words buddy.

btw Scorch the definition for

Murder is the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethough.

Nothing our troops do is unlawful, or a crime.

The def of

Killing is a : an act or instance of killing b : a decisive act that conclusively secures something (as a deal or win)
2 : something killed: an enemy unit (as an airplane or ship) destroyed by military action
i did it for uncle buck, graystone.
oh, and my dad was special forces in vietnam and had to deal with plenty of people back in the good old u.s. of a. that were confused about the difference between killing and murder, when he finally got to come home (his hand was blown off by a mortar, followed by three months in a hellish v.a. hospital). as much as war is a repugnant thing and i question the one we're currently in (pretty much every military conflict since WWII is sketchy), i still support the troops who are doing what they have to and desperately hope they don't find the same confusion my father faced, when they finally get to come home.
[quote name='Scorch']
//edit: And just as I type that, Graystone goes controversial and calls our military a bunch of murderers. I agree, Graystone, I think it'd be best if you stopped posting in this thread.[/QUOTE]

I've made two posts trying to make peace, and yet your still trying to fight.

Show me where I typed "the military is a bunch of murderers." show me. You can't cause you said it.

I never said The Army is full of murderers, murder, and killing are two different things. I figured a smart young man like yourself would know that. I've also mentioned tons of times my cousin was in the Army 1st div cav bravo. Kicking doors in Iraq, and a mortar man.

N4E said sane people don't kill. Killing, and murdering are two different things. I posted a picture of the Army logo. Wether you know it or not our Army, and every other Army in this world is full of sane people that kill, and do it for the better of our/their country/world.

I've had to live with a family member in Iraq for two years. Wondering every single day if I would get "that call."

I did one day get a call, but it wasn't "the call." He took shrapnel in the leg. He's fine but its not something you would ever want to live through. Having a family member over seas.

[quote name='dragonhunter']is it not sane for military personnel in a combat situation to kill? kill or be killed. i mean, we are all aware of what happens when one person fires an assault rifle at a target (which may be an "insurgent") and the fired explosive projectile hits said target (which may hit the head)? maybe i'm wrong, though, maybe war is all about handing out foodstuffs and hugs.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, your saying what I'm trying to say. N4E typed sane people don't kill. Scorch read it as murder. two different words buddy.

btw Scorch the definition for
aMurder is the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethough.

Nothing our troops do is unlawful, or a crime.

The def of

Killing is a : an act or instance of killing b : a decisive act that conclusively secures something (as a deal or win)
2 : something killed: an enemy unit destroyed by military action
[quote name='dragonhunter']i did it for uncle buck, graystone.
oh, and my dad was special forces in vietnam and had to deal with plenty of people back in the good old u.s. of a. that were confused about the difference between killing and murder, when he finally got to come home (his hand was blown off by a mortar, followed by three months in a hellish v.a. hospital). as much as war is a repugnant thing and i question the one we're currently in (pretty much every military conflict since WWII is sketchy), i still support the troops who are doing what they have to and desperately hope they don't find the same confusion my father faced, when they finally get to come home.[/QUOTE]

:lol: your good people.

Give your dad my respect. When my cousin came home, people loved him. They threw parades for his platoon, fed, and drank him to near death for 3 weeks.

He said he would go back to Iraq just to come home again, and eat all the great food, and enjoy all the parties again.

When he got hurt He was driving a truck on a routine mission. A RPG hit the back of the truck it killed two of his best friends. Two of my good friends. R.I.P

Anyway he gets out to secure the situation RPG hits some broken concert wall in front of him. His good friend I didn't personally know gets killed from the shrapnel.

His flak vest had sappy plates and he only got the residual from the blast. He lost most of his hearing in his right ear. He has a small 2 inch piece of shrapnel by his femoral artery right leg. They said it would do more damage to taking it out then leaving it in. He wanted to resign for another 4 years but they wouldn't let him because of the wound. Its pretty much guaranteed that one day it''ll cut into his fermoral. Like the Army told him before they cut him go "you feel faint get to a hospital."

I tried to sign up for the Army when he did. But I couldn't get under the weight limit no matter how much I tried. Thats the one thing I'll never forgive myself for is not getting skinny enough to join the Army. I feel its every young persons duty.
[quote name='strayfoxx']Benoit was framed by Brutus the Barber Beefcake.[/quote]

I was thinking it was the Gideons...the evidence is right there.
No need to lock this. This tragedy is bigger than any conflict we might have with each other in this thread.

Everytime I look at the topic title I just can't believe it.
no1 will really understand why or some people will say even IF he did it. Some will belive that someone else killed them all and made it look like he did it.

sadly we willl never know.

little off topic but since i dont think we can have 2 wrestings things going have questin

is HHH coming back or did he retire after that 2nd leg operation. (shouldnt he be coming back around summerslam or oct ?)

same with hbk, undertaker and ect.
Was this posted?

Investigators had not yet discovered the bodies of pro wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and their 7-year-old son when someone altered Benoit's Wikipedia entry to mention his wife's death, authorities said.

An anonymous user with the same IP address as the person who made the edits confessed early Friday on an online discussion page attached to the Web site, saying the changes were based on rumors and speculation, not hard evidence.
Last night on I think Hannity&Colmes (meh) the Wikipedia issue was mentioned, and Dave Meltzer said there was a chatroom where people were wondering where Benoit was, and someone said "oh, his wife died, Meltzer said it" and someone may have taken it seriously.
from CNN:

Investigators had not discovered the bodies Monday when someone altered Benoit's Wikipedia entry to mention his wife's death, authorities said.

An anonymous user with the same IP address as the person who made the edits confessed early Friday on an online discussion page attached to the Web site, saying the changes were based on rumors and speculation, not hard evidence.

The authenticity of the posting could not immediately be confirmed.

"I just can't believe what I wrote was actually the case, I've remained stunned and saddened over it," the user wrote.

According to Wikinews, an online news source connected to Wikipedia, the Internet protocol address of the individual is identical to that of the user who edited Benoit's profile early Monday morning. An IP address is a unique series of numbers carried by every machine connected to the Internet.

Benoit's page on Wikipedia, a reference site that allows users to add and edit information, was updated at 12:01 a.m. Monday, about 14 hours before authorities say the bodies were found. The reason he missed a match Saturday night was "stemming from the death of his wife Nancy," it said.

Wikipedia confirmed the authenticity of the time stamp and said the entry was made by someone using an IP address registered in Stamford, Connecticut, where World Wrestling Entertainment is based. The anonymous user acknowledged being from Stamford, but claimed no connection to WWE.

My favorite part is the user being totally astonished that he posted something factual to wikipedia.
[quote name='MrBadExample']
My favorite part is the user being totally astonished that he posted something factual to wikipedia.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='integralsmatic']The Nancy Grace show is getting crazy. they are looking in to everything from Fragile X to Roids...even trying to figure out the chronlogy of the events. CAgs may want to watch...its interesting what Jericho has to say and feel about the situation.[/quote]

Getting? That show was crazy from day one.
OT: Nancy Grace is a disgrace...same show that inadvertantly lead a woman to commit suicide on live TV. Sort of back on-topic: I saw some of their previous coverage of the Benoit situation and they were all over the map with their wild speculation and outright accusations.
bread's done